Most obvious come-on that was missed


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2002
Reaction score
back in my days at school, I used to go down this village a lot with a large mixed group of people I didn't really know that well. There was one girl I really liked, not cos of her looks, she was a decent person.

I was so nice to her, she walked right over me, I eventually gave in and a month later on a good night she took me back to hers, and into her room, and she stricly didn't want noone else there. She did all that smily flirty hair stuff and I jus sat there on the bed with a blank face not saying a word. DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2002
Reaction score
1. In Junior High during english this chick behind me starts talking really loud to her friend about this guy she likes and begins to describe his beautiful brown hair and so on...I was thinking how rude it was to talk that loud while everyones busy doing their project. The next day she asks me out in front of the entire class, I was so embarrassed i said a short no, turned my head, and pretended she didn't exist.

2. This chick i had a huge crush on for a couple years in high school ended up getting a job at the place i worked. After a year of avoiding her at work she starts coming up to me and trying to start a conversation, only problem is that i couldn't understand a thing she said because she had an accent and was talking really fast. I would just nod my head and smile and she would usually run away real quick and i was wondering what the hell happened! I also noticed she'd perk her breasts up whenever i passed by her from the corner of my eye.

Then one day i'm on break and she never gets her break when i do, but this day she did. I didn't see her and sat at an empty table, but from the table i could see her sitting alone. i did nothing and ate lunch, and a bit later another chick comes up and starts talking to her. the only thing i heard from the convo was "go over and talk to him!", she got upset with her and ran away in tears! We both had a crush on each other and i was still too pvssy to approach the chick! GOD, one day she needed a ride home (expecting me to offer) and i didn't even offer!!! SHE WAS PERFECT!!!

I was such an AFC!

[This message has been edited by untitled (edited 08-09-2002).]


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2001
Reaction score
She took her hand on the back of my head and pulled me towards her and said "Are you any good in bed John" I lost everything i couldn't think at all, i was just standing there. I just wish that i could meet this girl again and make it up to her


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
South Carolina (Charleston)
hey. first i have a couple questions, then i will share 2 come-on's out of a bunch that i dont remember.

first of all, how are you supposed to respond to some of these come-ons. i mean if ur in a house alone and she says something u could of course take her up to bed... but what about when ur just outside.. like kinda in public what do you SAY?? also.. why do women never want to talk to you again if you initially miss a come-on? heres one i think i missed. last year (before i found this site) during an assembly, (most of the ppl in my grade took geometry but i took that last year so i was takin algebra 2 with mostly ppl in the grade below me), this girl was blatantly laying her elbow on my **** (thats d i c k :p).. and kept like laying herself all over me, but the dumbass that i was i did NOTHING. i never saw her again ;o
- i forgot to add the second come-on but i dun really feel like it

[This message has been edited by Lost (edited 08-09-2002).]

[This message has been edited by Lost (edited 08-09-2002).]


Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
I think my'n is one of worst up there, I am still kicking myself for it all these years later. I had a very good opportunity to loose my viriginity to two chicks at once and I blew it. Here is the lowdown:

I was in NY with my folks visting their friends. All the adults left the night and me and their kid and his sister were left alone for the enight. We were all about the same age 15-16. As the evening went on the sisters brother went to sleep and I stayed up to watch TV. Around midnight the sister returns with her friend who was really good looking. They join me on the couch and start teasing me and wrestle the remote away. They then proceed to flip to a Playboy channel and watch a hardcore flick. (everyone in NY has a cable descrambler
) Looking back on it I think they were realy horny and must have been trying to get me going as well. Now to top it off they start wrestling with me trying to get my clothes
They did manage to get some of it off

Looking back at it now I am sure all they wanted that night is for me to f-uk both of their brains out. I was a virgin at the time and I think they were too. I think what scared me off was the fact that their brother might wake up and/or that both sets of parents might return at any time. There is nothing worse then getting caught by a chick's dad screwing her in his place
Anyhow this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I blew it


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2002
Reaction score
Vienna, Austria, Europe
Originally posted by Lost:
why do women never want to talk to you again if you initially miss a come-on?
I guess they perceive it as rejection and women hate/fear getting rejected a lot more than us. If you just do nothing in response to her come-on, she thinks you got it, but you rejected her. How should she tell the difference between not interested and missing her come-on, especially if it was so obvious?


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Hermosa Beach, CA
Here's a high school one for ya...

