Long-Term Relationshios are NOT natural

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Understood, but if you are ignoringthe entire purpose of sex and bonding (procreation) then "natural" is not the correct terminology to use.
Long term relationships are not natural though. Even when you consider kids.

We are forgetting that ancient humans lived in tribes. Entire communities raised kids not just the mom and dad exclusively. Sometimes older brothers, older sisters, cousins, aunts, grandparents, friends, etc. So we can then conclude that LTR are not necessary to raise kids AT ALL.

Often we think about ancient humans as being this family of three with a mom, dad and kid. This is not how it was though. Humans lived in large groups. The alpha male f*cked all the women.

Also, when I say LTR I mean monogamous ones. If both people are cheating on the side.. it doesn't really count.

So I stand by my original post. LTR are not natural or necessary AT ALL.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
I'm not buying it. What if you were stuck on an island with a woman who lived on a low fat diet and had a feminine pleasant disposition (aka a non Westernized orca). Are you saying that isn't natural?

Don't forget the "Finns" convinced Western women that family isn't that important, that her "career", the c@ck carousel and abortion are better alternatives. I'm not so sure discarding something which worked for thousands of years (when most women were normal of course) is the answer.

Then again maybe you mean LTR's in this current climate are not natural? They certainly are not the norm I'll give you that.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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( . )( . ) said:
I'm not buying it. What if you were stuck on an island with a woman who lived on a low fat diet and had a feminine pleasant disposition (aka a non Westernized orca). Are you saying that isn't natural?

Don't forget the "Finns" convinced Western women that family isn't that important, that her "career", the c@ck carousel and abortion are better alternatives. I'm not so sure discarding something which worked for thousands of years (when most women were normal of course) is the answer.

Then again maybe you mean LTR's in this current climate are not natural? They certainly are not the norm I'll give you that.
Good points (.)(.) and PairPlusRoyalFlush.

Here's the thing.. its not natural to be monogamous for life to one person. Science supports this. Monogamy in general is not natural for men. Science supports that too. Kids or no kids.

A relationship that lasts for years is natural. A relationship where you refuse to f*ck anyone but her for life is not.

And since women lose value over time.. why would a man do something so stupid? This goes triple for today (2014/2015). Alpha f*cks beta bucks.


Mar 12, 2011
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Poon King said:
So what is the point of all this? Just perspective. If porking is the only real appeal of women.. why are so many men desperate to be in a LTR with one? Do they really benefit from the arrangement. Do they really enjoy the arrangement?

Remember men.. if its all about SEX.. then LTR are stupid. Why? Because the woman will only get LESS sexually attractive over time. Would you buy stock if you new the value would go down forever after the day of purchase?
Bro love the post but again it's theory.

You cannot print out your post and explain it to people if you are alone at a X-mas party. People want to see a girl on your arm or that you have kids. They would a rather you be 150% beta but married with a kid rather than alpha but single.

Have we ever voted a recent president who was single? No. Are all the recent presidents beta? Yes. Are you more likely to relate, adapt, and meet new people if you are married, have kids? Yes. But is it in the mans best interest to tie himself down to something that loss value over time? No.

Your theory is right, but society doesn't care about feelings. They care about emotional, feeling good, romantic crap. Unfortunately, it's the man who have to suffer. :up:


Don Juan
Oct 15, 2014
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Poon King said:
A man can raise his kids without a woman once breast feeding ends.
You are making those assumptions, just because they fit your point of view on monogamy, but they are not necessarily true.

Who do you want to convince, and more importantly - why?

I've noticed that when people make such arguments they tend to seek validation for their own beliefs they aren't 100% sure of. Why LTRs scare you so much?


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
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Poon King said:
So all the betas can relax.
But you are KJ beta though.

Poon King said:
It just seems to me that most men get into LTRs out of social pressure, family pressure and blue pill delusion.. but not because they actually benefit from the arrangement.
False. Has nothing to do with social pressure.

