Mel Gibson...Is he a Don Juan?

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Alle_Gory said:
Calling Mel Gibson a Nazi really undermines who the real Nazis were in the second world war and the atrocities they committed. Not to mention the man can't possibly have any affiliation with the Nazi party which was disbanded 66 years ago. Get your history straight.
Jesus. So the guy forgot to put "neo" in front of it. So what? Nobody's suggesting Mel Gibson is a 90 year old former Nazi. The term was used in hyperbole. Don't be so literal. Although, for the record. My history IS straight. The Nazi party was disbanded just over 65 years ago. In July of 1944, I assure you...the Nazis were still in power. So far in this conversation, YOU are the only one who has made false remarks about the events of World War II.

Well, the man's a raging alcoholic. He's been in the news for various **** like this.
Again, I never say s.hit like that when I'm drunk. In vino veritas.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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The whole point of DJ'ing is not only to bed hot women but also maintaining the frame and not losing contro/powerl in a relationship. Clearly getting into a heated argument like that shows who exactly was in charge of the relationship (his woman) and who lost control/power in the relationship (Mad Max).

Also someone in Mel's position (a multi millionaire movie star) should have been smart enough to wrap it up when he was banging his g.f/Mistress.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Just a Shot Away said:
Jesus. So the guy forgot to put "neo" in front of it. So what?
Neo Nazis are very much like the old ones, in that they are organized and they have specific goals in mind. Mel Gibson is an angry drunk. He's an alcoholic who's big angry mouth has landed him in sh*t before.

The term was used in hyperbole. Don't be so literal.
Exaggeration has a tendency to get you in trouble. Just ask Mel Gibson.

My history IS straight. The Nazi party was disbanded just over 65 years ago. In July of 1944, I assure you...the Nazis were still in power. So far in this conversation, YOU are the only one who has made false remarks about the events of World War II.
2010 and 7 months (July) less 1944 and 7 months (July) equals 66 years and no months.

Although, it really depends. You could consider the Nazi party to have dissolved when they officially surrendered in May of 1945.

Da Realist

Master Don Juan
Sep 1, 2005
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Memphis, TN
This whole subject is like asking a person who just got shot in the shoulder if he's alright: sure he's breathing, but he'll scream, "No, I just shot in the ****ing shoulder!"

That being said, Mel Gibson may be able to pull in a lot of fine women but it's probably the last thing that anyone should be worried about.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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kingsam said:
why are people arguing about this?

hes a C U N T ... period.
I'm curious. Have any of you guys met a nice alcoholic?

Now I'm not defending what he did, but the man has problems that are WAY beyond racial slurs.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Alle_Gory said:
2010 and 7 months (July) less 1944 and 7 months (July) equals 66 years and no months.
Heh, I don't really feel bad about hijacking this thread since Mel Gibson doesn't really matter to me and this thread is in the wrong forum I'll go ahead and respond. Your calculation is correct, however my point was that in July of 1944 the Nazis were still in power so your statement about the Nazi Party being disbanded 66 years ago was totally false. Today is the 13th of July, 2010 so 66 years ago, Nazis were still alive and kickin'.

Although, it really depends. You could consider the Nazi party to have dissolved when they officially surrendered in May of 1945.
Well, obviously. Donitz still headed the Nazi party in early May, so no, it was not disbanded yet. About two months ago, we hit the 65th anniversary of the end of Nazi Germany. I wouldn't be so nitpicky if you hadn't begun questioning my knowledge of history and talking down to me, but facts are facts. The Nazis disbanded 65 years ago, not 66.

Now I'm not defending what he did...

Mel Gibson was drunk and angry and yelled some racist **** at his ex-wife in his alcohol and stress fueled rage. Whopp-te-doo.
Come on. Stick by your viewpoints. Don't try to church 'em up now that you realize that nobody agrees with you. You think that it's cool to go around telling folks that it's not your fault if they get raped by a "pack of n*ggers" as long as you're drunk and angry? Awesome. Shout it loud and proud. But don't try saying that you're not trying to provide a defense or excuses for the guy.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Godammit What is the obsession on Who is a DJ and who's not?

