MY statistics and comments on online sarging vs. streets, clubs and parties


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
My two cents:

I have met girls both online and in person. In person includes clubs, bars, Wal-Mart, bookstores, etc.

The problem is when guys sarge online and they do it because they don’t have the skill set to do it in person.

Otherwise, it is merely a choice of venue.

I will say, in my experience, girls who are willing to meet guys from online are sluttier, have had more partners, and usually are not as socially well-adjusted.

My current LTR I picked up in a bookstore. She was also on myspace when we met, and had never met a guy from online, and probably never would.

Some very high-quality girls just never will feel ok meeting guys from online.

Plus, nothing compares to hearing my LTR say things like, “You know, when I first saw you in the bookstore I got butterflies in my stomach and hoped you would talk to me.” I think for a LTR, the emotional connection can be deeper if you meet in person. This goes back to my experience, that online girls are easy. I would also think online girls would be more likely to cheat.

My preference: ONS– online is fine.
If you want a GF, try sarging in person.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
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Loss Vaygus, NV
tihash said:
The problem is when guys sarge online and they do it because they don’t have the skill set to do it in person.
That does indicate a problem. The issue is that so many on here think that online dating indicates that you can't do it in person. This just isn't accurate. I can pull from clubs/bars/the street/anywhere really. I still go online because I want more than I can feasibly find in person. And other reasons could include working way too much (like I do), just getting tired of the cookie cutter b!tches that you find in the clubs here ( I swear, the next chick I see with those big fvck-off huge Liz Taylor sunglasses, regular denim capri pants, high heeled slipper shoes, and a scarf tied around her waist like it's some sort of pirate's sash is getting punted), and various others. People should just take the time to see that many don't just do it online because they have no game in person.

tihash said:
I will say, in my experience, girls who are willing to meet guys from online are sluttier, have had more partners, and usually are not as socially well-adjusted.........This goes back to my experience, that online girls are easy. I would also think online girls would be more likely to cheat.
I think this goes back to how much effort you put into it. Some online girls are easy, some take work and skill and game. If you don't put the effort into the good ones, then you get the easy ones, and the easy ones probably are just as you describe, slutty. I don't really think that there is a higher concentration of slutty girls on the internet though, at least not that much higher, but I do think that many have more experiences with them in such a situation just because they are easier to pick up and you don't have the in person visual aids to help you spot them and avoid them. But really you can think about them in much the same ways as girls you pick up anywhere. You can easily get the sluts or you can work a bit harder and get th quality tail. In person, internet, whatever, that doesn't really change.

tihash said:
Some very high-quality girls just never will feel ok meeting guys from online.
And some very very high girls won't hook-up with guys from clubs, or aren't in the right frame of mind when you spot them in the grocery store, or are way to busy when you attempt to DJ them at work. Some very high quality girls might only date from online because they think it gives them time to feel out a guy before meeting him in person.

You can't find every quality girl at any one place. some might go clubbing, but never online. Some might only go online for dates, but not have time to hit up the scene. Some might not even be ing the mood for dating and you can only find them at bookstores or coffee shops or in her driveway replacing the carb on her mint 1958 Cadillac Series 62 two-door (man that would be sweet!). And since I want to tap every piece of high qual tail, I got to all of those places.

Plus just for anecdotal evidence, the last three girls that I've met online were all very fun girls, ones two of which I would likely never have met in person since we didn't run in the same circles, and girls who enjoyed good sex, knew it was mostly just for fun, and were all happy to let it go when things got old and it was obviously time to move on. However, the last girl that I picked up in person, just last week, ended up violently puking under the bumper of her car in a Denny's parking lot at three in the morning, screeching at the top of her lungs for me to come back after I started walking away because I just got tired of her stupid ass. Not saying that's the norm, just saying anything can happen with anybody no matter where you meet them. There is no norm.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
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good post S1NN3R

I dont sarge online, but only because I dont have the skillset to do so. I really hate IM'ing, overdrawn emailing, text messaging or anything that forces me to write flirtatiously. I'm not good at it even though its almost natural for me to do in person. I cannot translate my presence into words and have respect for those of you that can.

