MY statistics and comments on online sarging vs. streets, clubs and parties


Jan 14, 2006
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I wrote this in one of my other threads but THIS really drives the point home -

to ALL of u who r against myspace sarging -

i GET girls from myspace and other sites, im GOOD at it

i get DATES, and i get SEX

ive DONE the whole FIELD thing and CLUB thing and PARTY thing

ive met the most flakes and b1tches in clubs, malls, field, and parties

ive met the most NORMAL girls online

i HAVE all the experiecne to be saying this.

girls from myspace and other sites ARE the same ones that r out on the streets, and YES, they are cute, hot, and all that good stuff

does it REALLY make me NOT a dj if i can pull a girl from myspace and have her falling all over me within a matter of days??? because i dont JUST fvck girls....ive dated about 10 in the last 2 years who all basically fell crazy for me (fvcekd them too of course)

Field sarging IS fun, and i do it SOMETIMES for fun, but its NEVER gotten me anywhere......clubs r ok, i dance and make out with lotsa girls there, then i get #s, and usually get flaked on.....prob fvcked only 4 or 5 girls from clubs, and i go clubbin once a week for the last 3 years....around 150 times, 150 times clubbin, made out prob with around 200 girls, f-closed like THREE YEARS

Ive done field sarging, ive talked to dozens of random girls, gotten a few #s, led nowhere.....only like 1 date where i made out and then she flaked on the second date....

MYSPACE and other sites - less flakes, more azz, more gf's, more dating, im giving you MY EXPERIENCE


and btw, its not bout being a "dj"....its ABOUT getting chicks.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2000
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This a good post.. I'm mostly a field guy myself. If at a bar/club I invite girls over for an after party or if I'm out and about I just invite over for a drink. However, I'm getting tired of going out and I just don't have time to even go shopping lately. What do you do on myspace to be succesful? Do you have a page with lots of pics yourself? Do you write on their page or request to be a friend? Etc...


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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Here is my opinion and I don't mean this the wrong way. But it would be hypocritical of me to sugar coat my sentiment on the issue of online dating. I truly believe it is for losers (unless there are some extenuating circumstances) or let me rephrase this; it is not for "djs".


Master Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
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skip2mylou781 said:
MYSPACE and other sites - less flakes, more azz, more gf's, more dating, im giving you MY EXPERIENCE

and btw, its not bout being a "dj"....its ABOUT getting chicks.
This is my experience as well. There is no use in fighting with the e-haters, bro. Just do your thing, play on, then post about what you did and how you did it. There's no need to defend yourself - results speak for themselves.




Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
and btw, its not bout being a "dj"....its ABOUT getting chicks.
So, why are you posting in a "dj"s Forum?

Son, ANYONE can get chicks. Especially in the Internet.

Let me tell you something, I would NOT brag for getting puzzy on-line. ANYONE can do that. If that's what works for you, that's fine.

But, if you come in here providing a very strong opinion about On-Line dating, then expect somebody else to provide a strong rebuttal too. It is called debating the issue.

I personally won't have sex with ANY woman. In fact, when it comes to that, I actually have a very ARROGANT approach. We all know (or should know) that no every man can please a woman sexually. Some might even fake to make the man feel "good". There is no doubt in my mind that I can satisfy ANY woman...some might take one try. Others might take me a couple of tries. My point is, eventually I will figure out what triggers her pleasure and get her to the point of wanting more. I personally believe that a man that goes and have sex with a woman and does it with the only purpose of satisfying himself (unless he is paying a prostitute), is NOT a man's man. Now, I'm sure there are a small percentage of women that cannot be satisfy, even if you have a perpetually operated dildo.

My point? Why should I give ANY woman what I know for a fact MANY men fail in giving? That, in addition to other things I have going for me, makes me a PRIZE. Consequently, I behave like one. I put myself in a position to be chosen by women that others desire. And I make sure those women are the type that enhance me as a man. I don't even ask for "digits". I put myself in a position in which they give me both; their work and cell numbers.

I would say that in my years of surfing the Internet and chatting with people, less than one percent of the woman I've met MIGHT qualify as "desirable". And that is since 1998!

So, why brag about something that ANYONE can also do? What's the use of this board?

I know some very beautiful AND intelligent women. And do you know what? NONE of them post in message boards or chat rooms. None. Why is that?
Because they don't have too. They know they can choose any man they want. Get those type of women (regardless of her age) and you can then create a thread bragging about your techniques.


