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Neil Strauss: The Game

Sep 9, 2002
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London, England
Serialized3 said:
Damn, Neil must have pissed in your cereal for you to keep going on about him like this.
Nah, he didn't. I was seriously pissed in my teens when some idiot told me I could have gotten a girl that rejected me if I had acted differently - that really pissed me off if you want me to be honest with you.

It's not so much about discrediting rather than debunking. The book is BS because anyone who's ever been in a long term relationship with a woman will know it's BS. I'm not a cynic by nature, but Strauss totally, and utterly, cheapens women, he portrays them as utterly dumb bimbos who will fall for these lame tactics. In fact the book is offensive towards women, but most of you can't seem to see that point I'm trying to make.

Take for example his meeting a playboy model and he managed to talk to her and get her number. He then does not call her but all the time indirectly implies that he had a chance with her. Those mature and experienced amongst you will know that this really means nothing, I get to meet up with women from time to time, doesn't mean they want to f*ck me. But Strauss indirectly implies that.

Meeting and getting to talk to women is easy. However, whether they want to f*ck you is not down to your technique, which this book sells iteself on. Women are just as vain and superficial as we are, just to a different extent. What this book puts forward is that we, as men, could override their defences and force their will, that is MAKE them want us. The point of the matter is that you cannot make anyone want you, they either do or they don't. It totally cheapens the dating game and offers those who never have been on dates, trying to seduce a woman, a totally flawed and unrealistic framework.

I also agree with Dennis Littrell in that this book appeals to those men who are losers in the dating game, who have no idea, and Strauss is taking advantage of this situation. If that's not sadistic and cruel I don't know what is, and we are talking about people's lives here.

I also believe that a lot of posters are on this site probably because they want a better class (read hotter) of woman and thinking of improving their game. The latter can be achieved to a certain extent, but only to a certain extent. Strauss's book is akin to old alchemy books claiming that they have found the philosophers stone but have no real proof of such.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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Gangster Of Love said:
Good for you. That is the main factor missing growing up for a lot of us. To have an effective role model/father figure when learning how to socialize and deal with the ladies is just priceless. You've had the advantage, which I must admit, I am envious of, of having had that for half your life. Would love it if you continue to share some of that knowledge you got from your pop. Awesome.
By the way...I had a huge disadvantage at first. I met my father when I was around 15. But things started to change for me (e.g. masculinity, etc.) after I met him. Prior to that...I was motherless and fatherless.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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ricorico said:
Yes, he has connections and hangs out with famous musicians. He also writes books and we all know men with clout can always get the attention of shallow chicks.. Especially in Hollywood.

Even women with clout in Hollywood get boy-toys who are way better looking then them. Guys in Hollywood know that "fronting" is what gets chicks. If they think you are somebody and you know the right people, you really don't need much game at all. Just a good ability to deliver a line of BS.!!!

Women here are as dumb as a brick and have rose colored glasses on. That's why so many are fooled into taking all sorts of pics by "photographers" who pretend to work for major mags, but are really just pervs..

Some women have even gotten killed because they are lured into secluded spots by photographers they just met at a mall or something ,cause he will tell them he works for Playboy or knows ceratin people. Most of these girls don't even check facts. they are easily impressed.

Now if Strauss was a janitor and could still pull up these babes(away from Hollywood where the right car and apartment gets you more than game) for long term relationships I would be really impressed.
Good point...especially your last line.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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ricorico said:
You can actually advertise for models on Craigslist in Los Angeles for $100 bucks for the day. A friend of mine put up an ad for fun for a Bogus apparel company last year on Craigslist. He said he was willing to pay $100 bucks and that was it! But he wrote they may be in a national ad and you can use the pics for a portfolio. He also stated there would be some nudity involved.He got many responses. About 30% were really hot girls which makes you realize the competition is tough here. There are so many girls competing for modeling jobs. Even Von Dutch(crappy company that made ugly trucker hats and tees) was paying $100 bucks on craigslist to models and getting interns to work for free and pay their own expenses to go to the MAGIC(apparel show in Las Vegas every year)

Getting work in the industry can be tough here if you don't know the right people. Models, actors,ect. I know some models and actors. A couple of professional ones and a lot of just regular ones.You'd be suprised at how little they get paid if they are not connected to a big agency or bigshots.
I was on a shoot lat night with some friends who are writting and filming a show they are hoping gets picked up on cable. So far they filmed 3 out of 9. Anyway, I was suprised some of the cast were really nice looking and young. Yet, a couple of them had to take the bus. It's really like winning the lottery here when you hit it big cause a majority never make it at all.

