Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

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Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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So I take it this board dosen't like Skip ?? LMAO

If skip is saying the other guys achieved nothing, then I believe he's wrong... but that's not what I take out of his thread. I thought he was just saying that naturally 'reality' played out and the guys got with people on their scale of looks... 6's with 6's... 2's with 2's... 4's with 4's and for the most part it plays out to be true in my everyday life and the lives of others...

The 3 guys all achieved milestones and are to be commended, they are happier about their lives i'm sure, that's all that matters. But yeah basically what skip is saying is true, but I believe its obvious also... 95% of people will get with someone on their own scale of looks... the other 4% have value and hence can date above their looks scale... and the other 1% are players that have achieved such great game and personality and confidence and whatever else that they can do it... but most of us, juss date within our looks range

If that destroys fantasys's that some of the nerds here have of getting HB10's and whatever, well that's life folks... In the end if you ain't good lookin, the chances of you gettin and holdin an HBwellAboveYourLevel ain't good... its possible but it ain't good...

But again like someone else says, just have fun with your life. A nerdy guy might just want to talk to a female and call that succes and his happiness may increase, a model guy might want to fvck the crap outta eva longoria and that's what makes him happy, and regular schmoes may just want to date someone who shows them love and interest back...

In the end if all 3 guys achieve their goal... its the same fvcking thing !!!!

Board should stop being biased and have discussion on topics rather than deeming them stupid or useless and then flaming... seems dumb to me... but wat do i kno, i only come on here when i'm at work and bored



Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
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Loss Vaygus, NV
Cod3r said:
But yeah basically what skip is saying is true, but I believe its obvious also... 95% of people will get with someone on their own scale of looks...
I'd be happy to concede that point, if you realize that between flucuations from day to day and the personal tastes of the observer, that the rating scale is far from arbitrary. I would say that there's a variable rate of +-3 points. What you might call a 7, Skip could think is a 10 and I could think is a 4. Meaning, in essence, that the rating scale is virtually useless. A girl you would call a 7 and a guy you would call a 3 might both see themselves and the other as 5s. So where is the contingency for that in your theory?

So while you can fairly accurately say that one will be most successful dating within their own scale, you've said nothing of import because that very scale is so transient. Girls that Skip has posted names or pictures of I would call 5s or 6s, while he calls them 9s and 10s. Conversely, I think Keira Knightely is a solid HB17,462.98, but that is evidently not the concensus, at least not on this board.


Master Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
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S1NN3R said:
I'd be happy to concede that point, if you realize that between flucuations from day to day and the personal tastes of the observer, that the rating scale is far from arbitrary. I would say that there's a variable rate of +-3 points. What you might call a 7, Skip could think is a 10 and I could think is a 4. Meaning, in essence, that the rating scale is virtually useless. A girl you would call a 7 and a guy you would call a 3 might both see themselves and the other as 5s. So where is the contingency for that in your theory?

So while So while you can fairly accurately say that one will be most successful dating within their own scale, you've said nothing of import because that very scale is so transient. Girls that Skip has posted names or pictures of I would call 5s or 6s, while he calls them 9s and 10s. Conversely, I think Keira Knightely is a solid HB17,462.98, but that is evidently not the concensus, at least not on this board.
On the button. The old addage of every pair of eyes view differently.

Nicely said.
Sep 5, 2006
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Looks and personality are both subjective.

They both matter to an extent. You must be decent at both. Being decent, again, is subjective to opinion.

The most important element is to BELIEVE that you are attractive.

When you can project an aura of charisma, nothing else will matter.

Why is it everyone keeps saying that there are "different rules" for celebrities?

If you say that it means you are in denial of the fact that looks are NOT everything.

Celebrities are the same as you and I, except they KNOW they are the sh!t, and they carry themselves as such.

If you seriously think you are ugly, then for one day, pretend you are Brad Pitt. Everywhere you go, carry yourself like you are the sh!t and that women flock to you. Stand up straight, smile to women, make eye contact, tease with them like they all secretly want you.

I guarantee to you that you will end that day feeling better than you have ever felt. You will understand that it is more in your mind than you think.

Anyone who keeps drilling the fact that looks matter probably relies too much on their looks and does not have much real game.

That's the truth.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
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Ok the video's are nice but your point is VERY pathetic.

These guys have lil to no experience and you just contribute their 'failure' (the panda is my ****ing hero!) to their looks.
They need SKILLS, just like you and me.

If that lil guy is going to give a women a great time and able to get her attraction mechanism going he's definetly going to be succesfull.

What about the fat kid. If he loses weight and does some self improvement he can do that as well.

AND that is NOT about looks, its about APPEARANCE!
So pleeeease, stop making excuses, unless you're dumb, have burned skin all over your body and are in a wheelchair or whatever.

