Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

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Don Juan
Jul 9, 2006
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Yay :)
Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Randomer AttacksThis explains why you're so exasperated. You didn't read my post. :p I never said I was in Mensa. I took the test out of curiosity to see if I could pass. I don't need to pay some organization annual dues to tell me I'm smart.
Ok, well when I was typing I did say something about you being in Mensa but really it makes no difference whether you joined or not, the point is that you were talking about your intelligence and my point was and remains that... well... who cares what tests you've passed in the past? It has nothing to do with the subject at hand.

Pointing out a spelling error to someone who is insulting other people's intelligence isn't a personal attack. It's irony. And it's not unfounded, because it's right there on my screen. :) You can't really call it personal either, because I'm referring to an obvious typo. When I wrote that, I was unaware that he lacks a high school diploma.
Bottom line is... seriously, who DOES that kind of stuff? Who corrects other people's grammar online in their posts? Especially something so miniscule... how unnecessary. Oh and btw
And go ahead and say that you weren't insulting his grammar, just "pointing something out,
yes, I already knew you'd react exactly this way... lol, I tell the future :up:

I'll quote it if you want I guess...but backing things up are for subjective opinions, not facts, which is what we have here.
Lol... k, I'll give you a biscuit if you can explain to me how it's so impossible to back up facts with facts then :p gl I'll start you off by giving you an example to disprove, how's that!? My fan is blowing air into my hair. Backing it up with another fact would be to say that my hair is moving and I have no other ventillation that would make my hair blow in such a way.

Looks and appearance are two different things first of all.
Lastly I would've thought that Mr.MensaConcertoPianist would know how similar appearance and looks are, while your appearance isn't part of your immediate personal looks, it DOES majorly affect your overall look and in the same way, how you LOOK is obviously gonna affect your general appearance! Not so different anymore, hmm? That being said, you can't say that appearance does matter but looks don't. Look how closely they're related, one is always affecting the other! Stop making stuff up to make yourself sound right :p

Damn, i do have to say... i def. like arguing too much, lol but thaz ok cuz ur not gonna beat me guy. I am after all... right. ;)


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2006
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! Damn DevanE, I know what you're talking about, that kind of stuff with guys HAS happened to me before but... not THAT often. Just realize that it's the OTHER people who are so insecure, that's all... gotta find some friends who are secure with themselves I guess :p When I read about the women haters you are talking about I think that's hilarious! Same exact thing with me, OMG, i have some of the craziest stories with women haters, everything from just staring me down everytime they see me to making up stories about how I sell drugs, to tell their friends that get attracted to me... lol, yea women haters have GOTTA be the worst!!!


Jul 8, 2006
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Melbourne (Aus) Little Bahma (Bahamas) Marbella (S
Just a simple point........ If I walk into a club and I have an ugly guy beside me we have the exact same personality but he is ugly and middle class, I am hot and rich.

Who would girls be checking out? ME

Who would girls be more open to? ME

Who would girls want to sleep with? ME

Looks and success do matter throw an ugly guy with crappy cloths into a room with the cultural elite how would he go? He would get rejected by everybody men and women alike will avoid him like the plague. Women are attracted to good looking, successful men with great personalities.

All I am saying is work on the thing you can work on if you want higher quality women.

I would love for some of these guys to hang out with me for a week and see how they fare with the women I know.


Jul 8, 2006
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Melbourne (Aus) Little Bahma (Bahamas) Marbella (S
DevanE said:
Well said Angelus, I am going to have to agree because well its true. I have been told I am a very attractive, model/movie-star type of looking guy and have the body AND personality to back it up. The down-side of looking good from my point of view is all the atitudes you get sometimes, not from women but rather from guys. For example, if your the best looking guy in your group of friends, they automatically start to put you down to make themselves look better, it always feels like competition its even worst when women come around.

You walk in a room looking your best and if some guy is with his girl the guy almost 100% of the times is always staring at you hard to see if you look at his girl or puts his arm around her like Im gonna steal her...wtf is that about...?

Then you have the women haters, the UG ones always try to screw you over if you try to talk to their friend. The worst part of looking good sometimes is that you can't hang out with dudes sometimes, because everyone has this mentality that they gotta hang out with someone who isn't on their level looks-wise, me personally I could care-less about looks and just like the guy who did an experiment on match.com about the fake personality I did that in REAL-life. For one week, I dressed like a straight up bum, didn't shave, hair all a mess, literaly didn't care...what happened...? I go to university, everyone saying wssup, I go the gym dudes wanna work out with me, it was the most funniest thing, you look like **** and everyone wants to hang out, you look your best people don't wanna be seen with you.

To top it off IF you are hangin with dudes and can pull women better then them they cut you out from their lives soo quick its ridiculous, I've had it happen to me. Its hard makin friends you can chill with. Women come and go but makin friends has gotten harder for me, as well as social wise. Other then that man, I can sweet charm the sh*t out of women especially when I need something from them its simple, they usually give it to me with a smile too.

