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My plate is pregnant what should I do.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
I know that is the thing. She has a huge incentive to get an abortion being that if I dont' marry her no Albanian guy will ever marry her if she has the kid. That is why I think she is going to have an abortion if i push her to it.
You are 33. Why are you so relutant in just having the kid ? If you can provide just fine, I think there is no problem. Try to work things with her.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Can you imagine a situation in which a young couple had an abortion, and then later had children, when they were in a better position?

"Hey Dad, why am I the first of the family"

"Because Mommy and me decided to kill your older brother before he was born"


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2007
Reaction score
For all the moralists playing the abortion is evil, evil murder...I presume you believe in God, and I mean Judeo-Christian-Islam version of Judah/God/Allah...only question I have to ask you guys is, if God exists why does He allow abortion?

I was the first born in my family, and the thought/question of "Why am I the first born?" never crossed my lips or my mind. That is kind of a ridiculous ponderance actually especially for a child, and I imagine it would only cross the mind or lips of a child whose parents FOCUS on abortion.

I've known people who've chosen both paths of, have the baby or abortion,and neither road is easy, so why don't yall get the **** off your high-horses and let him make his own mind without wracking him with guilt about an incredibly difficult decision.

I've spent plenty of time in 'traditional' third-world countries, where the women seek out a man to fulfill a 'traditional' roll. And you know what, when I have actually gotten close to people in these countries, I have learned that many of the women actually have children or a child with 'multiple' potential fathers, especially when they are more impoverished than average for the country. Most of those traditional countries also have some sort of homeopathic, often a drink, remedy to induce an abortion; I do not know the efficacy of these remedies. FWIW I have never been to Albania, but even though OP says so, HE CANNOT BE CERTAIN THAT THE FETUS IS HIS. It is only a fetus at this point, it could be miscarried, die at birth or aborted for medical reasons, so don't call it a child until it is breathing air. I almost died at birth by being wrapped by my mother's umbilical cord. Nothing is promised in this world, so just cause she is knocked up doesn't guarantee he is a father.

OP you need to sort this out for yourself. Don't rush into marriage, especially before baby is born and the paternity is proven. The ****tards here are only muddying up the water, and I have now joined in the fray.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2003
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
I know you are probably mainly coming here for support and god knows in this situation you need support. But, please decide for yourself and with her what is the best thing to do in this situation. Please don't base any decision what someone wrote in a reply on the internet.

Suck it up and have a tough discussion with her. You need to be a man here. Not always, but sometimes honesty is still the best policy.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
You have to do what you feel is right for you. If you have the kid, get a paternity test. Good luck.
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
He said the girl will never do a surgical abortion but would do the pill. What pill can she take this far after she is pregnant? The only one I know of is morning after and thats only good for 3 days after you bust in her.

So congrats Lookyoung looks like you're going to be a dad unless there is some new pill I am unaware of.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
Vlad the Impaler said:
The morning after pill is only good for 72 hours after you bust in her. How long has it been?

Is there another abortion pill I don't know about?
yes woman can have an abortion through a pill. Its called mifepristrone. google it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"Anazon that's the dumbest sh1t I've ever heard."


What azanon said is the dumbest sh!t you ever heard??

I don't know man if there were an awards show for stupidity and retardation in posting Trader is going for the Golden Shortbus Award in this topic.

Wow...I mean just...wow.

"That's what happens when you mess up and get some girl pregnant. You OWN it."

Nah I think I'll let you and guys like you OWN it while I'll be busy enjoying my freedom and actually valuing my life as opposed to throwing it away for someone else's benefit. Societal indoctrination has still got you trapped in matrix thinking. These are society's thoughts implanted in your brain through years of Oprah, Dr. Phil, those soulless painted wh0re newscasters, the education system etc thats why Rollo is so fond of using the Matrix analogy because its an entire systemic network of people that have worked their entire lives to fvck your thinking up so royally as it is now.

Yours is a slave mind, a servant mind and you have been programmed to like it and programmed to think of it as noble.

While benefitting yourself? thats negatively programmed to be seen as selfish, self centered and evil oh the humanity!

