Memorising lines for PRIMING dates.

May 23, 2006
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Epsi, it seems that you have benefit well with the concepts of the 'How to Succeed with Women' book. In all it goes into details about where to meet women, some flirting insights, priming dates, seduction dates for k-close and f-close (which could also be done in priming dates if it's working right). However, I think it is a bit weak on the flirting part.

They have a sequel book to this called "How to Talk to Women", I'm just curious as to whether you also have a copy of this, or it has worked for you. It seems that while their first book seems to have been a success, their second book doesn't seem to have the same 'punch', at least on the Amazon reviews.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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Luke Skywalker said:
I already have a toxic influence with my mom, and simply do not need any other people in here writing long lecture posts about self-improvement, because it's not relevant to the topic at hand, and it sort of undermines this thread.
We're all brothas here on this board. I doubt anyone here wants to nag you. Don't want to hear a post on self-improvement? Why are you on this board then?

Many people here want to help. They give advice that hope will help.

No one wants to **** your life up. I doubt anyone here can anyway. Good GOD MAN! You are 30 years old! And a VIRGIN! What do you have to lose by heeding advice from those who have accomplished what you are seeking???
May 23, 2006
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Call_Me_Daddy said:
We're all brothas here on this board. I doubt anyone here wants to nag you. Don't want to hear a post on self-improvement? Why are you on this board then?
To learn how to relate with women that I am interested in, in a way that will be a win win situation and outcome for both me and a prospective girl, in a nutshell. That is the fundamental premise. That is ultimately what this board is about.

Call_Me_Daddy said:
Many people here want to help. They give advice that hope will help.
I understand. I just have a difficult time when people knock a book down that they haven't even read or if they have read it, never tried it out to see if it worked or not and then giving advise to throw away the book, or saying not to used memorised lines. I just encourage objectivity relating to the subject at hand when trying to help.


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2006
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I think you are relying too heavily on this book and its methods. The methods may be sound, but you need a foundation to work from. I could pick up a book on become a Major League Baseball player and follow all the steps, but I will still fail miserably because I don't have the basic skills to become ML baseball player. I would be better off increasing my athletic ability through exercise than trying to learn the methods used by pro ball players.

Or another example, like reading "How to become a successful CEO". You have to become a CEO first to become a successful CEO.

Your romantic banter won't work if you really have never been romantic before.

Everyone here is giving you good advice and you don't seem to accept it. The way you have presented what you learned from this book does not sound like good advice. If you want help, then you should listen to what the majority of posters here have written. Its not about the book, its what will work for you.
May 23, 2006
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rocky_mtn said:
I think you are relying too heavily on this book and its methods.
The book's thrust is really on where to meet women, priming and seduction dates, and some other data, such as problem babes, etc... It's written for anyone who is failing miserably with women.

rocky_mtn said:
The methods may be sound, but you need a foundation to work from.
But, if I'm able to convince a girl to spend time with me, or a girl wants to spend time with me, even in one case driving an hour and a half to meet me, then I must have some 'foundation'.

But you are right, that book doesn't really cover talking with women or goes indepth to flirting with them, but I'd assume their sequel book would provide more 'foundation' for that type of stuff. The book does say to practise flirting with any woman, not just the ones you are attracted to.

rocky_mtn said:
I could pick up a book on become a Major League Baseball player and follow all the steps, but I will still fail miserably because I don't have the basic skills to become ML baseball player. I would be better off increasing my athletic ability through exercise than trying to learn the methods used by pro ball players.
This books is written by AFC's for AFCs, as I've read in some reviews. Lots of reviews complain that this book is too basic that it is a waste of money. It's not exactly an 'advanced' book by a long-shot.

rocky_mtn said:
Or another example, like reading "How to become a successful CEO". You have to become a CEO first to become a successful CEO.

rocky_mtn said:
Your romantic banter won't work if you really have never been romantic before.
But that's a self-limiting statement. Anyway, there is no harm in throwing a few lines into a 30-60 minute meeting. It goes without saying, the MAJORITY of the time, the book doesn't touch it. It's not a scripted and choreographed date like I'm infront of a camera.

The idea here is to do the little things that could make an impression and make it work. Little things like touching her casually five times, winking at her once, making a joke or something to make her laugh for 40 seconds, bringing up romantic conversation somehwere in the date.

