MrConfidences thread

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Don Juan
Sep 10, 2006
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Maybe you're not happy with how you look?
When people get plastic surgery for an example, they SHIIINE with confident because they think they look alot better than before.

You have to become comfortable with yourself, your look.
If you think so, Get healthy.
Workout alot, go get some new line of clothing for instance.


Aug 22, 2006
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WesCottII said:
And you could learn to ride a bike? Write? Drive? straight away? No, you kept trying until you got it.

Could I approach and get girls when I first started? Could I b*llocks. After about 100 failed approaches, I learned.
Yeah, but most likely, when you started approaching you were in a much badder state than me. I know I can talk to girls without being nervous, once I approach them, but after that we usually don't get anywhere. There's also the possibility that even if I give something good, the chick will just be boring.

And no, I've never even thought about my looks, so that can't be it, and even if I did, I honestly don't look that bad.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
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So? I could talk to birds. Couldn't get them to see me as anything more than a "mate", but I could still talk to them.

At the end of the day, it's work. If you can't hack it, you won't get birds. End of. Stop making excuses and practice.


Aug 22, 2006
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WesCottII said:
So? I could talk to birds. Couldn't get them to see me as anything more than a "mate", but I could still talk to them.

At the end of the day, it's work. If you can't hack it, you won't get birds. End of. Stop making excuses and practice.
Screw practicing man, I just want to get better at attracting girls. What is practice going to do? Nothing. I can already hold a decent conversation with a girl, and I'm sure as hell not nervous around them. If I could just figure out how to open up to girls better, I would be sold. You can PRACTICE conversation with other dudes if you wanted to, but you know what, you can only practice attraction with girls(Unless you're g*y or something).

And besides, when did this become all about girls? This is inner game. I could approach a ton of hot chicks, and still feel like sh*t, because I need to work on my inner game. If I can become confident in myself, I really won't even given a damn if a girl rejects me.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
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Ontario, Canada
*resists urge to do the I Told You So dance*

When it comes to working on inner game, you must ask yourself: Why am I not confident? Once you figure out why, you figure out steps as to how to fix those problems, then you get at her. That's really all there is to it. I don't think any fancy tricks are needed.


Aug 22, 2006
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Mr_rogers said:
*resists urge to do the I Told You So dance*

When it comes to working on inner game, you must ask yourself: Why am I not confident? Once you figure out why, you figure out steps as to how to fix those problems, then you get at her. That's really all there is to it. I don't think any fancy tricks are needed.
And yes, you DID tell me so.

Why am I not confident? I don't feel that I'm good enough, and I care too much about what other people think. What I mean by I don't feel good enough, is that I never feel I'm good at something, unless someone tells me so. Another reason I'm self conscious is because I seek peoples approval. I'm also very self-conscious, and always feel like everyones watching me, and saying bad things about me.


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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MrConfidence said:
And yes, you DID tell me so.

Why am I not confident? I don't feel that I'm good enough, and I care too much about what other people think. What I mean by I don't feel good enough, is that I never feel I'm good at something, unless someone tells me so. Another reason I'm self conscious is because I seek peoples approval. I'm also very self-conscious, and always feel like everyones watching me, and saying bad things about me.
That sounds exactly like me, until about a half a year ago. What happened? I got a girl.

I know it sounds paradoxical, but your confidence will NOT go up until you get a girl. Why? You have no confidence in yourself not because you arent good enough at something, you think you look bad, or think people are critiquing you. You dont have confidence because you dont think you can get the girl. You automatically assume that you will fail, and then you lose all confidence. It has nothing to do with "inner game". Your "inner game" as you call it is bad because you just cant find a way with the ladies.

Believe me, once you have got a girl, then its like "damn, I can do this." You immediately increase your self worth. Its an asset. Why do you think billionaires carry around arm-candy? It makes them feel good.

Whenever I used to walk down the hallway, I felt as if everybody was looking at me. I would actually get nervous and look down at the floor. My eyes would water (thats probably just from the asbestos in the air, though). Now I feel so much better because I know that I am capable of having a girl like me. It doesnt matter if she is around or not, it has the same effect as a gold medal at the olympics. I got the prize, it boosted my ego.

Until you get the girl though, you will be rejected. And that kinda sucks for the confidence level. Thats where practice comes in. You say you have problems keeping a convo going. Well, play against your disadvantages. Come up with something general and witty to say to make her laugh, get her to go on a date or get her numbers, and wait until the date to start a long conversation. I remember going on my first date because I was afraid that there would be nothing to talk about, but was I wrong! If you go on a date where there is a mutual experience, the both of you will have something in common immediately. If you really suck at talking, take her to a movie, and then you have 2 hours to think of something to say to her after the movie while she is busy watching it.

Good luck, though, and remember, the key to confidence is to not stop until you have a girl.


Aug 22, 2006
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Yeah, but doesn't that mean you're back where you started after/if you break up? Besides, isn't that basically saying you can't have confidence without a girl? I don't know, sounds a bit off from what I've read in the bible. And keeping a conversation going isn't hard if the girl is interested, but there are always those girls that just talk to you because they feel sorry for you, or those girls that are just boring. So how do you know if she's interested, or not? I'd rather not waste my time having a conversation with a girl that's not interested.

