I applaud her for turning you down.
She's doing the right thing for herself.
I wouldn't continue to date a guy that decides every time he is insecure about something that he needs to break up with me. I can't spend all my time coddling to his emotions, because two things will happen:
1. He becomes dependent on me for his own happiness and
2. He will eventually lose respect for me because I didn't have enough of a backbone to stand up for myself.
You need to work on you. When you are happy, healthy, and secure, and you date someone happy, healthy, and secure, you will have a happy, healthy, secure relationship.
You need to work on your own insecurity issues and learn what is appropriate and what is not.
Every girl is going to have that one ex that just cannot take the hint. And if she's smart, she'll keep turning him down, over and over again. You can't just "go get a restraining order" unless YOU FEEL YOUR LIFE IS THREATENED. You can't get one for annoying phone calls, for texts, anything like that. The reason why is because the consequences for breaching a restraining order are severe and there is very specific legal criteria involved for obtaining one. That's why there's the power of ignoring someone, telling them to leave you alone, or simply blocking them. Why on earth did you feel the need to get involved with her ex? That was pure foolishness. You opened that door on your own. Don't ever get involved with a girl's ex unless he is exhibiting legitimate stalker tendencies, and then your only course of action is to drive her down to the courthouse to fill out paperwork or call the police and let them handle it. That's it. No confrontation, no phone calls, nothing.
As far as a girl that has been sexually abused, that's again, not her fault. However, your course of action is to be supportive in the sense that you encourage her to work through her emotions at her own pace and seek out therapy. You can't say "grow up because life gets harder than this".
Take this as a lesson learned. You let your own issues get in the way, and now all you have left is a drama-filled potential future with this girl. There is NO WAY that this is going to have a happy ending if you were to get back together.