Just been reading this thread for the past hour or so... i love it, i love it cos it reminds me of ALL those chances ive missed in my life which cause me so much grief today thats in unbelievable.
From thinking back about every situation ( theres like 10-15 ),
3 stick out the most.
1.) at work , we were on training and i got paired with the hottest girl in the room. she was half white/half asian , smart ( university graduate), confident and very pretty. Any way we're reading stuff to each other, im reading to her shes reading back then at a sudden moment she justs puts the edge of her paper in her mouth and stares straight into my eyes for like 3-5 seconds and i stare right back and then she like lowered her gaze and got her self together and carried on reading. its like she had a slight lapse in concentration.
anyway she then proceeds to to stop doing our work and smiles and puts her hands over her face and says that shes gets embarrassed when people take pics / make films of her at xmas or birthdays and i said yeh me too. .and she carried on smiling.
next thing was ,we had to write the reports up for work, and i didnt know how to structure mine properly so i asked another girl across the table ( even tho this hot chick is on the right hand side of me ) about how to do it, before that other girl could reply , the hot chick says "heyyy , like this... " and proceed to tell me...
she carried on wispering to me and me wispering back... at the end i thought, "nah, a girl that like her , pretty and smart basically classy " wouldnt be interested in me....so i went to talk to our trainer. this chick couldve walked straight passed but instead walks to the left of me with her friend and taps/prods me in the stomach and says "It was lovley meeting you!"....
and what did i do?
"bah, blah....umph.... yeah"
all i said was "yeah"
she left after 5 weeks and i used to watch her walk up and down the aisles for the whole period , damn that.
2.) this one sticks out too when i think back.. in high school there was this hot chick callled sarah whos brother i knew quite well. when i found out that she was his sister , she would joke and say nah hes not my brother hes adopted lol..
anyway i think the moment she started liking me was when i talked to her and her friend about ally mcbeal and that this chick only watches it cos its a program where the female has the lead role and not a man and that she wouldnt watch it if it was called 'alvin mcbeal'. we argued and joked together , her , her friend and me until my friend came ( who i was waiting for the whole time ). i said bye to her and said ill see her later..
from then on she would talk to me always and show me her sexy trousers ( which she looked sexy in ) and ask my opinion on them.
she'd show me her shoes and ask my opinion on them... what did i do? i went like this "bah . blah baaaah, they nice" and *****ed out.
The Real killler came when there was a high-school dance. every one was excited about it . we were all talking about it when she told me ,"are you going, id luv to dance with you!" and what did i say ?
"bah , blah baaah, erm" *****ed out again...
the yr went on and i never really saw her much after that, even tho she was supposed to come to my university when we left high school, i missed out on her.. i never saw her again
3.) THIS ONE sticks outs moooooooooooost as it was sooo damn obvious yet i couldnt ****ing believe it. im at break going up from the 2nd floor to the 4th , waitin on the lift. when it opens theres this really beautiful girl in the lift that ive seen around but never talked to. id never forget how i handled that situation, with BALLS OF STEEL!..
me: alright, you start at one always?
her: yeh you?
me: at 11 , you know X right your his friend?
her: yeh i know him hes cool
me: yeh he is , hes in my group upstairs, so how long u been workin here?
her: hmmmm , bout 8 monts i think , how bout u? and i btw i havent really seen u around much
me:yeh i was off sick for a long time..and ive been her 2 yrs.
then we went up to work where i said ill chat later and that she should clock in.
i didnt make much effort to talk her again. Then when she walked passed me she softly hit her sheets of paper over my head to get my attention, and did it every time she went passed. we started talking alot more.
A few weeks later we had no work to do so we were just lounging around and she asked me to come and sit next to her, in fact her exact words were "oh please sit next to me" . i sat next to her and when i think about it now it was like she was gazing at me whole time and thinking "mmm i have him here now..."
anyway she asked me what i do outside of work and if i have a girlfrend:
her: so are u seeing anyone?
me: bah...baaahhh , errr, no not anymore
her: how long were u going out?
me: erm.... about 8 months ( note: a total lie, i never was dating )
her: that it? i was with someone for longer, and i never cheated.
me: err...wow?
(after she noted that im quite fair skinned and that i dont have much body hair)
her: so have u a hairy stomach or a hairy chest?. my ex had a hairy chest not too hairy , but just the right amount, i made him take his top off and take pics. chest hair is sexy , have u got chest hair?
me:baaaahhh, ermm.. no
her: whats your number ill
text u sometime.
me: =D heere u go....
her: ok so your at college during the week, ill come see you.
me: baaaah yeh that wud be nice.
what happend was that the following friday she went to see me at college but alas i was at home and my fone was switched off.
on the saturday she saw me and told me that she was in college and tryed to fone me but my fone was off and i said sorry. now heres where im dumb , i shudve known that she would turn up on monday afternoon.
monday afternoon comes..ive just been drinking with friends the nite before and im smashed,around 2pm monday i get a call on my cell.
me: hello? (croaky sleepy voice)
her: hiiiii (nervous) , its me where are you , are u about in college?
me: hi there how u doin, nah im not around sorry , wassup..
her: nah its ok i was just visiting my frends , thought id see u to,but never mind.
me: ah ok, cya bye.
SILLY SILLY SILLY me , i went back to sleep and i never forgive my self for going back to sleep because 20 minutes later i get another fone call:
its her:
her: hey there, are you around college now?
me: er.. no im not nopes.
her: where are ya?
me: im at home asleep , sleeping.
her: oh ( i remember her tone of voice changing to something like "awww no

" ), sorry for waking u up.
me: its ok , its not a problem.
she called me twice, she came to colllege the week before , didnt get to meet me, came the follwing week , called me TWICE to try and meet me and yet i ****ed it up
ARRRRRGGGGG! the reason was i that i cudnt believe a girl so beautiful could want me.
it got worse when it was a valentines day weekend . she asked me if i got some valentines cards and i just said yeh but nothing special. the i asked her if shes going to a "valentines do" in this club we got to.
me: hey so what u doing for valentines day? r u going out to that valentines party?
her: are you going?
me: probably not , are you going?
her: nah not im not going
me: why?
her: cos i wont see you
and when she said this i froze.
the ***** was ripe and ready to give it up . she had a thing for me and i ****ed it up. i can tell u that after that she lost an intrest in me but my intrest grew for her so much.
i dont see her much now as she is away at college in some other city. i heard shes dating sum other guy.....damn.
i still think about her lotsa times..
just my experiences......thx for sharing my pain