Master Don Juan
Senior year, different girl, I'm still a dork. This story is a little longer because there are two parts.
When I first got to this school, I ran across this girl. She was beautiful. Popular and being the dork that I was, I wanted to marry her from jump. Also turns out that she's a singer and goes to the same church that I do. (I ended up becoming a member of this church because of her, but that's a different story.)
So, one day I'm standing in the lunch line and she comes over to me and is like.
Her: I know you huh?
Her: Oh yeah... you joined last weekend huh?
Me: YEAH!! THAT WAS ME!! (it's depressing just thinking about it)
At this point, one of the teachers comes by and jokes about her talking to me just so she could cut in line, and she makes up some story about me being her new boyfriend, and holds my hand. I swear at this point I'm in love.
After the teacher leaves.
Me: So since I'm your new boyfriend, how about you give me your number.
Her: Ok.
I get her number, and immediatly after I get home, I call. Don't get an answer, so i leave a message. She called back and we talked. The next day at school, I wrote her this love letter. (i remind you that this is highschool... not junior high or elementary.)
At that point, she stopped talking to me all together. I eventually stopped going to church. And went on with my dorky life.
2 years later, I'm still a dork. She stops me in the hall one day and says,
Her: Hey... why don't you come to church with me tonight?
Me: Church? Tongiht?
Her: Yeah... Bible Study.. There will be some people there our age. We can hang out so to speak
Me: *dorky* Ok.. sure!! You can pick me up right?
Her: Yeah, no problem
Me: Alright, let me give you directions
Her: I already know
Me: Ok.....
So she picks me up and we go to church. There are a bunch of girls in here. But me being my dorky self, I'm in church. We're suppose to be thinking about churchy things. So we get these 5 minute breaks and I talk to the people around me. They're asking question, and I'm asking questions, and everyone is having a good time. The girl that brought me is in her own world with another group of people. One girl in particular took a liking to me. I could tell, but I'm in church and we're suppose to be thinking about churchy things. *dork*
This goes on for about a month. Then she gives me this letter out of the blue. Since this story is already long enough, it basically said, that she wished she had given me a chance when we first met. She was looney toons for her ex (star quarter back) and that I'm the type of man that she wants to be married to someday.
I'm in shock. It was a nice letter and I took it as her apologizing for treating me like crap when I opened my heart to her after knowing her for a whole 2 weeks. (this is so sad)
Later that day, she comes to me asking if I had signed up for my SAT's. I thought about college, but was burned out on school and just wanted a break, so the answer was no. She said that she would be over my house today and was gonna make me apply.
So she comes over with the booklet, sits down, and fills out the thing for me. After she's done, we kinda sat there in an awkward silence. Then she said, "Well, I guess I'll be leaving now" I walked her to the door, and she gave me a hug. A hug that lasted wayyyyyyyyy too long. Did I get the point. Nope. "Have a good night. Drive safely."
I use to search the internet trying to find this girl again.
When I first got to this school, I ran across this girl. She was beautiful. Popular and being the dork that I was, I wanted to marry her from jump. Also turns out that she's a singer and goes to the same church that I do. (I ended up becoming a member of this church because of her, but that's a different story.)
So, one day I'm standing in the lunch line and she comes over to me and is like.
Her: I know you huh?
Her: Oh yeah... you joined last weekend huh?
Me: YEAH!! THAT WAS ME!! (it's depressing just thinking about it)
At this point, one of the teachers comes by and jokes about her talking to me just so she could cut in line, and she makes up some story about me being her new boyfriend, and holds my hand. I swear at this point I'm in love.
After the teacher leaves.
Me: So since I'm your new boyfriend, how about you give me your number.
Her: Ok.
I get her number, and immediatly after I get home, I call. Don't get an answer, so i leave a message. She called back and we talked. The next day at school, I wrote her this love letter. (i remind you that this is highschool... not junior high or elementary.)
At that point, she stopped talking to me all together. I eventually stopped going to church. And went on with my dorky life.
2 years later, I'm still a dork. She stops me in the hall one day and says,
Her: Hey... why don't you come to church with me tonight?
Me: Church? Tongiht?
Her: Yeah... Bible Study.. There will be some people there our age. We can hang out so to speak
Me: *dorky* Ok.. sure!! You can pick me up right?
Her: Yeah, no problem
Me: Alright, let me give you directions
Her: I already know
Me: Ok.....
So she picks me up and we go to church. There are a bunch of girls in here. But me being my dorky self, I'm in church. We're suppose to be thinking about churchy things. So we get these 5 minute breaks and I talk to the people around me. They're asking question, and I'm asking questions, and everyone is having a good time. The girl that brought me is in her own world with another group of people. One girl in particular took a liking to me. I could tell, but I'm in church and we're suppose to be thinking about churchy things. *dork*
This goes on for about a month. Then she gives me this letter out of the blue. Since this story is already long enough, it basically said, that she wished she had given me a chance when we first met. She was looney toons for her ex (star quarter back) and that I'm the type of man that she wants to be married to someday.
I'm in shock. It was a nice letter and I took it as her apologizing for treating me like crap when I opened my heart to her after knowing her for a whole 2 weeks. (this is so sad)
Later that day, she comes to me asking if I had signed up for my SAT's. I thought about college, but was burned out on school and just wanted a break, so the answer was no. She said that she would be over my house today and was gonna make me apply.
So she comes over with the booklet, sits down, and fills out the thing for me. After she's done, we kinda sat there in an awkward silence. Then she said, "Well, I guess I'll be leaving now" I walked her to the door, and she gave me a hug. A hug that lasted wayyyyyyyyy too long. Did I get the point. Nope. "Have a good night. Drive safely."
I use to search the internet trying to find this girl again.