My progress journal... (pics included!)


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Hi guys,

I have been working out for a few months already, but without a workout plan or nutrition plan. However I took a college class now for weight training so I wanna keep this thread updated to see my progress.

About me:

age: 18

height: 6'3"

weight: 185pds

bf %: dunno yet

goal: working out 3x a week with a nutrition plan and a workout plan.


this is what I look like now...


I will post my workout and nutrition plan soon. I will also update this thread every month. I'd like feedback from u guys on what part of my body I should work on more.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Good job bro.

Seems your muscles are emerging bit by bit.

I think if you need extra help in any area you can probably PM that Warboss Alex guy here as he seems to be a fountain of knowledge about this stuff and always willing to help.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
Lookin good

Some things Off top of my head:

Might want to lose a bit more fat, it should happen if you workout/eat right

Build some more all around muscle, but it seems as though your chest is lacking, so are your lats.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score

looks good, buddy.

Keep up your protein intake and EFAs.
Keep all carbs to Low Glycemics, ok?

Make sure you're cycling a Creatine/Arginie NO prouct for big gains every few weeks.

Oh, a tan!!!

OK, right off the bat.

Your shoulders are somewhat rotated forward.

You may want to include a super set day in your workout for a few weeks in where you are doing Incline Bench Press to Lat Pull downs, and Flat Bench Press to to seated Rows pulled high up to your chest, then as you gain more strength (especially in the spinal erectors and rhomboids) move to the Bent Over barbell Rows, keeping strict form and elbows closer to your shoulders rather than your hips.
Basically a Torso Push/Pull day.

You want to make sure your shoulders are pulled back, and that mainly comes from good, precise Rowing. If you have added time, look into reinforcing the Rear Delts? Do this alternativing with the Bent Over lateral Raises, and the reverse Pec Dek, so that you're sitting facing the pad, and pulling back, that way you work the Rhomboids and Rear delts. This creates a super solid shoulder girdle structure, and you will see great posture, and increase in Bench and Row/ Pulldown-Pullups numbers, and greatly reduce chance of Rotator Cuff injury.

Good work, bud. Keep it up!


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
DO NOT start taking things like NO, or including supersetting in your workout, they are not necessary.

You are in beginner territory, you just need a good solid nutrition plan and a simple, effective routine.

I wouldn't worry about fat for the moment, as Kev says if you do things correctly you should probably lose fat anyway.

At your level of development it is hard to tell if you have any weak points. If you have never followed a good routine and diet plan, I think it isn't really possible to say you have a weak point. You just need to put on some overall muscle and get your big three, squat, deads and bench press through the roof.

Post up the routine the college give you, and the nutritional advice. I have never seen advice from a college, it could be good. However if your goals are strength and/or size then the majority of information in fitness gyms etc is FLAWED. If you're plan doesn't include either squats or deads I'd leave the class and go straight with the "WHERE TO START" sticky in the H&F Vault under EFFORT. If you're plan also doesn't contain either lots of beef or eggs or any recommendation on a HIGH protein intake, I'd also consider seeking other advice.

Good luck.

P.s.-If time is a factor you could do weights 2x a week, still effective.
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Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
Quagmire911 said:
DO NOT start taking things like NO, or including supersetting in your workout, they are not necessary.

You are in beginner territory, you just need a good solid nutrition plan and a simple, effective routine.

I wouldn't worry about fat for the moment, as Kev says if you do things correctly you should probably lose fat anyway.

At your level of development it is hard to tell if you have any weak points. If you have never followed a good routine and diet plan, I think it isn't really possible to say you have a weak point. You just need to put on some overall muscle and get your big three, squat, deads and bench press through the roof.

Post up the routine the college give you, and the nutritional advice. I have never seen advice from a college, it could be good. However if your goals are strength and/or size then the majority of information in fitness gyms etc is FLAWED. If you're plan doesn't include either squats or deads I'd leave the class and go straight with the "WHERE TO START" sticky at the top of this thread.

Good luck.
I can retire early. :D

As an aside, arginine and creatine alone will not make an optimal NO product.. but that's another story.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
ChrizZ said:
I will post my workout and nutrition plan soon. I will also update this thread every month. I'd like feedback from u guys on what part of my body I should work on more.
You should aim for 20-50lbs of overall weight gain before thinking about specific bodyparts - right now your whole body needs work (not an insult).

Also, update the thread every day or at least every week so we can get you on the right track as quickly as possible.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
good man. it would be beneficial for you, at least for the first few weeks, to log every day.. include your daily diet, activities (i.e. did you help a buddy move house or did you sit and play video games all day), training or cardio if done, and also general health/energy levels. basically log everything you can so we can ensure you progress as best as possible.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
I've added this to the Progress Logs sticky at the top of the H&F vault. That means you have to keep it updated regularly and give 110% committment to your routine. If you don't, we'll hound your ass until you do!! Good luck mate, keep it updated :).

About logging your diet and stuff, a method I use is to have a little notepad at my desk, so at night before I go to bed I log all the food I ate for the day. For the first few days it will be pretty difficult(reading labels, thinking about it altogether way too much, etc.) It does get easier when you know the foods you're eating.

ez bro


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2006
Reaction score
Oh man! If your body needs work then I know my body needs a miracle. In your pictures your body looks ok to me. I guess I don't see where you think that you need to work on it myself. Anyway, best wishes on your goals!


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
Sorry ladies, this is a lifting journal. You can argue about training techniques in PMs.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Sunday, September 02

Okay, so since I can't lift until next week I decided to do some conditioning today to see how far I can push my limits.

My nutrition for today was:

1x PB&Jelly sandwich

1x glass of milk

1x orange chicken + rice

1x about 2l of water

My workout:

I went to the stadium at my college to do some conditioning.

I ran laps including running up and down the bleachers. In addition I did 10 push ups and 10 crunches for every lap.

I pushed myself as hard as I could and I managed to do 8 laps. After that I collapsed.

I wanted to call it a day after that, but then I saw that the last bus just left right in front of me. I was pissed, but then I thought to myself "fvck it. If life is a b!tch go slap it in the face". So I jogged about 12 miles and then I eventually got home.

The weird thing is now that I'm home I don't feel exhausted at all anymore.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
@ ChrizZ,

Dude your gonna have to eat a lot more fruits,egg whites,chicken,ground beef/turkey,tuna,peanuts and veggies to get where you want.

Just eat those whenever you have a urge to eat and you'll be there in no time flat.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
blinkwatt said:
@ ChrizZ,

Dude your gonna have to eat a lot more fruits,egg whites,chicken,ground beef/turkey,tuna,peanuts and veggies to get where you want.

Just eat those whenever you have a urge to eat and you'll be there in no time flat.
I got two questions and I didn't want to open a new thread.

1. Does running in between lifting days have any effect?

2. Should I take any supplements?


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
ChrizZ said:
I got two questions and I didn't want to open a new thread.

1. Does running in between lifting days have any effect?

2. Should I take any supplements?

Of course it has effects. If you're going to do cardio between lifting days make sure you don't do too much. 10-20 minutes should be good, or else you could hinder your recovery from lifting.

It will also help you lose more fat.

You can take supplements if you want. Whey Protein is always good, so are fish oil/flaxseed oil capsules. You don't really need to take supplements though.

Eat more, wtf.