One of my mistakes and regrets that I’ve made recently was to go into an exclusive relationship with arms wide open and not bring up anything regarding boundaries.
The only reason why I felt I messed up was by reading stories similar to OP’s. I have the same exact problem where she goes for drinks with her male friends 1:1. She’s perfect in every other aspect(cooks, passionate in bed...) but this is not something I would accept. Comply or goodbye.
Right now, I’m lining up some candidates, creating distance between us and only replying sporadically to her
texts. I disagree with some of the advice about communicating with her that you fill uncomfortable with her spending time with male friends. She absolutely knows what she’s doing. They are all adept at manipulation and way better than us men.
The main lesson from all this is always have a talk about boundaries and if she balks at any of your requirements, you will pretty much know what’s in store for you in future.
That being said, I’m interested in gathering thoughts regarding how to have the ‘boundaries’ conversation midway in an exclusive relationship without appearing insecure(if one of the boundaries is her seeing her male friends) and setting myself up to be gaslighted.