Long-Term Relationshios are NOT natural

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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Leif_Johnson said:
Your father mooched off a woman who had more than him? How beta is that? A man is always supposed to have more than a woman. Not let the little lady take care of him. Why would you think that is alpha? Betas are the moochers and takers of society. Marriage is beta you say so he is a flaming beta.
Alpha f*cks Beta bucks stupid. If you believe being a beta provider is alpha then you are smoking crack.

Just because you have to pay women for sex, love and affection.. that doesn't mean we all do.

Leif_Johnson said:
Power that you and your father doesn't have. Alphas are leaders who are responsible men. Male children who grow up without a father figure are betas. Deadbeat dads that you support are low lifes who force preople like me to pay for the women they knock up who go on welfare. Their welfares comes out of our paychecks while the deadbeats don't pay anything because they are usually on welfare too.
Society needs beta providers. If you are happy to be one then go do it.

Leif_Johnson said:
I'm not upset about anything. I'm laughing at your ignorance. What's good for kids having a single mommy who can't teach their son how to be a man who grow up to be weak men? What's good for kids having a single mommy who's daughters grow up to have daddy issues who are nut cases? I guess you want to mooch off women in your beta world of life like your father did. A man should be ashamed to say his wife or girlfriend has more than him. She holds the power by having more than you do just being a weak beta taker with nothing of your own having no power. You think that is alpha? haha. How many alphas let their woman call the shots taking care of them? haha. You think that is alpha? hahaha. Holy sh!t haha
More beta provider propaganda. You are brainwashed by feminine thinking where your only purpose in life is to serve women. Have fun.

This thread is about what benefits the individual man and what doesn't.

Society needs betas to fall in line and be "good men". Being a good man doesn't make you alpha. Having morals doesn't make you alpha either. Power makes you alpha. Freedom makes you alpha.

You are upset because you want beta qualities to be alpha qualities. But they are not. Get over it, or keep crying about it.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2014
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Poon King said:
Alpha f*cks Beta bucks stupid. If you believe being a beta provider is alpha then you are smoking crack.
Betas mooch off of women like you and your father. If you think women are supposed to have more finances holding power over men then YOU are smoking the crack.

Poon King said:
Just because you have to pay women for sex, love and affection.. that doesn't mean we all do.

What the hell? You don't get any love or affection that is why you are an angry hostile man. I believe that men should have the balls to make more of themselves than women having more finances. You want to be a beta moocher.

Poon King said:
Society needs beta providers. If you are happy to be one then go do it.
Me and the rest of the tax payers have to pick up the welfare tab of the single mommies that go on welfare when beta cowards like you don't support your own child. Why should Americans provide for your bastard kids you neglect as you fake being an alpha online? Everybody provides in some way in this country for no matter what it is whether it is a job for your company, a pet, or your own well being.

Society needs men to be achieve more than women. Not betas like you perfectly happy to let women do the work for you as you mooch off them. You are a powerless beta. How can a woman take you seriously when you have less than her? See you have nothing so you hate relationships because you have nothing and women disrespect losers who expect a chick to take care of them.

Poon King said:
More beta provider propaganda. You are brainwashed by feminine thinking where your only purpose in life is to serve women. Have fun.

This thread is about what benefits the individual man and what doesn't.

Society needs betas to fall in line and be "good men". Being a good man doesn't make you alpha. Having morals doesn't make you alpha either. Power makes you alpha. Freedom makes you alpha.

You are upset because you want beta qualities to be alpha qualities. But they are not. Get over it, or keep crying about it.
Freedom does not make you an alpha. Every man who has freedom is not an alpha. Where did you get that idea?

The biggest Alphas ever were men who fought for our country during World War II. They fought and risked their lives for our country. They provided their blood and sweat ensuring your freedom you have today. After the war they came home to their families after their wives worked to keep the family going. The 50's was the best decade we ever had and the men who had families then were no betas.

A beta like you wants to sit on his ass doing nothing wanting a woman to provide everything for you as you contribute nothing to society. Alphas make contributions to society, you want things handed to you like a lazy loafing beta from women. No alpha in the world is that lazy and pathetic wanting a woman to be better than him like you do haha.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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Leif_Johnson said:
Betas mooch off of women like you and your father. If you think women are supposed to have more finances holding power over men then YOU are smoking the crack.
You must be a woman if you are bothered by men doing what benefits them.

This is why I make threads like this. To expose all the women hiding on this site pretending to be men.

Leif_Johnson said:
What the hell? You don't get any love or affection that is why you are an angry hostile man. I believe that men should have the balls to make more of themselves than women having more finances. You want to be a beta moocher.
Female shaming tactic. Further proof you are really a woman.