"Not at all - better to *try* marriage than to have another baby killed or have another baby grow up in this world without his/her real father there in the home."

A collection of cells is not a baby.

Its merely a collection of cells that could abort themselves at any time.

Killing those cells is killing cells not a baby.

You only have a point when it comes to partial birth abortion as its not merely cells then but an actual baby being killed.

And as others have already said but I'll re-iterate it is the height of stupidity and cruelty to get together just for the kids. A marriage not based on true desire to be together but rather external obligation is doomed to failure whether it lasts the entire life of both parties or ends in divorce.

The disaster of course being as Str8up has already pointed out is fights and longterm resentment at eachother by the forced couple that can then spill over to fvck up the child by making that kid think he or she is the problem and though society's noble propaganda to make kids feel better about themselves when a divorce happens that its not the kid's fault 9 times out of 10 the kid is an added stress producing factor that contributes to the marriage's dissolvement and obviously moreso when the child is the only reason the two married in the first place.

Its far more cruel to not abort a kid if the alternative to death is living in an environment like that or one that is very likely to turn into that as the majority of them do.

"That's what happens when you create new life. Sex has HUGE ramifications. This is not some *game* little boy where you can push the reset button."

Legally enforced financial slavery happens as a result of this you are correct but you are incorrect in the implication that justice is being served by this.


Quite simply because the woman has all the choice over whether the child lives or dies or goes up for adoption etc.

If this society really regarded the child as the property of both parties the man would have some say over things.

He may not get to decide whether the child be aborted or not but he should have the legal right to null and void all of his rights to the child freeing him from financial slavery if he so wishes.

He should also be able to make a legal statement of what his wishes for the child are before he does that such as saying he desires for the child to either be raised by its mother or put up for adoption.

"This is a precious human baby we are talking about."

Our species is not exactly in danger of going extinct anytime soon so you can save the dramatics.

Now if you ever spot a living velociraptor or T-rex or even the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot and somehow survive then you can start talking about "precious" in regards to a living organism.

"Must suck to be that baby who gets aborted,"

Actually you're wrong in both a Christian and Atheistic sense...

1. Atheistic sense- baby is aborted consciousness ceases and thus there are no more thoughts with which to bring it pain if a baby that young can even think very much to begin with.

2. Christian sense- baby immediately is transported to the loving arms of holy Jesus to grow up in Heaven among god and the angels in eternal bliss forevermore.

Either way both options can be viewed as highly preferable to this world since each has their benefits.

Maybe though you meant it must suck to be the kid due to the physical pain of abortion? Again though properly done the thing that is aborted is usually just a collection of cells and even that which is forming to resemble a baby probably lacks the ability to comprehend or feel what is happening to it anyway and even if it can feel the procedure of terminating it is probably very quick.

"or grows up without his real father in his home."

Yeah it sucks the baby's mother made so many bad choices in her life in men but if she either finds a replacement daddy quickly he may be a better father than the real one would've been and also there's the adoption route which can also provide a loving and willing two parent home as in two people that are together because they love eachother and will provide a loving environment for that child to be raised in as opposed to a viscious fighting or resentment and depression fueled atmosphere where they are periodically thrown into the therapist role of the parents which is yet more child abuse to add to the other psychological child abuse that has already transpired in that poor kid's upbringing.

"For the baby's sake yes. If you want to avoid responsibility - I highly recommend you cut your balls off and turn into a girl - or go into a fantasy world (like SIMS)."

No need to cut your balls off.

Just tell that fvcking b!tch if she tries to shake you down for cash you will do everything to frustrate the process. You can go get a low paying job and work at Mcdonalds and let her try and syphon off of that or if you really want to get out of it move to another country or just go on the run if you have the means.

Unfair laws need to be resisted or else they will never change.

Admittedly it'd be a tougher sell to change the law surrounding this because so many men are brainwashed saps like you about it and there's religion, feminism and all sorts of other mental enslavement thought tank factories to keep men shamed and praise them up and put them on a pedastal as heroes when they submit to their slave role.