Sorry for the long post but thought I let you guys know this as well, maybe Angelus you can elaborate a little but more on this too. :up:

My old friend use to point out how attractive a girl was then after I seduce her and sleep with her they would say she is ugly. I got rid of them and made new friends I only really know 3 good guys that don’t care if somebody looks better than then, they never put people down and they have great personalities.

Mostly the people you describe are found in western culture try going to Europe and you will see an entire different side of people.


Don Juan
Dec 8, 2005
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Turin, Italy
Ué paisàno! :D

What people fails to notice, in this discussion, is that Angelus is surely not a super-model. What brings him power is his confidence. Do you notice how much he's sure about himself and about his chances? All this faith in himself works wonders for him, I'm sure.

You still look too much haughty and shallow, by the way. I love your confidence but lower the bragging a little, reading your posts is becoming increasingly painful.

There are other values, I repeat, apart from looks and financial income. If the girls you go after only care about money and looks, they are shallow and imbecile wh*res, my friend. There should be something inside you too, like a passion for something, intelligence, culture, wit and imagination.

And remember that money cannot buy other people's respect. :wave:


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2006
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There are other values, I repeat, apart from looks and financial income. If the girls you go after only care about money and looks, they are shallow and imbecile wh*res, my friend. There should be something inside you too, like a passion for something, intelligence, culture, wit and imagination.
Well Said


Sarge On!


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
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I have to say that I agree with Angelus, but I would like to take it even further.

I think that looks and perception plays a much stronger role than what is led to be believed on these forums. With perception I mean how you portray yourself and are perceived by the females.

Take a look here. (not my best pic, got barbequed by the sun a couple of days ago)

I don't consider myself to be Brad Pitt, I think I look OK, but the way I dress and the image I portray, makes me able to pull the cream of the females around. I'm the kind of a guy that gets a couple of extra points when I wear a suit.

When I was in Sydney my usual hangout used to be 'the Establishment' and some other high end place down at the Harbour. Those that are from Sydney probably know that those places usually are filled with the 28+ yuppie crowd, IE the cream of the crops gold digger chicks and chicks decently high up in the food chain.

Now I didn't have a cent to name, all my credit cards were maxed out, but the way I dressed, the way I acted with confidence made me able to pull ONS every time I was there. And these were with b!tches that were loaded with cash and had penthouses/superlux apartments in Bondi. (One of my fondest memories was of doing a HOT 30 y/o in her penthouse apartments, with her little titties squashed against the window overlooking George Street. aah sweet memories)

Look at before and after pics of Strauss. Do you guys really think he could have pulled that hot ass chick if he looked like he did before? I'm not saying that looks are the end all of pulling chicks, but no matter what you believe, they play a role.

To sum it all up :

decent looks + confidence + ability to positively portray yourself = good quality b!tches

Edit. And yes I'm wearing a light pink shirt and a pink tie in that pic. Pink rules! w00t w00t


Jul 8, 2006
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Melbourne (Aus) Little Bahma (Bahamas) Marbella (S
Aerospace said:
There are other values, I repeat, apart from looks and financial income. If the girls you go after only care about money and looks, they are shallow and imbecile wh*res, my friend. There should be something inside you too, like a passion for something, intelligence, culture, wit and imagination./QUOTE]

The girls I go after care about more than that but they do consider that when they look at a man. They are highly valued women so they look for highly valued men. Of course they look for intelligence, wit, culture in fact if you look at my other posts I stress the importance of those qualities. I am saying apart from personality they also go for looks and not money but success there is a difference.

Wit, charm confidence etc

I am one of the biggest advocates for developing those qualities it is the first advice I give to anybody develop a great personality because it will attract women. My point is personality with no looks and no success will not get you far.

If you want to get the best of the best you should work on your looks by going to the gym and being well groomed, you should work on your success and definitely your personality.

It is not a difficult concept and tomatoes you are still avoiding the question.

If I was average looking and was wearing average cloths would the flight attendant have been eye f*cking me? Would she have given me her number so easily?

Centurion I hate to burst your bubble but I lived in Sydney for 6 month on and off. Establishment and the clubs around darling harbor aren't high end clubs. I'm sure you pulled some good women and got plenty of ONS but Establishment is not high end.

High end clubs in Sydney are places like Havana, Milk bar and the house clubs in Kings Cross. Just so you know for next time you are down there and with the way you dress you should be able to get into the high end clubs.

P.S. Nice shoes


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2006
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If I was average looking and was wearing average cloths would the flight attendant have been eye f*cking me? Would she have given me her number so easily?
No...she wouldnt.....but your trying to say that it would be IMPOSSIBLE for an average guy with average looks and average clothes to pull her.

That is what im saying is sooooo wrong.

You say you need success and looks...

I say they help.....but you dont NEED them.

Sarge On!


Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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in the end, its a same old story...

however in my opinion, 'adaptation' is also another important factor that contributes to attraction.

in adult (mature/business) world, an armani suit, nicely cropped hair and confidence could really set you up with a hottie or two..

but, if you're a student (tertiary or secondary), simply wearing expensive clothes isn't going to get you laid - rather, a 'cool' and 'laid back' attitude with decent easy-going dress sense can go a long way.

i doubt that groupie/hippie/emo chicks are going to fall for a yuppie/trendy/preppy guy, vice versa.