Anyways, if it aint you thing why bother whose it is.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Friendly Otter said:
Addendum to my post #16:

The best parts about internet dating: it's great if you don't have a lot of free time on your hands, and it is clear to all participants that the sole purpose for being there is for men and women to find each other.

It is a good addition to the other places you meet women. It doesn't have to be either/or. I know a couple of smart, goodlooking guys who have met girlfriends over the internet - I am one of them! Internet dating was recommended to me by a female relative who is a part-time model (yes), and who has met several of her boyfriends over the internet. She thinks it's a great way to sift through the prospects, and avoid getting hit on constantly at the pub.
This is what I'm talking about. If you work a typical workday (eight or more hours per day) you have little time to meet anyone new. Pissing in the company pool isn't any good either if you know what you're doing.

Now bring in meeting someone off the Net. You're at work and you check your web email account and all of a sudden you see that the woman you wrote to a couple of days ago has replied to your email. You trade a couple of emails and all of a sudden, you have a happy hour date for that evening or the next. Time spent, 15 minutes to a half an hour and it's not even lunchtime!

What I've noticed is that since I've learned how to sarge online, I seldom find myself with nothing to do during the weekend. The Net is the most time effective way to keep women in your pipeline. The possibility of contracting 'one-itis' is minimized and your general conversational skills will increase dramatically as your ability to convey your ideas via the written word increase.
Mar 25, 2006
Reaction score
Go to church, go to the club, go to the grocery store, stand in line at Burger King, sarge online.....hell, like my old sales manager told me,



Don Juan
Jul 1, 2005
Reaction score
S1NN3R said:
Some very high quality girls might only date from online because they think it gives them time to feel out a guy before meeting him in person.
Although you can say this in theory, it doesn't happen in reality. There's no question that anyone can get laid from an internet girl, I don't think anyone argues that. But the question is quality, not quantity. Virtually every HB 8.5+ that I've talked to in real life has never used the internet to meet people. They might happen to have a webpage where they talk to their friends.


Don Juan
Jul 27, 2004
Reaction score
San Antonio
And that my friend is the opening...You use patience. You first become her "friend" first keeping contact through her webpage (myspace)...then you build comfort and interest level, at which point you go into the more "conservative" game and start talking to her over the phone, go out for coffee, hang out, etc. Some girls don't give guys the time of day nomatter how tight their game is (one of my exgfs was this way) but I was able to get her guard down through nonchalant messages and interesting conversations (i usually have alot of worthwhile things to say).

If it weren't for myspace, my chances of getting with that one particular girl would have been pretty bad, not because I had no game, but because she was programmed to think any guy who approached her was trying to get in her pants. I simply wrote her, casual, but enjoyable messages...this allowed me to be able to use my game at a later time.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Loss Vaygus, NV
MVP said:
Although you can say this in theory, it doesn't happen in reality.
I said "some might", not "all do", and I'm going to go way out on a limb here here and guess that the HB 8.5+s that you've talked to in real life probably don't count for the majority. Besides, they just told you that they haven't. do you believe everythin that a hot girl tells you?

MVP said:
There's no question that anyone can get laid from an internet girl, I don't think anyone argues that. But the question is quality, not quantity.
Part of the point I'm trying to make is that I have and still do find qualtiy girls on the internet. If I can do it, then it can be done by nearly anyone. That's the whole reason that I started looking on the net in the first place, I wanted a higher quantity of quality girls that I was physically able to find with the limited free time that I have.

Quality girls are there to be found if you're smart enough to game them the right way.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Francisco d'Anconia said:
And this diatribe is proof positive that those who can do and those who can't preach. :crackup:
You want to put your $$$ where your mouth is?


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
S1NN3R said:
While I think pretty much everything you're saying is wrong/biased/influenced by failure in this particular field, I'm going to take specific objection to this. I am unable to determine how you can possibly come to this conclusion.

