Muscles, Addiction and Attraction


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Originally posted by jprjrjr
I would still lift weights and work out if it didn't make me more attractive to the opposite sex. I enjoy the stress relief, and the way I feel physically after a workout.

Guys, note that answer: working out is mainly to feel good: happier, more confident... etc. It is not about women!


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2004
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very intersting posts MoM! :up:

however im jealous of your before body just needed to say that:p


Don Juan
May 18, 2005
Reaction score
Physique is just one part of your game. So are your clothes, so is your car, so is your speaking voice, your watch, your shoes, your cologne, your posture, your stamina in the sack, it goes on and on.

The good thing is that your body is one more thing that you can improve -- anybody can improve their physique, no matter what kind of shape they're currently in -- and you're a chump if you're not improving anything and everything about yourself that can stand improvement.

Physique alone won't do it, just as pearly-white teeth alone won't do it. It helps, but it's not remotely enough.

When it comes to setting yourself apart, figure this: if you're American, you live in a country with a 60% obesity rate. Do the math, then hit the gym.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
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belleville, il
When it comes to setting yourself apart, figure this: if you're American, you live in a country with a 60% obesity rate. Do the math, then hit the gym.
exactly! that kills it right dont even have to be in perfect shape..just be thin with some muscle..and its game over :)

but always strive for the best


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
I agree with you guys. I'm a BIG man, but I'm also RIPPED. If you're in shape, you are a step ahead of most guys. Most people are not in shape is this country. As a previous poster stated: "Being in shape sets you apart".....Chicks dig guys who are in shape:woo:

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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Heheh,..funny,..this morning I was thinking about this thread at the gym while I was flipping through some muscle magazine waiting for a couple of these veal boys to get done chatting up this HB 8 they had no chance with so I could use some dumbells and I came across this suppliment advertisement with this little gem as the buy line:

"Your charming personality wont make you look any better with your shirt off."

and I thought, That's It! LOL :D

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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More musings from the Gym

The gym is the perfect environment for sexual equalization from a physical standpoint. In a club or at a party or any other social gathering our masks are on, we can hide deficits more easily with clothing, our inhibitions may be altered due to alcohol, etc. But in the gym all of that is out the window. Oh, women attempt to hide their fat butts with sweat shirts tied around their waists, but everyone is sober - in fact we're in a better than normal state of awareness from exercise - both sexes physical deficits and assets are out in the open. It's social Darwinism at its finest and both strive for attention in some form or another. Guys are more pressed to rely on their physical prowess to impress since there's generally no way to judge a man's social-economic status in the gym. Women are stripped to a primal physical competition where they're judged on their physical form which is men's primary criteria for mate selection.

This is why you commonly hear women complain about 'hating' going to the gym; it has less to do with the actual exercise and more to do with an inability to cope with the intense competition present on a level that most are unacustomed to in other social environments. This is why there is such a market for 'women only' health clubs (such as Curves), in fact I've yet to encounter a men's only gym and I'd speculate that this is due to men experiencing far less intimidation in a gym setting.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
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south west, uk
'Curves':crackup: Only in America.

Actually, probably coming here soon 'Roley poley Centres' has a ring to it:D


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
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Re: More musings from the Gym

Originally posted by Rollo Tomassi
in fact I've yet to encounter a men's only gym and I'd speculate that this is due to men experiencing far less intimidation in a gym setting.
I don't know of any gyms that don't allow women but there are some that definitly cater to men. Like Metroflex where Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman trains. It's basically a warehouse with no fancy equipment. Only hardcore rap and rock music is played and they encourage you to make noise when you train. If you can't incline press atleast the 120 lb dumbells you will be really out of place.


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by al77
I am thin, but not athletic. It just got me thinking - if muscles are not that big attraction for women, ( or it is comparable to mens attraction to female boobs), then there is no point in getting more muscles at all
Health, confidence, stress relief. It's not all about muscles, it's about health too. Professional athletes concentrate on performance, and their physique is a byproduct of that. Looking better is one, small benefit of lifting in comparison to other major ones such as physical and mental health improvements.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Originally posted by MindOverMatter

1. Thank you for the compliment, but it was 20%+ bodyfat, not 20% on the spot. I don't know the exact number because I didn't measure it.
When you are on the chubby side, your face tends to look a lot different. Your jawline is more apparent, your face looks slimmer, etc.

