Most DJ advice is for dating out of your league


Apr 21, 2015
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you're living in a cartoon world if you think the average person gives a fvck about what you do with your day.

only people who like you or hate you will bother to keep track of your activities

people who like you will spin the things you do positively (practicing your game, slaying *****, etc.) people who don't like you will spin your actions negatively (thirsty, desperate, etc.)

people who have no particular opinion on you won't give a fvck what you're doing unless you go out of your way to get their attention (just don't talk too loud when flirting with girls)


is this a rationalization of being like the guy from the sitcoms with the hot wife who was the only girl to ever look at him?
Uh yea dude. Because some dude who's got a hot chick, is dating one, or is married to one could NEVER be able to get any other chicks. There's plenty of dudes who've got the looks, physique etc. total package and just so happen to be dating one chick whos smoking hot or married to one. If you think dudes like those only had "one" hot chick look at them or want to date them you need to get out of your house and stop living in dream world.

I know plenty of dudes like that personally. The types where chicks have been after them, still are, and are even more after them if they're married. Dating or being married to one hot chick means ZIP in regards to being unable to ever get some hot chick again.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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The thing about game is that it could make you forget the natural order of things. You come across as a high value and dominant guy, and women seduce you. That's the natural order of things. That's how nature created human beings.

Somewhere along the way, the PUA community convinced guys to throw their lives away and just learn game. So PUAs try to figure out what women want...while women try to figure out what the alpha male wants. So as a seducer, you get stuck in a matrix within a matrix.

I always tell guys to become the king of your tribe. And you will discover quickly game does not exist. Your task in life is to become a king, not a peasant seducer. Sure, game can serve as training wheels to learn how to be social. But a king doesn't even have to be social. He can be anti-social and women would rationalize it as "mysterious."

Value and dominance trumps everything.

Whatever the game tries to convince you that you need (c0cky funny, push pull, magic tricks, etc), you don't actually need. Dominance has no needs.

Dominance doesn't even need beliefs. I don't even need to believe in myself. My value does all the seducing for me. My charm precedes me.

If you don't think you can attract women as a high value guy with crappy inner game, then you haven't experienced limitless validation from women as a king of tribes.

In fact, most alpha males have ego and psychological/emotional issues.

Dominance is the panacea for all of your confusion with women. You are confused because you are not high status enough. If you were the king, all of the mystreries of women would reveal themselves to you in broad day light.

You will discover women are the REAL seducers. Game is a FEMALE thing. Neg hits was invented by women to knock a guy off his pedestal so he could notice the woman. Mystery literally stole female game and created the PUA community.

The PUA community is a bunch of former dweebs who couldn't cope being beta so they took female game to try to knock WOMEN off their pedestals.

So the OP is right. For a king, game doesn't even exist. He operates from his natural personality and women calibrate to HIM. It is the women who tool themselves out, or put in a better sense, shape themselves to his ideal image.

He is the flower, and she he the gardener who nurtures the flower and sees that it grows and bears fruit.

You are either the king of tribes and get limitless validation with 0% effort, or you are a try hard supplicating tool.

It is rarely an in between.

If you are not a true dominant alpha male with status and value, even if you have the best game, you will choke when the pressure is on with an HB 10. You would have to be a complete sociopath to act above your status for that long without her seeing right through you. And even then, she will always feel something is missing.

She will always feel intuitively that you are not a "natural". The PUA community calls dominant, high status alpha males "naturals." Women always know a natural from a phony.

A "natural" doesn't over-compensate in any way with what you call "game."

If you don't believe me, look at the official OLD thread and look at my convos with women. There is 0 trace of game. Guys have pmed me for game advice and my reply is always "I have a pic showing 6 pack abs with less than 10% body fat."

There is game. And then there is actual dominance. Dominance has no needs.

Dominance doesn't even need reason. I do whatever I want all the damn time just because I felt like it.

