Looks are the most important thing (Ditto)

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Dec 17, 2009
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You are a jerk off. haha NO WOMAN will ever want to stay with you and listen to this. We, us, have a hard time reading your opinions cause they are horrible. I can only imagine how you would bore a woman to death. You suck dude. lol You seriously need help. If you hate the way you look, there's a good chance that your uncle fuvked you. lol





Don Juan
Aug 20, 2010
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I think we should all band together to help JASA get laid. Maybe that way he'd have less time to post on here.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Just a Shot Away said:
Hey, that's not my fault. If someone's only rationale for an individual having a different set of beliefs is that they must be a troll or "autistic" (a disgraceful comment, given what families dealing with autism go through) reflects poorly on themselves, not me.
Rollo Tomassi (one of the mods) regularly posts about sexual selection, confidence, behavior of animals including their mating and socializing habits... etc. He's well respected because he backs up his own opinions with facts, and he knows his stuff. He not only understands the material, but he applies it and he's better off for it.

Believe me, it's not your beliefs or your message that's the issue. It's YOU.

I'm just a messenger of the facts. Some posters simply feel the need to kill aforementioned messenger. No sweat off my sack.
You haven't delivered any kind of "message", only your own personal opinion and "72 nobel prize winners", "150 years of scientific research" and "go use ebscohost".
LOL. You suck.

machoalex said:
I think we should all band together to help JASA get laid.
Some guy's wife is banging him while the husband is overseas serving in the military.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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The problem is that he's not even going off of books. None of this research he always talks about says looks don't matter. He just interprets it that way. He'll read something like "chicks like confidence" (which they do) and conclude it is saying looks don't matter.

When I look in the mirror, I do not see a good-looking guy. I've been over this numerous times. I see a guy that should be embarrassed to be out in public. I usually walk with my head down so my face can't be seen. When I'm driving at night, I turn my head away when people pass me so my face can't be illuminated by their headlights. If I'm walking in the opposite direction of an attractive female on the sidewalk, whenever possible I'll pass behind a streetlight or walk around the adjacent parked cars so we won't have to make eye contact. All I'm doing is relaying the female (and sometimes male) perception of my looks. I'm sorry if you have a big problem with that, but...it IS your problem.
So you walk around skulking behind cars so no one will see your face because you think you are so ugly. All the while, women are shouting at you how hot you are. Dude, you have some serious issues. You need to get your head on straight.

Why are you ashamed to be seen in public because you think you are ugly if you think looks don't matter anyway?


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
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JdelaSilviera said:
Yeah I know, you have seen women dating bald,old, or fat guys, who didn´t?? the real question is: were they attracted to them? Or they were with them just for money, job or any other convenience. You have to distinguish between the two things... just because a woman is with a man it doesn´t mean she is attracted to him.

Now you may also say, that you know a guy that is ugly that gets a lot of girls attracted to him. He is ugly because you think he is ugly? Or a female friend said he is ugly? It doesn´t matter maybe all those girls found him good looking and you and your friend didn´t.

Looks are subjective, but if you are good looking to a particular girl it´s on, she will fall in to you in a matter of time.... it doesn´t matter if all the others say you are not attractive. You just have to be good looking to one girl to get her.

You may also quote (JSA) that there are scientific studies sayin looks don´t matter... who cares? Those guys are alienated from the world, and probably wish that was true, and of course there are a lot of flawed scientific studies that´s why science improves every day... because knowledge is changing. You have to forget what rat labs are saying and look at the real world. What do you see?? In most cases, women that are considered hot by the majority men will date men also considered hot by the majority of women, ugly women will date ugly men... Of course there are exceptions and once again you may see ugly dudes with hot girls, but are these girls really attracted to them?

This doesn´t mean that you only need good looks, if you are completly retarded, or lack hygiene the woman will probably reject you.

Perhaps you say that game has made you score with more girls, yes but probably these girls found you good looking, but you had other handicaps like lack of confidence...Looks don´t do it all...

Finally this is not for you to have limited beliefs, you just have to deal with your reality. You can improve your looks a lot.....

