Martial Arts: Zui Quan


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Nov 4, 2007
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Im no teacher so dont think of me as such...Im here to back up the one style that has made the most sense to me.Zui Ba Xing Quan or Drunken Master/Drunken Fist.
First off your right to teach your self this style.Why?
because its not a Lagit style in the US.Also to answer all of your questions what type of school would teach you how to drink and fight HUH? thats the worst mix ever. The style its self was dicoverd by accident the true style is Wushu after you've had a few drinks.BUT thats Zui Quan the Ba Xing is a refined style that is what most people see in movies and games. To tell you the truth its all improve to be a master in this you have to be really good or a master in other things. First you should take up grappling and then take up Jeet Kun do really thats all you need. after you win a few fight with that get drunk and you have drunken master.
Now for any one that has a witty comment Ill give you a my back ground.
My name is Daniel im 20 years old and ive been doing this style for about 8 years. YES SELF TAUGHT MYSELF. I had to lose ALLOT of times to get it just right but know it think its fair to say that I can hold my own in any fight.If any of you are looking for tips or pointers got to my Myspace @ or E-Mail me at
Remember Im no teacher but I can help.

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
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This thread is hilarious. Now that MMA is pop culture everyone has 2 cents to chime in. A self taught Qui Juan! Why don't you go sign up at the nearest local amateur cage event. The only people who really know what MMA is about are the ones who were training the individual components of MMA BEFORE it was even called MMA, or getting in a lot of street fights.

And I second the notion to go into a local boxing gym...not even fighting pros, just a college boxing club or something..see how your self taught stuff fails. I think it is possible to "teach" yourself in that you develop what has already been taught to you. The best way to learn is in drilling effective techniques and sparring full contact to apply those techniques in a fluid fight environment. Techniques from the main 4 styles as well as a few others of course.

I started striking sports when I was 9 and did tkd...took some rough kicks to the head, learned how to kick. But they teach you NOT to punch to the face. That was definitely counterproductive training that led to me getting jacked in the face in my first real fight and responding with body punches. LoL. I can say that while training burmese kickboxing the muscle memory did help though.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
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Drunken boxing lol... If you press square square up traingle you will do this move where you throw up. Real handy. Hey how about you learn boxing then just get really drunk when you want to fight?


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2005
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I used to do greco roman wrestling, an I've never been beaten before. Boxers think they rule all. Dive in and take em to the ground. Not much they can do.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2005
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I also did kintansho. Some streetfighting version of kungfu wich really reminded me more of muay thai + some extra kicks, punches and weapons like the nunchuck. Wrestling rules all though.

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
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What if you try to take down a boxer with a really good sprawl, or you take someone down and they armbar you from the bottom? It's not about one style is better than the other, the UFC and Pride figured that out as WELL ROUNDED fighters developed. Fireguy...Never beaten? Were you in a D1 top ranked school? And did you wrestle scholastic style too? Were you unbeaten then as well? The reason I'm saying this is that wrestlers better than you have been crushed in mma competition by well rounded fighters. I wrestled for a top ranked midwest d1 school so I'm saying this as a wrestler. Don't get ****y, you still have to evolve with submissions and strikes. Kevin Randleman and Mark Coleman, two OSU wrestlers who have had great achievements in the wrestling world, have made an at best mediocre transition to mma. When no one knew how to defend the power wrestler, they dominated but when strong sprawls, strikes and submissions were used the wrestlers were then outclassed. Against normal people a hs and/or college wrestling career will allow you to kick some ass, but everyone who competes is crosstraining now.

