Muscles, Addiction and Attraction


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
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Originally posted by jprjrjr
I would still lift weights and work out if it didn't make me more attractive to the opposite sex. I enjoy the stress relief, and the way I feel physically after a workout.

I'm not saying I mind the attention it brings, but I'd still do it even if nobody noticed. It comes down to the old adage: "Do it because you want to, not because other people want you to".
That's exactly how I feel about it.


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2004
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In my small town my game originated with my muscles, and all my pickups were mostly on the beach. The rest in from liquor. So for men, considering a lot of men don't have the confidence to bring anything to the plate without the muscles, female intimidation lies with the guns.

I don't know about most of you guys, but I'm much more intimidated by a Paris Hilton type rather than a fine HB with a perfect body. They make you want to scream "Oh ****, she's a ho who'll see right through me and make me feel like a lil biotch". Their confidence makes average men shake at the knees.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
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I also would do it whether women liked it or not. The feeling of euphoria I have after completing a tough heavy workout is something that I constantly crave. To see progress in the mirror is an incredible feeling. I can't understand why every man doesn't do it. I guess it's easier to get drunk:rolleyes: :)


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
Damn, I wish I had your genetics, jprjrjr!

But really, I'm chiming in here because I've gotten more positive attention from women since I've built up from about 145 lb to about 185 lb. And I'm 6'1", so I was very skinny. Now looking a more athletic sort of trim.

I do it for all of the above reasons. It's good to have more strength, I feel better, and I like the positive attention.

160 lb was a tough plateau to break through... but lifting heavier weights (I mean in the 1-4 rep range) and less frequent workouts (only once per week for any body part) did the trick for me.


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Damn, I wish I had your genetics, jprjrjr!

Originally posted by Bonhomme
But really, I'm chiming in here because I've gotten more positive attention from women since I've built up from about 145 lb to about 185 lb. And I'm 6'1", so I was very skinny. Now looking a more athletic sort of trim.

I do it for all of the above reasons. It's good to have more strength, I feel better, and I like the positive attention.

160 lb was a tough plateau to break through... but lifting heavier weights (I mean in the 1-4 rep range) and less frequent workouts (only once per week for any body part) did the trick for me.
You might want to try something called "static" training. I won't get into too much detail, but it basically entails holding a much heavier weight in a static position for about 10 seconds, and not completing a rep. I tried it, and increased my bench press max from 450lbs to 525lbs in about 7 weeks. It also added a lot of muscle...


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
Thanks for the tip, jprjrjr

I'll definitely incorporate that into my workouts.

That reminds me of the matter of tempo. Since I've gotten the best results, my tempo has been extemely eccentric (i.e., typically 4-5 seconds for the "down" motion, sometimes even longer, though I vary it). That's another thing that's been effective.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
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south west, uk
If you are not thin, not fat, reasonable looking and tall. Don't waste your time weight lifting purely to attract the girls, you don't need to as it's a small factor in the overall package.

However if you are thin, fat, short and ugly, packing on quality muscle is THE BEST USE OF YOUR TIME AND MONEY to help in the attraction stakes.

One of the key things is it's something you CAN change for the better, you've just got to put the effort in.

I believe many guys never learn to DJ because they never overcome their fear of approaching, feeling unworthy. I'm sure many a bloke has gone from blubbering wreck to God's gift because he and just as importantly she can SEE that he has something to offer before he's even opened his mouth.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
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belleville, il
A tip for shorter guys working out.

I am 5 foot 6 inches..when I go out in the summer I wear sandles with a 2 inch I'm 5' 8"

I am 160, 10 percent body fat.

so im pretty much about ripped need to lose 5 lbs.

but I have noticed this..I was 185 with a 12 percent bf about 5 months ago.

I hurt my knee snow skiing Jan 9th..I got 75 stitches.

I didnt workout for a while...lost 20 ls...I also started back in be leaner with a nice body.

more women than ever have been checking me out in comparison to before.

key points:

1. thinner face..brought my smile alot more..with laugh lines...looks more manly

2. symetry...also the look of being taller...but symetry is most attractive.

i think there should be a weight and size limit based on height.

if I hae 17 inch arms I look like short brick..but if I have 13-14 inch arms..I look pretty strong..where as a guy 6 1 would want the 16 inchers.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
south west, uk

I agree, I'm about 5' 7" and I'm shooting for about 12 stone ultimately. I see no point in going beyond in terms of attractiveness, maybe focus on getting just stronger after that.

I always think of Yule Brenner, he is the epitomi of a short arse who built a body that whilst not huge, gave him presence and grace.