2. your body composition is noticable through your clothes. For example, women can't see your six pack. But they'll see your wide lats, developed traps, big chest, slim waist, and assume you have a muscular body underneath.

3. Wearing tigher fitting clothing emphisizes your body.

4. Taking girls on swimming dates (great action date), playing strip poker at a party, going shopping with a girl and trying on clothes in front of her, etc.

5. It was always me initiating everything. Me being the one asking a girl out, me calling her up, setting up dates, etc. When I lost the weight and got into amazing shape, there was a huge role reversal. Most of the time now, it's usually girls that phone me up and ask me to do stuff with them

6. I'd like to think that I have improved my outer game over the last 3 years, but that'd be a lie. I still talk to girls the way I used when I was out of shape, I still act the same way.

7. Most of the girls were in their early/mid 20s, but I have hooked up with several 30+ year old women.

8. The thing you have to realize is, real chemistry takes a while to achieve. Sure you can meet someone and have a great first few dates, and hit it off (by the way that's common when a girl is attracted to you). But that's not chemistry in my opinion.

9. Real chemistry is the ability to coexist together over a period time.

10. If I think the girl is hot, and I want to hook up with her, I will approach her. If she isn't a stuck up b!tch or giving me cold signals, I'll definetly ask her out and then get her number.

11. I'll deny the facial looks thing. When you are out of shape, your face looks totally different then when you are in killer shape.

12. The better looking you are, the more success you have.
They're not only attracted to my body. There are many things that come into play when you talk about attraction. But the body is one of them, and it is a bonus.

1. For your physique\looks I am sure it didn't matter much even with 20%+. Can you post a pic of you 3+ years ago?
Some time ago I did some fasting for 10 days - eventually my cheeks became too concave and colleages at work started asking "what happend?" I had a perfect weight for my height, lost maybe 15 lb.. face looked thinner but not better.
If you are really chubby - yeah, probably it would help. If you have an optimal weight, getting to 10% or less body fat will not much good to the face.

2. Hmm. When I dress up, I wear buttonted down shirts. I am not sure chicks can see anything under buttoned down, long sleeve shirts.

3. Yes, that will help. shirt - wont you be looking like a show off then? t-shirt is summer - sure, will show what you have. But otherwise?

4. How many time you did that kindof stuff on the first date?
If you develop attarction of the first date, then you are in. If not,
well...there will not be any second dates.

5. That is really a huge role reversal. I am not sure why it happend, not sure it happened due to muscle gain either.
If you were real real fat - then maybe.

6. That is what probably the case. You got 3 more year of experience. You got older (turn on for women). You benefited from this board (at least I do). You did a great deal of approaches.
All these did improve you game, I cannot believe it didn't change anything much.

7. In my personal opinion most women younger than 25-28 look for somebody cool. Muscles certainly qualify and I am sure you can and could have lots of success with women in their early 20s.
Try to have same level of succes with 30+ crowd...will be a totally different story.

8. You can sense, smell.. feel chemistry right away: if it is high - you will feel it immeditealy. If it is a slighly lower - you may need like 10-30 minutes at most! This chemistry is the real attraction in my opinion.

9. Well... it is not chemistry - it is as you said - the ability to coexist. It is a different aspect of compatibility.

10. Ohh.. I am sure you can easily pick up hot girl: you have looks\muscles and seem your inner game in shape. do you want to pick up new girls all the time? Really? I dont have these kind of long term plans. Dont you want to have real attraction to her, to feel some amazing "chemistry"? If you approach hot girls without feeling chemistry, this potential relationship is destined to end.
Sure if you want to imporve you skills - yeah, than you need to approach all kind of girls. But I guess you are went through bootcamp long time ago.

11. Post your pic (only face on HotorNot) - you will see you are way above average. To compelet teh experiemnt, post you face that you had 3+ years ago. I sure the results will be very similar - above average.

12. I state it again: muscles do give you a huge advatange: women will be more attracted to you. But what kind of women???
If you see a cute ass - you will go for her? No, you'll check her face. You will see nice boobs? Will you go for her? No, you will check out her face...and this makes sense - you want to figure out if you have good chemistry with her.
If you see a girl who is not athletic, maybe even with some extar pounds but with the face you like - you will not go for her??
If it is true.. we can conclude: real, true attraction is not in the is in the face and "chemistry", i.e. when you literally can smell the attraction.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Originally posted by bullmoose
Physique is just one part of your game. So are your clothes, so is your car, so is your speaking voice, your watch, your shoes, your cologne, your posture, your stamina in the sack, it goes on and on.