Men get turned on by their sight, women by the rest of their senses.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
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United Kingdom
Skip's posts are ridiculous (i.e I'd say the videos actually go against skips argument)

and like I said before, people come here looking for support and advice. They don't need 100s of idiotic threads about appearance being thrown in their faces.


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
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Skip, the dudes got rejected hard at first cause they approached with no confidence. Its likely the girls saw the guys walking around their vicinity for a half hour like chickens with their heads cut off before finally coming up to talk to them. But towards the end of the movies, the guys started picking up some chicks, a couple of em were pretty hot too. Like hb8's so...game is important. But Skip is right, looks are king. You can pick up females without looks, but the blessed ones have their foot in the door from the get go. I kind of agree with the Juan and only. The first three videos helped your argument. The last two hurt it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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I'd be happy to concede that point, if you realize that between flucuations from day to day and the personal tastes of the observer, that the rating scale is far from arbitrary. I would say that there's a variable rate of +-3 points. What you might call a 7, Skip could think is a 10 and I could think is a 4. Meaning, in essence, that the rating scale is virtually useless. A girl you would call a 7 and a guy you would call a 3 might both see themselves and the other as 5s. So where is the contingency for that in your theory?
Agreed 100% bro, I don't mean to take sides with SkIp as I don't fully know his view, i haven't seen his other threads, I was juss merely trying to merge the two sides. Alot of people have an angst against skip i can see, and instead of just being close minded i wanted to have a DISCUSSION, instead of... 'ur stupid', 'ur ugly skip' and skip juss saying... 'looks matter, look at videos' ect... helps no1

Posts like yours provide discussion and u can see from responses after your post that healthy discussion was provoked, aka people providing reasons for what they believe... I respect everyone's opinion eventho imight disagree...

And just to answer your question, I believe looks are relative (as stated in a previous post in this thread) and it depends on what both people think. If an HB9 sees herself as an HB6 and an HG3 sees himself as a HG7, they will be on the same scale relatively and hence they have a better shot of working out than an HB9 who knows it and an HG3 who knows it... I agree with you bro, but what i said still holds up...

95% of people end up being with and having relations with people who THEY view are on the same looks scale as them, dosen't matter what an outsider thinks... 4% have some sort of value (celeb, high reputation, notorious ect..) and the other 1% have achieved a high level of self acceptance to the point that looks really DONT matter to them and so comfortable that they can force other females in looks categories above them that looks don't matter and hence bang them.... REALLY small portion of populuation is here... so its too small to count in my mind

Good discussion, lets avoid callin skip stupid as well, serves no point. At least comment on what he said in an intellectual manner... obviously skip might have issues, but he'd be more reluctant to admit them and correct them if people weren't so insipidly hostile towards him...

Mar 25, 2006
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Lol, man oh man.

If only the day would come where we all would log in to this site, or go on the internet, and find that ONE BOOK, that teaches you how to fvck ALL WOMEN.

We are still in search of that overall formula, that magic technique, THE ANSWER.

I posted a thread that was titled, "I have it!!" I guess, lol, the keyword was I.

I've found the "attraction" within me, have you found yours?

I really think dating is like business. At the end of the day you just want some qualified clients....but the roads to obtaining those clients are MANY, MANY, MANY roads.

I apologize. For in the past I've cursed other guys' ways for getting laid, and I shouldn't have.

I shouldn't say to those at fast seduction, "Don't run patterns! That's silly." Well if it accomplishes their goals and obtains the clients, so what.

You all shouldn't say to skip, " Don't use myspace, sarge in person." Well if it accomplishes his goal and obtain the clients, so what.

If one guy believes his looks are most important to obtaining his goal, use your looks.

If another guy believes his personality is the most important, use that.

See guys, the main thing here is to obtain the client and obtain the sale, NOT TO..obtain "Sales Theories." You see,"sales theories" never really brought "ME" any sales, you know why? Because a "sales theory" is ANOTHER SALESMAN'S personality, soul, and spirit. It's ANOTHER SALESMAN'S creation.

Why can't I just have my own creation? My own way of doing things?

With the mass amount of people I COULD CLOSE, there's a number of things I could do. At the end of the day, I just started being John to clients and stopped trying to be Tom Hopkins!

So guys, stop trying to be Pook, or this guy, or that guy. If whatever works for you, that works for you buddy. Write your own theory on girls.....but let that theory....be your OWN PERSONAL theory to getting YOU LAID.
Mar 25, 2006
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Did you guys understand what I said in that last reply. I thought I should repeat what happened to me in Sales.

I first decided to enter Sales when I first entered college in 2001. I was given this canned script, and told to telemarket and say the same damn thing over and over to people. To uncover the objections the same fvcking way.