Sophmore year in biology class, this cute blonde (8-9) asked me to run my fingers through her hair to get out the kinks while we watched some bio movie. She usually has a rather imperious princess attitude about her (upper class snob, dontchaknow) so I was a little confused, but I complied. By the end, she looks at her hair and playfully smacks me with her brush, saying I made it "worse." I just felt so weird and all the guys were looking at me that I just never flirted back.

Buddha on stick, I was dense and a total chump throughout high school. Since then, I've learned that playing with a girl's hair is very soothing and sensual to them (very good for a pre-kiss setup, during the kiss, and even after the kiss).


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2002
Reaction score
Ft Worth, TX
O.K. got one, and it was PRETTY obvious.

Me and a friend are sitting at a table at a concert(big pit, w/ tables and couches around the outside), and yes sitting at the table watching is what the old people do, but it seems to bring in the chicks cause we're pretty good at acting uninterested in everything. So anyway, we're sitting there talking about crap and this girl, all by herself, walks up graps a stool, and places it directly beside mine, almost touching mine, no one w/ her and just looks at me, waiting.

I said nothing and after about 15 minutes she left. D*** IT.

Rock On

Don Juan
Aug 9, 2002
Reaction score
Oh so many times on which to look back and kick myself....

Here's a good one: Spring Break. I walk past a group of hotties. One was complaining about not having a date, or some such. Another one looks at me, grabs me and says, "Hey, wanna be her date?" Went to a club and the whole time the one who grabbed me is coming on to me like there's no tomorrow. But I thought she was with some guy who had showed up there and I thought I was supposed to hang out with the other one (not as attractive). WHAT?! I didn't know a damn thing then. But even responding properly is learned behavior.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Here is mine:

During college, there was this chick that totally liked me. I really wasn't attracted to her but we were became close friends. One night we were in her room smoking up. I was pretty stoned and was lying on her bed staring at the wall. She gets up and says that she's pretty hot and was going to change into something more comfortable. I thought she was going to go into the bathroom, but instead she starts taking off her clothes and says to me, "Now don't turn around!" I was such a dork that I didn't turn around with a naked girl next to me! I think she got pissed at me after that because she stopped hanging out with me. Ah, those were the days.

What a misfortune to be a woman! And yet, the worst misfortune is not to understand what a misfortune it is.
-- Kierkegaard, 1813-1855.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Phone convo. Chick that I liked and ended up running into years later....
Her: "I wish I could find a fvck buddy, you know, someone I can call when I just want sex."
Me: ""

I never took the proposal, even after she invited me to have a sleep over after a night of clubbin. My buddy was drooling over her all night. Wish he would have shoved his foot up my a$$ for passing up that one.

I could probably think of a dozen more, that was just the highlight. Trust me fellas, they want it just as badly as we do.


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2002
Reaction score
After reading about this post for the last couple of days, i tried to think of something from my past to write about. And i finally found the one i was looking for.

It was my first year at college (2 years ago). I changed my entire waredrobe and hairstyle. I was so confident in myself. In the first week, i was macking out with 3 differnet girls. One girl was drop dead gorgeous, 9 in my book, the other one was 6-7, i dont remember the third. But anyhow, i was too busy macking the 9 girl to realize the 7 girl was hitting on me. The 9 girl didnt give me the time of day, but i kept trying, while ignoring the 7 girl. The 7 girl kept calling me, she even got a small gift for my bday, which i was suprised she even knew about. But i never returned her calls, but when i did, i just didnt talk much, the 9 girl was too busy running in my mind. But i let that girl get away, she was very nice and attractive, but i was too busy trying to get some from someone that wasnt going to give me any.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2002
Reaction score
The same thing happened to me as above. During high school I was totally obsessed with the most good looking girl in my grade and she would not give me the time of day while there was this other not so bad looking who I think ironically was obsessed with me yet I wouldn't really give her the time of day, and one time we were on the school bus on the back seat and we were all squeezed up really tight together anyway she had her elbow right down against my hard ****
while she was reading a mag and she would often turn her head and smile
at me when I looked at her but I made no move and nothing like that ever happened again with her.


Don Juan
May 8, 2002
Reaction score
im 17 and work at a grocery store at the beach. Well, last night i was on my break and was walking outside when this car drove by with two girls in it and one yells to me, "hey sexy" with a real teasing ring to it. well, i was so f*cking stunned to do anything at the time. so nothing became of it and they just kept going. makes me mad at myself for not unleashing th DJ within

King Rat

Don Juan
Aug 12, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles, California
Newbie AFC style...