I also feel posture and flexibility are very important for all sizes.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
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here's my thought

i think that women like guys with muscles that look good. i mean, i know lots of guys that could work out 24/7, end up with huge muscles and still look bad, since they have hideous bodies by nature... i mean, do you know that type of guys that although they are thin, they still look somewhat fat? i'm talking about them.
but if you have a decent symetric face and lots of muscles (not as huge as that guy:)), you could get every woman with a bit of confidence.

even 5 kgs could make the difference... right now at least 70% of girls i pass by look at me and many even approach me.

i think that if you have a good body, IT IS like having a good pair of tits... some girls will not care, but the majority will...
anyway, if you have the type of body i mentioned before, you could work out as much as you want and you still end up looking as a fat girl with really big tits... but still fùckin chubby and ugly...


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Re: Re: Muscles, Addiction and Attraction

Originally posted by Rockadeimis
but the physical is what people see first, and they have no choice but to judge you with what they see.

If I'm not physically attracted to a woman, I don't care about her personality, chemistry, or anything else, you have to have some level initial attraction on the physical level, or so you would think.
Right! If there is an attraction, you don't need muscles...

If you have decent muscles, they will create some attarction - yes.
But what kind? I compared it with attraction to some good set of boobs. Guys, if you attracted to her boobs only will go for her???

I wont, since I want "chemistry" and other things that would make her reallu attarctive.

So muscles make feel you good, but it doesn't help in attracting right women. Some shallow women who are into looks - sure will be very attracted.

COnclusionL wokring out, muscles it is for yourself, not to attract _decent_ women with good potential.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Originally posted by jprjrjr
All this "muscle" talk is funny. I'm not trying to brag, but I'm probably the most muscular guy on this board. I'm 6'5" and weigh about 250lbs. My body fat is about 7 percent.

Does my body help with women? Some yes, Some no. Some go crazy over my body, some think I'm too big, or are intimidated.

I agree that women go mostly for face and eyes, but body does count. All women don't like the same kind of who knows..

You are really impressive! What is your take on that: who are those ladies who are attarcted to your body? Are they any good, have potential? Are they decent? Or they just want a really good fvck?


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Being Bi I tend to be attracted more to muscle than curves, and I'm more straight than gay. It's probably different for women.

Oh well, guess we've learnt nothing.

Thing is, that's mixed up with Taboo and just having already seen so much female ass online.

Muscle is definately, definately handy to a point.

I had a conversation about great body vs great personality with a friend. Obviously I like looks but individualistic things count so much more. So when I see a common blond it turns me off. Now, a sexy and unusual pair of tits, now that's nice.

The thing is about muscles is that it's so much easier than getting a new personality!
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Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
So muscles make feel you good, but it doesn't help in attracting right women. Some shallow women who are into looks - sure will be very attracted.
A lot of women are into looks. A lot go for chemistry. All of them want both.

What you fail to grasp here is that you are not the girls only option. Women get hit on all the time. The more attractive she is, the more guys hit on her. While she may like you for your personality/chemistry, there may be another guy who can give her great chemistry as well as a great body. Who do you think she will pick? Does wanting the best possible option make her shallow?

If you had equally great chemistry with a HB5 and a HB10, which one would you go for?

It's not just the body, or the personality, you can have both, and cover all your bases. And having a great body is not equal to having a set of great tits. If you have the body of an underwear model or better, that's equal to her having the body of a Maxim cover girl. In todays society thats full of obesity, a guy with an amazing body is a catch for any woman.

If you don't want to work out and be out of shape, that's fine, but I hate the fact how you constantly say that only shallow women go for attractive guys. It's in human nature to look for attractive partners, for both men and women.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Originally posted by MindOverMatter

So I started working out, doing bodybuilding research, eating properly, and quit drinking. Now I'm at 210 lbs, but I'm at 11% bodyfat. My current photo is in my signature.

1. the difference the change has had on my game has been insane. While I had good success rates before, they became phenomenal afterwards. Girls became more aggressive, started chasing me,

And if you have game AND looks, they will become obsessed with you, and it wont be long before they start bringing up marriage conversations and you have to drop them.

2. You shouldn't see it in black and white. You can have the body AND the personality. In fact you need both. Some women aren't impressed by a good phisique and need more then that to start their engine. Others are into you as soon as they see you.

Yes, you get confidence from having an amazing body and that's a bonus, but that's not why women go for guys with these bodies.

3. First of all, you shouldn't work out for women. You should work out to be fit, healthy, and become a stronger, better person.

4. Secondly, your looks enhance your personality. When I used to take forensic psychology, one of the topics we covered in class was about how juries tend to be more lenient on good looking defendants, assuming they're innocent, while assuming the ugly ones are guilty.

5. One of my boys that I wing with is an amazing natural. His game is weak, but his looks make up for it. He's not really muscular, he's thin, but has great facial genetics. Blonde hair, blue eyes, etc, standard nick carter lookalike.