Edit: Changed the post a little.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
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Ontario, Canada
MrConfidence said:
Yeah, but doesn't that mean you're back where you started after/if you break up? Besides, isn't that basically saying you can't have confidence without a girl? I don't know, sounds a bit off from what I've read in the bible. Another reason I'm hesistant about taking this advice that, a girl is not something that I NEED, sure women are great, and all, but even without girls, I still have music, programming, wrestling, women aren't something that I NEED to live, however, something that I WANT, but don't need in order to survive.
I agree with everything here.

Saying that the only way to get confidence is to get a girl leads one into a vicious cycle. He can't get a girl because he isn't confident, and he isn't confident because he can't get a girl... doesn't sound like there's much escape there, does it?


Aug 22, 2006
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Anyway, yeah, I'll take the advice that you guys have given me, and hopefully, it'll make me more self confident, so that I can adapt that "Devil may care" attitude that I want. Overall, I just have to change the way I think, so that I just don't give a crap what others think of me.


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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Mr_rogers said:
I agree with everything here.

Saying that the only way to get confidence is to get a girl leads one into a vicious cycle. He can't get a girl because he isn't confident, and he isn't confident because he can't get a girl... doesn't sound like there's much escape there, does it?
Imagine youre a baseball player and you suck. You cant hit worth crap. You have never hit a home run in your life, and now you are at bat. How is your confidence? Of course its terrible.

But, IF you have hit a home run before, you know you can do it again. You know that you possess that ability to smack the ball out of the park.

Same with women, if you have had success before, your confidence is much higher.

Im not saying that its the ONLY way he can gain confidence, but it is a major step in having self-esteem. In the meantime, there is only one way to find out. MrConfidence, you cant sit around on forums asking other people how to tell if a girl is interested in you. The only way is for you yourself to find out: approach her, ask her out. Quit thinking. Just do it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
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Closing the thread so you two can't argue in it anymore and pinning it so I can re-open it after DJ_4_Life is banned.


Aug 22, 2006
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How can I straight up find out if she's interested in me?

Well, there's this HB9 chick named Marissa in marching band(One of the flag girls, or whatever you call em') that I'm interested in, and I just want to straight up know if she's interested in me or not, so I'm going to approach her on Monday. We've talked before, and she certainly didn't give me any negative signs, and I've also caught her giving me eye contact, but I just want to figure out whether or not she likes me. I just don't want to go up to her and start small talk though, because that's not going to tell me anything, I just want to straight up find out if this girl likes me or not. So how would I go about doing this, or will she give certain signs if she's interested or not?

I know there's already a topic simular to this, but hardly anyone replied, and I didn't really get any good advice for this situation. If you remember me posting the exact same thread before, well, that's because I DID post the exact same thread before, but it got moved to a hidden forum because of Dreamx's trolling.


Aug 22, 2006
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Taviii said:
Just straight up ask her? I don't know, that seems a little fast. And what if she is interested? It's not like she's just going to flat out admit it. Will she give any special signs during conversation if she IS interested?


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2005
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I dunno about that Taviii...seems just like a really stupid, awkward thing to say. Best advice I can give is pretty basic; next time you find yourself in a good, extended conversation with her, you might as well ask her on a lunch date. Her response to that will (obviously) pretty much give you a flat-out answer. Or is it too soon for that? Do you know her well enough to do that? Do you need to talk to her for a lot longer to the point where she would give you a for sure "yes"? That's all up to you, because nobody here knows the specifics of your relationship with this girl up to this point, let alone anything about her personality. good luck..


Aug 22, 2006
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supajsilver2 said:
I dunno about that Taviii...seems just like a really stupid, awkward thing to say. Best advice I can give is pretty basic; next time you find yourself in a good, extended conversation with her, you might as well ask her on a lunch date. Her response to that will (obviously) pretty much give you a flat-out answer. Or is it too soon for that? Do you know her well enough to do that? Do you need to talk to her for a lot longer to the point where she would give you a for sure "yes"? That's all up to you, because nobody here knows the specifics of your relationship with this girl up to this point, let alone anything about her personality. good luck..
Well, if it is too "soon", then how I can I get to know her better? Pretty much the only thing I know about her is that she's a flag girl(Not sure what the correct term is), and she previously plays piano. Don't know how I'm going to approach her though, since just saying "Hey, how's it going, Marissa?" probably isn't going to go anywhere.


Aug 22, 2006
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Now, I know you one of you guys mentioned that I should listen to comedians in order to get more funny, but can you recommend any particular comedians? There are hundreds of comedians out there.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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MrConfidence said:
But I can't approach girls for sh*t, I'm too afraid she'll give me the typical sh*t that most girls give me, and we won't go anywere(We have a convo, but we don't go anywhere. Or I try to start conversation, it doesn't go anywhere).
Open your mind my son. You finally admitted what youve been told multiple times. How about you stop being so close minded. Practice makes perfect.
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