Poon King said:
Men and women don't REALLY like each other

This sounds like hateful BS right? But its not. Its a truth most people don't want to accept. When you really look at the situation objectively and only focus on the FACTS you find that men and women are usually extremely opposite in goals, temperament, motivations, priorities, etc.
False. Men and women are genetically different, that does not mean they don't like each other.

Poon King said:
Men love sports, action, risk, etc. Women love romance, gossip, and everything that is relatively save. Men are the doers of society.. the risk takers.. the ones that build great cities, innovate technology, create new ideas and systems, and revolutionize the world.
Not true at all. Plenty of men dislike sports and beta men are afraid to take any sort of risks.

Poon King said:
Women are the followers of society.. sitting on the sidelines and allowing things to happen. They are the ones that regardless of "winner" go with them. For example, in Belgium and France the women were actually siding with the Nazis when they were conquered. Women are the more fluid sex.. allowing them to adapt to whatever serves them.
Not true again. Women are heads of companies, heads of hospitals, Governors, CEO's, bosses they are making decisions for your everyday life. Some women make more money than you will ever make in your lifetime. Men sided with them too because they believed in that philosophy. Women sided with them because they loved those men and believed in their cause. A very poor generalization to make that proves your point wrong.

Poon King said:
Why LTR are not Natural:

The best example of just how opposite the two sexes are would be children. Notice how without the incentive to reproduce or pork.. male and female children are totally disgusted by each other. They think the other has "cooties". Each gender stays to itself. The male/Female relationship completely falls apart without the sexual component. Once you add some testosterone and estrogen to the mix.. suddenly romance explodes.
Not true. Kids of both genders will play with each other at school.

Poon King said:
Men have to seriously ask themselves.. would they really spend any time with their partner if she didn't have a vagina he wanted to drill? Or even better.. if their partners personality was transplanted into a MAN.. would they want to associate with that man?

So what is the point of all this? Just perspective. If porking is the only real appeal of women.. why are so many men desperate to be in a LTR with one? Do they really benefit from the arrangement. Do they really enjoy the arrangement?

Remember men.. if its all about SEX.. then LTR are stupid. Why? Because the woman will only get LESS sexually attractive over time. Would you buy stock if you new the value would go down forever after the day of purchase?

You can get sex from any woman that opens her legs, that isn't very hard to do. Having a woman who you enjoy being with as a partner is something that benefits you.

You are a KJ beta because when the stock begins to decline you get a better product. When your car starts to mile up, you invest in a new model just as with women. I think you believe all men hang on to devalued merchandise.

Men who are true alphas have no problem obtaining new women. Even average dudes with a decent job and some game can get new women to replace the old ones.

Everything in this thread is KJ generalizations. Not every man is going to be a leader and a doer. A lot are followers and weak men. Not every woman is a follower sitting on the sidelines. Some are but a lot have big responsibilities in their families helping the man. That is called being a partner. Maybe if you went out and experienced life in the real world you would see what's really going on instead of sitting behind your keyboard being a keyboard jockey talking about sh1t you don't know..

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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Trump said:
Bro love the post but again it's theory.

You cannot print out your post and explain it to people if you are alone at a X-mas party. People want to see a girl on your arm or that you have kids. They would a rather you be 150% beta but married with a kid rather than alpha but single.

Have we ever voted a recent president who was single? No. Are all the recent presidents beta? Yes. Are you more likely to relate, adapt, and meet new people if you are married, have kids? Yes. But is it in the mans best interest to tie himself down to something that loss value over time? No.

Your theory is right, but society doesn't care about feelings. They care about emotional, feeling good, romantic crap. Unfortunately, it's the man who have to suffer. :up:
Then the next question becomes.. why is it so important to live up to other peoples expectations?

Of course society whats you to be beta. Of course women want you to be beta. Of course people want to "see you" doing beta things and living a beta lifestyle. Society benefits more from the betas than anyone else. Betas keep the world running. Betas are disposable and expendable. Betas give more than they take.

You are 100% correct.

Aware said:
You are making those assumptions, just because they fit your point of view on monogamy, but they are not necessarily true.