Reason exists for those who can't go through life without having a need to cling onto it. Let's go now...beyond the edge of reason. And you will discover that pure dominance rules the world.
1] Agree with you that game is feminine.

2] Disagree that dominance does not need belief. The problem is that with a lack of belief, you will always have a small voice asking whether you are delusional. If you make dominance absolutely central, then you just have something like 'the will to power'.

Where a man becomes authentic and dominant [self-realized] I think he has himself rooted in reality. And though it is at 'the edge of reason', as you put it, it is not irrational but supra-rational. It's like a synthesis of reason and emotion, or rather, in a word, aesthetics.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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When I said dominance doesn't need belief, I was referring to social status. Most celebrities are miserable but it doesn't change the fact that they can bed millions of women with low self esteem and crappy inner game. If you are dominant enough, you don't need anything (in the realm of women).

My dominance came BEFORE my belief. I'm still not sure if I have belief I can get women. But I do. Because I am an actual high status guy. Whether I believe in myself makes almost no difference. I'm not saying I have no belief. But dominance completely changed my abundance with women....and THEN my mind started changing and I started believing in myself.

It is the experience of abundance that changes your MIND and gives you belief. Your belief doesn't just come out of nowhere. Dominance comes first. Belief comes after, but one can argue it is not even needed if you are dominant and high status enough.

First comes dominance, then actual abundance, and then your mind changes and you think you're cool.

And how do you achieve dominance? Sheer will. Will is masculine effort to achieve success irregardless if you have belief or not.

I had the will to get 6 pack abs. My physique makes me dominant. I don't need to believe I can get girls. My value is self evident. I can even be mindless and still get laid.
Yes, dominance is importance. And I think it begins with dominance over yourself with self-control and discipline. The psyche is basically a bundle of chaotic factors in need of order by a dominant will [rational desire]. I think that leads not just to belief in self at the psychological level, but also metaphysical beliefs... that the self is grounded in reality.

Anyway, you realize you don't need game when you go out with your mates, lean on the bar, laugh out loud, and on your way out have the cutest girl introducing herself to you.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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Uh yea dude. Because some dude who's got a hot chick, is dating one, or is married to one could NEVER be able to get any other chicks. There's plenty of dudes who've got the looks, physique etc. total package and just so happen to be dating one chick whos smoking hot or married to one. If you think dudes like those only had "one" hot chick look at them or want to date them you need to get out of your house and stop living in dream world.

I know plenty of dudes like that personally. The types where chicks have been after them, still are, and are even more after them if they're married. Dating or being married to one hot chick means ZIP in regards to being unable to ever get some hot chick again.
i'm not saying that you can't choose to only have one woman, because you can, and that's respectable

it is however, undeniable fact that most people aren't actively choosing only one woman, most of them only have one woman to choose from and take what they get


Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
i'm not saying that you can't choose to only have one woman, because you can, and that's respectable

it is however, undeniable fact that most people aren't actively choosing only one woman, most of them only have one woman to choose from and take what they get
You must not know too many dudes or hang out with a majority of dudes who'd be lucky to get anyone.

I know plenty of dudes I grew up with and am friends with that are not only taken or married but when they go out have no problem talking to and having chicks interested, younger at that. Shyt I'll go out with friends who aren't going after anyone but just out BSing and having a good time and chicks will come up and start talking, or if ordering at a bar, out to eat etc. Then again a lot of dudes I know work out, have things going for them, aren't thirsty as they've been done the club thing and already have S.O., been many places and can talk about anything. Plus just hanging out, dressed well and having fun if chicks are feeling you and seeing you aren't chasing other chicks around they get curious and start talking. When chicks tell you "what's the deal with your friend, cousin etc." Or have their friend walk up to you and say my friend wants to talk to you. They're interested. And if you have a chick or not means little as you get them talking to you in one place or multiple places you've been you know you can get others if you wanted to.


Jan 28, 2017
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The City
So, let me get this right. Because this is a post from the twilight zone.