Jan 14, 2006
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lol OMG lemme rephrase something for you LATINOMAN:

I pull CUTE, HOT, AND SEXY girls from myspace, not just ANY talkin bout girls who when u meet them and u walk with them down the streets, most guys turn their heads and check her out....obv any one can get an ugly girl, OBVIOUSLY....i wasnt talking about that

And to the other question, yea i got like 10 pics and i usually send out messages to girls who r only single and say somethin like "hey girl wanted to tell u ur really gorgeous, so check out my pics and WHEN you like what you see, gimme your sn and we'll talk ;) "


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2000
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I don't know what difference it makes how you meet these women. I once hooked up with a girl who was telemarketing me. As long as the end result is the same - who the heck cares? Besides, you still have to be a player once you meet them in person!

If it's not for you, then ok... it's not for you. But that doesn't mean you have to shut your mind out completely to learning how someone else is doing something. I invest in real estate by flipping properties. Does that mean I will refuse to be shown how someone else is succesful by doing foreclosures or some other method? It's ridiculous..

So Skip2, just ignore the opinionaters and let us know exactly how you've been succesful. I'll try to apply it myself and see what happens. If it works, great. If it doesn't then it just wasn't for me. It's what men do...


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
I completely disagree. Myspace girls are all nuts. I have plenty of buddies that think the same way. Plus, all myspace girls are ugly. You aren't going to get HB 8-10's on myspace, and if you think you already are, your standards are low.

Oh, and online dating is for losers. Most girls think its plain creepy, and I tend to agree.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
skip2mylou781 said:
lol OMG lemme rephrase something for you LATINOMAN:

I pull CUTE, HOT, AND SEXY girls from myspace, not just ANY talkin bout girls who when u meet them and u walk with them down the streets, most guys turn their heads and check her out....
Yawwwwwn. Most guys turn their heads to ANYTHING that looks average and walks the streets. I never do. Don't care if she is super hot. Why should I?

And a woman that is "cute", "hot", and "sexy"...trying to use myspace as the place to meet man is either "insecure", "stupid", or "lack severly in the social skills". Those things take about 4 or 5 points from their potential 8 or 10.

Go to a nightclub in D.C. or Miami and manage to get a woman to VOLUNTEER her telephone #.

Heck, go to the streets of D.C. (the place with more educated people over the age of 25 in the U.S.) and manage to get an attractive woman to VOLUNTEER (without you asking) her telephone number.

  • THAT takes skills.
  • THAT is something to brag about.
  • THAT is a trick WORTH sharing in a place like this.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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JPFromTally said:
I don't know what difference it makes how you meet these women. I once hooked up with a girl who was telemarketing me. As long as the end result is the same - who the heck cares? Besides, you still have to be a player once you meet them in person!

If it's not for you, then ok... it's not for you. But that doesn't mean you have to shut your mind out completely to learning how someone else is doing something. I invest in real estate by flipping properties. Does that mean I will refuse to be shown how someone else is succesful by doing foreclosures or some other method? It's ridiculous..

So Skip2, just ignore the opinionaters and let us know exactly how you've been succesful. I'll try to apply it myself and see what happens. If it works, great. If it doesn't then it just wasn't for me. It's what men do...
You don't have to be a player at all. Once a woman makes up her mind...she MIGHT follow through, unless you are SERIOUSLY undesireable or she has no intentions in the first place.

"Players" don't play in the Internet.

By the way, I know several tricks on how to go to a Forum that has 1000 males and only 5 females and STILL manage to get those 5 females attention. It is not hard.

But, why try to encourage men to become wimps? What would you do when is time to "settle down"? Would you look for a woman in the Internet? Because if that's the will be looking for a woman that know several tricks on how she might be able to meet other men WITHOUT leaving the house.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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Wiesman44 said:
I completely disagree. Myspace girls are all nuts. I have plenty of buddies that think the same way. Plus, all myspace girls are ugly. You aren't going to get HB 8-10's on myspace, and if you think you already are, your standards are low.

Oh, and online dating is for losers. Most girls think its plain creepy, and I tend to agree.


Now, there some circumstances that might require for a man to do the Internet thing. If I was in an age bracket (50s or older)...then I might consider doing Internet stuff. If I was geographically isolated, then I might consider doing the same thing.

