hurley never knew about jacob, and i highly doubt locke would tell him about much of his experiences.
jacob seems to be jacks father. look closely again, looks just like him in the chair and he's wearing the infamous white sneakers with his suit

. if not, that certainly is jack's father and jacob may be invisible. why they're there i don't know, but why was locke's father on the island. as for the eye, i think it's locke's. it isn't weird to think that he would be welcome at jacob's house.
i agree with the 4toe thing. wtf is it...
i dont know wtf the whispers were, but the first few times the whispers came the others soon followed. this time, they seem to randomly come about and without ben ordering to do anything with hurley, i figure they came from jacob the weirdo.
richard never seen jacob, as i recall, nor met him. only ben has any contact with him.
we don't know that people not in the 6 were murdered. clearly there has been a split in the island and so far we know jack+kate+hurley are back. jack and kate planned to be rescued, and hugo is just a weirdo who somehow got back. i think that the "secret" they're keeping is that there are more survivors on the island and that the 6 made a pact to say nothing about it. hence, interrogators after hurley for information. this seems to follow with the s3 finale, when jack doesn't want to "lie anymore.