Also as a preventative measure I think they got laser vasectomies nowadays so again no ball cutting required but yeah in addition to that all guys that want to avoid a woman's deception make sure you bring your own condoms to the party every time as well a little tobasco sauce with you to put in them afterwards incase she tries to dig it out of the trash and impregnate herself with your seed.

"Newsflash - when you create a baby, it's not all about YOU any more. It's about the baby - it's your damn seed, own it."

Newsflash to you- when a man has sex with a woman its about having sex and sexual pleasure with that woman and thats it. Unless he expressely said he wanted to create a baby with that woman then his only intentions were ever to have sex for pleasure and nothing more.

See this is how deep the brainwashing goes, immediately when some b!tch deceiftfully gets pregnant because she wanted to and secretly went off the pill men are told that its their responsibility to pay for or take care of that b!tch and that kid when all they actually intended to do was get a nut off.

The feminists are fond of saying women are not men's property...but suddenly we are supposed to treat them as property once they get knocked up and make her "our wife" much like "our toaster" or "our refrigerator"? Fvck that. Fvck double standards and fvck raising a little bastard you didn't even want or intend to have.

As long as a woman has all the say over what happens to a kid in this society and under these laws then she should be the one bearing 100% of the responsibility.

Not the man who for all he knew was deceived into thinking the woman was properly protected from pregnancy by birth control.

Well wear a condom you'll say...men do but sometimes they break or the woman pokes holes into them if you as a man use one's she provides you with and you are still deceived into doing what you never intended to do.

Well uh always bring your own condoms and never use her's guys like you will say in response...but then if I answered you with the same beta mentality you have I'd say but that would make me untrusting of women and a bitter misogynist! She'd NEVER do that. Not sweet little old her!!

So no...

The bottom line is a man's life is really supposed to be about his own freedom and his own survival and what is important to him.

Altruism is not noble. It is idiotic. Don't sacrifice yourself to save the dying man. It won't make you noble it will in reality make you DEAD!

The ultimate moral value rather is each individual person's own well being, you'll have to read Ayn Rand's works to fully understand but her idea of selfishness is not callous complete disregard for others but making decisions that have you help someone else out if its not going to destroy you in the process which is the opposite of retarded altruism. Ayn Rand taught common sense while the religious and the communist minded teach their flock/comrades to be cannon fodder for their corrupt agendas.

What we have now with the current system in the west is government enforced altruism based financial slavery when some b!tch gets pregnant and it is wrong.

We should be free to decide whether we want to help her raise or pay for the kid or not.
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
lookyoung said:
yes woman can have an abortion through a pill. Its called mifepristrone. google it.

I thought that was banned for some reason. Get that sh!t ASAP and get it done if you don't want the kid. I would do it if I needed to and if the girl was willing. Next time you bust in a girl get the morning after pill immediately. It's over the counter now at any pharmacy.


May 23, 2008
Reaction score
The cart is before the horse!

She is no one special!

This is exactly why you get married and commit to a woman BEFORE she opens her legs!! Just another bastard child in America from the tens of millions already existing! Of course, the children suffer for the lust of the mother!

So Albanians would marry a hor who had many penises in her mouth, as long as she don't have a child? Huh? Why marry the hor at all?

And yes, it is life and not just cells - the reason you abort it is because you don't want it to live!!

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
lookyoung said:
I just found out that my plate that I have been with for the last 5 months is pregnant. She is 2.5 weeks late on her period and she is never late and she says she feels funny. So today she took an over the counter pregnancy test that came up positive. It appears that there is a 98% chacne that she is pregnant. She is going to go to the DOC ASAP.

Let me explain to you guys the situation I have with this girl. I am 33 she is 25. She is a good girl that is very honest and is totally in LOVE with me. Know we have been together for only a short time, but this girl will do anything I say. She is sweet and is a great person.

The only problem I have with this situation is that I am not really in love with her meaning that she isn't my soulmate. Sometimes I think I am 33 and will never find my soulmate. We are both Albanian so I know our families would relate well to one another.