The book does not say, have a priming date for 5 minutes, perform some sort of magic trick by saying romantic lines verbatum and then kiss her. You are going to be yourself the majority of the time, or 90% of the time, but you are going to have a set-up where that 10% is going to be scripted, cheoreographed, or your mind is going to be on that 10% to have something goal or agenda, while the other 90% is let-loose and have fun.

Going over that 10% now:

1) Touch her at least five times - when she is going to her seat, touch her arm for a moment when talking, to emphasise a particular point, touch her back when directing her to your table, gesture with your body - when hands are futher from your body touch her.

2) Touch her hand at least once - to emphase some point that's being made, look into her eyes, then take it away.

<logic dictates her hands have to be on the table to be able to touch them. Mirroring - keep my hands on the table, do not put them under the table, she may do the same. That's not in the book.>

3) Look into her eyes too long.

4) Check out her body at least one time, look at it and stare at her to her eyes.

5) Make decisions easily.

6) Wink at her at least once.

7) Ask and manage romantic dialogue.

8) Compliment her three times.

-) if possible, have fun.

As the book also says, if you CAN have fun with your date - forget about everything else and just have fun. If you are not having fun, it goes without saying, go by the book.

This is it - head is going to be on how I'm going to touch her and when, making a few compliments, a wink, or using kino in a cordinated way, now I agree, this part may be a bit hard, but if you are relaxing into the date it should be easier.

rocky_mtn said:
Everyone here is giving you good advice and you don't seem to accept it. The way you have presented what you learned from this book does not sound like good advice. If you want help, then you should listen to what the majority of posters here have written. Its not about the book, its what will work for you.
I have to try this book to see if it will work for me. If I dont try it, then I wont know.
May 23, 2006
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Table Posture

Where you are sitting on your date.

According to S&C program, one should sit next to your date, not across from her, order shrimp, if it's on the menu, and feed her, and let her feed you.

Can this varient be added to a PRIMING DATE? or is coffee still cheaper and better.

Finally, if the table distance if far, like it was on the last date, and it's like I'm talking to someone that's a mile a way, how is that resolved? I mean if it's that bad, either you would have to find antoher table where you can sit beside her or you'll have to go to a different restaruant or shop altogether.

The last c&b there was too much distance between myself and the date, and I think it made it more ackward to touch her casually when making a point or anything.


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2006
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The last c&b there was too much distance between myself and the date, and I think it made it more ackward to touch her casually when making a point or anything.
Too much space between you two won't make or break the date. But you are on the right track. It just sounds very calculated how you present it. For example, don't worry about touching 5 times, touch her when ever you can and as appropriate. Wink at her if its the right time like if she makes a joke and you two stop laughing and you silence. But if you are nervous, skip the wink, it won't look natural.

You've listed some good tools, just remember that each job is different so sometimes you have to chose from your aresenal and not just go through the list.

Also, gear your dates to the kino/toughing dates. Picnic in the park, followed by an optional walk. You have a blanket that you'll bring to sit on, check the size of the blanket and brind the smallest clean picnic blanket you can find, then you'll be sure to sit close to her. Wine and cheese/crackers is a good date things or do snacks, or lunch, whatever, just make it nice. This is a romantic date, so there you go, ask her what her most romantic date ever was. When she asks you what your most romantic date was, say this one and then stare in her eyes, laugh and rub her shoulder.

just some more ideas,

I have to try this book to see if it will work for me. If I dont try it, then I wont know.
you don't learn math by reading just one book, same here, incorporate this with other knowledge and find something your style. I have faith that you will make progress.
May 23, 2006
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Thanks for the tip. I know what to answer her if she asks me what my romantic date was. However, the books says, dont ask her what her romantic date is out of the blue. You need an excuse, and description before the question to buffer it, for example as follows:

The book itself suggests these lines to bring up 'the most romantic date':

"My friend Mary was just telling me about the most romantic date she was ever on. It was amazing. Imagine this: you are out with a man you really like and find really attractive. You are sitting in this gorgeous outdoor restaurant, overlooking a lake. The autumn colours are just perfect. The air is fresh and smells so great, you feel like you don't even need to eat, just sit there and breathe that sweet air. Anyway, that's how she put it. And you have this incredible date as the sun goes down over the water, and the stars come out and the moon rises, and the two of you feel so connected, so in love, you know what I mean? What would you say is your most romantic moment ever?"

Then whatever she replies you tell her this:

"Wow. What was it about that that made you feel best?"
"I'm very impressed. Will you tell me more of the details?"
"Fascinating. Tell me more about [some part of the experience]"
"How did that make you feel?"
"That's amazing. Have you felt that way since?"