Or, if I just wanted to get laid (regardless of the quality of woman) and just wanted to do it without any effort, then I would consider doing it too. But that would be the equivalent of saying that I am undesirable and the only way I could "compete" with other men is if I was preying on weak women. Who wants a weak woman? (e.g. they tend to become nuts too) I don't.

Here is the thing...if this was a "regular" men Forum. I would simply say nothing. But this is a "DJ" forum. It is supposed to be a "man's man" forum. REAL djs and man's man know the tricks of how to deal with women in the REAL world. Once you learn those tricks...if you want to do the Internet thing for research purposes or because you are going through a drought and want some azz BADLY...then be my guess. But that's NOTHING to brag about either.


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2005
Reaction score
Engaging in more active field practice is more gold than anything else. It's not only for the girls but makes you a better person socially which has a professional benefit. You can handle interviews much better, you can speak to a large crowd of people and you can perform in front of many people with little or no anxiety. Maybe you score more girls with myspace but I wouldn't trade away the benefits of on field "work" experience. This is the stuff that builds charisma and that goes a long way in life. That's me whatever.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Rovalier said:
Engaging in more active field practice is more gold than anything else. It's not only for the girls but makes you a better person socially which has a professional benefit. You can handle interviews much better, you can speak to a large crowd of people and you can perform in front of many people with little or no anxiety. Maybe you score more girls with myspace but I wouldn't trade away the benefits of on field "work" experience. This is the stuff that builds charisma and that goes a long way in life. That's me whatever.
And THAT's the number one reason a person should hone his skills in the real world. It has other benefits (not just with relationships) in the men's development professionally and socially.

A man that waste hours on-line will have difficulty satisfying a woman in other areas (intellectual, mental, etc.). And that's why many times women get bored pretty easy in a relationship. Men has neglected his social IQ or even intellectual IQ, because he has neglected the environment that surrounds him and exchange that environment with that of the Cyber World.

Online should be informational and a tool to find information. But never should be considered as the real thing.


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
lol i DO have game in do u think i fvck close all these myspace girls? i run my game very well on them once i meet them, but its EASIER to initiate a meeting with a girl from myspace than it is a girl who's # u randomly got on the street or in a club

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
From extensive research (combing through posts like this) I've come to realize that simply the guys that denounce sarging online have either never tried it or tried it and failed miserably. I know that some may think this assumption is a generalization but we all know that all generalizations are false.

But seriously, I've noticed the difference between those who successfully sarge online with those who don't.
  1. You have to be a good writer; this means conveying creativity, humor and charisma via the typewritten word.
  2. Photogenic; yes a good photo definitely helps but if you are good at #1 you don't have to rely on just a photo.
  3. Ability to qualify; this is the ability to filter out the less than desirable women. Some guys call these women 'nut jobs' by default but I've noticed that these guys usually call a woman a derogatory name when the woman isn't immediately attracted to them.

But when you think about it, sarging online only takes an enhanced ability that is used in everyday sarging:
  1. Effective communication
  2. Attractiveness
  3. Ability to qualify

If a guy has these qualities, theoretically he should be able to sarge anywhere by any medium; face to face, text, telephone. Doesn't that make sense?

Friendly Otter

Don Juan
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
I agree, the internet is one more venue to come in contact with women, and I am surprised that people still think it's for losers only. Has it ever occurred to you... that a lot of people would think anyone who talks about DJing at a site like this one is a loser?

Francisco, good post about the specific environment of internet flirting. Different environments have different pros and cons, and you adjust accordingly. I have met girls through the internet that I have had sex with, goodlooking girls, intelligent girls. I also belong to the increasing group of people who have found a partner through the internet. In Sweden, more people find a partner online today than at the pub. I expect the statistics to be about the same in most Western countries.

The best thing about internet dating: it's great if you don't have a lot of free time on your hands.


Don Juan
Jul 27, 2004
Reaction score
San Antonio
Amen to not having alot of time on your hands.

I go to school fulltime as well as work fulltime and I rarely have a chance to go out too much. I actually met my ex gf and now bestfriend on myspace...if it weren't for myspace it would have been nearly impossible to meet her as she works and goes to school fulltime just like me.

I get pretty good results with my myspace, feel free to check it out.

Friendly Otter

Don Juan
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
Looking good, Valdez!