6. To sum it all up, work out, be in amazing shape, but don't neglect your game either. The more you cover all your bases, the easier it is to get to all her bases.
Great post!!

By the way, 6'2, 220-230 lbs, 20% = bad body??? Man, you are so hard on yourself. Look at you - my estimation that you have 9-10 looks! So... it doesn't really matter for women what you have under your shirt - they see your face and it is enough!

You have amazing results - but how women know what you have under your shirt? If you do appoaches at the beach - sure, you will have HUGE advantage. but let me guess you did less than 1% of all approache sat the beach....

1. You got insane attention. There are some questions though
a) you didn't have it before? I think you simple improved your game for the last 3+ year a lot. b) you look very good without any muscles. c) what average age of the girl who are impressed?
Young girl are always impressed with everything cool, but they are ready to switch to somebody else who is cooler ...

2. Lets not talk about personality, take it out of the equation.
You see an amazing female body - you go for it? I won't even think about her if she doesn't have "chemistry".

3. "fit, healthy, and become a stronger, better person"
I am lean naturally. I don't do any physical work so I dont really need to become stronger. Healthy - yes, definitely yes - but I would devote just some time to cardio, muscles do not mean health. Better person- in a way - yes. You got some good feeling after the exercising, that makes you happier. It is addicitive and I believe it is the main reasons of exercising.

4. Right. You got looks even withot muscles. It will work.
But tell me how the judge will know you have an amazing six pack? :)

5. Again - he's got looks! It is attarctive even without execrising...

6. You probably have never realized some simple thing you always had: height and looks. These two give you a huge advantage anyway. When you approch a girl, how does she know you have a good six pack? She may think "Yeah.. this guy is working out.." but it is pretty much it. What attract her is your face, your game.... is she is attracted to your body only, she is so shallow you even will not want her for any kind of a "long time".

Anyway, you got amazing results, and it is interesting how you see women who are attarcted to your body only.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
Having a great body says a lot about your character as well.

Personally I find it takes a lot of hard work and determination to stick to a workout plan.....eating the right foods,getting enough rest,the actual physical act of lifting weights etc.

These traits(persistence,discipline etc.)don't just apply to working confidence to tackle anything has skyrockected in ALL other areas of my life.
You wanna know which compliment I receive the most from women?

Not.....I love your arms...

Not.....I love your sixpack...

But.....I love a man who takes care of himself!


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Originally posted by insomniac
90% of the reason I work out is to feel good about myself. When I feel good, I feel confident.

Sure it might attract more shallow women, but what it does for my mind and attitude is more than worth it.
Right on!!!

Working out makes you feel happier and probably more confident (I dont subscribe to that it will make you confiddent - I know some guys who live in teh gym but lack confidence)
And yes, it attracts shallow women.


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by al77
Great post!!

By the way, 6'2, 220-230 lbs, 20% = bad body??? Man, you are so hard on yourself. Look at you - my estimation that you have 9-10 looks! So... it doesn't really matter for women what you have under your shirt - they see your face and it is enough!
Thank you for the compliment, but it was 20%+ bodyfat, not 20% on the spot. I don't know the exact number because I didn't measure it.

When you are on the chubby side, your face tends to look a lot different. The difference in facial structure between 10 and 20% bodyfat is noticable. Your jawline is more apparent, your face looks slimmer, etc.

You have amazing results - but how women know what you have under your shirt? If you do appoaches at the beach - sure, you will have HUGE advantage. but let me guess you did less than 1% of all approache sat the beach....
When you develop muscle mass, your body composition is noticable through your clothes. For example, women can't see your six pack. But they'll see your wide lats, developed traps, big chest, slim waist, and assume you have a muscular body underneath. Wearing tigher fitting clothing emphisizes your body.

Also, there are other ways. Taking girls on swimming dates (great action date), playing strip poker at a party, going shopping with a girl and trying on clothes in front of her, etc.

1. You got insane attention. There are some questions though
a) you didn't have it before? I think you simple improved your game for the last 3+ year a lot. b) you look very good without any muscles. c) what average age of the girl who are impressed?
Young girl are always impressed with everything cool, but they are ready to switch to somebody else who is cooler ...
a.) No I didn't have THIS type of attention. I had game, but that was it. It was always me initiating everything. Me being the one asking a girl out, me calling her up, setting up dates, etc. While it got the job done, it was somewhat unfullfilling because it felt like it was me putting in all the work you know? When I lost the weight and got into amazing shape, there was a huge role reversal. Most of the time now, it's usually girls that phone me up and ask me to do stuff with them, or girls approaching me and initiating conversations with me, etc.

b.) I'd like to think that I have improved my outer game over the last 3 years, but that'd be a lie. I still talk to girls the way I used when I was out of shape, I still act the same way. My inner game has approved and I put up with a lot less stuff then I did back in the day, but that's normal when your options increase.

c.) Most of the girls were in their early/mid 20s, but I have hooked up with several 30+ year old women. believe it or not, older women in my experiance were more shallow then younger girls. they feel like they've lost that seductive edge that they had when they were young, and always get hit on by single older guys who are out of shape/balding, etc. To them, hooking up with a guy in mid 20s that has a great body is a huge ego boost.