I don't think it's so easy to get a HB who knows how to pose into any magazine or print. I mean ones that really pay, not BS stuff.It's harder than you think in LA. I know a lot of girls who are easily 9's and 10's who can't get into printed ads for designers and mags that easy. Even ones who have big agencies behind them. There are tons upon tons of hot girls going for the same jobs.I only know 1 girl who works all the time. She's Greek and absolutely stunning. But she has been at it since she was 17 and is now 22 and still looks 17. She just started making real money a couple of years ago.
Very interesting stuff.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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danielzxc said:
So this Strauss guy, who knows what they talked about between themselves? Maybe he had her convinced that he was really going places, that his star was on the rise. So she jumped on board but when she realized that he wasn't really going anywhere special, she got off.
That's typically what happens to PUAs. They might get HB...but they do it based on "smoke screens". But when the smoke screen is gone...so are the HB.

A DJ on the other hand? Well...let's say that a smart women do NOT want to let a DJ gone. Especially a smart woman that has dated other men out there. I mean...who would want to let the Real Deal go?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
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darwinian_sympathiser said:
Take for example his meeting a playboy model and he managed to talk to her and get her number. He then does not call her but all the time indirectly implies that he had a chance with her. Those mature and experienced amongst you will know that this really means nothing, I get to meet up with women from time to time, doesn't mean they want to f*ck me. But Strauss indirectly implies that.

I wonder how many times Strauss got a number and the girl did'nt flake and he got lucky. Probably not that many.

It's ESAY to get a phone number. It's what comes after that's hard. I personally think Neil and guys like him target girls he knows have low self esteem and tries to impress them with who he knows,what he drives and what he does for a living. In this town it's not too hard. Money and position talk.

A friend of my father's got really lucky about 10 years ago as head writer for a top tv show which is now in syndication.So now he is loaded and gets tons of HB's who are impressed with his position and all think perhaps he can help their carreer. They are impressed with his house,who he knows, his cars ect. Guy is fat and goofy.
Before he got his lucky break he lived in an apartment and drove a crappy car. Girls avpided him like a plague.

Some could say maybe he has game now. No he does'nt. He has a bad lisp. Wears the same damned outfit everyday even though he owns a closet full new clothes. Has a disorder where he wipes everything all so time so he does'nt get germs like Howie Mandell does. But he is now the mack daddy cause he knows no matter what a loser he is, HB's will always be greedy for guys with money and in a position to know famous folks. No rocket science and I agree. Neil is a faker because he knows people like Dave Navarro,Jenna Jameson and tions of other folks girls consider cool and that's how he lures them.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
Who couldn't screw Jenna Jameson? This girl takes dyck anyway she can get it, especially for money. She is nothing to idolize. A Jizz bucket.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
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Girls with Low self esteem idolize *****s like Jenna and queers like navarro. Carmen Electra has really low self esteem and has admitted it plenty of times. Girls like that will easily be impressed with losers.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
Girls like that will easily be impressed with losers
Very good point, and much to the contrary, will easily be intimidated by winners.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
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Hey I don't like neil but the book was good.I like hypnotica more :)
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
London, England
Another blindly good review of the book

Another gem of a review by someone on amazon, there are people out there who can use their heads after all:up: :up: :up:

Lecherous Men Who Need This "Book" For Advice Aren't Real Men And Deserve To Be Lonely, Frustrated & Lacking Self-Worth!!!!!!!!!, October 17, 2007
By Nero's Fire Against The Christians "Murmillo ... (I have found some kind of temporary sanity in this...s***, blood and c** on my hands!) - See all my reviews
US culture has coarsened. Republicans are 100% correct in citing this trend that exploded since the 60s, liberal "revolution." Nowhere is this ghastly reality seen worse than The Game and its subordinating, brownnosing, 5-star reviews. Reading these 5-star ratings, the unsuspecting surfer would misconstrue The Game possesses virtue, entertainment and usefulness. My skewering review will disprove the 5-star reviews' fraud and divulge The Game as debauched, sadistic, sophomoric, misogynistic, underhanded, lecherous!!!!

