Memorising lines for PRIMING dates.


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
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To Luke Skywalker,

Dude I was in your position a couple'a years ago. Just go out, be social, be cool and have fun. Find a girl that's willing to sleep with you and take her home.

FORGET ALL THE JARGON. You're only using it because you feel like you're getting somewhere, like it's all clicking. It's like you finally understand this seduction thing.

But you don't.

You need to go out into the world, forget about all the primers, and the little acronyms, and the jargon and BE SOCIAL if you want to get laid.

Don't delude yourself. Don't say "oh I easily could have slept with her but just didn't want to". If you find a girl attractive enough to sleep with and she's willing, then GO FVCK HER.

Mios Dio, go get laid my friend.

EDIT: And who the **** calls themselves Luke Skywalker instead of Han Solo?


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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I have things I recycle and say to every girl that make her laugh or whatever nearly every time. I have a few responses that I have for common questions (not like i purposely sat down and wrote them down.. just found some answered i like for those questions that always pop up) But planning out a whole conversation? Uh, no.

Please don't talk to your mom about relationships. She has no idea what women want just like every other woman.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
psychocandy said:
EDIT: And who the **** calls themselves Luke Skywalker instead of Han Solo?

Leia: I love you.
Han: I know.



Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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she wanted to go by the water, but my folks insisted I had to go to an anniversary party,
Your parents c0ckblocked you again.

Luke, You have no self-control. Everyone else has control of you life - your parents, the dating books you're reading, and because of this, you're left clueless on how to control yourself without someone else telling you what to do.

Let me ask, what would happen if you CHOSE not to attend the anniversary party with your parents?

You're also completely dedicated to making other people happy, so much that you're willing to sacrifice your own happiness. Why does it matter to make your parents happy by attending something you don't want to attend?

Christ, think about yourself for once! Make your own decision for once! You're in your 30s for fvck sake.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
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mrRuckus said:
I have things I recycle and say to every girl that make her laugh or whatever nearly every time. I have a few responses that I have for common questions (not like i purposely sat down and wrote them down.. just found some answered i like for those questions that always pop up) But planning out a whole conversation? Uh, no.

Please don't talk to your mom about relationships. She has no idea what women want just like every other woman.
Share a few examples then!

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Desdinova said:
Your parents c0ckblocked you again.

Luke, You have no self-control. Everyone else has control of you life - your parents, the dating books you're reading, and because of this, you're left clueless on how to control yourself without someone else telling you what to do.

Let me ask, what would happen if you CHOSE not to attend the anniversary party with your parents?

You're also completely dedicated to making other people happy, so much that you're willing to sacrifice your own happiness. Why does it matter to make your parents happy by attending something you don't want to attend?

Christ, think about yourself for once! Make your own decision for once! You're in your 30s for fvck sake.
Yeah, the "nice guy" routine isn't working for you.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
mrRuckus said:
I have things I recycle and say to every girl that make her laugh or whatever nearly every time. I have a few responses that I have for common questions (not like i purposely sat down and wrote them down.. just found some answered i like for those questions that always pop up) But planning out a whole conversation? Uh, no.

Please don't talk to your mom about relationships. She has no idea what women want just like every other woman.
You are absolutely right, you cant control a whole conversation, because it will just come across as stiff and robotic if you do that. You are probably not with the right girl if you have to do that anyway because that's how one would be if there is zero chemistry and you are forcing everything through.

However, if any of the questions serves a purpose to elicit laughs, then it would be a good idea to pursue it. The idea is lightening up the mood and getting the date to laugh and/or open up. If it works at that, then it's fulfilling it's purpose. Idea is keep a 'getting to know you' date short and sweet with at least some romantic type questions. It will jive with the right person who has the right attitude.

In the past it worked with one person, and it was tried a total of three times. The yongest person it worked well as she was enjoying it, while the older ones were more serious about it. You can also pick up attitudes. For example, if a girl says "all men are liars", when you ask them when they know they are appreciated by a guy, then you would want to end the date and move on as fast as possible becuase you dont want to date an attitude problem.

To recap:

When this was tried in the past on three different women.

1) Yongest woman age 26 - best result, enjoyed and laughed along with the questions.

2) Other woman 32 y/o - didn't work, whole conversation was plotted out, didn't jive properly with her.

3) Other woman 34 y/o, did work - she was a nut-job that said men were liars through those questions. Enough information elicited to disqualify her and save time.


So, the Priming date worked in the past in two out of three cases, and at least one case, it sort of 'made the date' since the date enjoyed the type of questions, and in one case, it served to disqualify.


I've made a few modifications above to sort of change a few things:

i.e. if I ask her how her first kiss was, expect her to ask the same - but dont disclose I never kissed before, say some BS about an imaginary experience and make it sound romantic.

A seduction date follows THE SAME DATE AND TIME as a priming date, if the priming date goes well, there is chemistry, dont wait two or three weeks to go to a more romantic venue, escalate RIGHT AWAY and up the antes.