2. Lets not talk about personality, take it out of the equation.
You see an amazing female body - you go for it? I won't even think about her if she doesn't have "chemistry".
Hey I'm the same way man. The thing you have to realize is, real chemistry takes a while to achieve. Sure you can meet someone and have a great first few dates, and hit it off (by the way that's common when a girl is attracted to you). But that's not chemistry in my opinion. Real chemistry is the ability to coexist together over a period time. Once the novelty of looks wears off and the only things keeping the relationship going are your personalities and how you get along. This takes a long while to develop.

If I think the girl is hot, and I want to hook up with her, I will approach her. If she isn't a stuck up b!tch or giving me cold signals, I'll definetly ask her out and then get her number. If everything goes good in the next few weeks, I'll keep seeing her, if it doesn't, I'll LJBF her.

But I wont expect to have chemistry overnight. That takes time man.

3. "fit, healthy, and become a stronger, better person"
I am lean naturally. I don't do any physical work so I dont really need to become stronger. Healthy - yes, definitely yes - but I would devote just some time to cardio, muscles do not mean health. Better person- in a way - yes. You got some good feeling after the exercising, that makes you happier. It is addicitive and I believe it is the main reasons of exercising.
The more muscle mass you have, the better your metabolism is, which means your body is more efficient at burning fat during rest. And yeah, you do feel better after exercising, but that's not why it is addictive. People who bodybuild set goals, and achieve them. The satisfaction you get from achieving a goal is what keeps you going.

4. Right. You got looks even withot muscles. It will work.
But tell me how the judge will know you have an amazing six pack? :)
Like I said, if you work out for a long while, the results of your labor will show through your clothes. Put on a tight fitting t shirt, and your traps, lats, biceps, triceps, chest become obvious. Girls see that you're fit in almost every area of the body, and assume that you have a 6 pack.

Like in that pic jprjrjr posted. He's wearing a shirt, but it's obvious that he is in killer shape and has a six pack.

5. Again - he's got looks! It is attarctive even without execrising...
Yes it is, but my whole point was that looks enhance your personality. The better looking you are, the more success you have. Yes he does have good looks, but if he were to work out and get in killer shape, he'd have an even easier time.

6. You probably have never realized some simple thing you always had: height and looks. These two give you a huge advantage anyway. When you approch a girl, how does she know you have a good six pack? She may think "Yeah.. this guy is working out.." but it is pretty much it. What attract her is your face, your game.... is she is attracted to your body only, she is so shallow you even will not want her for any kind of a "long time".
I'll agree, my height has been an genetic advantage, and I will never downplay it. It helps a lot. However I'll deny the facial looks thing. When you are out of shape, your face looks totally different then when you are in killer shape.

And it's not just about the six pack. Girls like the whole package. I know girls who love guys with big backs. One girl I dated loved arms and back. etc. And having strong and enduring legs can be a bonus in some situations.

You misunderstand me here. I agree, face, smile, game, body are all equally important. Being a prize is the name of the game bro. The more things you have on the checklist, the more of a prize you become.

Anyway, you got amazing results, and it is interesting how you see women who are attarcted to your body only. [/B]
They're not only attracted to my body. There are many things that come into play when you talk about attraction. But the body is one of them, and it is a bonus.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes

Couple look for a) somehting new b) yes they look at some nice bodies. I would look at some nice bodies too - it is an attraction.
But would I approach those chick based on that superficial attarction? Would nto even think about it. There should be some "chemistry"

For women it is different - they dont realy need any muscle, they just shoudl stay fit - it is much easier... they can even do well withotu any gym.

Well.. I dont really working out, since I know it might attract only not right women.

Originally posted by Rollo Tomassi
Observe married couples at the beach. Regardless of how much 'chemistry' they have for one another, the wife is still peering over her sunglasses to get a good, lasting mental image of the younger, more muscular fellows on the beach while the husband casually does the same with the most attractive women he can spy without drawing his wife's attention to his looking.

And I laugh when I hear people (mostly women) profess that the reason they're in the gym is because they "do it for themselves."

Let me ask this, would you still work out if you knew with 100% certainty that it would in no way make you more attractive to the opposite sex?