You are saying that you stand around looking as shiny as possible. And then you wait around for girls to open you.

And you call game feminine?

Are you not following the irony there at all? :D

Personally, I'm a guy that did what you are doing throughout his teen years and early 20's. And that's why I can say it's boring, and it sucks.

True growth happens outside of your comfort zone. Not by behaving like a teenage girl, and then backwards rationalizing it as some sort of alpha.

If you don't have the balls to go and open a woman, you ain't no "alpha".

Oh, and when Christopher Columbus agrees with you, you are wrong ;)
I agree with you. Women don't have any game.

They are reactive. Men are proactive.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
I had epiphany today after doing a number close on this 8.5 at a networking event today. You only need game, DJ tips and PUA stuff when you are trying to punch above your weight.
Come on bro. You are 32 years old. It took you that long to realize guys are only ever talking about good looking girls and not ugly looking ones? Brutal.

When I did that number close today, the girl's hands were shaking when she confirmed my text because she was so nervous. Nervous like an AFC.

Hot girls are not something new to me. But the fact that I made this hot girl so nervous made me realize I might actually be out of her league. Imagine that.
How do you know she wasn't nervous because her husband was in the other room? Or her stock crashed? Or she left the stove on? Or she forget to pick up her kid?

But I'm at a much better place now. That number close today set off a light bulb. Game is really for guys trying to date out of their league.

You don't need DJ advice to date fat chicks, so why for anyone else? Because you are trying to punch above your weight. You don't need DJ advice if hot women think you're attractive already.

Don't get me wrong. The inner game stuff is very important. But when it comes to pick-ups and cold approaches, it seems like its more about your position than your game.

Am I on to something? I know this is just one random girl, but it got me thinking.
Bro they all the same. All this be "worldly, ripped, rich, nice car, nice house, good job, and lots of savings before asking a girl out" is ridiculous. Any guy who looks respectable and can spit out some words should be able to pick up ANY girl within FIVE minutes. :)


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
I agree with you. Women don't have any game.

They are reactive. Men are proactive.
Depends what you mean by 'game'. If you are playing by some set of rules, and that is what 'game' implies, then you are reacting to what your opponent is throwing at you. If you are purely proactive and simply engaging on your own terms, I don't see why this should be called game. It's just being yourself. I think what happens as people progress in 'game', is that it tends to undo itself. But then they call that 'inner game'. :DAll semantics really.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
You know you are talking out of your ass man. Women have been stuyding how to attract men since we been playing with gi joe toys and they been reading cosmo.

For a guy who supposeldy had 60 lays, I'm surprised you think women dont have their own agenda.
And that would be a "game plan" or GAME... Women will knock a man off his "pedestal" if he allows for example.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
You know you are talking out of your ass man. Women have been stuyding how to attract men since we been playing with gi joe toys and they been reading cosmo.

For a guy who supposeldy had 60 lays, I'm surprised you think women dont have their own agenda.
No one said anything about agendas.

I said women have no game. At least the hot ones don't. Maybe you date a lot of fat chicks. They might have game. They would need it. But I don't know anything about that.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
WTF? Passive game? I don't even need game. I TAKE women. What the hell is game to a king? You really are an ex dweeb PUA. I was born alpha. Alpha males don't use game you dweeb. I AM the game. That's what you don't understand. It is beyond your reality as a low value game player who is reliant on tactics to appear high value.
Right, right, right. And hot women are usually born hot and don't need no damn game to get men.

You're still wrong dude.


Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
Well what isn't embarassing is this

And this

It's literally my thread AND repository of women I have seduced online.....supposedly the hardest place to get chicks.

So.....let me see your pics deesade...I'm waiting.
So you live in Philly or Cali? I see the chicks you were talking to are in Cali but your location is east coast Philly and all I saw was talk. No numbers given. Almost like a dude who's using some other dudes pics and putting the profile elsewhere then where he really lives to prove that chicks on OLD reply to better looking dudes but doesn't go into getting #'s because then the jig would be up as the number would be a philly # and he's not in cali with no other pics of "himself".