The Game's the libertine story of an LA Times writer who longingly plots to "correct" his frustrated teen and twentysomething years spent without success in "getting laid." He's also insecure and awkward around women; he spends his waking hours longing for tail. His "solution?" Frequent the underground, pickup artist community--via internet groups--to procure tips on seducing, then bedding women. So, he becomes the pupil of the misogynistic and emotionally stunted man-child Mystery, self-proclaimed master of picking up women.

The "star" (Mystery) of Strauss' writing is one of the worst lowlives you'll ever witness. At first, Mystery's in his thirties YET LIVING WITH HIS PARENTS in an underprivileged, Toronto apartment!!!! He's emotionally retarded as evidenced in his confession that he never received love from his father--German immigrant-alcoholic who beat Mystery!--and how he yearns for a polygamist relationship with two lesbians. Mystery's pickup artist routine involves seducing many women to ineffectively battle to bring up his insecure sense of self-worth; underestimating the intelligence of women; and lecherously fu**ing as many women as he can pick up.

Mystery's routine is so elementary that it involves thoughtless, robotic patterns Mystery claims work on all women. From the seedy places described, it appears his routine only works if you target lowlife establishments (bars, clubs, Hollywood parties) and loose women. I repeat: The Game is misdirecting since Mystery's coarse pickup routine is never attempted on women of better breeding, ie., those with education, self-worth, class, morals--in short, conservative-leaning. His routine's only applied to liberal women he finds in the meanest of skid row locales. If one subserviently and errantly uses Mystery's pickup routine on women in normal places--away from the liberal skew of places like Hollywood parties and seedy bars--like malls, parks, offices, community/recreational activities, functions, etc., you'd get slapped in the face, and rightly so.

Mystery's tactics are misogynistic because they devalue women as fu**-buddies (actual term from The Game!) and conquests to be had; Mystery/Strauss admit many times picking up women is an addiction to satisfy their egos. Mystery's tactics involve going into a bar with his insecure, lowlife co-sargers and approaching women within three seconds of eye contact. It continues with pretending to be disinterested in the targeted woman ("negging") while the PUA's wing distracts whoever else in her group. It then, if need be, also resorts to ludicrous magic tricks and calculating demonstrations of value to the targeted woman. This combination of BS is alleged to result in quickly getting an indiscriminate, liberal woman's phone number, or even getting laid that very night!!!!

It's obvious Mystery's game is to be the poor man's Machiavelli, as The Prince dealt with manipulation too; only in The Prince, manipulation was applied intelligently and observed properly. These BS-routines are absurd and untrustworthy that only lonely/mousy nerds desperate for a woman's sexual touch, or sophomoric teenagers should/will bother with them. The censurable absurdity is Mystery proposes women will fall for elementary magic tricks done in bars!!!! Strauss alleges women are like crows hopelessly attracted to shiny objects, that if one ludicrously does magic in front of her, or asks her value-demonstrating questions, she'll put out like a sl*t!!!! No human's that insanely stupid, though liberal women in LA may well be.

Strauss also introduces other characters in the pickup community. There's Papa, Tyler Durden, Ross Jefferies, Sweater, etc.. Like Mystery, ALL suffer from irreversible, emotional damage. Papa's a rich college kid obsessed with scoring; Durden doesn't like girls but lusts for power over women; Jefferies hates women due to a life of rejection; and Sweater naively wants to find a wife. Due to the soulless PUA lifestyle, most of these characters met with misery by the book's conclusion: Papa dropped out of college where he was studying law; Sweater was trapped in a loveless marriage; and even Strauss, the author, was pining for Lisa (Courtney Love's guitar-player) who disdained his lifestyle.

