Long-Term Relationshios are NOT natural


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
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What the hell is wrong with this forum??

Men and women are not the same. That's absolutely right, but thats what makes the sexes be attracted to each other.

I tell you I hate people that are just like me, be it guy or girls. I have never been with a girl who was just like me and shared my same interests, because we end up being just friends. But the girls who are the opposite of me, like those that are very feminine and let themselves be swept by the moment, those girls I adore, and some of them happen to love me too.

I think even if I were not able to have sex with women anymore, I really enjoy how they can entertain me with their antics, how I can sometimes manipulate them, and how they try to do the same with me.

Also, its a scientific fact that people who have healthy marriages tend to live longer and be much happier than average.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2014
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Poon King said:
Wow.. that's original. Someone p!sses you off online.. so you say they live at home with their mother.

Probably the least original thing ever said. Surely not "alpha".

You are a woman. And an angry one.

Betas ARE natural though. And most men are betas. A good 90% probably. Society needs this. Society needs betas to be pawns for alphas. This is true no matter how much you hate it. Betas follow the lead and the rules of women. So if woman want LTR's then that is what betas will do.

Betas are clay for women to mold. Women follow the lead of alphas and betas follow the lead of women.

Society needs betas to fall in line and be "good men". Being a good man doesn't make you alpha. Having morals doesn't make you alpha either. Power makes you alpha. Freedom makes you alpha.

You are upset because you want beta qualities to be alpha qualities. But they are not. Get over it, or keep crying about it.

Alpha f*cks beta BUCKS.

The words of a typical fearful conformist beta. :crackup:

If you are not a woman you are a severe beta.

LTR's might be "natural" for betas.. but only because it is natural for betas to conform and do whatever women need them to.

Is all you can do is copy and paste your same posts? I'm laughing at your stupidity. Can't even argue your own post sufficiently.

You are a severe beta not wanting to work like a real man making your own money becoming successful like a real alpha. You expect women to give you money as you mooch off of them like your father. How pathetic is that? If every man was a lazy beta loafer loser like you, women would be in charge of everything running the world into the ground. You're no man, just a pawn for the woman that you want to take care of you like your mom does at home. Really a severe beta loser you are.

n00bPimp said:
What the hell is wrong with this forum??

Men and women are not the same. That's absolutely right, but thats what makes the sexes be attracted to each other.

I tell you I hate people that are just like me, be it guy or girls. I have never been with a girl who was just like me and shared my same interests, because we end up being just friends. But the girls who are the opposite of me, like those that are very feminine and let themselves be swept by the moment, those girls I adore, and some of them happen to love me too.

I think even if I were not able to have sex with women anymore, I really enjoy how they can entertain me with their antics, how I can sometimes manipulate them, and how they try to do the same with me.

Also, its a scientific fact that people who have healthy marriages tend to live longer and be much happier than average.
Only a few betas like poon king, midnight city, firestar fake being internet alphas hating on relationships knowing they can never have a succesful one since they have no qualifications to be in one. They talk sh1t about men in relationships attacking men who have successful ones out of anger and jealousy. It's easy to spot them a mile away. They aren't happy men either, all angry men who attack others out of anger. Does an alpha act that way?
Hell no.

Poon King said:
Power makes you alpha. Freedom makes you alpha
He copies and pastes the same to every poster.

You have no power or freedom as a man expecting a woman to take care of you. She has the power over you as a beta. Very few people agree with you here. You are a clown and have no idea what an alpha is all about. Alphas don't come on pick up forums seeking validaton from stangers proclaiming to be an alpha. Not how it works.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2014
Reaction score
Poon King said:
Alpha f*cks beta BUCKS.
PlayHer Man said:
We say alpha f*cks and beta bucks for a reason.
Burroughs said:
alpha fvcks and beta bucks

Poon King said:
Society needs betas to be pawns for alphas.
PlayHer Man said:
Men are viewed as pawns more than anything else.

You're the little pawn to entertain her

you are probably just a pawn to them

betas are only pawns for alphas
Burroughs said:
A man who lives for others is basically a pawn

unable to fight back and make perfect pawns in the bureaucracy

betas are pawns for alphas.

Poon King said:
You are a woman.