Who do you want to convince, and more importantly - why?

I've noticed that when people make such arguments they tend to seek validation for their own beliefs they aren't 100% sure of. Why LTRs scare you so much?
At least I have an argument. What's yours?

Why does the idea of avoiding situations that don't benefit you scare YOU so much?

I said in the OP that if you benefit from a LTR knock yourself out. If you don't... then avoid it.

So what is wrong with that?

The only people who have a problem with this post are men who are currently ruled by a woman. Such men don't like being called "beta". But the truth is the truth.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2014
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Poon King said:
Men love sports, action, risk, etc. Men are the doers of society.. the risk takers.
Poon King said:
Any man who is in a LTR where he gives more than he benefits is a beta and not an alpha. Any man in a LTR where he takes on more risk than reward is a beta and not an alpha.
Doesn't that contradict what you said about men being risk takers?

Poon King said:
The majority of married men are betas. If a man is married in a country where the laws favor men and he can still smash women on the side.. then he is alpha.
Why get married if you are going to smash women on the side?

Poon King said:
If he is married in the U.S. or Canada he is a flaming beta.
Unless you were born out of wedlock, I'm pretty your father had a relationship with your mother before he married her. Are you calling your own father a flaming beta for marrying your mom? Was their relationship and marriage not natural before having you?

Should we have a country full of bastard children destroying the moral fabric of our society?

Poon King said:
A man can raise his kids without a woman once breast feeding ends.
A normal child needs both parents in his life. Children coming from one parent homes are usually screwed up later in life. Did you come from a single parent home? Have you ever raised any kids on your own?

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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Leif_Johnson said:
Doesn't that contradict what you said about men being risk takers?

Why get married if you are going to smash women on the side?

Unless you were born out of wedlock, I'm pretty your father had a relationship with your mother before he married her. Are you calling your own father a flaming beta for marrying your mom? Was their relationship and marriage not natural before having you?

Should we have a country full of bastard children destroying the moral fabric of our society?

A normal child needs both parents in his life. Children coming from one parent homes are usually screwed up later in life. Did you come from a single parent home? Have you ever raised any kids on your own?
Typical emotional beta thinking. You're using your feelings and not your head. Reality is harsh.

Society needs betas to do what is in the best interest of women, children and society. Most men need to be betas for society to thrive. Beta is not a bad word.

Alpha f*cks beta bucks also means... betas raise alphas children in many cases as women f*ck alphas.. then tell naive, loyal, betas the child is theirs. Typical betas blame "bad boys" and "deadbeat dads" instead of the slutty women who sleep with them/us. Because betas are generally stupid and easily manipulated white knights deep down.

And your inner white knight is showing.

Reality is what it is. Don't feel good about it? Doesn't matter. It's still reality.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2014
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Poon King said:
Typical emotional beta thinking. You're using your feelings and not your head. Reality is harsh.

Society needs betas to do what is in the best interest of women, children and society. Most men need to be betas for society to thrive. Beta is not a bad word.

Alpha f*cks beta bucks also means... betas raise alphas children in many cases as women f*ck alphas.. then tell naive, loyal, betas the child is theirs. Typical betas blame "bad boys" and "deadbeat dads" instead of the slutty women who sleep with them/us. Because betas are generally stupid and easily manipulated white knights deep down.

And your inner white knight is showing.

Reality is what it is. Don't feel good about it? Doesn't matter. It's still reality.
No need to use projection. I asked you questions that you avoided. How come you are afraid to answer them?

Do you think of your own father as beta for marrying your mother? Were your parents ever married when they had you?

What are you some Liberal afraid to take responsibility? Everybody knows that 2 parents are a normal natural thing. If you knock up a woman you are just as responsible as she is for the kid. That is not being a beta. It's the beta pvssies as you who are afraid to step up as a real father. Sad that you think this way knowing nothing what an alpha really is. Your ignorance is showing with lack of competence understanding reality.