For example, I live on the absolute west side of Vegas. The best clubs to hook-up at are obviously on the Strip, about 22 miles away. My particular favorite is Foundation Room, on the south end. Now on an average Friday, getting from my place to Foundation Room is easily and hour of driving, sometimes more. Then I meander through the parking garage for 20 minutes to find a space, then walk for 15 minutes to get to the door of the club. Now if I'm lucky the people I know are at the door and can whiz me through, but worst case, the door guys are new and I haven't gotten friendly with them and I have to stand in a line for 30 minutes. Then I walk around for the next hour or three getting numbers from girls who may or may not blow me off before I get around to banging them, or I could go straight for the Fclose that night, but I don't really like that method.

Or I can sit at home while working and chat with 10 girls, weeding them out until I find the one(s) I want to bang.

Now which is a bigger waste of time really?

Don't get me wrong, I love field work, but saying internet dating is a waste of time is just proof that you'll come up with any excuse to not like it.
Firstable, during my research I was very succesful. I also noticed that my success increased considerably when I shared a picture of me. Yes, I'm attrative to women.

All said, I don't write so strongly about something IF I am not sure about what I'm writing. I can in fact, teach people how to be the "dawg" in the internet "sarging". It is not hard.

Now, your case: 26 year old man that lives 22-miles from the strip. Are you telling me that the "hot", "intelligent", "attractive" women that lives 22-50 miles from the strip are staying home in front of a computer? I say that you are overlooking all your options due to the "convenience" of sitting in your butt and not facing real life competition.

As I said...if you want to use the tool to find EASIER women, then that's fine. However, implying those are "dj" skills is B.S. I know that and anyone using that "venue" also knows that.

No man that is VERY succesful with women is going to sit in front of a computer looking for women to bang. Now, I agree, it is easy and convenient. And practically anyone can do it.

Heck, if I was alone and felt lazy, I would probably do it too. But I would not brag about it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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makinwOmensmOuthdrOp said:
The hottest women in the world (models, playmates,) find guys over the internet.
Really? Wow, provide me a list of 20 "hottest women in the world (models, playmates)" that have found guys over the internet.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
tihash said:
My two cents:

I have met girls both online and in person. In person includes clubs, bars, Wal-Mart, bookstores, etc.

The problem is when guys sarge online and they do it because they don’t have the skill set to do it in person.

Otherwise, it is merely a choice of venue.

I will say, in my experience, girls who are willing to meet guys from online are sluttier, have had more partners, and usually are not as socially well-adjusted.

My current LTR I picked up in a bookstore. She was also on myspace when we met, and had never met a guy from online, and probably never would.

Some very high-quality girls just never will feel ok meeting guys from online.

Plus, nothing compares to hearing my LTR say things like, “You know, when I first saw you in the bookstore I got butterflies in my stomach and hoped you would talk to me.” I think for a LTR, the emotional connection can be deeper if you meet in person. This goes back to my experience, that online girls are easy. I would also think online girls would be more likely to cheat.

My preference: ONS– online is fine.
If you want a GF, try sarging in person.
And this is a post that I can agree with 100%. One night stand? Sure, if it is easier and convenient to get that ONS using on-line as a venue, then go for it. Personally, I wouldn't, unless I have gone through a droght.

Good way to meet a woman, via the bookstore! Congratulations!


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
belividere said:
good post S1NN3R

I dont sarge online, but only because I dont have the skillset to do so. I really hate IM'ing, overdrawn emailing, text messaging or anything that forces me to write flirtatiously. I'm not good at it even though its almost natural for me to do in person. I cannot translate my presence into words and have respect for those of you that can.

Anyways, if it aint you thing why bother whose it is.
It is not hard to do. If you are "funny" and "****y" in real life...then you should have NO reasons to be the same online. In fact, it is easier. Why? Because you have time to think! You have more than time to think about a response.

But there are other elements...if you are good looking, then your looks will play a great factor. If you have a great sense of humor and has something they sense as unique...that plays a huge factor too.

