Sex Change
Image when you were still with her, she got a sex change. You said she was hot. Now imagine she shows up and is a guy. What would you do? Would you say, "Gee, I'm not really into guys, but I love you so much that I will still be with you and let you fvck me in the azz."? Or would you say, "Gee, I'm sorry, this is just not going to work out." This is what you did to her. She did nothing wrong.
Yes, she loved you. She loved the MAN you were. Then you decided to embrace your inner wuss. Somehow, you thought this was a good thing. It wasn't. You turned into a woman on her and wanted her to be your mamma and shrink. She fvcked another guy as soon as she got rid of you because she hadn't been with a guy in a while and she missed it. At least she broke it off first. That was pretty desent of her.
Listen, you need to feel good about yourself regardless of how your love life is, or you will fail in all parts of life. This sounds very hard, but is not. You simply have to realize that you are a fine person. You are. God doesn't make junk. Beleive it or not, you can DECIDE to like who you are or not like who you are. Your choice. Be confident in yourself and you will not have to fake it. Fake it when don't feel it and the feeling will come.
Would you feel confident if you knew you could get with women whenever you wanted to? Well, guess what, there is a way you can get there. Practice. Make appoaches. Look at each one as a learning experience. Measure success in terms of, are you improving, not did you get a date or laid. Many of them will shoot you down. Know this going in and it won't bother you as much. After a while it won't bother you at all. Most of all, if you get another gf, don't turn into a little girl on her again.
First loves always end. It is one of the most painful things in life, but one every person goes through. Learn from it. Life is on the job training.