Don Juan
Oct 15, 2014
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Poon King said:
So what is wrong with that?
Nothing. I agree with you that LTRs put a man at disadvantage and personally I am not planning to enter any in many years ahead.

Despite that I am able to see the merit of LTRs. Most men eventually get the desire to have children. Sure, we may struggle against Nature's will, but I don't see the point. And I believe that a child needs both a dominant father figure and a feminine mother.

Another reason to get into an LTR is emotional attachment, but I strongly advocate against it. Perhaps because I am uncapable of emotional attachment.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I always find it funny when I read these "LTRs are not natural" posts. Of course LTRs are natural. Otherwise they wouldn't be happening. People will say LTRs are because of social constructs. But obviously it is natural for people to create social constructs, that's what people do. Naturally.

Look at this site. Usually guys come here because they have oneitis for some girl who doesn't reciprocate. They have to learn PUA theory to learn to spin plates, because they NATURALLY wanted to pair bond with a girl.

Now let's say that it's true that only betas want to get into LTRs (I don't agree with that, but let's say it's true). Betas make up 90% of the planet's males, or more. How can that possibly NOT be natural? It takes all kinds to make a world, they say.

As for men and women not liking each other, whaaat? Yes, there is always some friction between the sexes. But men and women complement each other, they each bring what the other lacks to the table. They go together like bread and butter or salt and pepper. I think this phenomenon of guys preferring to hang out with guys is a very "young man" thing. They're still caught up in their childhood when guys played together and haven't learned how to relate to the opposite sex yet. Once you do, it fits like a hand and glove. Unless you have taken up with a real b!tch or a poor match, in which case you will never get any peace.

PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
There were studies done on the basket cases that resulted from communal upbringing in the 60s and 70s, probably modern Kibbutzes too. There are innumerable studies that prove that monogamous upbringings are optimal and that anything else results in personality disorders and low self esteem, among other poor outcomes. I can't reconcile a system that produces hurt children as natural either under Darwinian or Christian ethics.
Good point.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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I think what poon king (fantastic name btw) is saying is that there is no natural biological necessity for monogamy. We shouldnt feel pressured by society or friends/family to be in an LTR just for the sake of an LTR, we should do it when we are comfortable and satisfied with the woman. This seems pretty obvious, but there are many many relationships (and families) that are the product of desperation and two people hanging on just to be "normal", so they can say they are in a relationship and give the outward appearance that Everything Is Fine.

Have standards basically, and be wiling to walk when you are unhappy.


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2014
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This site is gradually turning into a continuous MGTOW preaching page. That's imbalance and mostly poison.

Ofcourse, there'll be people in support or against OP's philosophy but really what does this have to do with being a DJ? The way to best cope with women is to accept its not natural to be with one woman? seriously?

Our fore fathers have successfully lived their days breeding kids mostly with one woman. Days where a family of one man and one wife would have 8-10 kids and raise them together. The man go search for food, the woman care for the family.

Today we have men who want something for nothing.

Is pussie worth it? Yes it is. Have you had passionate seks with someone you're into?

Is having someone care for you worth it? Yes it is. Have you been sick and taken care of by someone you're into? Who just lays next to you and make you feel like being beside you is the best place to be in the whole world?

Why are we choosing to ignore and forget the emotional connection? We are not robots and choosing to ignore your emotional side doesn't make you more of a man or more of an alpha.

I side with society. A man should not be by himself especially if he can help it.

Have you thought of what life would be like when you're wrinkled and do not have someone by your side to share your glory youthful days together?

There are men and there are women for a reason.

Of course we have our differences but that doesn't have to be a bad thing. Do you know what life would be like if men and women acted exactly the same?

I'm glad women act like they do, someone has to. Someone has to care, show affection and nurture the kids.

Women are not the same as before, true, they are now more liberated but we do not respond or adjust by simply going the complete opposite but rather we continue to screen the crazies to the left. You do not stop searching for gold because there's too many stones, not if you want it neither do you stop searching for originals just because there's too many fakes

Long term relationship is natural.

Taking a sheet is natural.

