Brief story here...
Met my wife at my job. I'm 32,
she's 30.
We both work in finance and I always had sort of a thing for her, but when we first met she was married. We got to know each other on recruiting trips through our job. Her and I and a few other associates would fly to different parts of the country and we'd always make small talk and I could sense we were connecting. I was sort of frustrated because she wasn't available - and I was in the later stages of breaking it off with my girlfriend.
This was about two years ago.
At the beginning of last year, she and her husband divorce. They were married for 2 years. She wanted kids and he didn't and I guess he kind of drifted away from her. She tried to get him back but he was already banging some girl. She got all pissy about this and started crying a lot. She then started asking me if she was prettier than her and I told her to forget about him.
So she wasn't in a good place - but it didn't take long before we were doing things together on the weekend and we got pretty close.
We started dating, got official, having sex on the regular and things were amazing and nearly perfect. I went fishing with her dad and met almost all of her family members. I
text her brother like every other day. We attended a few weddings over that summer so she met all of my family.
We dated for about 13 months and I proposed to her. Things were OK during the engagement phase but not great because she was going buck wild with planning it and sort of ignoring me which pissed me off. We werent having sex very much during this time and she was putting on a little weight.
On our wedding night she kept telling me to hurry up when we were having sex and wanted me to orgasm faster. We went on our honeymoon - Turks and Caicos - and she was sort of doing the same thing. We were there for a week and didn't seem that into having sex with me.
We get back to my house, and she's moved in now and wants us to sell my house and buy a brand new one, and she's and pressuring me for a kid now but she's not even trying in the bedroom. We've gone a couple weeks without sex.
Last night we had a pretty big blow up and we've been fighting for awhile now. Nothing I do is good enough, even though I make a really good salary. She's also been spending a lot of time with her mom and she's sort of meddling a bit.
The other thing that pisses me off a bit is that we were Facebook friends when she was married and she had tons of photos of her and her ex-husband. She deleted them when we began dating, but she won't post photos of us together.
Another thing, she doesn't want to change her last name on her Facebook profile to my last name. But she did for her ex. I know this is petty, but it's disrespectful.
I'm considering counseling or at least a trial separation.
So yeah TL

R - My wife is being a b!tch 6 months into our marriage.