I'll stereotype the demographic of verminous male who basely reads The Game. You're a life-loser who isn't getting any; loathes women; feels inferior; and cannot relate to women in healthy, emotional terms. I bet I'm 100% correct!!!! Ironically, Strauss terms the Alpha Male of the Group as the man who competes with the PUA, yet I feel I'm the Alpha Male of all who've read The Game because I refuse to be so desperate to pick up women by resorting to this BS. I, as the normal, healthy and well-adjusted man, simply relate to women as the human beings they are, and that works a zillion times more effectively than Mystery's BS.
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
darwinian_sympathiser said:
Another gem of a review by someone on amazon, there are people out there who can use their heads after all:up: :up: :up:

That review was better than the first. But he talked more about MM then the game. Really what is happening is a mix of that and plenty of middle ground. Why all the hate? I simply find PUA as a whole very interesting since I find psychology as a whole interesting. I don't really care at the moment if it's right or not, it's flat out interesting.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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In the review that started the thread, the guy talked about the TITLES OF THE CHAPTERS somehow without even mentioning anything that was said inside the book. Yeah, nice review.

Also, there was the review on page 2 of this thread that basically called out the author as passing off "tall tales" as fact. Okay, this I can see, but if he imagined dating that musician from Hole, how were they repeatedly photographed dating in public?

The last reviewer refers to the characters as "Debauchers! Lecherous libertines!"

So out of 3 negative reviews, one was by a guy who never read the book, one was a guy who said "the PUA's in the book cannot possibly be real, and no I'm not going to look at or consider any evidence," and the last one was by some sort of 70 year old preacher.

Therefore, I'm gonna say it's probably a good book. I read it and it was.


Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
Read the book and thought it was extremely entertaining. It read more like a story than a how-to manual, as it seems some of you are referring to it as. I find it amusing that of all places, this is the place bashing it; I thought you'd all love it.

That being said, there are some blaring hypocricies in this book. The most obvious, if you read between the lines, was that these "master pick-up artists" did not have any more success with women than a normal guy does--and they devoted their entire lives to it! Their lives revolved around flirting strategies and how to talk to people and it said that none of them had any success with women when they were living in that penthouse. Mystery started dating the first girl he picked up, some raunchy girl that was mentally unstable, which probably makes sense considering Strauss had him labeled as unstable as well, with daddy issues and a ridiculous case of one-itis on an old girlfriend. Except, of course, for Strauss, who makes reference to hundreds of women he slept with over the course of three years, which I have a hard time believing anyone can do unless they are a celebrity.


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
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I am sorry to say this but I would recommend you refrain from "logical, consistent debating" until you actually understand what those words mean, I am not actually expressing a personal dislike to you but:

A) Your objectives are awful, not only are you actually trying to have an alleged "logical consistent debate" about your own vague personal opinions without using any solid facts, events and dates to back up your argument, but you are actually trying to justify your opinions by only clearly using a bias reviews, which all makes rash statements without a thread of evidence to prove the points being made.

B) You have used a qualitative sources but they are all biased, not bothering to gauge the environment and see what the general consensus of the book was (i.e. at least have taken a sample that included people who were for and against and analysed the data to find the results.) this meant you did not provided an even starting point for a debate to occur.

C) You have only read half of the book yet you are trying to debate it? Furthermore you are using source written by a person who consciously named their account Nero's Fire Against The Christians.

I am sure I could keep listing, but then again I am quite tired. I hope I have enlightened you into some of the methods of having a “logical debate” which was one of the reasons why you allegedly started the thread in the first place.

Oh before I forget yes it is meant to be a novel. If you think the community was all masterminded by Neil Strauss and his gang of PUGs what are you doing here? And if it was all untrue then please explain his relationship with Lisa the bassist of Hole, His guest appearances in seminars by Ross Jeffries (and Jeffries link to NPL) and who Chris Powles was.