I really hate the abortion thing and I hate to do it. I feel that it is a sin. The only problem is that I don't know if I could see myself with this girl even though she is good looking and very submissive in the bedroom. I also don't know if I will ever meet a girl that will be my soulmate. Me and this girl have only 2 options.

1. Either we decide to be together meaning she moves in with me.

2. Get the abortion.

She is Albanian so if she has a kid no Albanian guy will ever marry and her life will be ruined so that is why those are my only 2 choices. I think I am leaning toward the abortion route. But I know if I take that route things will change between us. I like this girl as a plate but I don't know if she is the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with.

I need some encouraging words what would you guys do.

You're fvckin' 33 years old, and don't know how to handle this, and want to know what you should do, from the same guys who frustrate you with stupid posts????

You're ****in' 33 years old and somehow had an "accident" here? Why did it even happen? Sticking it in unwrapped? Is that what you do with "Plates"?

Take her to get a pregnancy test to the hospital, followed by a patternity test, if needed, regardless of how much of a "good girl" she is. Then decide the course.

Be a man. She's still very young, a child, and you need to be a leader of the interaction.

Cool, Calm, & Collected brother!

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
PSYCHO said:
The cart is before the horse!

She is no one special!

This is exactly why you get married and commit to a woman BEFORE she opens her legs!! Just another bastard child in America from the tens of millions already existing! Of course, the children suffer for the lust of the mother!

So Albanians would marry a hor who had many penises in her mouth, as long as she don't have a child? Huh? Why marry the hor at all?

And yes, it is life and not just cells - the reason you abort it is because you don't want it to live!!
Right, Mr. Morality. One extreme or the other, correct?

You don't bang her until you marry her (equivalent to purchasing a car on the internet and paying for it before you test drive it, ok)

Ever heard of contraception?


May 23, 2008
Reaction score
GOL, this iIS an issue of morality. The American family, in large numbers, is destroyed because of exactly this scenario, this is a fact and obvious.

Mr. Obvious

Jul 2, 2009
Reaction score
what did you expect to happen when you bust inside a girl who is not on birth control while not wearing a condom?

Listen to azanon and KontrollerX, they are preaching the TRUTH

its YOUR life, YOUR freedom, and YOUR money

you have 0 interest in being with this woman for life, and you have 0 obligation to her too (unless there is a law written that you should care about her feelings after the abortion, but there isnt!)

take care of this, and move on with your life!


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
My life is ****ed everyone. I made a really stupid mistake. I went out with her tonight and she took the pregnancy test right in front of me. The package of the pregnancy test that she bought says over 99% accurate. I told her that I don't think I am ready to be serious with her but if she had the kid I would respect that and raise the child.

I told her that she could have the kid during the week and I could have it during the weekends. She could also jack me for the 20% if she liked. She said she wouldn't do that. She said either I marry her or we get an abortion. I said if we think about this situation with our heads than its best to get an abortion.

She gave me a hard time and said that I am 33 years old and am never going to grow up. She said that she wants to see if things work out between us. we should at least try to make it work. I said when you go to the Doctor take the test and tell me the results to confirm it.

So I called my mom and told her about the situation and this is what is killing me now. I was thinking she would be supportive being that she has life experience. she says to me is the girl Albanian? I say yes. she says oh my god I am so happy. This is great I am going to be a grandma. I say mom I don't know if I should have this kid.

She says don't you dare have an abortion. Don't you dare do it. This baby is from God. She did tell me to get a paternity test however which I will. I know plenty of people that have had abortions and they regret it. Your 33 years old. When your 50 even if you have the kid now your kid will only be 16 Than she tells me about how when she was young her dad was so old and she was embarrased of him when he would pick her up from school.

She said wow this is the best news ever. I am so happy. I DON"T know what the fuk to do and I am going to have an ulcer because of this. i cant even sleep. will update my situation tommorrow after she goes to the doc.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"She gave me a hard time and said that I am 33 years old and am never going to grow up."

Bullsh!t shaming but no surprise considering her agenda ie secure baby daddy and cultural respectibility in the process.

Don't give in to the massive guilt trip headed your way Lookyoung from her and your family.

Stand strong and understand you have nothing to feel guilty about.