Only women are bothered by men doing what is good for them. You are a woman.

Leif_Johnson said:
Me and the rest of the tax payers have to pick up the welfare tab of the single mommies that go on welfare when beta cowards like you don't support your own child. Why should Americans provide for your bastard kids you neglect as you fake being an alpha online? Everybody provides in some way in this country for no matter what it is whether it is a job for your company, a pet, or your own well being.
Women can get abortions you brainless twaht. So blame them for having kids they can't afford.

But you blame women for nothing, because you are a woman yourself.

Leif_Johnson said:
Society needs men to be achieve more than women. Not betas like you perfectly happy to let women do the work for you as you mooch off them. You are a powerless beta. How can a woman take you seriously when you have less than her? See you have nothing so you hate relationships because you have nothing and women disrespect losers who expect a chick to take care of them.
Are you going to cry now.. little girl?

This is just getting pathetic. But funny.

Leif_Johnson said:
Freedom does not make you an alpha. Every man who has freedom is not an alpha. Where did you get that idea?
The more you have to conform to the rules of others.. the more beta you are.

Hashtag# Common sense.

Leif_Johnson said:
The biggest Alphas ever were men who fought for our country during World War II. They fought and risked their lives for our country. They provided their blood and sweat ensuring your freedom you have today. After the war they came home to their families after their wives worked to keep the family going. The 50's was the best decade we ever had and the men who had families then were no betas.
Wrong. The men leading the wars from their offices were the alphas. The men on the field were the pawns.

Leif_Johnson said:
A beta like you wants to sit on his ass doing nothing wanting a woman to provide everything for you as you contribute nothing to society. Alphas make contributions to society, you want things handed to you like a lazy loafing beta from women. No alpha in the world is that lazy and pathetic wanting a woman to be better than him like you do haha.
Only a woman would care if a man is mooching off a woman. You are a woman.

Make me a sandwich.

MidnightCity said:
great thread and all true.

i can tell you read the higher quality stuff out there.

just remember, this forum is in a purple pill cycle of softness atm so stuff like this gets lost on most of the newcomers. pearls before swine and all that
There are numerous female trolls on this site posting as men.. trying to feed blue pill propaganda and manipulate men into submission.

I just exposed Leif_Johnson above.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2014
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Poon King said:
You must be a woman if you are bothered by men doing what benefits them.

This is why I make threads like this. To expose all the women hiding on this site pretending to be men..
What benefits men is becoming a success on his own, not mooching off a woman's success like you think is alpha. You are a beta that has nothing, That is not what an Alpha is. An alpha make his own success, not hanging off the success of others especially women. What real alpha wants to be a loafer?

Poon King said:
Female shaming tactic. Further proof you are really a woman.

Only women are bothered by men doing what is good for them. You are a woman.

Shaming is coming from a beta like you. I'm just telling you how it is. Alphas don't accuse other men like you do, that is a beta characteristic. You are a beta. What benefits men is becoming a success on his own, not mooching off a woman's success like you think is alpha. How is it good being a nothing like you are?

Poon King said:
Women can get abortions you brainless twaht. So blame them for having kids they can't afford.

But you blame women for nothing, because you are a woman yourself.
Accuse and shame like a beta does. Liberals think abortions are the answer to everything like every coward does just like you afraid to take some responsibility for your actions.

Poon King said:
Are you going to cry now.. little girl?

This is just getting pathetic. But funny.

The more you have to conform to the rules of others.. the more beta you are.

Hashtag# Common sense.

Wrong. The men leading the wars from their offices were the alphas. The men on the field were the pawns.

Only a woman would care if a man is mooching off a woman. You are a woman.

Make me a sandwich.

No it is easy for the cowards to sit behind a desk shouting orders while others do their dirty work. You just sh!t on all of our forefathers who fought for us. Our country is made up of laws, if you don't conform to those you will go to jail. Then you can cry like a beta behind bars.

What a beta clown. Has no answers to anything. Any man with self respect would never mooch off of a woman. An alpha make his own success that other men envy and want to emulate. Who wants to be a beta like you wanting a woman to be superior to you? How pathetic is that? I'm glad there aren't many idiots like you around, if there were, women would run our whole country into the ground being in charge of everything while you sit there with your hand out. You are a beta who wants women to be superior to men. What the hell is wrong with you? Get up off your lazy ass and do something.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Leif_Johnson said:
What benefits men is becoming a success on his own, not mooching off a woman's success like you think is alpha. You are a beta that has nothing, That is not what an Alpha is. An alpha make his own success, not hanging off the success of others especially women. What real alpha wants to be a loafer?