If she asks me my most romantic date - then I will bring up that answer.

The only problem I can see if she asks me romantic questions relating to my first kiss, I really dont have anything to say, but anyway, this is good stuff, keep them coming.

BTW: I memorised that whole crap a couple of days ago. That, my friend Mary stuff, and my mom laughed at me, and said if it were a girl, she'd laugh and run. It's a big jazz to memorise.
May 23, 2006
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Ignition ON.

Date is set for tommorow. This is the Second time that I'll be meeting this girl. Although I didn't do a structured PRIMING date on her the first time, I've decided I'll test practise her for a PRIMING date format on the second date. A post date-report on this will be made tommorow.

Most canned lines and routines have been memorised. I'm going to allow THREE DATES to C&B with varients of this method before I pull the plug, if all dates go to seduction dates effectively - then great.

Main focus, spending as little money as possible - resist the temptation to order anything further than Iced Tea or Coffee, make sure if really having fun to pull the plug and say there is an appointment and cut the date no sooner than 30 minutes. Other than those varients, as rocky_mtn has said, I'm going to wait for the right opportunities to apply kino and his other added statements.

ANOTHER THING - if women tell me, why I am on the internet or what I'm looking for, I'll have to think of something - I'm going to make a new thread for that.


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2006
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Allright man, look forward to your FR.

But remember, most importantly of all is HAVE FUN, forget the memorized lines and list, and first and foremost make sure that you are having fun and that she is hacving fun. The rest will follow.

May 23, 2006
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Fr: Priming Date.

The results of the PRIMING date appear to be a success. The chronology as the date as follows:

1) I meet date at local coffee shop. She purchased a coffee for both of us and I pointed to a table furthest at the back at the coffee shop.

2) I brought with me a book on "Natural Healing", and a very old transit map.

3) I sat down immediately, and she followed. I couldn't bring myself to direct her to her seat, or touch her on the back as the book said.

4) We talked, on neutral subjects, and it seemed the convo's held for about 15 minutes before it started to get boring.

5) Started asking memorised questions - she started laughing her head off.

6) I touched her on the arm while she was laughing, to establish some kino.

7) She answered each question, and seemed to enjoy herself, I sort of bombed out on the first kiss question when she counter-asked me by saying "duh, I never kissed a girl before". oopsies.

8) At the conclusion of the questions - I sware this is truth:
She told me that she would like a picnic date with me near the lake by island.

It's like the book HTSWW came to life with this girl, she was even taking the lead of the next seduction date.


- Date was 45 minutes before I pulled the plug. But when it was 'tapering off', she asked me if I had to go, and I told her I have to go in five minutes.

- She suggested a date near a lake and having a picnic about two weeks from now (I never said that idea - it's like whatever rocky_mtn said, she said it out of her own mouth, I was like huh?)

- Nothing offensive came out of my mouth this time. No ex's were brought up, no stupid questions of how many men she slep with or if she fingered herself - no intense religious questions or issues were brought up either.

- Priming date was almost textbook, except I failed to wink, touch her for at least five times (touched her only twice), whisper, but, hey, this is the first PRIMING date I'm really doing this, so I have to cut myself some slack.

- No k-close was attempted since there was not enough privacy in this venue, however, I'm going to try a k-close when I go to the islands.

Well, that's it. The only sure thing is when the second date actually happens, which I feel is a strong likely hood that it will.

May 23, 2006
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Ok, this is the PRIMING DATE in question with the major fvck up.

This girl, was THROWING herself at me, and instead I got all tense and went with this PRIMING date script, she wanted to go by the water, but my folks insisted I had to go to an anniversary party, and kept like a 45 minute PRIMING date at Tim Hortons. RESULT. Another player bagged her either that day or that week, and now she doesn't want to date anyone because she's all bitter and sore, while maintaining to me that she had no one and is currently - off the chart.

his is like the dumbest mistake of my life and I'm complaining I got beta-rejected. What a fvck up.

Question: What do when a girl THROWS herself at you? Duh. I dont know, I have social anxiety and am worried being around women, and like saying I got rejected when another guy takes them.

The HTSWW book has really been a help. Biggest fvck up this year. I'm too slow for these fast girls.


Don Juan
May 15, 2006
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South Africa
So your saying you went on the second date as a coffee date instead of the picnic? Well, it sucks that someone else bagged her, but I'd consider it a success that you at least got a second date!

