Originally posted by Dayr0n
dude im from hialeah. Im goin to bongos on saturday i went last saturday and it was off the chain if you wanna go let me know.
Aww i got this party to go to on saturday, a real freaky party it sounds like.
On the lost of respect for me, i dont necesarly think that she has lost respect for me, like i said this moorning she came up to me just to say good moorning how u doing, if she had lost respect she wouldnt even bother talking to me at all, even less start the converstion.approaching.
She even came to my car on our break, when i told her to, i placed the earrings in her shirt pocket, and i told her come to my car when you done (she was making salads). she came, in othe circunstances she wouldnt even bother going in my car.
By the look in her face, i can tell that she still wants to be with me, but i can also see that she is stressed, or just not right, she doesnt look herself, a couple of friends told me that too, that she looks sad and not herself.
Watch i gotta get my hair done for this weekends party, and she is the one that use to do it, ima call her to set a time and day, and while she is doing it (if she does not decline to do it wich i highly doubt, all i gotta do is feel on them nipples and thies and puss, i know she wont pull my hand away.
ITs just a matter of time before we start fukin again, ima talk some deep intelligent, mature words to her after she done with my hair.
I mean people that knows about this still cant believe that we are seriously broken up, cause we were so close, so its kinda like fake now u see, but as soon as she gets over whatever its going on with her (bloody week) itll all be good, everybody saying that not just me but even that 59 yr old coworker that i mentioned in a previous post, this is just like an intermission, a break, its halftime.