my struggles with the ladies go way beyond mere social awkwardness


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2021
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We're all relearning, unlearning, and evolving. You fellas who's stock and trade is lamenting your perceived deficits really aren't that special
I’m just saying that if women find out you’ve never dated or been in a relationship, and not had much sex by your 30’s, they’re gonna find that very alarming and off putting.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2021
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Just may be astute to devote at least 10-15% of your energy on this part of your life then, hombre, and worry a little less about snagging a piece of ass
That’s exactly what I’m doing now, and I’m probably devoting a higher percentage of energy than that. I’m working and in school for a certification right now.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2021
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Right, but it's better than no experience at all 10 years ago. That means you are not a virgin. The other issue of logic, is would it matter if you had a second, third, fourth or even fifth women? These women have been with ALLOT of guys. Even if you have been with more than one it would still be a differential where she has way more experience than you do so you still can't win even with that logic. If you are looking at playboy/Chad level of experience, then you are always going to come up short.

Since you are using the same excuse all the time, then continue using that woman you did have experience with as a reference point that you are not a total dealt with someone in the past. Same situation with me. I was married in the past. We are all objectively not incel, but subjectively, we feel that way because we are not dealing with women and have insanely long dry-spells.
Yeah good points there. With OLD and social media, women have so much more of an advantage to gain both dating and sexual experience. Even the most experienced guy on this forum probably has less experience than the average woman these days. What’s ridiculous too is that women still want men to be just as experienced as them or even more so. Even if I had a body count of 5 or more, I would still be less experienced.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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So the biggest dilemma inexperienced men like me are facing is how do we get out of this situation. It seems like most women ask questions related to this by bringing up past relationships or questions about your exes. In that scenario, I would probably try and say that I don’t want to talk about that at this point in time and change the subject. And I would try and convey that with some charm, not in an angry or defensive way since that would just raise red flags if it was done that way.
In my experience, they sometimes ask if you're a virgin (in which case, you could honestly say you're not)


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2024
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I know a guy who's a virgin (he's in his early to mid 30s).

He makes decent money, has a reliable vehicle, and owns a house. So he has some factors going for him. Evidently though his income/vehicle/home ownership hasn't gotten him anywhere with the ladies. I guess what I'm saying is even if you have stuff going for you, there's still no guarantee you'll succeed sexually.
yeah because for all time, a mans social-skills impact his ability to attract women, to get laid, to get a girlfriend, a lot more than the other way around.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2024
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Come to think of it, my brother is largely the antithesis of me.

  • He has an expensive vehicle.
  • He makes 6 figures.
  • He owns multiple homes.
  • He has a decent social life.
  • His political beliefs are mainstream.
  • And while he does have some degree of mental illness (it runs in the family), his mental illness isn't debilitating like mine is. The main area in which his mental illness comes into play: He's a workaholic (that's how he makes so much money at his young age). How lucky of him that even his mental illness ends up benefitting him.
Yet in spite of everything he has working in his favor, he (as far as I know) has made it to 30 without ever having a girlfriend, going on a date, having sex, or even kissing.
how is he looks-wise in terms of fitness, shape? because if he is in decent shape, then its another reminder.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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how is he looks-wise in terms of fitness, shape? because if he is in decent shape, then its another reminder.
He's muscular (a little above 200 pounds) and a little above 6 feet. I'd say he's a good-looking guy facially (7/10)

His social skills aren't a problem by the way, seeing as he has a decent social life (with both genders).

Off the top of my head, the 2 qualities that might turn broads off (as far as getting into a relationship with him): He's extremely bossy. He's also hard to keep up with (he likes to pack 28 hours of activity into a 24 hour day)


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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In my experience, they sometimes ask if you're a virgin (in which case, you could honestly say you're not)
Exactly @needimprovement250, if you've done it once, then you've already passed that milestone. Nobody cares how many times.
Normally it's the women that chase relationships anyway. If they are chasing you, then they wouldn't care how long you have been with another woman and how much experience you have...she would just want to be with you period. This type of toxic stuff is usually filters on OLD profiles and aren't the type of women that are suitable for relationships anyway as they can't pair bond with high body counts and too many relationships. Have you stopped to consider that if things don't work out in a relationship, because women have so many options, that they will rather meet another guy with OLD then work out a problem even if you have a good relationship with her? This would leave you in a worst position then not being in one in the first place. Also, this board doesn't push people to go into relationships like that anyway. If you are meeting women on OLD that have some insane screening profile or standards for relationships, they are just got burned by too many Chads that did not commit and have these crazy profiles now...but they would not give you the time of day in the first place. You should not take these type of things personal and think you are deficient. You should see it that they made bad choices, chad never commited to them, and now making reactive profiles to try and get less burned by the next Chad, etc....

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
So the biggest dilemma inexperienced men like me are facing is how do we get out of this situation. It seems like most women ask questions related to this by bringing up past relationships or questions about your exes. In that scenario, I would probably try and say that I don’t want to talk about that at this point in time and change the subject. And I would try and convey that with some charm, not in an angry or defensive way since that would just raise red flags if it was done that way.
That’s one way to do it. I don’t suggest lying.

How old are you? Are you average or handsome or homely? What kind of social life do you have? What do you do for work (if you don’t mind stating that here)?