And you don´t have to be perfect to be considered good looking! How many times yo u found a girl attractive, just because she had nice teeth, or a cute smile, a pretty hair etc a lot I guess... You might have more women thinking you as an attractive men than you think.

Thinking you can be a fat,ugly guy and still make women attracted to you is a belief that will damage you a lot...you can change that, remember.
Back up, do you even have any experience interacting with girls and dating them?

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Falcon25 said:
You are a jerk off...You suck dude. lol You seriously need help...your uncle fuvked you.
Oh, relax. By the way, people use "v" to replace the "u" in cuss words to make it look more like the actual word. Replacing the "c" with the "u" does absolutely nothing.

Do you? Because I've showed up, smiled at girls and said "hi" and ended up getting no play. Now. Post your picture so we can all see what the guy looks like that DOES do this. Let's see what you're basing your so-called experience on.

Alle_Gory said:
He's well respected because he backs up his own opinions with facts
Rollo seems like a good guy, and I've seen him try to stick up for his self-limiting "looks matter" viewpoints. However, at the end of the day he's still a moderator on a site that officially denounces all claims that looks matter. To me, that's an endorsement of the truth. Obviously, you don't see it that way which is fine. I'm not going to go on a rampage of playground insults and make unfounded judgments about your I.Q. levels because of your opinion. I enjoy and embrace diversity of thought.

Some guy's wife is banging him while the husband is overseas serving in the military.
Man, where have you been? Her husband got home like a month ago, and she left for overseas as well shortly thereafter. I do however have two good-looking girls (friends of a roommate) sleeping downstairs right now though, neither of which banged me after I showed up, smiled, and said "hi." :up:

zekko said:
He'll read something like "chicks like confidence" (which they do) and conclude it is saying looks don't matter.
If you really think that's what it says in the scientific journals about sexual selection, you haven't been listening. Confidence is number one, by the way. That's a bit above "liking" it.

Why are you ashamed to be seen in public because you think you are ugly if you think looks don't matter anyway?
I wouldn't say I think I'm UGLY, per say...it's more of an overall package deal. And it's not because of what women might think of me, it's just how I am.


Don Juan
Jun 7, 2008
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Here is an example from just next door. I live in Flanderen Europe. The girl next door is a 8 or even 8.5, is quite nationalistic, a "proud to be a white European" case. She is a member of the national Flemish party, goes to the meetings and is obsessed with politics.
On a day she meets a guy from Poland, who is 23(she is 20), he is losing his hair, has a stomach, and is totally unattractive.
They hooked up and she is crazy about him, she says that sex with him is the best ever, that she pushed aside her racism and all the other crap, because no other man is like him. When I asked what exactly attracted her to him, she said "his very CONFIDENT, cynical and sarcastic personality" took her by storm.
She also said that she likes pretty boys, but not so much as intelligent one's..
Oct 29, 2009
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Alle_Gory said:
Rollo Tomassi (one of the mods) regularly posts about sexual selection, confidence, behavior of animals including their mating and socializing habits... etc. He's well respected because he backs up his own opinions with facts, and he knows his stuff. He not only understands the material, but he applies it and he's better off for it.
Very good point. Unlike Just a Shot Away, Rollo Tomassi handles his business with elegance and grace. He regularly cites peer reviewed articles, not the quickest wikipedia search.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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You can "look" good by working your as5 off. If you "look" like a "go-getter" then women will find you attractive, because women want your money and want you to support her and your family, biological attraction kicks in. Just work your fvcking as5 off, man, making money, and then the women will follow. Nose to the grindstone, man. It's the BEST way to attract females. Be tough. Kick some as5!


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2009
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JASA -- literally retarded.