Toilets are man made, sensible and necessary, it doesn't serve as a good comparison to prove the point of LTR not being natural.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
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You can't prove long term relationships are natural stevo. You can make "friends" and talk to them, you can lay down with anybody you want. It all comes down to personal preference and opinion. There is no right way to be in a "relationship" you live life on your own terms. Not the terms society has pressed on to you

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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Leif_Johnson said:
No need to use projection. I asked you questions that you avoided. How come you are afraid to answer them?

Do you think of your own father as beta for marrying your mother? Were your parents ever married when they had you?

What are you some Liberal afraid to take responsibility? Everybody knows that 2 parents are a normal natural thing. If you knock up a woman you are just as responsible as she is for the kid. That is not being a beta. It's the beta pvssies as you who are afraid to step up as a real father. Sad that you think this way knowing nothing what an alpha really is. Your ignorance is showing with lack of competence understanding reality.
My father is indeed alpha. He married my mother at a time in his life when she had more money and assets than him. Prior to the marriage he sport f*cked women who had less money than him, but was never dumb enough to marry them. My father is more alpha than most men and definitely more alpha than you.

Society needs betas to fall in line and be "good men". Being a good man doesn't make you alpha. Having morals doesn't make you alpha either. Power makes you alpha. Freedom makes you alpha.

You are upset because you want beta qualities to be alpha qualities. But they are not. Get over it, or keep crying about it.

What's good for kids is having a loyal beta father/provider. Being beta is not good for the man himself, but it's good for everyone else. The beta is happily disposable and ruled by the expectations of women, society and religion.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
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falling in love has always been an impossible task for me. Only exception was my borderline ex, but as we know borderlines are a completely different animal and reach you in a way spiritually that a normal sane woman can't.

Long term relationships are not natural but at the end of the day My goal is to put myself in a position to sleep with as many beautiful women as possible and one of the best ways to do that is getting into a a long term relationship with an attractive woman it gives you status.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2014
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Poon King said:
My father is indeed alpha. He married my mother at a time in his life when she had more money and assets than him. Prior to the marriage he sport f*cked women who had less money than him, but was never dumb enough to marry them. My father is more alpha than most men and definitely more alpha than you.
Your father mooched off a woman who had more than him? How beta is that? A man is always supposed to have more than a woman. Not let the little lady take care of him. Why would you think that is alpha? Betas are the moochers and takers of society. Marriage is beta you say so he is a flaming beta.

Poon King said:
Society needs betas to fall in line and be "good men". Being a good man doesn't make you alpha. Having morals doesn't make you alpha either. Power makes you alpha. Freedom makes you alpha.

Power that you and your father doesn't have. Alphas are leaders who are responsible men. Male children who grow up without a father figure are betas. Deadbeat dads that you support are low lifes who force preople like me to pay for the women they knock up who go on welfare. Their welfares comes out of our paychecks while the deadbeats don't pay anything because they are usually on welfare too.

Poon King said:
You are upset because you want beta qualities to be alpha qualities. But they are not. Get over it, or keep crying about it.

What's good for kids is having a loyal beta father/provider. Being beta is not good for the man himself, but it's good for everyone else. The beta is happily disposable and ruled by the expectations of women, society and religion.
I'm not upset about anything. I'm laughing at your ignorance. What's good for kids having a single mommy who can't teach their son how to be a man who grow up to be weak men? What's good for kids having a single mommy who's daughters grow up to have daddy issues who are nut cases? I guess you want to mooch off women in your beta world of life like your father did. A man should be ashamed to say his wife or girlfriend has more than him. She holds the power by having more than you do just being a weak beta taker with nothing of your own having no power. You think that is alpha? haha. How many alphas let their woman call the shots taking care of them? haha. You think that is alpha? hahaha. Holy sh!t haha


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Humans are serial monogamists.

I dont see whats so hard to understand about that for some people. Just because most people dont practice lifetime monogamy does not mean they dont practice monogamy at all.
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
so children being raised in sub-optimal conditions is natural?