PS were a greco roman wrestler, and your advice is "dive in and take em to the ground". Thats strange as greco roman is all upper body without being allowed to touch the legs. So what do you mean by dive in? Dive in for an upper body throw?:confused:


New Member
Apr 9, 2008
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I personally am a fan of zui quan yes the style was made for more a dance but the concept is real it takes alot of balance and hard work to attain even a decent amount of skill required and yes the style isnt as known as muay thai is known to be more brutal but if for fun its alittle much im a fan of most and near all fighting styles so i cant say to much against any of them


New Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Oh and btw everyone here seems to be fighters of some kind which is cool but why does almost everyone seem to be pointing to the same style? best to know as much as you can not keep yourself tied down to only 3 or 4 but can all at least say every style has a weakness another style uses oh and last thing self taught is how fighting all started and look at it now


New Member
Feb 19, 2010
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Brian20o2 said:
Again I am doing this for fun (eg a HOBBY) And who says I cant get fit training myself? I work out 3 times a week at a gym by myself, does that mean Im not gonna get fit even though I go? Im not looking for criticism or a different martial art or form of self-defence. I know I want to do this.

I just wanted to know if any of you had any ideas for excercises, stretches, routines that would help with THIS kind of Martial Art.
Here's the thing: Zui Quan is one of those things that, if self taught, could easily lead you to injure yourself accidentally. You have to have an incredibly strong core and sense of balance to execute even the simplest moves. And you have to be fluid. A lot of falling down, and flipping around. Full splits capability is a must.

As far as routines, exercising, stretches, etc. go, you would do very well to get heavily involved in Yoga as a stepping stone into learning Zui Quan. Balance, an amazingly strong core, and fluidity of motion are the basis of Zui Quan, and all these things are taught in traditional Yoga. You can't learn Zui Quan from a master practitioner without solid grounding in these 3 elements, much less teach yourself.

You'll also need a pretty large space to practice in. Zui Quan is flashy, and to truly practice the art you need a space between 10-15' by 10-15' large. You also need mats. If you don't have mats, you will pummel your own body into a pulp with all the leaping, falling, etc. involved in this martial art. You can look at hard body training, if you want, but there is literally nothing that takes more time, is more painful, or more tedious than hard body training. Since you are doing this "for the art" you would do well to have mats available.

For ALL these reasons, Zui Quan is an incredibly difficult thing to "teach yourself." You need the building blocks (balance, amazingly strong core, and fluidity of motion), you need the technique (very hard to teach yourself ANY martial art, and Zui Quan is famously complex, and you need the space to make it all come together.

Still, you asked for advice, and my advice is this:


And lots of it

And then you might be on the cusp of beginning to have what it takes physically to perform Zui Quan.



New Member
Feb 19, 2010
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Sincrad said:
Im no teacher so dont think of me as such...Im here to back up the one style that has made the most sense to me.Zui Ba Xing Quan or Drunken Master/Drunken Fist.
First off your right to teach your self this style.Why?
because its not a Lagit style in the US.Also to answer all of your questions what type of school would teach you how to drink and fight HUH? thats the worst mix ever. The style its self was dicoverd by accident the true style is Wushu after you've had a few drinks.BUT thats Zui Quan the Ba Xing is a refined style that is what most people see in movies and games. To tell you the truth its all improve to be a master in this you have to be really good or a master in other things. First you should take up grappling and then take up Jeet Kun do really thats all you need. after you win a few fight with that get drunk and you have drunken master.
Now for any one that has a witty comment Ill give you a my back ground.
My name is Daniel im 20 years old and ive been doing this style for about 8 years. YES SELF TAUGHT MYSELF. I had to lose ALLOT of times to get it just right but know it think its fair to say that I can hold my own in any fight.If any of you are looking for tips or pointers got to my Myspace @ or E-Mail me at
Remember Im no teacher but I can help.
You're a moron, and a liar. Period.



New Member
Mar 3, 2011
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There is a way

Brian20o2 said:
Nobody has any advice on how to go about teaching yourself a martial art? Does anybody here even do martial arts or know what kind Im talking about?
With any martial art you wish to learn you must first do one thing before you start. Research, yep learn everything you can about the art you seek to learn. I'm a self taught martial artist with years of practise but I will agree nothing beats learning from someone who knows. Anyway back to my point, when first learning you must resreach the art learn where it came from even watching video's can help, even with Zui Quan it's hard but I found a good exercise that helps "limbo" trying doing a little limbo everyday then move on to a bit more complex moves. I hope this helps



Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
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Brian20o2 said:
I Just recently got reminded of a very interesting from of martial art that sounded interesting a while back and still does. It is called Zui Quan or Drunken Boxing. It has always looked very fun and interesting. I am thinking about attempting to teach myself this.
Really? Will you give yourself a blackbelt too?