Actually, scratch that. He's autistic with a severe ego problem. He is able to delude himself into believing his ridiculous stance by living his life in a vacuum. He is either on this site, or (apparently) in the gym, and refuses to talk to anyone and lives his life in complete isolation. He said himself that he actually walks AROUND parked cars with his head down to avoid eye contact with females. That kind of behavior screams autism. I think endlessly arguing his absurd position equating the theory of evolution with "look don't matter" (wtf?) is his only social outlet. He has no friends, no women, no self-confidence, and no ability to go out in the world and acquire any of those. And he'll agree to that. And that's just sad. Its pointless arguing with him, gentleman -- he's too far gone. If you really wanna hurt him, take away the attention he garners in these threads. He'll be left with nothing.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Ice882 said:
He said himself that he actually walks AROUND parked cars with his head down to avoid eye contact with females. That kind of behavior screams autism.
Someone mentioned this earlier, but I didn't think JASA said it. :( I would feel sorry for the guy if he wasn't such a jerkoff.
Autistics also tend to have much higher than normal IQ levels, and an affinity for certain things. In this case, it seems to be biology and a passion for Darwin's theories. Everything he says, he eventually ties back to Darwin.

If you really wanna hurt him, take away the attention he garners in these threads. He'll be left with nothing.
You misunderstand. No one wants to hurt him. I (and most people here) however want him to shut his trap.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Ice882 said:
JASA -- literally retarded.

Actually, scratch that. He's autistic with a severe ego problem.
autism (ˈɔːtɪzəm)
— n
psychiatry abnormal self-absorption, usually affecting children, characterized by lack of response to people and actions and limited ability to communicate

So let's see. I'm an adult, respond readily to people and actions (wouldn't be able to talk to my customers if I couldn't), and just finished up a 16 hour shift at work where I kept my passengers happy by maintaining conversation throughout the ride. My last passenger who was a middle-aged woman raved "It was an absolute pleasure riding with you." Before that, it was a good-looking 32 year old chick who said I was "very sweet" and asked for my phone number should she or any of her friends need my services again, and gave me a 30% tip. It appears you may not understand what autism is, my friend. Once again, you have not done your homework and paid the price.

He has no friends, no women, no self-confidence, and no ability to go out in the world and acquire any of those. And he'll agree to that.
I will? That'd be kind of strange since I pride myself on my integrity and wouldn't say any of that, considering I DO have friends and have the ability to acquire more. As far as the women goes, well that's why I'm here.

He'll be left with nothing.
If you truly believe that one suffers from autism and is a "sad" individual, why would you want to hurt this person and leave them with nothing? You're twisted, man. Yikes.

Alle_Gory said:
I would feel sorry for the guy if he wasn't such a jerkoff.
I don't need your pity, and I've remained perfectly civil throughout my interactions with all of my detractors, even you. I hardly consider abstaining from personal attacks despite the constant barrage of feeble insults being thrown my way worthy of the term "jerkoff." To me, that indicates something who isn't a very nice guy. I'm very friendly and easy to get along with, actually.

I (and most people here) however want him to shut his trap.
Yeah, that's what people said about Martin Luther King, Jr. There'll always be a select group of people in America that wish people that stand for truth and justice would just "shut up", but throughout history this side is always defeated in the end. I'm very sorry, but me (and the 72 Nobel Prize winners still alive) will not shut up. We will continue our ongoing quest for knowledge, and will revel in the so very rare and beautiful opportunities to make exciting new discoveries in the world of science. This is a very special time that we live in, and to suggest that scientists cease their research and "shut up" about their findings is shortsighted to say the least.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
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Just a Shot Away said:
autism (ˈɔːtɪzəm)
— n
psychiatry abnormal self-absorption, usually affecting children, characterized by lack of response to people and actions and limited ability to communicate

So let's see. I'm an adult, respond readily to people and actions (wouldn't be able to talk to my customers if I couldn't), and just finished up a 16 hour shift at work where I kept my passengers happy by maintaining conversation throughout the ride. My last passenger who was a middle-aged woman raved "It was an absolute pleasure riding with you." Before that, it was a good-looking 32 year old chick who said I was "very sweet" and asked for my phone number should she or any of her friends need my services again, and gave me a 30% tip. It appears you may not understand what autism is, my friend. Once again, you have not done your homework and paid the price.

