This workout was a little better but I still lack the strenght I used to have, at the third deadlift my strenght faded and I felt the glycogen was running dry in my body. Diet goes on to recover from week in hell. It is set in stone.
Deadlift 3x115 kg 253 lbs <-- surprised I didn't lift more reps
Deadlift 8x105 kg 231 lbs
Deadlift 6x100 kg 220 lbs
Deadlift 7x100 kg 220 lbs
Power cleans 8x45 kg 99 lbs
Power cleans 7x45 kg 99 lbs
T-barrow 10x30+bar 66 lbs
T-barrow 8x40+bar 88 lbs
Pull-ups... didn't manage one!
Pull-downs 8x54 kg
Pull-downs 7x54 kg
Wrist Curls 7x35 kg 77 lbs
Wrist Curls around 10-12x22.5 kg 50 lbs
12+ Leg raises attached to machine 10 kg 22 lbs
5+ Leg raises attached to machine 15 kg 22 lbs
around 10 Leg raises attached to machine 10 kg 22 lbs
12+ Leg raises attached to machine 10 kg 22 lbs
Weight down at 166 lbs with clothes
haha double... I think I will keep that file to myself.

I have it good, many off my close friends have started to watch their diet when I started so talking calories and stuff like that isn't bad. The other friends is from out of town and he doesn't watch his food very well. Double, I'd have your friends introduce more people and get to know them and then have those people introducing some more until you find the people you look for.
I absolutly agree mindovermatter, friends fall into different categories like that. You seem to have it figured out. Lucky you :]