InvisibleMan said:
It makes sense to me because even I know you can't go around expressing an OVERT interest in getting in a woman's pants. But I mean asking for coffee? I understand that in the back of women's mind's asking for coffee is pretty much asking for sex...eventually, but how else are you supposed to do it? It's all a cute little dance...the dance of romance that you play with words. And women seem to love this game. I just don't know how to play it.
I get no signs of attraction, so I have to operate blind. Which means a COLD APPROACH. I also have no positive reinforcement. I can't tell if anything I am doing is RIGHT. I only know that whatever I am doing is WRONG. I've been through nearly 80 rejections now, half of them in the last 2 months, and am still clueless. That's not counting about 150 women online I have spammed with a funny
message. Zero- Zip - Nada.
I just can't spend this sort of time anymore on this stuff. It's intruding in other aspects of life. Putting up these kinds of numbers is not an efficient means to getting laid. I may have no other way to do it since I am the biggest loser on the face of the planet, but I simply cannot waste dozens of hours every week approaching hundreds of women to find one that will say yes. And that's just yes to a date, much less sex. The numbers that I would have to go through to get sex is probably astronomical. And I probably won't even be attracted to that one. It's just illogical.
- Invisible Man
Will somebody please guide this man! You NEED a wingman to help you on the spot, because you are just being too sensitive about women. They smell that!
The numbers that I would have to go through to get sex is probably astronomical.
No way! You're just over-reacting.
Make this your plan and stick to it till 2008.
Make female friends with a lot of women (age 20-30) by doing what you always do. FORGET about sex or romance. Start doing things with women as friends. It doesn't matter if you're still acting like a loser, because they like having a loser as their friend. Start going out with them to the movies,clubs, sports, festivals,or anything else they like to do. Be a friend. Dance with them like you're "one of the girls", have fun - or fake it, and don't expect anything. Consider it "going it to night-school" or something. Of course, they WILL get fu<ed by other guys in the meantime. But don't be jealous, because they'd be fuc<ing these guys anyway. You're already used to sleeping alone.
Your plan is to go out every friday and saturday.
Either one of these nights is for going out with two or more of your girlie friends. The other night is for going out on your own to practice your DJ skills.
If you think you don't have skills, do it anyway. Look around you. What are other people doing. Study the social dynamics. What's happening?
Find a wingman who lives in your area, preferably with some experience under his belt. You need someone to give you objective feedback on what went wrong. Most of the time people are not aware of what they're doing wrong. Even when it's obvious to other people. What's even better is to get yourself recorded on video while you're making a move, so you can see it for yourself.
Having girlie friends will also FORCE you to have casual conversations over the phone. Women talk A LOT about nonsense stuff!!
Call them after they had a date ("Did it work out? Aww, too bad!"). Women are always talking about their feelings. Repeating what you said is not a problem to most them. They do that all the time.
But also practice your phonegame with a wingman. It will probably take a while till you stop being nervous about making phonecalls to women the PROPER WAY.
Going out with a lot of women will give you the status of "possible alpha male" when you enter any club. But you WON'T be doing any of your gaming in the presence of your girlie friends, before you have had your first succesful date. Just dance, talk with EVERYONE while you're out with them. And don't be a ****block, or else they start ignoring you.
Now, after you have had your first two or three successes - and after a few more failures, of course

- you can start applying your game skills in the presence of your girlie friends. And they'll be amazed! They'll think you turned into a chick-magnet with a snap of the fingers. But you know better!
From that moment on some of them will start to feel attracted to you. It will make you incredibly confident with women!
By the way, I would definitely not recommend becoming a boyfriend of the first girl you're successful with!! The choice is yours, but it would be a VERY VERY BAD CHOICE! If you immediately stick with her, you'll eventually stop your development and you will have to start all over again if she dumps three years later.
If you stay out of an "official" relationship, you'll be better off because once you have achieved a certain level in the game, you will be able to get her back anytime YOU want!
Don't think that this whole process has to take a lot of really depends on how you deal with rejection. You should be able to move on right after the rejection: learn and forget that it ever happened. Right now, I bet you spend too much time PONDERING about rejections. Stop doing that! And don't go for relationships. You're not ready! (Even if you think/feel a woman is REALLY into you!)
- get "real" phonenumbers
- arrange a second meeting (doesn't have to be a "date")
- get laid
- get a long term relationship
- maintain long term relationship
- keep fuc<ing younger women
- keep getting blovvjobs
- die happy

Targets probably change as you get older - I'm still 25

- but definitely go for the targets 1-5. Do yourself a favor and MASTER these things... don't be fooled by lucky shots. LEARN exactly how to do it so you will never have to worry about it again!