The question you have to ask yourself about Mel Gibson...1. Was he drunk? 2. Was he being honest? 3. Why would he make such statements if he wasn't mental or drunk? It sounds to me, from reading the transcript, that this is a guy who is at his wits end with a woman. It sounds like every AFC trait magnified a million times. 'I left my wife for you, why do you dress like a slut, I hate you and want to kill you, I'm nice to you and your a bytch, I did everything for you and you don't appreciate it." What's her name? Oksana? She's russian. You know how those broads get down. She's playing the **** out of Mel and he's falling for it. All the way down to the domestic violence angle. Classic russian wife game. LOL
Jan 12, 2010
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you guys really need to stop the male bashing.

Men are free to say whatever they want to any woman that they feel is being a bytch. Racial slurs? We all talk like this when we are mad at some bytch who we thought we loved (I say n1gga all the time, but i don't hate on black people whatsoever)......and that bytch would most likely be yelling even WORST things back at us............but this one here was recording the convo so she kept her cool on purpose, just to manipulate Mel into sounding like a psycho.

This was all part of a bigger fight.......but of course, we never get to hear the SHYT that some of these PSYCHO WOMEN say, because somehow it NEVER EVER gets recorded.

I wonder what Elin Woods was yelling at Tiger when she found out he was cheating, as she was beating him with a golf club?

But no, women MUST be made to look like angels in front of the american public, a man is ALWAYS in the wrong about everything.

I am 100% that the bytch who Mel Gibson was yelling at deserved every bit of it, and then some.
Jan 12, 2010
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look at this coverup:

Poor Chris Henry, he died when he fell off of a pickup truck that his fiance was driving and CLEARLY swerving in order to get him to fall off during a fight they were having.

She was never investigated, because NO WAY could a woman swerve a pickup truck so that her man who is trying to stop her from driving away, ends up falling off. The story says he "fell" off the pickup truck.

Why is this woman being protected from prosecution?

Look at the 1st line here, in an update to this story:

Chris Henry, the Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver who died in a traffic accident last year

A traffic accident? Are you FVCKING kidding me?????

Women can do no wrong, and that is how everything in the media needs to be reported!!

I can't believe how some of you pvssies can actually hate on Mel Gibson and the LEGAL (1st amendment) verbal bashing that he gave to his attention-wh0ring girlfriend.!!!


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Just a Shot Away said:
Come on. Stick by your viewpoints. Don't try to church 'em up now that you realize that nobody agrees with you.
Ummm... ok?

You think that it's cool to go around telling folks that it's not your fault if they get raped by a "pack of n*ggers" as long as you're drunk and angry? Awesome. Shout it loud and proud. But don't try saying that you're not trying to provide a defense or excuses for the guy.
I don't think it's acceptable at all, but that doesn't make the man a Nazi, a member of the KKK, the Black Panthers... and other such hate groups.

"Hey I heard that man said something anti-semitic. Naaaaziiii!!!! Where's your Hitler moustache??!!... etc"

Sounds pretty absurd doesn't it? I'm sure you'll appreciate the exaggeration since that seems to be how you understand things.
Jan 12, 2010
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Alle_Gory said:
Ummm... ok?

I don't think it's acceptable at all, but that doesn't make the man a Nazi, a member of the KKK, the Black Panthers... and other such hate groups.

"Hey I heard that man said something anti-semitic. Naaaaziiii!!!! Where's your Hitler moustache??!!... etc"

Sounds pretty absurd doesn't it? I'm sure you'll appreciate the exaggeration since that seems to be how you understand things.

why are you arguing with Deus ex Pianoforte? He is not even qualified to have a viewpoint of how men act/speak/think


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Rescue Mission said:
why are you arguing with Deus ex Pianoforte? He is not even qualified to have a viewpoint of how men act/speak/think
I see.

My mistake. Thanks Rescue. Would've wasted time.


