As for your insistence I don't truly desire fat chicks, you're wrong. As I said to another poster on my last post, there are some fatties I find genuinely attractive.Yeah, I'm a little disappointed that he seems more fixated on presenting an argument justifying his actions than understanding the root of his problems. Maybe he'll get it, maybe he won't.
You are still justifying bad behavior here, and I don't know why. A woman's bad behavior doesn't absolve you of your role when you engage with it. Sleeping with taken/married women is not something to be proud of or aspire to - you are potentially ruining somebody's family, or even your own life by needlessly having casual sex with somebody whose spouse (likely) loves them and will often act out emotionally if that truth comes to light.
Even worse, you sound proud of your actions in that bold statement at the end there. I will try to give you advice so you can course-correct but know that I think you are 100% a piece of sh** for regularly doing this, justifying it, AND being proud of it.
This tells me you're not a chubby chaser - but you want sex with someone, even if it's not with someone you want. Like I said before, you lack standards, and that is not an attractive trait.
This is degenerate behavior. You waited until a woman was naked in your bed to turn her down? How in the hell does a woman you're not attracted to magically end up at your place, in your bed, undressed, without being stopped at any point before that?
Can you imagine how you'd feel if a woman was interested in you until she saw you naked? Can you imagine pulling out your c*ck and that being the moment a woman decides she'd prefer that you leave?
Fetishes in general are strange. That's why they're called fetishes. The fact that you have such a desire to exercise your fetishes means you will have to choose whether it's more important that you maintain a relationship, or whether you get to act out all your fantasies.
This is called circular reasoning. You're saying the reason women don't want you isn't because you're desperate...but also that you're desperate because women don't want you...therefore you come across as desperate and women don't want you. Do you get it?
I'm tired and need to go to bed so I'll try to wrap this up. First and foremost, as I've mentioned in some of my other lengthier posts about getting girls, you don't DESERVE anything from women. You are not ENTITLED to sex, relationships, love, companionship, or anything - you need to become the person that a woman will want those things from.
And I'll tell you what...women do not want those things with a homewrecker who searches Craiglist for sex, pays for prostitutes, has no standards, and will settle for obese women - if he doesn't kick them naked out of his bed first, and deeply desires women too old to carry his children - but not too old to carry a full bladder.
Most people's standards reflect how highly they perceive themselves because they want lovers and partners who measure up similarly. Your standards tell me that your perception of yourself is likely very low. I believe I gave you advice for how to fix that in your old 10+ page post.
Whether you take any of that advice, or any of this advice, is up to you.
The broad I sent home after sex (canceling our sleepover plans), in addition to being unbearable to be around, she wasn't even attractive (even if she was thin, she'd be ugly)
I like large backsides and large chests (which is one reason I'm into certain fat chicks).
Is a fat chick (even one I'm attracted to) my first choice? I'd say not. Then again, plenty of broads will settle for a man who isn't her first choice as long as he's enjoyable to be around. That's why I say if she's fat, she better at least be enjoyable to be around.
As for the first dates where the woman ended up naked in bed with me, only for me to decline sex, the problem wasn't that I found her ugly. The problem was my pregnancy phobia. One was 21; one was 38 (38 is still dangerously fertile). Therefore, your question about "what if a woman was into me until seeing me naked" is moot.
As for fetishes, they're called fetishes because most of the population doesn't share any given fetish. But that doesn't make a fetish wrong. In addition to being mild as far as fetishes go, my fetish is even mild as far as pee fetishes go (As I don't want to give/receive golden showers, nor do I want to drink pee. All I want to do is watch her pee)
At the end of the day, the fact of the matter is: Watching a woman pee is every bit as enjoyable as sex to me, therefore making it pointless to get involved with a woman who won't let me watch.
Your claim that I was desperate was totally true once upon a time (and I fully admit my desperation drove broads away in my younger days). At my current age, however, between my fallback plan for getting laid, as well as my lower sex drive, I really am not desperate anymore. Yet I still have bad luck.
As for getting with married broads, searching Craigslist for sex, settling for fatties and/or broads I'm not attracted to, paying for sex, etc...I've done all of that because I have a hard time getting sex any other way.
Do you really think I wanted to post Craigslist ads looking for a woman when I was in college, when I had access to foxes galore at school? Of course not. I went the Craigslist route because broads at school largely didn't want me (OK, my pregnancy phobia played a role too...but when virtually no broad at school wanted me, the fact I might have kicked her out of bed anyway...because I'd be afraid to get her moot)
As @SW15 has said before, if a college student relies on tech methods to get laid/dates, that's a sign he has a hard time attracting a female classmate.