But you blame women for nothing,
PlayHer Man said:
You're a real pain in the ass because you argue like a woman.

You are a woman.

I know you're a woman

Burroughs said:
You argue like a woman.

You never blame women for anything.

You're a woman.
y'all see a connection here? poon king, playhr_man, burroughs r one and the same. yo poon king, if ur gettin all that poon y aint u out gettin the poon instead of postin on here all night an day?


Sep 25, 2014
Reaction score
backbeat said:
y'all see a connection here? poon king, playhr_man, burroughs r one and the same. yo poon king, if ur gettin all that poon y aint u out gettin the poon instead of postin on here all night an day?

Because Playswithhimselfman A.K.A Burr-HOE is the Buffoon King.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Leif_Johnson said:
Is all you can do is copy and paste your same posts? I'm laughing at your stupidity. Can't even argue your own post sufficiently.

You are a severe beta not wanting to work like a real man making your own money becoming successful like a real alpha. You expect women to give you money as you mooch off of them like your father. How pathetic is that? If every man was a lazy beta loafer loser like you, women would be in charge of everything running the world into the ground. You're no man, just a pawn for the woman that you want to take care of you like your mom does at home. Really a severe beta loser you are.

Only a few betas like poon king, midnight city, firestar fake being internet alphas hating on relationships knowing they can never have a succesful one since they have no qualifications to be in one. They talk sh1t about men in relationships attacking men who have successful ones out of anger and jealousy. It's easy to spot them a mile away. They aren't happy men either, all angry men who attack others out of anger. Does an alpha act that way?
Hell no.

He copies and pastes the same to every poster.

You have no power or freedom as a man expecting a woman to take care of you. She has the power over you as a beta. Very few people agree with you here. You are a clown and have no idea what an alpha is all about. Alphas don't come on pick up forums seeking validaton from stangers proclaiming to be an alpha. Not how it works.
Your beta/female anger is entertaining. I suspect you are a woman only because you seem to believe nagging is an effective way to change a persons mind. Good luck.

If you are a woman, society needs you to keep the betas in line.. and blind to their role in society as sacrificial lambs. You achieve this by shaming any beta who looks out for his own interests.

You take no issue with women mooching off of men.. but you hate the idea of men mooching off women. This is because you believe men are disposable and their only purpose is to serve women.

If you are actually a man.. then Society needs betas like you to fall in line and be "good men" and protect women and children at your own expense.

Power and freedom makes you alpha. A beta has neither because he is a pawn for women and society. He is a disposable soldier.

Alpha f*cks.. beta bucks.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2014
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Lol poon king and I and whoever else are beta.

Purely because we don't want an LTR but want to be knee deep in pu55y.

Ok.:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Firestar786 said:
Lol poon king and I and whoever else are beta.

Purely because we don't want an LTR but want to be knee deep in pu55y.

Ok.:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Firestar786 again."

Betas are ruled by women and think like women. What women will TELL beta men is "alpha behavior" is whatever behavior benefits the woman. But ultimately she will vote with her vagina and f*ck men like us.

This is why there is no counter argument for alpha f*cks beta bucks. Betas want to act like co-dependent white knights.. then call that behavior "alpha".


Don Juan
Oct 15, 2014
Reaction score
It's off the topic and it may be just my opinion, but I think many of you are taking this discussion too far. Arguments are important to reinforce one's beliefs, but there's a bottom line.

Open your eyes guys. You are throwing the words "beta" and "alpha" like children. "You are beta, I am alpha!", "No, you are beta!". Actually, it's quite funny, because it reminds me of a childhood game of tag where tagging someone implied transferring a disease. Here "tagging" someone with argument implies making him appear as a beta.

I know a thing or two about psychology and I learned to recognize ego defense mechanisms when I see them. I came to conclusion that it is beneficial for a man to recognize those mechanism within himself and to decide if they really are good to him in a given situation. Because sometimes our ego doesn't know what's best for us.

Try a new challenge. While posting on SS don't use words "beta" or "alpha" for 30 days. I guarantee the quality of posts will improve.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
LTRs have only become useless in the West where a lot of men have become pu$$y whipped slaves dancing to the tune of their female overlords. They tell them to jump and they say "How high?"


Don Juan
Nov 9, 2014
Reaction score
Good post, a bit overgeneralized though.
Absolutely agree on the social pressure.