Not saying you didn't move to Cali but why have a Philly location on SS but actually be living in Cali?


Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
I grew up in philly, lived in cali, and moved back 2 months ago. But I don't even care really. Women aren't anything to brag about. It's actually an insult to my ego that anyone would think I would go out of my way to create different accounts. It's loserish thinking and a waste of time for me. If you can't get any value from my convos, then so be it. Move on with your life. I'm just putting it out there for people to learn from.
It wouldn't be an insult but a compliment.

Ahhh. So you in Philly now? I was just there a month ago with friends. Reading terminal market. Johns pork cheese steaks, went all over.

problem is most of these dudes think they need to use "game" instead of improving their physique and looks. normal convos don't seem to work for them. I'd be willing to bet dudes who pull the most online on here ALL work out. the "gamers just don't get it. it's almost like looking your best and getting in top shape is some alien concept and just imagining you're some "ultimate player" is the answer.


Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
A moderator from this site pmed me for advice on online game. And this was my reply:

1- Open with "How are you/you are very sexy"

2-I qualify them on what they do for fun, and what are they looking for, and then give them a compliment like "I like a sexy woman who is looking for fun/friends/enjoys this or that. Whatever the hell she says, I compliment her for it. A compliment based on her unique qualities shows genuine interest.

3- To express sexual intent and not look like a nice guy, I usually imply I am pushing for sex first and then go backwards. She'll offer to hang out, have dinner, etc, and I'll counter offer with "netflix and chill?" Then I go backwards to a compromise so she doesn't think my intention is just to entertain her.

ALso, I work out and have a picture of my torse/6 pack. I have actual sexual value and my game is just "solid" enough. Nothing spectacular. The mistake is thinking game can make up for lack of value.

If you are a high value guy, that is all you need. If I have to do more then that, then I would actually feel like an over-compensating loser.
you've posted "average" man "game" to the tinfoil hat wearing try hard "gamers" on here. they don't seem to get first you better look damn good in your pics and be in great shape to get the most replies and meets.

the "gamers" think talking to chicks is doing all sorts of magic word tricks as if chicks will just ignore the cut up dudes because they spit some robotic nerd lingo at her.

again I'd be willing to bet the dudes on here that do the best on old ALL work out and use their most flattering pics without needing to rely on "game" nonsense


Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
The ironic thing about OLD game is that the more casual you are, the more impressive you look. This is because confidence is not observed directly, but indirectly. If you come across as humble to women, if you don't qualify yourself in anyway, and if you act like YOU are the one qualifying her, she will think you are very high status.

My game is frame game. I frame myself as the selector. This skips over everyone's heads and people think my game is boring. But it has a psychological grip on women.

The most dominant alpha males have the strongest frames. They frame women as the ones who have to prove themselves. Anti-DUmp's "boring" system is an example of this.

The meta-frame of most try hard seducers is "I am trying to impress her."

That's game for 90% of Pua's/DJ's.

The top 10% guys flip the script. That's why naturals never look like they are doing anything. Everything looks effortless. And if you observe closely, you would even see hot women GAMING them!

Of course, hot guys, guys with actual value do all of this unconsciously. They are seeing if the woman is good enough and do not over-compensate in any way.
had the same shyt happen many times to myself and seen it with friends many times when out over the years.

you hang out with enough dudes that not only work out but are damn good looking chicks hit on them and many blatantly.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
That tells me right away you don't understand women. You think hot women don't flirt with guys to make you jealous? You never had a hot woman flip her hair into your face to get your attention? You never had hot women use plausible deniability (a reason to be alone without using sex as a pretext) like "Yeah, we should definately do that together sometime," only to have sex afterwards? You think hot women don't have LMR and ASD and have to use plausible deniability to feel less shame?

ALL women use plausible deniability until there is a sexual relationship, then she can be straight forward. Anyone with experience knows that. Woman have their own language and game.