"Suprisingly, I'm not as dumb as I look" *LOL*

"Unfortunately, you won't find too many guys quite like me." Hey, I like this one. For some reason it sounds one notch better than just "you won't find many guys like me." It is a good phrase.

This myspace seems to be a place where you can make quite advanced presentations. Interesting. Is this the primary site for internet dating in the U.S.? In Sweden we have something called, which looks more like a normal ad site, but it works well.


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2005
Reaction score
skip2mylou781, you sarged on the field before? Like you said on your posts. That's the point though, you didn't acquire the skills you applied during your myspace venture ON but ON the field FIRST.

The thing is people (i.e. rAFC) might take this the wrong way, instead of at least going on the field FIRST, they jump right onto myspace to sarge. You see where I am getting at? Field work is what thickens your skin, taking rejection, it is AFTER this bootcamp when you find your niche and comfort zone.

Personally, I admit I never used or have a myspace account, I might experiment with it to see what the fuss is about. BTW are you in a city area or in the suburbs where you meet these girls?


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Francisco d'Anconia said:
From extensive research (combing through posts like this) I've come to realize that simply the guys that denounce sarging online have either never tried it or tried it and failed miserably. I know that some may think this assumption is a generalization but we all know that all generalizations are false.

But seriously, I've noticed the difference between those who successfully sarge online with those who don't.
  1. You have to be a good writer; this means conveying creativity, humor and charisma via the typewritten word.
  2. Photogenic; yes a good photo definitely helps but if you are good at #1 you don't have to rely on just a photo.
  3. Ability to qualify; this is the ability to filter out the less than desirable women. Some guys call these women 'nut jobs' by default but I've noticed that these guys usually call a woman a derogatory name when the woman isn't immediately attracted to them.

But when you think about it, sarging online only takes an enhanced ability that is used in everyday sarging:
  1. Effective communication
  2. Attractiveness
  3. Ability to qualify

If a guy has these qualities, theoretically he should be able to sarge anywhere by any medium; face to face, text, telephone. Doesn't that make sense?
No. It doesn't make sense. Fact real life, a man gets disqualified by stupid things such as standing incorrectly or scratching his nose or other things that the more observant in the group (women) can notice without we even seeing.

Another thing, men use the internet to hide some deficiencies that women in real life might consider undesireable. Others use it to predate on weak and desperate women.

Either one is considered a "loser" by many.

When I was working on my separation with my ex, I did a lot of the "online" sarging. I did it because I had LOT of time in my hands but not enough as to simply go out there and date WHILE still living with my "ex" and kids. I was in limbo. I was in the "limbo", because I was still living with my "ex" and consequently couldn't just go out there and find new women under that predicament.

So, I used that time to do my "research" and see what on-line was all about. You see? I am very open-minded and I don’t like to categorize anyone based on third party opinions. I took a look for it myself.

And do you know what? I visited several men forums. Those men forums were visited by as little as two women and as many as 20 or 30. Men forums that have hundreds of male members. I also went to Women Forums that over 99% of the membership are women that are bitter or chew any “strong” men poster.

I had no problems getting women interested in me. I persuaded some to even share their naked pictures, offered their telephone numbers (I even talked with a few), etc.

I even when to that Yafro community place to see how it goodness! They were driving me crazy!

If I wanted to get laid EASILY...I use the Internet. But fact is...I still stand by my opinion. And my opinion is not going to change after countless of hours and months spent in the Internet for the sole purpose to research this issue. I had a couple of women falling very bad for me. I even had a stalker.

I am generalizing, but I will be lying if I say that I don’t view men using the Internet to find women as losers. Few women have asked me what I think about men that go to Myspace and other internet places to meet women, and I say the same: They are losers.

I’m willing to concede an exception and say that the ONLY time I might consider a little acceptable (and still) is when in a board like this one (or sports) that is considerably masculine…one of the guys manage to get a woman interested in him by shear luck. But that’s different, because in essence the man was there to talk sports, etc. and it just happens that the “token” woman found him interesting.

Now go to a group of men and tell them, "Hey guys...this is my girlfriend." They ask, how did you meet each other? "I met her in the Internet." Look at the alpha dawgs reaction. Their face reaction.

Now...1 or 2% of the people there might be legitimate players. But think about it...what would a real succesful man WASTE his time in front of a computer when he can simply walk and find a REAL LIFE woman? Doesn't that make sense?