Personally I would have shifted the date of the picnic rather if I got tied up with something that clashed with the preset date and couldn't be canceled.

except I failed to wink, touch her for at least five times
I wouldn't stress the fine print if I were you, I don't think I'd feel natural squeezing in a wink for instance, which would in turn wierd her out. I can't say I have a string of successful dates, but I am pretty sure rejections aren't attributed to my failing to wink at them! :) So don't try to force in something like winking if you are not comfortable doing it.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Luke Skywalker said:
...Question: What do when a girl THROWS herself at you? Duh. I dont know, I have social anxiety and am worried being around women, and like saying I got rejected when another guy takes them..
No matter how good any book, web site or seminar may be, none of them can prepare you for every situation. The problem with memorizing scripts is that you get yourself dependent on them. Any deviation from what you have prepared for will throw you off balance.

This is why concepts work better. They give you a theory and you can play off of it depending on your personality, the situation and the woman you're sarging. In your situation the best concept you could have followed would have been a variation of mirroring, basically what ever she does to you, do it back. If your game is on you could do something a little different to escalate things slightly. The chances would be good that she would have reciprocated.
May 23, 2006
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afc_2_dj said:
So your saying you went on the second date as a coffee date instead of the picnic? Well, it sucks that someone else bagged her, but I'd consider it a success that you at least got a second date!
It's worst than that, some other guy bagged her BEFORE that second date and sort of damaged her, and now, she has put up a website (when I went to Italy) about how she resents men and is now acting like a total loser about it.

In other words - I really lost out by 'sticking to the script' and should have spent the day with her when I had the chance. I DIDN'T EXPECT HER TO THROW HERSELF - I went to the Priming date script instead.

afc_2_dj said:
Personally I would have shifted the date of the picnic rather if I got tied up with something that clashed with the preset date and couldn't be canceled.
But the experience with the player has damaged her so that I cant get the picnic date or any such date anymore. She's writing songs and encouraging women to keep their guards up - she's gone. She was a virgin before I think and got hung up on that player.

All I can say, is when I fvck up, I fvck up good and royally.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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You have such a complicated mind. You have spent picking up women look like rocket science. You have a scientist's mind. Why don't you spend this time investigating women on more useful endeavors like starting a business or inventing something and striking it rich off the patent?


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Luke Skywalker said:
No offense intended to anyone. All I want is respect. I dont need a lecture on self-improvement if I'm making a thread on memorising lines on a priming date.

Hey if you can't see the relevant connection it's your problem. You're the tool memorizing bullsh1t from a book that your own mommy can see through.


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2006
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Dont memorise whole conversations. Pick subjects to talk about and prepare answers for questions you are likely to be asked such as what are your interests etc.
May 23, 2006
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New Priming Dates. New Plan.

Possible date this week, not later than Friday.

RE-OPENING HTWSWW with modifications, including MIRRORING, and binding the SEDUCTION date to overlap with the PRIMING date one time. (no postponements of appointments). KISS-CLOSE ATTEMT AT END OF PRIMING/SEDUCTION DATE. Due to my own lack of experience with women, time spent hang-out with prospect women will be maximized.


Ok, for any new priming date, a few modifications are going to be made based on past experience.

Basically, the concept of a first meeting is to get acquainted with each other, there is no 'critical judgements' or personal questions that are going to be circulated during that date. The date is told that we are just going to get acquainted with each other.

Time-line is going to be restricted to 30 minutes or to point of 'drag', when things start tapering off or getting boring.

Up to three memorised lines may persist to give the conversation a romantic bend, with the following modificatins.

The first-kiss line routine - DO NOT TELL DATE I NEVER KISSED A GIRL IN MY LIFE if the date asks. A new line "It was very romantic, it was a brief moment in time that seemed to stretch for an eternity as our lips touched and we felt so connected and so in love", or some BS like that.

Other lines are fine. They are just thrown in for fun. That's the thing, keep them fun, idea of lines is to make date laugh or have fun.


Do not mention or bring up any talk about the fact I'm a virgin, or how many guys she slept with. Any questions relating to that shall be answered "I do not kiss and tell". On a subsequent date such questions if persisted may be answered.


A Seduction type of date, or going to a romantic-venue that the girl may suggest, or as pre-set shall FOLLOW IMMEDIATELY after a successful PRIMING date, which will be successful if I dont say anything stupid.

The practise of 'setting a second' date or something like that is going to change to 'setting the second date' the same time or day and progressing to eventual isolation and then to kiss close.
