Looks are the most important thing (Ditto)

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Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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zekko said:
Finally, I disagree with JASA'a idea that looks and appearance must be kept seperate. If you look at a girl who is attractive, you say that she is good looking. It doesn't matter if she's groomed herself, dressed well, or applied some makeup. You say she looks good.
The reason appearance and looks are different is for that reason. No matter what her grooming habits happened to be that day, she is still a "good looking" person. She may not look good, since her hair is a mess, she's not wearing any makeup, and her clothes are filthy...but she is still good-looking. Same face, same body. Similarly, once an ugly guy gets his hair and clothes done by professionals and maybe even some light makeup, he's still an ugly guy. He doesn't magically become good-looking once he's all done up. This is why appearance is what you can change, and looks are what you cannot. Lyle Lovett could have the body of Brad Pitt, but how many people are going to refer to him as "a good-looking guy"? Right. Since anybody can change their body, that's why it falls under the banner of appearance.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 21, 2010
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Just a Shot Away said:
Uh...maybe you weren't here earlier, but a poster requested the name of a Nobel Prize winner that backs me up. I provided 72. Blame JdelaSilviera, not me.
You have provided ZERO. None of those nobel prize winners back you up. Please cite some sources or quotes from them.

Yes I've asked lots of times before, and yes I'm going to keep asking. That you keep ignoring this is bordering on the ridiculous. Are you a real poster or just a troll?

I do have a background in science, but one needs to know very little about biology to know that looks don't matter. This is a VERY basic concept that's even mentioned on the first few pages of the DJ Bible. It's not my thesis. It's Darwin's. Maybe you've heard of him? I appreciate the personal attack on my own mental capacity, though. Personal attacks from your side always help do the work for me in illustrating just how weak your claims are.
Quote Darwin saying "looks aren't important" please. Or an equivalent. The theory of evolution does not make looks unimportant, as they signify a healthy male with good genes - hence any offspring being more likely to survive.

Oh wait - do you actually understand the theory of evolution...?

Bro. You really think you're the first guy to demand sources? It's getting ridiculous. I used to do it on almost every looks-matter thread, even though the burden of proof is on you.
The burden of proof is on you

You really are just trying to wind me up aren't you :(

Right, again...I'm not making any claims. I'm standing on the shoulders of giants and imparting the knowledge about sexual selection that has been gained over the last 150 years. If you think everybody's wrong, well that's your right. But your frustration and insistence that my "narrow mental scope" is the source of this information is misdirected.
Again, give sources and quotes.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Tesl said:
You have provided ZERO. None of those nobel prize winners back you up. Please cite some sources or quotes from them.
I'm flattered that you think my googling skills are that great, but I'm sure it won't take you long to find what you need. But yes, they all back me up. You can't believe in "survival of the fittest" and "facial symmetry is important" at the same time.

Quote Darwin saying "looks aren't important" please. Or an equivalent. The theory of evolution does not make looks unimportant, as they signify a healthy male with good genes - hence any offspring being more likely to survive.
Facial symmetry doesn't indicate good genes, as it has no bearing on your ability to hunt, gather, and defend oneself and the nest. How do you think Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom would fare in caveman days? Think they might have a bit of a problem, there? Exactly. Now what about Danny Trejo or Brock Lesnar.

You really are just trying to wind me up aren't you :(
Haha, I admit that I didn't really need to word it the way I did. But yes, generally when an individual contests established facts, the burden of proof is on that individual. If you tell me tobacco smoke is good for one's health, the burden of proof is on you. If you say that the average life expectancy of an American male is 302, then the burden of proof is on you.

Again, give sources and quotes.
I already gave them SPECIFICALLY to you, like 5 or 6 looks-matter threads ago. You're on your own now, Chief. Like I said. I can only show you the door. YOU are the one that has to walk through it.


Don Juan
Sep 21, 2010
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If I had a sharper nose I would be a lot more succesfull.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 21, 2010
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Just a Shot Away said:
I'm flattered that you think my googling skills are that great, but I'm sure it won't take you long to find what you need. But yes, they all back me up. You can't believe in "survival of the fittest" and "facial symmetry is important" at the same time.
As I have said many times, I'm not talking about facial symmmetry but the whole package that goes into a persons appearance. Which you in the other thread said was still not important. Lets try not to argue two different things (even though you are doing it on purpose now to wind me up, I know)

Internet sources do not back you up at all.