Well you know what the problem was? For one, what I was saying was not convincing, because instead of ME saying it, I was just repeating what someone else said. And number two, because I wasn't convincing enough, the customer COULDN'T UNDERSTAND, so the objections had to come up. What's an objection but a customer just not understanding, or possibly, NOT NEEDING THE SERVICE.

Dating is like business. There's MANY, MANY, MANY roads to obtaining those clients.

One guy is good at door to door and makes a ton of money.
The other guy is good on the phone.
The other guy is good on the internet.
The other guy is good doing bulk presentations to everybody.
The other guy is good sending out spam.
The other guy is good networking.
The other guy is good getting BIG CLIENTS, and just selling one or two of them.

Shall I go on? Now,would NOT it be STUPID...for me as a Sales Manager to put my team in a box? And say, you ONLY CAN SELL THIS a certain way? The key is to obtain the client................not a fvckin SALES THEORY.

Skip, bel, Bvbidd, Juan and Only, Sinn3r, etc., etc., etc., are DIFFERENT PEOPLE.

Skip is an damn accountant, meaning he's good at computers, good at communicating over the computer. So OBTAINING CLIENTS (women) off the computer would suite him well.

Bel is a, lol, I forgot, but I know it's some type of face to face thing, you have to update me buddy. But he's probably better at OBTAINING CLIENTS (women) from face to face.

Pook is a writer, lol, so he's probably good at OBTAINING CLIENTS through his display of knowledge, wisdom, and wittiness.

And so on.

For each don juan, each man, each PUA, is his OWN ARTIST.

Damn, I would hate to have 50 Cent start acting like John Meyer to GET RECORD SALES. They can each be their own unique self, their own unique artist, and STILL GET RECORD SALES...why? Because you guys are forgetting there's


Client A loves nerds, and smart boys.....so Pook, get your azz over there.
Client B loves high energy guys and wild guys.....so let me get my azz over there.
Client C loves guys who are laid back and cool....so maybe Bvbidd or Bel, get your azzes over there.

EVERY CLIENT ISN'T THE SAME. I learned this from "not eating" in sales...please learn from my experience.
Mar 25, 2006
Reaction score
What I learned from fastseduction STILL RINGS TRUE, and if there ever was a "theory" understand this theory.............

Every woman is different.

Every one of them.

I apologize, because I can no longer say that a certain overall THING, attracts them all.

I remember the movie Hitch, lol. And Will was the "date doctor". And the Albert guy wanted to get with that one chick. And Will gave Albert a list of rules and the "what not to do." And it was EXACTLY what Will told him NOT TO DO...that got Albert the azz.

So guys, I want you to bring your own true unique artistry, out of your soul. For as I said before, a man is a guy who has searched his soul and found his true self, his true soul.

And only then can you truly enjoy women, only then can you truly enjoy sales, only then can you truly enjoy this thing called, LIFE. It's the next best thing, to heaven on earth.

Remember I said it's all about finding your joy and peace, yes, it goes right back to my definition of what a man truly is. He is his own artist.

- John


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2005
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:up: Really DJF I think next to pook you are my faveourite poster... You really always hit everything on the nail....
And your post on sexual state is what really doing it for me at the moment, it just seems to work better for me than everything else.... If you could post more on it i would be grateful.


Jan 14, 2006
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ValleyDJing said:
Skip, the dudes got rejected hard at first cause they approached with no confidence. Its likely the girls saw the guys walking around their vicinity for a half hour like chickens with their heads cut off before finally coming up to talk to them. But towards the end of the movies, the guys started picking up some chicks, a couple of em were pretty hot too. Like hb8's so...game is important. But Skip is right, looks are king. You can pick up females without looks, but the blessed ones have their foot in the door from the get go. I kind of agree with the Juan and only. The first three videos helped your argument. The last two hurt it.
see u are WRONG, cuz in the end, none of them got a kiss OR a date, and while their rejections werent as harsh as they kepy approaching, each time the chick had made up their mind the second the guy said hi that SHE WASNT GONNA FVCK HIM CUZ HES NOT GOOD LOOKING ENOUGH FOR HER

the tall guy was decent looking, so im not even gonna count him in my argument


Jan 14, 2006
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djf - a 3 approaching a 10 in a sexual state wont get her, cuz she wont want nothin to do with his sexual state, correct?


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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I'd say so skip, kinda like when you see ugly old guys looking at a girl a certain way and the chick knows exactly what's going on but gets creeped out, but then sees a guy her age look at her the same way and gets all hot and adjusts her hair or something.

Confidence really has little to do with physical attraction.. way more to do with whether you got the balls to do anything. (That's what the bible was really trying to teach you.. as a placebo.)

I can tell who really is a KBJ and who isn't because they still keep repeating what the bible said.. even though the bible only said certain things to get you out in real life. So anybody who literally repeats, (blah blah the bible said this so girls feel this) hasn't had experience before. And it's obvious to others who have actually tried to get laid a million times that the bible was just a placebo.

