Mel Gibson...Is he a Don Juan?


New Member
Apr 13, 2009
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I dont want to stray too far off-topic, but let me delight in the ultimate, delicious irony of the case. Maybe then it gets clearer whats happening here and what not.

So the "William Morris Endeavor" agency (WME) dumps Mel because board member Ari Emanuel says "we can't represent a guy who said the N-word".

How considerate of them. That is possibly also why the WME has been representing for years soft-spoken gentlemen such as Snoop Dogg, 50 Cent or Ice Cube (among others), all of whom would of course rather bite their tongues off than utter something "sexist", violence-glorifying, let alone the N-aughty Word. As is commonly known these gentlemen actually made a career out of being as soft-spoken about these subjects as they are.

Aside from this, the WME didn't dump Charlie Sheen either.

Go figure. :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Trimalchio said:
I dont want to stray too far off-topic, but let me delight in the ultimate, delicious irony of the case. Maybe then it gets clearer whats happening here and what not.

So the "William Morris Endeavor" agency (WME) dumps Mel because board member Ari Emanuel says "we can't represent a guy who said the N-word".

How considerate of them. That is possibly also why the WME has been representing for years soft-spoken gentlemen such as Snoop Dogg, 50 Cent or Ice Cube (among others), all of whom would of course rather bite their tongues off than utter something "sexist", violence-glorifying, let alone the N-aughty Word. As is commonly known these gentlemen actually made a career out of being as soft-spoken about these subjects as they are.

Aside from this, the WME didn't dump Charlie Sheen either.

Go figure. :rolleyes:

Let's face facts. Hollywood is run by Jews. If they wanted to drop him over racial slurs they would have over the "the jews caused all of the wars in the world". Either they had enough of him (and they know him personally and deal with him so they know what sort of asshat he might REALLY be) or, his star is fading (his last movie didn't do so well, although it was entertaining), but I think there is more to the story than just, He said the N word, oh no! drop him! It's more to the story. He may be completely unwraveling or unbankable at the box office, or a terror to work for and this was just the thing they needed to part ways while getting a parting shot in. I don't believe Ari Emanuel's statements for one second. Filthy lying jew bastard. LOL I kid I kid. I had a Mel Gibson moment.

As for being a so called DJ. When you are that famous and you see guys going down all around you on the set up or mistresses snitching or blatant gold digging and leaked conversations (Tiger and Alex Baldwin come to mind), you have watch your corners and check the angles. Let your assistant go tell her what you really have to keep your cool. And stay off the phone when your angry!


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Just a Shot Away said:
"Nazi" has become part of the English vernacular to be used for someone that is exceptionally racist, particularly against the Jewish people. It's not my fault, or the dude with whom you took exception to using that term. Blame Random House. You're barking up the wrong tree, little doggy.
I summed up your motto for you:

"The lowest common denominator does it, so that means it's ok for me!"

Way to have standards. Hey, I hear the N-Word is also part of the English vernacular.

You know you're in sad shape when you start listening to guys like skip2mylou. I think you should just sit the rest of this thread out.
I agree with the guy because he's right and he has a good point, and for no other reason. Unlike you, I treat things on a case by case basis and don't follow the sheep.


Don Juan
May 9, 2010
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I like Mel Gibson, he seems like a pretty cool guy. :D

I freak out like that too sometimes, just part of life. I doubt it has anything to do with being a "don juan" one way or the other.


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2009
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There are bytches out there, the whole idea of being a DJ is to nativgate through them to find women worthy of our attention.

Mel shoudnt have done what he did, not because it's a wrong thing to do, but speaking out like that is almost like putting money in her pocket so to speak, telling her the truth and giving her a lesson (not that bytches will ever learn)

I like him, alpha enough to speak his own mind. Hats off. All this just highlighted how calculating and revengeful some bytches can be.

We should all support Mel thru this!