Jul 8, 2006
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Melbourne (Aus) Little Bahma (Bahamas) Marbella (S
Tomatoes said:
No...she wouldnt.....but your trying to say that it would be IMPOSSIBLE for an average guy with average looks and average clothes to pull her.

That is what im saying is sooooo wrong.

You say you need success and looks...

I say they help.....but you dont NEED them.

Sarge On!
I said if your average looking, you’re not successful and you aren’t well groomed you won’t be sleeping with a HB10. Beautiful, rich girls with great personalities don’t sleep with fat, poor, unhygienic men.

You don't know what I mean by HB10, I mean beautiful business women like lawyers etc that have amazing personalities. If you think some chubby guy with average looks, no sense of style and that isn't well groomed is going to get her you are deluded.

You say you met a FHM model once, why didn't you sleep with her?

Average looking guys with great personalities can get HB8’s but once they step into the realm of the cultural elite they are nothing.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
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In a land called **** it.
DevanE said:
For example, if your the best looking guy in your group of friends, they automatically start to put you down to make themselves look better, it always feels like competition its even worst when women come around.

You walk in a room looking your best and if some guy is with his girl the guy almost 100% of the times is always staring at you hard to see if you look at his girl or puts his arm around her like Im gonna steal her...wtf is that about...?

Then you have the women haters, the UG ones always try to screw you over if you try to talk to their friend. The worst part of looking good sometimes is that you can't hang out with dudes sometimes, because everyone has this mentality that they gotta hang out with someone who isn't on their level looks-wise,
LMAO I laugh because this has happened to me so much.

Especially the second one. One day I plan to run up to some guy while he's putting his arms around her and go, "Got your *****! haha!" and run off with her. Its ****ing ridiculous, especially when staring at me. I also get stares when I'm with my sister (who's attrractive to most guys), as if they are going to try to fight me for her, I just smile at these guys and keep walking because its so funny.

And the UGs just piss me off because the UGs always get attracted to me AND c*ckblock, its like a double negative.

anyway man, if you can find a guy who looks REALLY good, but isn't that confident, that's the guy you make friends with. Because by being with you he'll develop that DJ personality and you can teach him about confidence and show him how many girls really like him, and then you become GREAT friends because he went througha positive change with you.

Example, in 7th grade I just moved to a town (my social proof was crazy, again if I wouldve just stayed in my 7th grade mindset I wouldn't have ever had to find this site), and I had crazy social proof. Anyway I was friends with one of the hottest girls (friends, literally, but her hot friend ended up liking me lol), and she mentioned some guy she thought was cute. I turned to him said, "Yo, you wanna hook up with her?" he kinda looked shocked and was like "Yea."

To this day we are close friends, I've been helping him slowly improved, he's improved me and its 4 years later. And he's literally model status (he's had offers to be a model), but he's still not where he needs to be, but I'm gonna help him get there because me and him would be a ****ing awesome team.


New Member
Jul 25, 2006
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I just posted a picture of myself on Hot or Not the other day and much to my suprise got a rating 9.4-9.6. It's a bad picture of me (Ie not smiling, **** clothes) but much to my suprise it got an average of about 9.5 (slight variations over the course of the week) Now I realise that people on there just click anything so its not anywhere near 100% accurate. BUT, still before giving someone a score you can guess roughly what rating they are and it is usually right, therefore it is not a completly flawed concept. Hot or Not, in my opinion will give you a reasonably accurate rating on your physicaly apperance.

The reason I have brought this up is because, I DID not consider myself as a 9.6, I can be insecure about my looks sometimes whereas other times i'm confident with them. For quite a while I have been telling myself that I am good looking (call me vain but my lack of confidence is due to my looks) and self-assurance really does help.

People on Hot or Not think I am a 9+, or at least good looking yet I struggle when I go out to get woman. So to answer your question, do looks matter. Yes looks matter but they are nothing without confidence. Hygene, fitness etc are a lot more inmportant than actuall things like facial structure etc. Looks CAN be improved with a bit of effort. I wish those trying to improve on there appearance the best of luck and I shall continue to maintain and improve on my appearance but more importantly becoem more and more confident.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
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Good looks and Confidence won't get you anywhere with the hottest babes unless you speak in a deep powerful voice like a man, if your speech is slurred or you stutter or its infeminate, you will not have any success with the hottest babes, no matter how good looking and confident you are, but if you speak like the above and you also have lots of money and a very high status, it will be possible for you to allure the hottest babes, if say you are a pop star, sports champion, movie star, etc. :yes:


Master Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
Power is sexy.

A deep voice is considered powerful. Money is powerful. Good looks are construed as power. Relevant success is power. Confidence is power. Congruency is power. Intelligence and knowledge is power.

Power is sexy. It isn't rocket science.
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