I think what people need to understand is that you can't JUST overcome major physical problems with a little bit of game. It's like an average of your looks, personality, game, and social value. If you are a 3 on looks, you would have to make up with a massive amount of personality, game, and social value. Notorious B.I.G. comes to mind. I have an obese friend (we're talking 400lbs here) that's dating an HB7 but he has plenty of personality, game, and LOTS of social value to spare. I have another obese acquaintance who's a virgin at 22 who is completely AFC. No game, abrasive personality, and lackluster social value. I'd rate them the same on looks. One just does a lot more with what he has.
Let's just say that if you're a 5 in looks, don't expect to be pulling 8s just because you "have game." Target 5/6s, game them, get some experience, and move up if you can.