"She said that she wants to see if things work out between us. we should at least try to make it work. I said when you go to the Doctor take the test and tell me the results to confirm it."

There's no thing between you two other than this unwanted pregnancy. She's only a plate and one that you're not all that super attracted to.
She's currently in the process of planning your life for you.

I hope you reject that or at the very least her subtle manipulative plans to get you to marry her.

"So I called my mom and told her about the situation and this is what is killing me now. I was thinking she would be supportive being that she has life experience. she says to me is the girl Albanian? I say yes. she says oh my god I am so happy. This is great I am going to be a grandma. I say mom I don't know if I should have this kid.

She says don't you dare have an abortion. Don't you dare do it. This baby is from God. She did tell me to get a paternity test however which I will. I know plenty of people that have had abortions and they regret it. Your 33 years old. When your 50 even if you have the kid now your kid will only be 16 Than she tells me about how when she was young her dad was so old and she was embarrased of him when he would pick her up from school.

She said wow this is the best news ever. I am so happy. I DON"T know what the fuk to do and I am going to have an ulcer because of this. i cant even sleep. will update my situation tommorrow after she goes to the doc."

This is your life.

Not your mothers or anyone elses.

You have a choice to make on whether you want to live as free as you possibly can or be a slave to ancient outdated cultural expectations.

You don't have to do anything you don't want to do and if you force yourself to do so in order to make other people happy you will ultimately end up miserable.

BTW, a good counter to your mother's threat to not abort is for you to say that its up to the girl and out of your hands.

Its a half truth but its a way out of your mother's scorn if you don't want to confront your mother directly with the decree that this is your life and your decision.

Half truth because if you accept the blackmail of this girl to marry her she won't kill your kid.

A real charmer that one.

All you beta male AFC forum members out there pay attention to Lookyoung's story, its incredible you guys still give Str8up and I sh!t about our opinion that women are amoral especially when they use sickening blackmail like this on a decent guy like Lookyoung.

Lookyoung is guilt stricken about the decision to abort but this chick thinks nothing of it at all and will use it as a mere tool to try and get what she wants ie Lookyoung's hand in marriage and her "respectability".

She and all humans like her make me want to fvcking vomit.

Captain Harlock

Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Look at the bright side, at least you'll have a cute kid now. You're old enough to be able to raise him and you've got a young woman.

I wouldn't marry her though. Just have her move in with you and make her shut her dumb trap.


May 30, 2009
Reaction score
Your life is not over, it has dramatically changed. I told you to keep it private until you guys made a decision. You really do need to grow up. Why would you tell your mom of pregnating a woman you want dead right now? Are you nuts? She has you by the balls. Two things will happen a) you marry and cheat on her, the kid grows up to be a bastard b) you don't marry and raise the kid (the American way) the kid turns out fuvked up anyway. You, my friend, need to realize one very important thing here; You play, you pay. You sound like a very imature 33. She has you in the crosshairs. You are finished with the "plate" part of your life. Good luck.


May 30, 2009
Reaction score
Most of the Americans on this board will not understand your cultural problems here; YOU COULD BE KILLED FOR THIS. Does she have a brother? A father? In my country, which is similar to yours, you pregnate them, you marry them. Or they kill them. The Americans and other Westerners do not understand how fuvked you are right now. Either push her down the stairs or learn to love her. Your life (the previous immature one) is over. You are a dad now.


May 30, 2009
Reaction score
I am laughing at some of the comments on here, now, you are Albanian, that means you are a Muslim. For you to do this back home, you are a dead man. If you are to do this here in America, well, you see the problems Americans have with marriage. They have a 60 percent divorce rate. The people don't understand how big this is for your culture and religion. And then you go tell your mom. If you abort the baby, your mother will make you miserable till death. Everytime something bad happens to you, she will say "You murdered a child from God" and then spit on you. Some of the cats on here act like American men and say "Fuvk it man, it's your life, you should worry about numero uno" But in reality, you and I know you are done my friend. Massallah, dad. I just hope you don't cheat on this woman and let that child be a bastard or a stripper. You know exactly what I'm talking about Arnavut.