Stud No1

Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
wtf? there seems to be atleast two books 'the game':

The Game: Undercover in the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

same book?? whats going on>???

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Stud No1 said:
wtf? there seems to be atleast two books 'the game':

The Game: Undercover in the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

same book?? whats going on>???
Two different publishers, one hard cover the other soft.
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
London, England
amethyst said:
I am sorry to say this but I would recommend you refrain from "logical, consistent debating" until you actually understand what those words mean, I am not actually expressing a personal dislike to you but:
This you are correct. I'm not a good expositor. I'm actually gauging all your responses to see if the majority can see the book for what it is: a elaborate con trick to get people to believe what they want to believe.

amethyst said:
A) Your objectives are awful, not only are you actually trying to have an alleged "logical consistent debate" about your own vague personal opinions without using any solid facts, events and dates to back up your argument, but you are actually trying to justify your opinions by only clearly using a bias reviews, which all makes rash statements without a thread of evidence to prove the points being made.
There is no data, I'm just wondering if more and more people who read it see the book for what it is: made up, full of lies, and over sensationalism to get you to buy into it. Can you see that? It's the sh*ttist, oldest political game in the book (pun intended).

amethyst said:
B) You have used a qualitative sources but they are all biased, not bothering to gauge the environment and see what the general consensus of the book was (i.e. at least have taken a sample that included people who were for and against and analysed the data to find the results.) this meant you did not provided an even starting point for a debate to occur.
If the view of the book is that all you have to do is to modify your behaviour patterns, change your style and have "game" and this will get you any woman you want, then I'm afraid I consider it my responsibility to expose this crap for that it is: crap. No more and no less. Anyone who has interacted socially with people (whether male or female) will understand what I'm talking about. I feel sad for the loners who probably never have meet women in their lives - nor had been on a date with one for that matter - to have this sh*t in their heads that all it requires is listening to this book. As Dennis Litterel said in the review: pure unadulterated bullsh*it is what sums this books up

amethyst said:
C) You have only read half of the book yet you are trying to debate it? Furthermore you are using source written by a person who consciously named their account Nero's Fire Against The Christians.
I couldn't read the remaining 3 quarters of the book because it was simply that sh*t. Neil Strauss is no the person who he claims to be. He does not have that success with women (neither does mystery for that matter). The book just objectifies women, and is written by someone who has utterly no respect for them.

amethyst said:
I am sure I could keep listing, but then again I am quite tired. I hope I have enlightened you into some of the methods of having a “logical debate” which was one of the reasons why you allegedly started the thread in the first place.
Love, I have to tell you, is not logical. If the latter were true, say, then we can formalise it in a consistent mathematical theory. Nobody has done this, which is why through the ages vast amounts of theorising and works of arts (novels, pop songs etc. . . ) have been devoted to depicting its various forms and manifestations, and this will continue.

What we can do it get rid of the CRAP: Ross Jefferies, Neil Strauss, Mystery etc. . . and see them for what they are: CON MEN. Let see these idiots try and get Kate Bosworth (yes, I think she's pretty). They can't because women don't work like that. How would you like it if some ugly fat chick reads and similar book to this saying that she could get it with you if she knew how to act and dressed right?

amethyst said:
Oh before I forget yes it is meant to be a novel. If you think the community was all masterminded by Neil Strauss and his gang of PUGs what are you doing here? And if it was all untrue then please explain his relationship with Lisa the bassist of Hole, His guest appearances in seminars by Ross Jeffries (and Jeffries link to NPL) and who Chris Powles was.


Novel you say? Piece of crap more like. Ross Jefferies talks about technique because he's ugly, simple as that. David DeAngelo don't know anything about dating, he just convinces you that he thinks he does. We are playing a pathetic arms race with members of the opposite sex and you can't see that. I shouldn't say "we" since not all of us are. But we have our Neil Strauss and they have their "the rules", or "how to make any man fall in love with you" crap. It's just smacks of desperation on both sides, because that's exactly what it is.

I await your reply, sir. I'm not embarrassed about this thread and discussion, but I am TOTALLY embarrassed at the piece of crap that is The Game and having read bits of it.