Haha, I admit that I didn't really need to word it the way I did. But yes, generally when an individual contests established facts, the burden of proof is that individual. If you tell me tobacco smoke is good for one's health, the burden of proof is on you. If you say that the average life expectancy of an American male is 302, then the burden of proof is on you.
You are contesting the "fact" that 72 nobel price winners explicitly said looks don't matter when it comes to attracting women. Are you seriously suggesting its up to me to prove that none of them ever said that?



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Facial symmetry doesn't indicate good genes
Of course it does. It also indicates good health.
What makes a face assymetrical? A stroke, Bell's Palsy, a cheek swollen from a toothache, an abscess, a tumor, moles, etc.

By the way, I have yet to see even one nobel prize winner posting here, let alone 72.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Just a Shot Away said:
I'm flattered that you think my googling skills are that great, but I'm sure it won't take you long to find what you need.
It's not his problem. It's YOUR problem to back up YOUR opinion with facts.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Just a Shot Away said:
a poster requested the name of a Nobel Prize winner that backs me up. I provided 72. Blame JdelaSilviera, not me.
You provided 72 names of Nobel Prize winners however, none of them "agree" with you.
First of all, they're dead. And dead men don't speak. Secondly, none of their fields of study are even remotely close to your arguments so its not like you can pull up any of their work as supporting evidence.

I do have a background in science, but one needs to know very little about biology to know that looks don't matter.
Biology is a very broad field.

It's not my thesis. It's Darwin's.
Please provide the appropriate quote.

I still do it once in awhile since so many of you guys don't know how to use ebscohost.com
You moron. It's a PAID service. You get it for free at your school because they pay for it. Google also pulls up mostly abstracts and not full papers.

Again, the onus is on YOU.

I'm standing on the shoulders of giants and imparting the knowledge about sexual selection that has been gained over the last 150 years. If you think everybody's wrong, well that's your right.
Most people completely agree with the research and the theory of evolution through natural and sexual selection because of the overwhelming evidence. However, your thesis is a joke. You have provided no supporting evidence to back up your hypothesis and have simply skipped right down to conclusions. Your grade is an F-

You haven't imparted any knowledge. Only your opinion. Provide supporting evidence or STFU.

These giants you speak of would be ashamed of you. They'd probably have you sit in the corner of the room with a dunce hat on.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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Just a Shot Away said:
Bro. You really think you're the first guy to demand sources? It's getting ridiculous. I used to do it on almost every looks-matter thread, even though the burden of proof is on you. I still do it once in awhile since so many of you guys don't know how to use ebscohost.com or Google just for the sake of your education. These questions are questions that you should be asking yourself. If you want to disprove existing research, this is a good starting point for you.
This is the last post I waste on you, your clearly an idiot. I shall now demonstrate how these post volleys take place:

everyone - Being good looking helps you a lot in the dating field
JASA - No it doesn't , science says so
everyone - Fine, back up your claim
JASA - no, the burden of proof is on you.

What he presents as facts are merely an opinion. Nothing he says is based upon experience, although he claims it is, but the guy probably has awful game and doesn't look as good as he think he does. Either way, I have spent too much time arguing with this primate. Time to move on.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2009
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JASA, you kill me! Nobel Prize winners? Wow, that is so creative! All PUA forums should be moderated by Nobel Prize winners.

And Charles Darwin? Who the hell could come up with that name when it comes to understanding women? Man, you are priceless!


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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the guy probably has awful game and doesn't look as good as he think he does.
Well, he admits he has awful game. I agree he probably isn't as good looking as he thinks he is (most people aren't). But he says women are always telling him he's hot so let's say he is a certain level of good looking.

The problem is a girl will tell him he's hot and he probably starts telling her how that's irrelevant because of Charles Darwin and 72 Nobel Prize winners, and pfft her interest level immediately deflates.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Tesl said:
You are contesting the "fact" that 72 nobel price winners explicitly said looks don't matter when it comes to attracting women. Are you seriously suggesting its up to me to prove that none of them ever said that?
Charlie Sheen never explicitly said he enjoys having sex. But yes, if you want to disprove the science behind sexual selection it is up to you. I'm a backer of the research, so I have nothing to gain by trying to disprove it.

zekko said:
Of course it does. It also indicates good health.
Does it? I've seen some really ugly people that are the picture of health. Who told you this?

Well, he admits he has awful game. I agree he probably isn't as good looking as he thinks he is (most people aren't). But he says women are always telling him he's hot so let's say he is a certain level of good looking.
Jesus, why am I always repeating myself here? Do I need to start talking in 72 point font like Allie, over there? Listen. When I look in the mirror, I do not see a good-looking guy. I've been over this numerous times. I see a guy that should be embarrassed to be out in public. I usually walk with my head down so my face can't be seen. When I'm driving at night, I turn my head away when people pass me so my face can't be illuminated by their headlights. If I'm walking in the opposite direction of an attractive female on the sidewalk, whenever possible I'll pass behind a streetlight or walk around the adjacent parked cars so we won't have to make eye contact. All I'm doing is relaying the female (and sometimes male) perception of my looks. I'm sorry if you have a big problem with that, but...it IS your problem.