Shaming is coming from a beta like you. I'm just telling you how it is. Alphas don't accuse other men like you do, that is a beta characteristic. You are a beta. What benefits men is becoming a success on his own, not mooching off a woman's success like you think is alpha. How is it good being a nothing like you are?

Accuse and shame like a beta does. Liberals think abortions are the answer to everything like every coward does just like you afraid to take some responsibility for your actions.

No it is easy for the cowards to sit behind a desk shouting orders while others do their dirty work. You just sh!t on all of our forefathers who fought for us. Our country is made up of laws, if you don't conform to those you will go to jail. Then you can cry like a beta behind bars.

What a beta clown. Has no answers to anything. Any man with self respect would never mooch off of a woman. An alpha make his own success that other men envy and want to emulate. Who wants to be a beta like you wanting a woman to be superior to you? How pathetic is that? I'm glad there aren't many idiots like you around, if there were, women would run our whole country into the ground being in charge of everything while you sit there with your hand out. You are a beta who wants women to be superior to men. What the hell is wrong with you? Get up off your lazy ass and do something.
Shut up you dumb B!tch. I know you're a woman. No one else nags this much.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
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Feeling of love peace and happiness are things the material world can't offer. So if you are not happy or at love or in peace with yourself how can any man or woman make you


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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jurry said:
I think what poon king (fantastic name btw) is saying is that there is no natural biological necessity for monogamy. We shouldnt feel pressured by society or friends/family to be in an LTR
That I agree with, but that is completely different than saying that LTRs are unnatural, which is utter nonsense.


Master Don Juan
Sep 5, 2013
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This thread is maximum autism holy chit


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2011
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If Poon King is alpha then Elton John is straight. :crackup:

He can't even keep his cool in a discussion forum.

zekko said:
That I agree with, but that is completely different than saying that LTRs are unnatural, which is utter nonsense.
Yes it is.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2014
Reaction score
Poon King said:
Shut up you dumb B!tch. I know you're a woman. No one else nags this much.
Poon King said:
Are you a high school girl?
All he does is call people women. Sad. Probably still lives at home with his parents mooching off of his mom with his dad.

MidnightCity said:
it gets really really tiring to have to delve into an essay style explanation into the very valid points the op is making but i'll let the manginas wear themselves out and watch their heads explode with indignation overload a bit longer

its just too much fun
Every man can choose if he wants to spin plates for life, be in an LTR, get married. Not every man who is in an LTR or is married is a beta. If you think that then you are sadly mistaken. Men have been in relationships since man and woman existed on Earth. It's the most natural thing that has been the centerpiece of civilization for centuries. There is no validity calling men betas when alphas set their own rules in their own life and relationships. Manginas are the ones who are unable to be in a relationship keeping their frame like you and the OP. That makes you angry so you hate on others and the idea of LTR's when you have failed at it before.

Firestar786 said:
The more you have to conform to the rules of others.. the more beta you are.

End topic ?
Everybody has to conform to rules of others in some way. If you don't conform to the rules at your work place you will get fired. That doesn't mean you act like a beta.

zekko said:
That I agree with, but that is completely different than saying that LTRs are unnatural, which is utter nonsense.
Smart man


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2014
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United Kingdom
Everybody has to conform to rules of others in some way. If you don't conform to the rules at your work place you will get fired. That doesn't mean you act like a beta.
Im self employed. I make my own rules. I go to work when I want. I behave how I want with my clients and suppliers and staff. I have one of the biggest manufacturing businesses in my industry. So I dont agree to that lol.

That I agree with, but that is completely different than saying that LTRs are unnatural, which is utter nonsense.
LTR's are highly un-natural. Why you ask? Every man who has been married and solely exclusive to one woman dreams and thinks of fvcking other girls and being knee deep in pu55y. Married men are 98% of prostitutes clients. Men are biologically designed to spread their DNA to ensure the survival of the human race. I studied this. Certain religions from a moral view accept the polygamatic nature of a man and allow numerous wives - Islam, Christians, Judiasm to name a few. The kings, real ALPHA's of our time had numerous concubines, harems you name it. The idiot of Romeo and Juliet and having 1 pu55y your whole life is social conditioning. Its a disney story.

Anyone who disagree with p00n kings comments has NOT fully swallowed the red pill - albeit being a very difficult pill to swallow lol.