My experience is that I tend to piss MALES off on-line (in real life I'm a "cool kat"), but women that are actively looking for men tend to like me. Even the ones that are not actively looking for men tend to like me too. ;)

Of course, I have also visited "All Women" forums and there they tend to hate ANY man that goes for the purpose of hooking up (although, there is always a handful of women interested). I had fun in those kind of Forums. There, they are not open (in public forum) about their interest. Instead, they send you "private messages".

The EASIEST way to find easy women is via the internet. Easy women tend to be involved with several men. Reading MANY of the posts in the Message Board, I can tell that many of the men "fall in love" very easily. And if you are that kind of man, then I strongly discourage looking for women on-line.
But (and I repeat my point here) that's not the purpose of my post in this thread. My point is, I thought this were a DJ forum. It is turning out more of a "how do I go to the internet and find one of those EASY women" place. Or the "I'm great at getting laid with internet women!". LOL. Guys, you are either a DJ or you are not. Now, some DJ's might go through a drought of puzzy. If that is the case, then go to On-line. But don't brag about it. It is NOTHING to brag about it.

One more thing, reading most of these threads about "sarging" on-line WITHOUT providing details of the techniques is also another illustration that some people are simply talking out of their arses. I did the "sarging" thing from fall 2002 all the way to early summer 2004 (which was when I finally decided to get involved with another woman) . I was still married when I did those things. I was VERY succesful...but decided that my involvement was going to solely be for research purposes. You will be surprise how many women "connected" with me or whatever they call it.

So, I cannot just talk about this particular topic. I can provide pointers of what works and what doesn't work. And I can also detect who is BSing and who is honest. Some of you guys are talking out of your arse on this particular topic.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
I don't have any evidence for this (I doubt anyone on here does), but I would guess than any HB8.5 or HB9 would be hit on so, so often in the course of her daily life (by coworkers, at the mall, at the gas station-- everywhere!) that she would have a pick of tons of guys that she has seen in person, and would probably not need to be meeting men online.

Have you guys had different experiences?

I think myspace changes a lot of things, but I used to be on match and yahoo personals in 2003, and back then the vast, vast majority of the girls were HB7 at best. Very few girls were above that level.

Friendly Otter

Don Juan
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
tihash said:
I don't have any evidence for this (I doubt anyone on here does), but I would guess than any HB8.5 or HB9 would be hit on so, so often in the course of her daily life (by coworkers, at the mall, at the gas station-- everywhere!) that she would have a pick of tons of guys that she has seen in person, and would probably not need to be meeting men online.
Precisely for that reason do they go online, where they can control who they'll talk to and don't have to answer politely to the guys that don't interest them. And it's a place where talking is more important.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
MVP said:
Although you can say this in theory, it doesn't happen in reality. There's no question that anyone can get laid from an internet girl, I don't think anyone argues that. But the question is quality, not quantity. Virtually every HB 8.5+ that I've talked to in real life has never used the internet to meet people. They might happen to have a webpage where they talk to their friends.
It depends where you shop online and the age (mentality) of the woman. There's a huge difference (in general) between the women you find on MySpace as opposed to as opposed to Not that any one is the better than the others (yeah right) but the quality of woman is definitely different.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2006
Reaction score
Friendly Otter said:
Precisely for that reason do they go online, where they can control who they'll talk to and don't have to answer politely to the guys that don't interest them. And it's a place where talking is more important.
Yeah, before the internet existed HB9s usually couldn't find guys they wanted to date and often lived alone with 5 cats for the rest of their lives. But now with the Internet, which is what they prefer (according to the people here), they finally have a place to find a bf they want. Yay


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
I have to agree with Latinoman about the whole online dating. I definitely would not brag about it.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
This is funny pulling chicks from the internet. It could be some ugly chick weighting 300lb putting up a hot chick picture of her cusin or from some site. LoL having cyber sex sure makes you a pimp !!!!!!!
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Loss Vaygus, NV
Nobody said anything about cyber sex.... I have never done that. If I don't meet them within three emails, I cut and run. If I do show up and it's some fat bint in a tent, hey at least I'm out and about and can work on some other girls instead.