You guys think we aren't being realistic, but we aren't saying girls just jump on hot guys, the guy still needs to do a bunch of stuff.. so he will need that level of confidence, but it's not like the girls are going through a checklist on his dj bible qualities or anything to see if he has the right levels of what this site says lol, etc.., they just see a hot guy and react the same way you would if you saw a hot chick. You don't have a checklist off some website telling you if you can or can't be attractted to her. (YES ATTRACTION WORKS EXACTLY THE SAME, NOT SAYING THE GUY STILL DOESN'T NEED TO DO ANYTHING THIS IS WHERE THERE IS CONFUSION) Come on be fvcking real guys. Get out there in the real world. It's not even worth arguing anymore it's just sad.

Skip is actually just trying to be real for a change. If you are very ugly, just go for an ugly girl.

whatever, djf is right.. just do what works for you.. but at least do something before complaining and thinking you know what your doing with your magic attraction skills.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2005
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skip, have you actually seen all of the videos, especially the last one? the fat guy said it all - "there will always be people (women) who will think we are fat, too tall or too short but you know what? **** those people!"

look at the tall one and how all these women were looking at him, he isn't a pretty boy or anything like that but there are women who love tall guys

the point is in most cases there will always be some feature a girl will like about you (maybe your big nose you hate so much etc.)

these guys couldn't even talk to a girl before the show started. why? not because they're ugly but because they didn't even try to!

man, you are wasting our time and bandwidth here

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
The Juan and only said:
...and like I said before, people come here looking for support and advice. They don't need 100s of idiotic threads about appearance being thrown in their faces.
Good point.


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
South Bend
Devil's Advocate

Well, I'm sorry I have to play the devils advocate here but I have examples that looks don't matter. Example 1. I was looking at Maury the other day and this guy looked kind of weird he was a dwarf basically with thich a$$ glasses:(and thought mine looked bad) Well, basically the guy was on there for a paternity test and the kid was his. The chick wasn't bad looking either just slutty.

Example 2 comes from when I was watching discovery channel yesterday (I had nothing or noone to do yesterday) anyways this guy with this fvcked up face was on there his sh!t was swollen and disgusting looking.But not only did this guy have more friends then me, but he had a chick that stood by him through his surgery.

Well, there ya go two examples. I don't have the proof to back this up but trust me it was true. What made me mad was that these guys who don't look great get more love then me. But that just proves the power of personality.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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Chosen1 belive me, personality is so subjective it's not even funny.

And you guys also have to see the difference between funny looking friends and who girls fantasize about.

It's also pretty easy to find out the standard of what looks good, no questions about it. Took a look at a GQ, any guy on there is fvckable in most chick's minds.

Then it goes standard wise in comparison to the girl and below.. it's really kind of that simple.

Remember.. we are talking about getting laid on this board not making friends, not trying to mantain a deep longterm relationship but the end goal of getting laid.

Look good, be sexual, make move, it's really that simple.. but it starts with looking good. (I'm not KBJing here, you gotta be able to have a conversation and isolate her.. obviously.. so I'm not a KBJ.. but when you strip it down that's what it is, and it starts with looking good.)

Think about it, when you see a girl that's fvckable.. will all the other stuff she does really make a difference if she was sexual and and started coming on to you? No. You'd still want to do her. Same goes for girls, the myth of the opposite is out there for slut issues.

Actually start talking to girls as friends, become their gay friend(or girly friend) or whatever lol GET ON THE INSIDE.. you'll find out what they really think. This is what they think.. remember that secret society thing? Well obviously there is no real secret society but the idea is based on reality. The only thing stopping girls from having sex with as many guys as possible (just like the opposite is true for us, we would if we could) is not his mental attractiveness lol but slut issues.

I'm not going to lie, I'm not the most experienced player type guy out there, or on this forum. (lol still probally more then 90% of this forum).. but I'm trying to be real here from what I have experienced and noticed from people. Let's just all stop posting on this board and get out there a little more.

I've seen this sh!t go down from the inside. Getting sex isn't as big as a deal as you guys make it.. really. Skip has it down.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
skip2mylou781 said:
WATCH THE VIDEOS, the only one that succeeeded at all was the tall guy when he hit on an hb6 - which is wat i been sayin all along
I agree. The tall guy obviously had the most potential...while the other 2 were better off with some game, but it still wasn't enough to compensate for their extreme aesthetic handicaps. I actually thought the fat guy was pretty funny and could hold some dialogue. But, the guy's just plain obese and it's hard to see past that.

Just look at Juggler himself. That guy is pretty darn good-looking and dresses well too. Game and looks are both just variables...but if you have both firing, you will be doing well. Just do the math and add up everything you got - and there you are.
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