I'm 22 and single for 2 years and some months now. What people think/ask whe you're single for some time:

- When are you going to get a new gf?
- Wow I guess you're so lonely, you only go out with friends, excercise alot and play music
- Are you gay?
- Are you awkward with girls?
- You're probably introvert
- You a-hole!


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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skinnyguy said:
I think it depends on age. If you're 20 then go fvck around without commitment. But when I'm 40 I hope to god I'm not single. I'd rather have a wife to come home to than mess around with ugly divorced women who got wrecked by their ex and have a litter.
That assumes that your wife won't leave you and that you will still be married when you're 40. It's not entirely in your hands ;)

For example, for the past year or so I've been banging a chick who just turned 40 and her ex-husband is also 40. I'm turning 40 shortly. He's a doctor and makes $350,000 a year. He is now paying her half of that because she divorced him a couple of years ago. I go over to her place every week or so and bang her on the couch they bought when they were married and which she got in the divorce settlement. Sometimes I bang her on the bed that she convinced him to buy a week before she walked out on him (taking the bed with her).

So the more likely question in your future is not "would you rather be married or single when you're 40," but: Would you rather be banging someone else's ex-wife for free or paying your ex-wife to be banged by other guys when you're 40?

That's the question I asked myself when I was your age, and we know which answer I chose.



Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
Saying that LTR isn't natural is just telling me you don't find it natural and maybe uncomfortable for some undisclosed reason. Why don't you personalize your views instead of putting it out there like it was objective fact? Just the fact (which actually is a fact) that some people disagree should be enough to make the subjectivity of it obvious. It happens, some if not many see LTR as natural. I see it as natural to disagree with stuff as well.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Danger said:
This comes back to my point that it depends on what one defines as LTR?
As I said in my previous post (post #60), "LTRs do not necessarily equal marriage, or lifelong commitment, or lifelong monogamy". I'm not sure what length of time would be required to qualify as an LTR, but it definitely doesn't have to be "forever". I'm thinking six months would probably be considered a MLTR, so probably at least a year for it to be an LTR?

Zarky said:
For example, for the past year or so I've been banging a chick who just turned 40 and her ex-husband is also 40. I'm turning 40 shortly. He's a doctor and makes $350,000 a year. He is now paying her half of that because she divorced him a couple of years ago. I go over to her place every week or so and bang her on the couch they bought when they were married and which she got in the divorce settlement. Sometimes I bang her on the bed that she convinced him to buy a week before she walked out on him (taking the bed with her).
...And this is a perfect example of why I will never get married again. No way am I going to pay for a bed or a couch so Zarky can bang my ex-wife on it, lol.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
I'm personally excited cos i woke up on January 1st 2015 and saw a vision of the face of my future wife that I've been praying for.

The creation of marriage is recorded
in Genesis 2:23-24 : "The man said, ‘This is
now bone of my bones and flesh of my
flesh; she shall be called “woman,” for she
was taken out of man.’ For this reason a
man will leave his father and mother and be
united to his wife, and they will become one
flesh." God created man and then made
woman to complement him. Marriage is
God’s “fix” for the fact that “it is not good for
the man to be alone” ( Genesis 2:18 ).
The word “helper” used to describe Eve in
Genesis 2:20 means “to surround, to protect
or aid, help.” Eve was created to be
alongside Adam as his "other half," to be his
aid and his helper. A man and woman, when
married, become "one flesh." This oneness is
manifested most fully in the physical union
of sexual intimacy. The New Testament adds
a warning regarding this oneness. "So they
are no longer two, but one. Therefore what
God has joined together, let man not
separate" ( Matthew 19:6 ).
There are several epistles written by the
apostle Paul that refer to marriage and how
believers are to operate within the marriage
relationship. One such passage is 1
Corinthians chapter 7, and another is
Ephesians 5:22-33 . When studied together,
these two passages provide biblical
principles that form a framework for a God-
pleasing marriage relationship.
The Ephesians passage is especially
profound in reference to a successful biblical
marriage. "Wives, submit to your husbands
as to the Lord. For the husband is the head
of the wife as Christ is the head of the
church, his body, of which he is the
Savior" ( Ephesians 5:22-23 ). "Husbands,
love your wives, just as Christ loved the
church and gave himself up for
her" ( Ephesians 5:25 ). "In this same way,
husbands ought to love their wives as their
own bodies. He who loves his wife loves
himself. After all, no one ever hated his own
body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as
Christ does the church” ( Ephesians 5:28-29 ).
“For this reason a man will leave his father
and mother and be united to his wife, and
the two will become one flesh” ( Ephesians
5:31 ).
When a believing husband and wife institute
God’s principles, a biblical marriage results.
A biblically based marriage is one that is in
balance, with Christ as the head of the man
and the wife together. The biblical concept
of marriage is a oneness between two
individuals that pictures the oneness of
Christ with His church.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Grewd said:
Saying that LTR isn't natural is just telling me you don't find it natural and maybe uncomfortable for some undisclosed reason. Why don't you personalize your views instead of putting it out there like it was objective fact? Just the fact (which actually is a fact) that some people disagree should be enough to make the subjectivity of it obvious. It happens, some if not many see LTR as natural. I see it as natural to disagree with stuff as well.
They are not natural and science supports this. It is not natural for humans to be monogamous. Staying to raise a child has more to do with the child and less to do with the relationship between the male and female.