I will? That'd be kind of strange since I pride myself on my integrity and wouldn't say any of that, considering I DO have friends and have the ability to acquire more. As far as the women goes, well that's why I'm here.

If you truly believe that one suffers from autism and is a "sad" individual, why would you want to hurt this person and leave them with nothing? You're twisted, man. Yikes.

I don't need your pity, and I've remained perfectly civil throughout my interactions with all of my detractors, even you. I hardly consider abstaining from personal attacks despite the constant barrage of feeble insults being thrown my way worthy of the term "jerkoff." To me, that indicates something who isn't a very nice guy. I'm very friendly and easy to get along with, actually.

Yeah, that's what people said about Martin Luther King, Jr. There'll always be a select group of people in America that wish people that stand for truth and justice would just "shut up", but throughout history this side is always defeated in the end. I'm very sorry, but me (and the 72 Nobel Prize winners still alive) will not shut up. We will continue our ongoing quest for knowledge, and will revel in the so very rare and beautiful opportunities to make exciting new discoveries in the world of science. This is a very special time that we live in, and to suggest that scientists cease their research and "shut up" about their findings is shortsighted to say the least.
Your entire post was ruined by the words, "a good-looking 32 year old chick". I stopped reading and started laughing at that moment. I actually stopped reading your post and went back and started reading again - this time with patriotic American music in the background (Lee Greenwood kicks azz).


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Just a Shot Away said:
autism (ˈɔːtɪzəm)
— n
psychiatry abnormal self-absorption, usually affecting children, characterized by lack of response to people and actions and limited ability to communicate
There are degrees of autism from somewhat normal to completely unaware of people around.

Autism is a disorder of neural development that is characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. Darwin, 150 years, sexual selection, facial symmetry... etc. Do these phrases sound familiar to you? Or are you writing them involuntarily.

Yeah, that's what people said about Martin Luther King, Jr. There'll always be a select group of people in America that wish people that stand for truth and justice would just "shut up", but throughout history this side is always defeated in the end.
You've compared yourself to Stephen Hawking and now Martin Luther King Jr. This is why people say you have an ego problem. Also, I'm not American, so good luck with that.

We will continue our ongoing quest for knowledge, and will revel in the so very rare and beautiful opportunities to make exciting new discoveries in the world of science.
You're not part of the 72 nobel prize winners you egomaniac. You also haven't DONE anything or shared anything. You've stated your opinion and "go use ebscohost".


Senior Don Juan
Feb 21, 2010
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Just a Shot Away said:
Charlie Sheen never explicitly said he enjoys having sex.
I see, so what you are admitting now is they never actually said that. Okay, seems we are making some progress at least.

That you consider yourself a scientist is hilarious - given a lack of willingness to listen to any other side of an argument. That's far more in line with an indoctrinated christian, my friend.

Your problem is you have made a few leaps of faith in your thinking, which goes like:

1) You believe in the theory of evolution - that's good, most of us here do.
2) You decide that looks are not important, therefore evolution would have made it not important.
3) You therefore declare that Charles Darwin agrees with you on everything you say
4) You therefore determine that, since he is a nobel price winner, all nobel prize winners agree with you!
5) You assume that since Darwin and all nobel prize winners are on your side, you need only communicate facts without backing it up. After all, its just the truth, right?

Sadly, your line of thinking breaks down at almost every single level:

1 -> 2) Though looks may not help with survival day to day, they do indicate a level of health as well as being from a decent gene pool. Those that can not regulate their own weight would be less likely to survive and be less attractive, likewise those who suffer from disabilities that make their faces lose their symmetry (as zekko pointed out earlier).

You should also wonder why girls do find guys attractive at all, if it should have been bred away generations ago. Even if its not the main thing, that a girl has the capability to say A is more attractive than B implies that evolution kept that ability there.

2 -> 3) Darwins theory is all about survival of the fittest, and appearance may or may not be an important part of that. Unless you can show otherwise, I'm not sure Darwin ever got into an argument about just how important looks are. No evidence that he agrees with you whatsoever, hence your logic fails at this step too.

