I had epiphany today after doing a number close on this 8.5 at a networking event today. You only need game, DJ tips and PUA stuff when you are trying to punch above your weight.
Hot women respond to hot guys. Women gravitate to men who are on their level or higher.
Excuse the bragging. This is just to make a point, not to be a d*ck. Right now I'm in the best shape of my life and doing well in my career finally. Power suit, power tie, my own apartment in the city and all that jazz. So now I'm finally on the same level as your typical hot girl.
When I did that number close today, the girl's hands were shaking when she confirmed my
text because she was so nervous. Nervous like an AFC.
Hot girls are not something new to me. But the fact that I made this hot girl so nervous made me realize I might actually be out of her league. Imagine that.
My personality hasn't changed much over the last decade. I literally just became successful a year ago. Before that I was living with roommates and making ok money. I was always in shape though, so I still attracted a lot of hot girls. Could never make LTR's work, which is why I started reading this forum.
But I'm at a much better place now. That number close today set off a light bulb. Game is really for guys trying to date out of their league.
You don't need DJ advice to date fat chicks, so why for anyone else? Because you are trying to punch above your weight. You don't need DJ advice if hot women think you're attractive already.
Don't get me wrong. The inner game stuff is very important. But when it comes to pick-ups and cold approaches, it seems like its more about your position than your game.
Am I on to something? I know this is just one random girl, but it got me thinking.