jophil28 said:
BM's history with that woman raises this question -
What is the difference, and how do we make the distinction between "White Knighting", and genuinely assisting an LTR girlfriend by offering some of our time, energy and resources.
Often times the two processes look the same, on the surface at least.
If you're "offering some of your time, energy and resources" occasionally, you're not 'White Knighting'. If you do it all the time, however...
But it can't be seen seperate from all the other interactions between you and her. If you always control the frame and she's always needing you more than you need her, this stuff would be "genuinely assisting her". But if you're always supplicating to her in other interactions as well, this stuff would be 'White Knighting'.
And to be honest, I suspect that BM was supplicating to this girl too much, in general. He named a few examples but I get the idea he was "doing everything for her", in general! I think that was his general attitude with this girl: "I would do anything for you." I get the feeling her comment "
You couldn't be strong and you preferred to hand me over to others!" is exactly about his supplicating attitude, in general.
He supplicated way too much, he treated her too well. That made her lose interest in him and made her swing to another branch. I think that's what she's saying with that comment... "You made me do this! I can't help myself, I just followed my instinct, which tells me to lose interest in "weak" men who supplicate too much and go look for someone else, who CAN give me the chemical rush I need. My conscience and my rational mind tell me I should've sticked with you, but I can't escape my nature (just like the scorpion tells the frog in that tale). So it's not really my fault, you did this to yourself! You couldn't be strong enough and allowed my instinct to lead me away from you!"
That's the way it is, I think. You can't expect anything from a woman besides acting like a woman, as someone's signature tells us

. We don't deal with
HER, we don't deal with her rational mind, we deal with her instinct.
She doesn't want a jerk, but her instinct does.
She doesn't want to act like a slut, but her instinct does.
She doesn't want to cheat on you, but her instinct does.
In all cases, it is up us men, to interact with her instinct, in order to make her do what we want. To think that we have to interact with
HER, with her rational mind, in order to make her do what we want, is a delusion.
If you want her to stay with you, you need to convince her instinct that that is the right thing to do. But if you supplicate too much, her instinct will regard you as weak and force her away from you, even if her rational mind or conscience thinks otherwise. And I suspect that's exactly why she started crying and kinda blamed you for everything, Boilermaker. She didn't want things to be like this, but her instinct did, and you failed to prevent her instinct from forcing her away from you.
Women need to be lead, they can't lead themselves. She expects you to lead her, but you failed at doing so and then her instinct had it's way with her.