Nurse still hasn't answered my
text from the other day, it's 2018 & nobody is that busy to answer a message-especially when they're on their phones basically 24/7. I have a chick in northern FL that I talk to: sends me nudes/videos, always sexting me & is a cool chick..I've been paying her a bit more attention since she's been making an effort with me. Not gonna lie though, I'm kinda pissed about the nurse- I feel like a loser for pursing her & going along with her b.s signals she threw at me. She's a highly trained attention *****.
I know I shouldn't care about this because I haven't gotten anything from her, but it's probably because the only chick I know I have as a sure thing at the moment is a few hours away. The nurse chick hasn't been back to work in the past few nights, so idk when she comes back on, but I'm 100% going cold on her (she probably won't even notice, but I'm withdrawing my friendliness & attention from her). If she does happen to ask why I'm quiet or what's wrong, what would be a good way to say it? I'll keep the window open for opportunity incase she does happen to change her mind (I'd literally just **** her & leave though, I don't want to invest in an attention ***** long term), but at this point I'm thinking its a dead end.
I know chicks are emotional creatures & change up on the drop of a dime but that makes me ask the question of if her interest is low & you go cold on her, will it even spark intrigue out of her? I haven't been standoffish with her- all the interactions have been fun & playful so me going stonewall on her may get her attention- but if she isn't interested like I thought she was, will it even matter?
Regardless, whether I'm cold or not I'm withdrawing the flirty nature from the conversation if I see her. I'm not gonna give free attention like I was to her. I know I gotta cut that **** off to prevent myself from building expectations or a return on my investment.
I do have one of my girls I'm cool with coming by tmrw night to see me- blonde, huge ass & legs (she is a fitness model & figure competitor) & has a bunch of tattoos. She gets stared at like crazy because of how thick her legs are..she's built like a racehorse in her lower half. Maybe the nurse chick will see her & assume I went cold because of her. Either way, her seeing me with another chick around & having fun will raise my SMV.