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Firestar786 said:
LTR's are highly un-natural. Why you ask? Every man who has been married and solely exclusive to one woman dreams and thinks of fvcking other girls and being knee deep in pu55y.
LTRs do not necessarily equal marriage, or lifelong commitment, or lifelong monogamy. Men and women NATURALLY pair bond at least until their offspring achieves viability. Men spread their seed, but will impregnate a woman and stay with her and provide and protect the household while the woman raises the child. This is one obviously effective way to propagate the species. To deny that it is natural is ridiculous.

That is not to say it is the "alpha" way necessarily (that is a separate argument). There is more than one way to skin a cat, and humans use a variety of mating strategies to ensure survival of the species. That is why humans are so successful. They're not just a one trick pony. I don't see how anyone in their right mind can deny that some humans pair bond, naturally.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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I think it depends on age. If you're 20 then go fvck around without commitment. But when I'm 40 I hope to god I'm not single. I'd rather have a wife to come home to than mess around with ugly divorced women who got wrecked by their ex and have a litter.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Danger said:
Poon's main point in my interpretation is to not fight women in this and remove yourselves from the LTR mindset.
If he wants to say that it is advantageous for men to remove themselves from the LTR mindset, that is certainly a point that you could successfully argue. Why not say that then, instead of making the obviously false assertion that LTRs are unnatural? LTRs are as just as natural as leaves on trees.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Leif_Johnson said:
All he does is call people women. Sad. Probably still lives at home with his parents mooching off of his mom with his dad.
Wow.. that's original. Someone p!sses you off online.. so you say they live at home with their mother.

Probably the least original thing ever said. Surely not "alpha".

You are a woman. And an angry one.

Leif_Johnson said:
Every man can choose if he wants to spin plates for life, be in an LTR, get married. Not every man who is in an LTR or is married is a beta. If you think that then you are sadly mistaken. Men have been in relationships since man and woman existed on Earth. It's the most natural thing that has been the centerpiece of civilization for centuries. There is no validity calling men betas when alphas set their own rules in their own life and relationships. Manginas are the ones who are unable to be in a relationship keeping their frame like you and the OP. That makes you angry so you hate on others and the idea of LTR's when you have failed at it before.
Betas ARE natural though. And most men are betas. A good 90% probably. Society needs this. Society needs betas to be pawns for alphas. This is true no matter how much you hate it. Betas follow the lead and the rules of women. So if woman want LTR's then that is what betas will do.

Betas are clay for women to mold. Women follow the lead of alphas and betas follow the lead of women.

Society needs betas to fall in line and be "good men". Being a good man doesn't make you alpha. Having morals doesn't make you alpha either. Power makes you alpha. Freedom makes you alpha.

You are upset because you want beta qualities to be alpha qualities. But they are not. Get over it, or keep crying about it.

Alpha f*cks beta BUCKS.

Leif_Johnson said:
Everybody has to conform to rules of others in some way. If you don't conform to the rules at your work place you will get fired. That doesn't mean you act like a beta.
The words of a typical fearful conformist beta. :crackup:

If you are not a woman you are a severe beta.

LTR's might be "natural" for betas.. but only because it is natural for betas to conform and do whatever women need them to.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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Social_Leper said:
Based on your last post you seem to be implying those who engage in LTRs are inherently beta?

Also I wouldn't say serial dating when in a monogamous relationship is necessarily "alpha". In my group of friends I am the only member who doesn't fvck other women outside of the relationship. I can promise you the easiest thing to do would be to join the herd and simply screw other women on the side.

For me alpha is about defining for yourself the rules of engagement and not being overly influenced by external factors. If that means choosing to be a good father. Great. If that means setting a goal of screwing hot females regardless of their or your relationship status then so be it. If that means choosing to honour a monagomous commitment out of sense of morality and rules that I define for myself then that is equally valid. Fvck "natural" whatever the hell that means.

It's natural for me to screw my friends and business partner over if it's in my direct self interest (evolutionary psychology 101) yet to do so is not alpha as I choose to define it.

In economics there is a term known as equilibrium. Any position naturally tends towards a stable point, the equilibrium. Throughout human history people have tended towards that equilibrium of a family unit, I.e LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP. To suggest that ltrs are not natural in the face of human history is laughable.
Just because a behavior is common, useful, successful or "seen in history" that doesn't make it alpha.

The majority of men on earth are beta. So what you see the majority of men throughout history doing will be beta. And yes it is good for the family unit and raising children. Still beta though.

Society needs betas to fall in line and be "good men". Being a good man doesn't make you alpha. Having morals doesn't make you alpha either. Power makes you alpha. Freedom makes you alpha.

If you define yourself by rules that don't benefit you.. you are beta.