You've never been negged by women because you are too high status? I get negged all the damn time....even by the hottest women. You must not be high value to not experience this.

Again, you are talking out of your a$$ man. You come across as a guy who thinks he's the first to get laid. You seem to think all hot women have perfect self esteem and can go up to any guy and be STRAIGHTFORWARD.

That's giving hot women a lot of credit and borderline pedestalizing them.

Women are ANYTHING but straightforward. And just because a woman is hot, it doesn't mean she has high self esteem. Most hot women are usually insecure and over-compensate by playing games.

What planet are you from again? It sounds to me like you been reading too many PUA books and ignoring your actual experience.

Before you give me another RSD, or PUA lingo like "men are active, women are reactive," I want you to cite your actual experience.

Just because women don't hit on you does not mean they don't have game. It just means you are not a top 10% guy.

P.S. I think I know where you are coming from now. You are not a guy women hit on, that's why you think women have no game. You have no concept of being high status enough to be chased and seduced by women.
What you are talking about isn't game bro.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
Well, all your saying @da dynamically is the hot bad-ass pretty-boy alphas don't need game. This kind of goes without saying.

But the guys that go out of their way to game are not in that league, which is why they learn game. They are wanting to imitate the alpha.

The question is whether an average dude, like myself.. and most probably most of us here, needs game. I think it may help as an initial phase, along the lines of training wheels. But then it's best to go 'natural' once you have learnt some good habits when relating to women. That is where the gamer goes from outer game to inner game. But this is just semantics.... someone who has good 'inner game' has just become, or is in the process of becoming, a natural. And I think this natural becomes more realistic also; he won't pursue the school boy's fantasy of getting the 'hottie', but will go for someone within or just above his 'smv' [ I really hate that phrase].


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
So a neg coming from a guy is game. But a neg coming from a woman isn't game? Creating jealousy as a PUA is considered game, but when women do it, it's not game? You don't make any sense man.
I'm not big into being fake.

Maybe that's why we don't see eye to eye. I'm more about inner game. The other stuff is for fake losers.

Hot girls don't need game to sleep with men. They need flirting and relationship skills to seduce him. That's different though.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
@da dynamically

Your funny man! Not to discredit your OLD game because you seem to be able to pull pretty well. But I would consider all of those women 6-7. But your method of getting them to engage is solid.

However, to the point about gaming above your level. Average joes use the DJ stuff to make their lives better and thereby attract higher quality women. You have utilized this stuff already and has become part of your life, so you don't consider it raw game. You have essentially reached the end of pook's book and sky is the limit. Ug women and fat women won't even bother trying to hit on you any more.

DJs should
-hit the gym and get in shape... ideally adding 20-30 lbs of muscle, and get to around 10% body fat
-Be natural with women - have fun with convo, treat them like your little sister, don't rely on PUA gimmicks
-Have the IDGAF attitude, which I have realized sets you apart from 90% of men on OLD

These are all basic things that many men outside of this forum do not do. This is a very small sample of the items it sounds like you employ in your life already. If everyone applies the DJs philosophies to their life, there is no longer game or gimmicks or anything, it just comes accross as natural. You could use the 4 stages of competence ...

1. unconscious imcompetence - complete AFC. They don't know what they don't know
2. conscious incompetence - Discover SS, starts reading, and studying, starts hitting the gym. They know what they don't know
3. conscious competence - This is the learning phase and where most guys stay for a long time. These are the budding DJs, who need to really learn to utilize everything they have learned. They know what they know.
4. Unconscious competence - Reached DJism. EVerything they have learned has become second nature. They are a "natural". Communication skills are beyond ridiculous, bodies are completely in tune with women and the world. They are completely career-focused. Women are truly just an accessory to their life, blah blah blah... They don't know what they know

Sounds like you have reached the 4th level, but there is no reason to criticize others that have not reached it yet. You use game, you just don't realize it...
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