A few months ago, I was waiting for the subway. Station was practically deserted, except for two fairly hot latinas.

They "just happened" to sit down behind me (backs toward me) and started LOUDLY talking about how many guys they had f*cked, where, how they couldn't stand their (newly dumped) ex-BFs. And so on...
I stayed perfectly still facing the other way the WHOLE TIME. After about 9 minutes, one of them said to the other,"Let's go, I don't think he speaks English!"



Master Don Juan
May 14, 2001
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
DLight: Nah. There was a MARRIED girl who would talk like that to me. Doesn't necessarily mean anything!

King Rat: I guess they thought you were Russian or something (if you're white).

Here's one for y'all:

I was at a Hard Rock Cafe with some friends (there were I think seven of us). We got a horseshoe-shaped booth and I was in the middle, in the back. Our waitress was a 7; cute, but not spectacularly so. And she had on a very short skirt. Kinda made me think of Hooters. Anyway, when ordering, I have the bad habit of making direct eye contact and giving half-smiles to girls.

Sometime later I had to go to the bathroom, and when I came back, my friends had rearranged themselves so I sat on the left end of the horseshoe, on the outside, exposed to the elements.
The waitress came by again and stopped and chatted with us for a bit.

But while doing so, she put her left arm down on the booth behind me (almost as if she was putting her arm around me) and, ever so gently, pressed her bare thigh against my right forearm, which was resting on my lap. I was just sitting there not quite believing this, and even when I rubbed my forearm against her thigh (VERY smooth, btw
), she still didn't move for it must have been ten seconds. Then she went off to serve another table.

I suppose I should have tipped her a little extra for this ... service?

But I TOTALLY MISSED THIS ONE! (Copied from "Eye Contact" post in Tips)

Two summers ago, when I was just waking up from AFC slumber, I was picked up at the airport by a guy and his (quite attractive) sister; tall, blond/blue, 9 on the scale. Anyway, we were having a late dinner at a Mexican restaurant. She said suddenly, "You know, your pupils are really dilated". I just gave a rather embarrassed smile, but I didn't know what she was trying to do. She said it again a couple of times afterward. I even looked at one of the lights to constrict them and said, "That should fix things."

In the car, she even said, "I haven't gotten laid since..." Her brother called her a "slut" (jokingly).

Not only that, but sometime later her brother let us alone in the car for a while! I did nothing!



[This message has been edited by BGMan (edited 09-28-2002).]


Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Virginia Beach, Virgnia
i'm at a plutonic friend(girl, of course)'s house.

We're sitting on her bed..listening to music, i'm flipping through her CD case.

She knew that I free-balled alot and said:

"God Ekschaxze I don't know how you wear pants without any underwear's kind exciting, I might have to get these things off!"

me: "uuh..yeah, it can hurt with jeans.."

hahahaha..I kick myself

Mr. Mystery

Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Right there!
This is the worst of all!

About a year ago, I was chillin at work with about 5 girls that work there, all above 8. One of them that I don't find very attractive, while my friends think she's the hottest thing ever says, "I wanna **** your brains out."...

All the other girls just kinda giggle.

I smile and nodd, and later walk away.

This was not attention ***** sh!t, I knew she wanted me before.

Wow, I didn't think too much of her, but how about a missed opportunity!

Beat that...

Mr. Mystery

"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around" - Vanilla Sky

"The little things...theres nothing bigger is there?" - Vanilla Sky

"Whats your favorite position? That's cool with me, it's not my favorite but I'll do it for you" - Tenacious D - Fvck her gentley

"I'd rather hear no, than never know" - Mr. Mystery himself!

I know this sorta contridicts some of my other quotes but **** it...

"Don't take life too seriously or you'll never get out alive" - Van Wilder

Tryin to Grow a Chin

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2002
Reaction score
OK, this is one from my darkest AFC days:

I was sitting next to a girl, drinking in the woods, and whined, "I wonder if anyone even cares about me."

"I care about you," she said. "I care about you so much!"

"That's good," I said, and continued to drink.

Later on she brought out a joint, and we smoked it. For some reason when I smoked pot I'd get really withdrawn and shy. Anyway, to avoid looking her in the eye I put my head down and pretended I was tired. "I wish I was at home, in bed," I said.

"With someone who CARES ABOUT YOU?" she said while rubbing my back and leg. I don't know why but I failed to do anything about it. I only became conscious of what she meant hours later, but by then it was already too late. Fvck.

"Ben Affleck is not a homosexual; he just plays one in the bathhouse."