Humans do what they believe to be beneficial to them.. natural or not.

Humans have done many unnatural behaviors for thousands of years now. But they are still unnatural. Do you think building the pyramids was natural just because it was done by ancient humans? Because that seems to be the argument most of you provide... that just because it happened "long ago" it is automatically natural.

Alphas have never committed to women long-term as long as human history goes back. Only betas. Alphas have always f*cked multiple women. Always.


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
Science supports all kinds of crazy sh!t, even things that are logically contradictory. Mainly because logic is not a reliable way to see reality. As far as objective goes you can just confirm that some people stay in relationships while others don't. You do see the problem about saying people who are natural are doing unnatural things right? Because it seems to imply that it's natural for humans to be unatural. Now could you please stop being fvcked over by your own beliefs?

Natural and unatural are very little precise judgements about reality. On the note of science which is the study of the natural world, what part of nature is unatural?

On a subjective level you seem to use the word unatural with a negative connotation, it being synonymous to wrong. But that's just pulling from the context of how you use it, and ultimately my personal judgement which is subjective.

Oh and btw, alpha and beta are social constructs.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2014
Reaction score
All human relationships are natural with other humans. Loners and losers withdraw from any type relationships.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
Poon King said:
They are not natural and science supports this. It is not natural for humans to be monogamous. Staying to raise a child has more to do with the child and less to do with the relationship between the male and female.
LTRs are natural in the sense that without them, the human race would not be where it is today. Thousands of years ago, women did not have the access to the resources to get the required protein. Whilst men did not have the time to raise the child whilst fitting in the hunting to feed the child and himself. This is the situation in which our brains evolved and these natural urges are still here today despite the whitewashing of modern day society.

But have you ever considered that both alphas and betas need LTRs? What you need to remember is that our genes are here to reproduce and survive. That is 2 goals and seeing the alpha-beta complex in that light simply shows you that they are differing reproduction strategies. And as a reproduction strategy being a beta works at least as well as being an alpha perhaps more. The evidence is the world out there, the beta gene is strong out there. LTR's are vital to alpha males because imagine life without them first. An alpha has his way with a women, she falls pregnant and gives birth. She now needs enough protein for two people. She cannot hunt as effectively as a man because she is physically handicapped by nature. The child doesn't get enough food or shelter. It dies in infancy. Game over for alphas. Thousands of years ago, this would have been the reality of the situation. In comes the LTR with a "beta", then boom the same situation apart from now the alpha is having the compete with the beta's sperm. But if he wins and he has been discrete, he will have a man raising his child for free. Alpha's needed beta's. I could go into how a woman's body can essentially weed out the stronger genes and make it much more likely that she gets pregnant via the alpha who she may only have sex with 2-3 times a month compared to her beta life partner who she could have sex with 20 times. But I don't have time.

So LTR's are not only natural but they are absolutely vital for the spread of the alpha gene in the human race. Without LTR's we probably wouldn't have survived climatic events such as the ice age and we'd be looking at a very different picture today. So yes, natural but not life long pair bonding.