When it comes to setting yourself apart, figure this: if you're American, you live in a country with a 60% obesity rate. Do the math, then hit the gym.
Obesity 60%? Where do you guys live? Fatsville?:D
I see athletic looking dudes all the times, much more than overweight guys.

Right, physique is a part of attraction. The question is ... how imporant that part to women.
Lets consider why clothes\cologne are import: women used to dress up most of the time.. if you are not dressed up and she is.. she feels like the guy disrespects her....If she is not dressed up - she doesn't care that much what you wear.
About muscles... hmmm... I don't know what they think, since women are not supposed to have much fit - yes - but it is easy, just a diet. So she expect a guy to be fit. Does she expect a guy to have lots of muscles? I mean are they important to her? Men's clothes are VERY important to her for example.


Don Juan
May 18, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by al77
Obesity 60%? Where do you guys live? Fatsville?:D
I see athletic looking dudes all the times, much more than overweight guys.

I'm in Seattle, which is supposedly one of the fittest cities. It seems as if every guy around here my age has the build of Chandler in the last season of Friends. Guys between 25-30 who have a ripped, muscular physique -- traps and pecs that actually press against his shirt, good posture (relaxed but still upright), corded neck, chiseled jaw, no paunch -- there might be one or two in any given club downtown. There's always at least one, if I'm in the club. :D


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Originally posted by bullmoose
I'm in Seattle, which is supposedly one of the fittest cities. It seems as if every guy around here my age has the build of Chandler in the last season of Friends.
Chandler Bing AKA Matthew Perry? What's wrong with his build?


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
have you seen him in the last season of friends? the guy had more chins then a chinese phonebook man.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
66% of all Americans are medically overwieght, meaning their BMI, weight-sex-height-age ratio clinically makes them overweight. 33% of this group are morbidly obese.

Statistically, if I'm in shape, I can beat out 66% of the competition in the U.S. on looks alone. If I were unmarried, I'd like my odds.

I recently got back from the Netherlands and Panama (yes it's a weird job I have). And I have to admit I was shocked by the people I saw in these countries. Far less obesity and the women in Panama were un-friggin-believeably hot as a rule. I had the assistant of a guy I work with in Panama (who was visibly attracted to me) tell me I didn't look like an American, when I asked her why she said "you're not a fatso." And damn if she wasn't right when I took the jet back to Florida. Every American was easily identifiable by their gut.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Originally posted by Rollo Tomassi
66% of all Americans are medically overwieght, meaning their BMI, weight-sex-height-age ratio clinically makes them overweight. 33% of this group are morbidly obese.

Statistically, if I'm in shape, I can beat out 66% of the competition in the U.S. on looks alone. If I were unmarried, I'd like my odds.

Every American was easily identifiable by their gut.
Yes, statisctics is a stubborn thing. I'd guess those fatso are just hiding in cars or at home. Those who actually dare to walk, are not that fat. Probably it also depends on the area - mine is upsacle and has university across the road. Anyway, when I go downtown most people are in very decent shape. Amazing, I dont know how to explain that, since 2 out of 3 should be overweight.

Adam See

Don Juan
Dec 16, 2003
Reaction score
Don't forget older people, they are the most likely to be overweight.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by al77

12. I state it again: muscles do give you a huge advatange: women will be more attracted to you. But what kind of women???
If you see a cute ass - you will go for her? No, you'll check her face. You will see nice boobs? Will you go for her? No, you will check out her face...and this makes sense - you want to figure out if you have good chemistry with her.
If you see a girl who is not athletic, maybe even with some extar pounds but with the face you like - you will not go for her??

i used to think that myself too, since i wouldn't definately hit it with a cute-ass-nice-boob-but-ugly-face girl... i asked my friends some time ago and the great majority of them told me that that was bullsh1t. it seems like at least 80% of guys would go at least on a one night stand with a ugly if she had a beautiful body.
those same guys also told me that if a girl has a cute face but a ugly body, they wouldn't ask her out at all; however if she was the one to ask them out, they said they would accept.