3 -> 4) This is obviously just a nonsensical conclusion. Just as nonsensical as coming onto a message board and saying that 72 nobel prize winners are all agreeing with you. With no proof, or evidence. As usual.

4 -> 5) As you wont go back previous steps and look at your own (terrible) deductive logic, people just assume you are autistic and have mental issues.

Or in short: You speak complete nonsense without being able to backup anything you say. I've never seen anyone quite so dominated on an internet forum before.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2009
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Tesl said:
I see, so what you are admitting now is they never actually said that. Okay, seems we are making some progress at least.

That you consider yourself a scientist is hilarious - given a lack of willingness to listen to any other side of an argument. That's far more in line with an indoctrinated christian, my friend.

Your problem is you have made a few leaps of faith in your thinking, which goes like:

1) You believe in the theory of evolution - that's good, most of us here do.
2) You decide that looks are not important, therefore evolution would have made it not important.
3) You therefore declare that Charles Darwin agrees with you on everything you say
4) You therefore determine that, since he is a nobel price winner, all nobel prize winners agree with you!
5) You assume that since Darwin and all nobel prize winners are on your side, you need only communicate facts without backing it up. After all, its just the truth, right?

Sadly, your line of thinking breaks down at almost every single level:

1 -> 2) Though looks may not help with survival day to day, they do indicate a level of health as well as being from a decent gene pool. Those that can not regulate their own weight would be less likely to survive and be less attractive, likewise those who suffer from disabilities that make their faces lose their symmetry (as zekko pointed out earlier).

You should also wonder why girls do find guys attractive at all, if it should have been bred away generations ago. Even if its not the main thing, that a girl has the capability to say A is more attractive than B implies that evolution kept that ability there.

2 -> 3) Darwins theory is all about survival of the fittest, and appearance may or may not be an important part of that. Unless you can show otherwise, I'm not sure Darwin ever got into an argument about just how important looks are. No evidence that he agrees with you whatsoever, hence your logic fails at this step too.

3 -> 4) This is obviously just a nonsensical conclusion. Just as nonsensical as coming onto a message board and saying that 72 nobel prize winners are all agreeing with you. With no proof, or evidence. As usual.

4 -> 5) As you wont go back previous steps and look at your own (terrible) deductive logic, people just assume you are autistic and have mental issues.

Or in short: You speak complete nonsense without being able to backup anything you say. I've never seen anyone quite so dominated on an internet forum before.
He's gonna cherry pick your post, unfortunately. Pick out the smallest things that he can somehow twist.

Still, excellent post that breaks it down to a degree that he can't really hide anymore. Remind me to copy/paste this the next time he shows up in a thread like this.
Oct 29, 2009
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machoalex said:
I think we should all band together to help JASA get laid. Maybe that way he'd have less time to post on here.
hahahahahahaha kakakakakakakak :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: Seriously, bro - JASA needs to get it wet.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Alle_Gory said:
There are degrees of autism from somewhat normal to completely unaware of people around.

Autism is a disorder of neural development that is characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior.
S.hit, you're right man. Since I am shy around girls, I had better go get myself checked 150 years out! Also, since facial symmetry I wake up every morning and take a sexual selection shower I suppose this counts as repetitive behavior Darwin so I must be in the advanced stages of autism. Thank God for Alle_Gory, M.D...now maybe I can correct these heinous flaws in my neural development.

You've compared yourself to Stephen Hawking and now Martin Luther King Jr. This is why people say you have an ego problem.
Both of those men are greater than I will ever be. I'm just illustrating the similar situation of people telling those who fight for the truth to just "shut up."

Also, I'm not American, so good luck with that.
I didn't know that, but something tells me that not only groups of Americans wanted MLK to shut his trap. Where are you from, by the way?

You're not part of the 72 nobel prize winners you egomaniac. You also haven't DONE anything or shared anything. You've stated your opinion and "go use ebscohost".
When I say "we" will continue our research, I'm speaking of scientists in general. I've also only stated facts here. The fact that women look for traits in males that indicate he will provide healthy offspring is experimentally determined to be true, and facial symmetry was not included in this criteria.
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