Don Juan
Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
Just gonna have to say some people are being a bunch of Cvnts on this thread. I mean seriously it's a lighthearted topic, no need to piss and moan. Go get you some or beat off the stfu.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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Rescue Mission said:
you guys really need to stop the male bashing.

Men are free to say whatever they want to any woman that they feel is being a bytch. Racial slurs? We all talk like this when we are mad at some bytch who we thought we loved (I say n1gga all the time, but i don't hate on black people whatsoever)......and that bytch would most likely be yelling even WORST things back at us............but this one here was recording the convo so she kept her cool on purpose, just to manipulate Mel into sounding like a psycho.

This was all part of a bigger fight.......but of course, we never get to hear the SHYT that some of these PSYCHO WOMEN say, because somehow it NEVER EVER gets recorded.

I wonder what Elin Woods was yelling at Tiger when she found out he was cheating, as she was beating him with a golf club?

But no, women MUST be made to look like angels in front of the american public, a man is ALWAYS in the wrong about everything.

I am 100% that the bytch who Mel Gibson was yelling at deserved every bit of it, and then some.
We may disagree on masturbation, but this is spot on. She baited him. She was recording him to use against him not only in court but in the court of public opinion, for money, for the media. Evil personified is not Mel. It's b!tches everywhere.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Poonani Maker said:
We may disagree on masturbation, but this is spot on. She baited him. She was recording him to use against him not only in court but in the court of public opinion, for money, for the media. Evil personified is not Mel. It's b!tches everywhere.

You could tell by her quote marion barry, "bytch set me up".


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
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Definitely didn't expect this thread to take the turn it did... You guys are ridiculous.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Alle_Gory said:
Sounds pretty absurd doesn't it? I'm sure you'll appreciate the exaggeration since that seems to be how you understand things.
Listen, you're too emotionally invested in this. Are you Mel Gibson's brother or something? Don't take it so personally. "Nazi" has become part of the English vernacular to be used for someone that is exceptionally racist, particularly against the Jewish people. It's not my fault, or the dude with whom you took exception to using that term. Blame Random House. You're barking up the wrong tree, little doggy.

My mistake. Thanks Rescue. Would've wasted time.
You know you're in sad shape when you start listening to guys like skip2mylou. I think you should just sit the rest of this thread out.

Rescue Mission said:
He is not even qualified to have a viewpoint of how men act/speak/think
Listen here, skip. You are unaware of the basics of sexual selection and are therefore in no position to be challenging the fundamentals of biology. You have no background in the life sciences field, and have done ZERO research on the mating patterns of animals. I mean shit, still think that women prefer guys with facial symmetry to guys that are able to defend the nest and provide for their offspring. This ill-formed viewpoint shows a SEVERE bankruptcy of knowledge in this subject. If you expect to come here flapping your lips about how all the research of the past 150 years done on sexual selection is wrong, you had best bring your A-game because anybody who knows anything about this subject will run your ass straight into the ground. Now run along and let the adults speak.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2009
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Holy cow!!! After reading this thread, I had no idea there were so many misognystic pricks and dumba$$'s who take everything so literal on this forum. Wow! Just wow!!!


New Member
Apr 13, 2009
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These media-created Mel Gibson-smears spread like a virus... once the "Nazi" or "racist" button is pushed, rational thinking is off, it seems. I find this ballyhoo about Gibson ridiculous. It is blown up to hysterical proportions. I guess there are a few people in Hollywood that have an axe to grind with Mel, and that's the reason. Don't act like Pavlovian dogs here. I dont want to know how many Hollywood celebrities have come up with rants like these, including Jewish and Black ones. As far as I know Hollywood is not exactly known to be a heaven of saints. Meanwhile, old child rapist Polanski is free again...

As to the DJ question, it is quite useless out of context. Is a DJ always being perfect and cool, does he never get his balls busted or get frustrated by nasty females? As to the initial question that was certainly not a cool way to tell her what he didn't like. But there was more going on in the background. I have no idea who is the guilty one in this case. Maybe Mel is a real, bitter *******, maybe he caught himself a really bad *****, maybe both. It can even happen to movie stars.