The problem is a girl will tell him he's hot and he probably starts telling her how that's irrelevant because of Charles Darwin and 72 Nobel Prize winners, and pfft her interest level immediately deflates.
I don't have to tell her that. She never had interest to begin with no matter what she says about my looks.

synergy1 said:
What he presents as facts are merely an opinion. Nothing he says is based upon experience, although he claims it is, but the guy probably has awful game and doesn't look as good as he think he does. Either way, I have spent too much time arguing with this primate. Time to move on.
No, they're still facts. Yes, what I say is based upon experience. Yes, I have awful game and I look a lot better than I think I do. Yes, you have spent too much time arguing with me. You can't defend the indefensible. A big problem you have is that you think calling another primate a "primate" is some sort of insult. Best of luck with your recovery.

OldbutSTRONG said:
And Charles Darwin? Who the hell could come up with that name when it comes to understanding women?
Anyone with a rudimentary understanding of sexual selection knows about Darwin.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Please use the report button (triangle under user's name) so we can get this troll off the site.

zekko said:
The problem is a girl will tell him he's hot and he probably starts telling her how that's irrelevant because of Charles Darwin and 72 Nobel Prize winners, and pfft her interest level immediately deflates.
You should see his other threads (also looks vs confidence). It seems the guy has certain patterns when he posts. If you read through, most of his posts include the words:

150 years
scientific research
Charles Darwin
sexual selection
facial symmetry

I'm putting my money on autistic. They are creatures of habit. I have no doubt that it's his speech patterns that turn women off. He's not even able to have a discussion with us... anonymously... on the internet.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 21, 2010
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I tell you what Just a Shot Away - if nothing else you really need to work on your debating skills. You started this thread with Charles Darwin and 72 nobel prize winners on your side, and by the end everyone has concluded that at best you are a troll and at worst you are autistic!


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2008
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Best advice is just go the gym and just look nice man. Clothes of a crappy body just doesnt work.

Once you've got a decent body, you can buy clothes, fix your hair and shoes w.e in one day. So dont worry about clothes or what not. Its what you look like in them.

Working out is the hardest thing. Once you've reached your "max" meaning if you were a 6 and now you have abs and what now and you look like a 8. Thats the most you are going to be.

At that point you have to say okay I have to roll with what I got. But if your skinny and in the back of your mind you know you could be bigger you cant lie to yourself and say youre awsome looking

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Tesl said:
I tell you what Just a Shot Away - if nothing else you really need to work on your debating skills. You started this thread with Charles Darwin and 72 nobel prize winners on your side, and by the end everyone has concluded that at best you are a troll and at worst you are autistic!
Hey, that's not my fault. If someone's only rationale for an individual having a different set of beliefs is that they must be a troll or "autistic" (a disgraceful comment, given what families dealing with autism go through) reflects poorly on themselves, not me.

Once again, this isn't a debate. I'm just a messenger of the facts. Some posters simply feel the need to kill aforementioned messenger. No sweat off my sack.


Dec 17, 2009
Reaction score
It is pointless to argue with Just a Shot Away. He has made this his reality. He hates the way he looks. So he hates the topic of "looks matter". My money is on bipolar, manic depressant, and sexual abuse in his background.

Here is the difference between game, and good looks.

A guy with game; Has to TRY and work on to get a girl
A guy with good looks; Just needs to show up, smile, and say hi.

It's pointless to talk this fool. He has serious mental issues. He doesn't understand the concept of reality. His reality is facial symettry. lol

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Falcon25 said:
My money is on bipolar, manic depressant, and sexual abuse in his background.
My money is on you having no education in the field of psychology, especially considering your alarming conclusion of an individual having these disorders simply because they hate the way they look.

A guy with game; Has to TRY and work on to get a girl
A guy with good looks; Just needs to show up, smile, and say hi.
Really? Let's put it to the test. Can we have a show of hands please of good-looking guys who get play by being at a bar with a smile on his face and saying the word "hi"?

He doesn't understand the concept of reality. His reality is facial symettry. lol
My reality is science, buddy. I understand that science isn't for everybody, but it's what keeps me grounded. If you want to go with emotions, theories, and hunches that's fine...but don't go around trying to insult those who have a different belief system than yourself. It's very small of you to behave like this.
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