Brian20o2 said:
You may ask why I am going to teach it to myself, well simply put: There are no dojos around anywhere, and if there were it would probably cost about $300 a month or more.
Bullsh1t. You're too nervous to go learn properly, and the 'probably' suggests you haven't even looked.

For fun, here's a YouTube of 'Drunken Boxing' v one of my styles (Kyokushin). Great fun!


New Member
Mar 2, 2011
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I'm new here, just wanted to say, I do Taekwondo, wing chun and Jiu Jitsu, for self defence and hopefully competitions

Also, have a look round, ask local schools, chances are you will find someone who teaches privately


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
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Yes, now after 5 years, i think the original poster got the point ;)

(or he probably broke his spine trying to teach himself)


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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You can't teach your self a martial art. You need a teacher to offer objective advice and to show you the minute nuances of the movements you'll be learning.

If you really want to learn drunken boxing I suggest you take up a different martial art until you can find a drunken boxing teacher.

EDIT: LOL just saw Huffman's post.


New Member
May 10, 2011
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England derby
do it

ok from what i read most people are just simply saying no but the answer i believe, is do what you want. A good saying is; I'm gonna rush straight down the path i believe right to the end, or if you don't like the hand life has dealt you then fight, fight to change them. These are quotes from Naruto but they are what make me do what i want no matter what people say, so what if people are saying don't bother trying it will be good for you because i suffer from the same thing i want to learn it but there is no one near me and i'm in derby in england so you know, so i'm gonna start self teaching myself. I play dead or alive 4 with Brad Wong to gain knowledge of movement watch Naruto for one guy uses drunken fist and that teaches me i also watch movies and videos even if your not taught you can learn and anyone who says it is a sh** martial art doesn't see the true potential of it, I've seen a video where a Kickboxer kicks a Zui Quan user in the face and he just keeps coming all you need is practice and you will learn :)


New Member
Sep 8, 2012
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for everyone who told this person you can't teach yourself martial arts.

so, all of you think it's impossible to teach martial arts to oneself, eh? then where do you suppose tiger crane came from? or black leaopard? shaolin style, hell, the man who created drunken monkey style got his inspiration from a legend. but guess what. he created it, and taught himself. i have three different forms i'm perfecting currently, and am at least knowledgeable on how to use zui quan. oh, and for all you "brazilian jui ji tsu" fighters out there, guess where original jui ji tsu came from... a small town in china. that had one school. and was taught by one man. who created it... dumbasses... dude. i say go for it. it's how i learned most of what i know, but on the other hand i took an interest from an early age. and now thinking about it makes me want to practice my zui quan. oh, and one last thing. bey you all of you bjj fighters would **** tin bricks if i said caepoera wasn't useful in a fight, yet it's movements and style is quite similar to drunken fist. chew on that for a while, idiots.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
jiu-jitsu originated in Japan, not China.

You can certainly teach yourself to jump around like goof ball. But if you think that has anything to do with fighting, you should enter a local amateur mma competition and see how you do. I can help you find one if you like. Then you can get in there and go moo goo gai pan chop suey all over the place :D

I have worked in mma promotions for several years now and know a little bit about making matches. When a guy calls me and tells me he is "self-trained," I know he's an idiot. To make a good match, he needs to be paired against another idiot. But what I can tell you will happen when you call other promoters is that when the five seconds passes that it takes them to discover how ignorant you are, they will immediately start thinking about feeding you to their fighter that sells the most tickets as easy prey, so that their friends will keep buying more tickets to see them fight. Then you'll get your head dribbled around the cage by a roidhead gorilla and the ref will only stop the match after he thinks the crowd has seen enough of a beating to get their money's worth.