Guys, don't you think you are being a little harsh on Mystery? She was just saying that looks do matter. They do. To say that they don't is being naive. How important looks are to each women varies, but the woman must find you attractive, and more times than not, physical attractiveness does matter. Should it matter? You might say "well, people shouldn't care" , "looks shouldn't matter!" Well, guess what? They do. Let's not live in the shoulds or coulds.
Mystery Woman was just saying that looks matter to women more than men think, or realize they do. As a guy, I think that's something good to know. Guys, do the looks in a woman matter to you? Sure they do. It might not be the only thing we look at, but we want to find the person attractive. Why are we acting so shocked and butt hurt at the fact that somebody says that women are into looks more than men realize. Its her opinion, and it is pretty accurate. You can't generalize, but you better believe that a good majority of women do care about looks, just like we do. I don't think she was saying that it was the only thing she looked into, but she did admit that it is important. Why shouldn't it be? Because she's a woman? Come on guys, we should have pride in doing what we can to look good. We owe it to ourselves.
In the last 2 months i've dropped 15 pounds of fat, and changed the way my body looks. Guess what, I am looked at, talked at, and complimented more by women now, than I was two months ago. I am the same person, yet been getting noticed a lot more recently, just because the improvement in my physique. Some women like nice faces, some are more into the nice body. There needs to be some attraction. Kinda like us guys, we have our preferences, don't we?