Lol.. yeah it was pretty funny now afterwards... I'll post when I go out, doesn't happen so often anymore, too hardcore on the training to go drinking.
Didn't run any game, the environment I was in wasn't the best. Too many guys too ugly women. That's just a bad mix. Besides, I looked like ****. That night I didn't care because I wanted to just let it loose. I was more ironical and stuff and watched how the ugly women acted so aloof, it was hilarious.
Anyway, here's todays workout:
Chin-ups leanign backwards around 10 I think
Chin-ups leanign backwards around 7+ I think
Deadlifts 5x132.5 kg New Record (felt weak, need to get the power back)
Deadlifts 5x125 kg
Deadlifts 1x125 kg didn't want to push it on the back
Military Presses 6x55 kg New Record
Military Presses 1x65 kg New Record
Hyper extensions 8xbw+25 kg (wanted to try)
Some rows + pull-ups
Squats 4x125 kg new record
Widowmaker squat 20x90 kg New Record (felt too light, 20th rep felt like the 16th should, I'll increase to 95 or 100 kg!)
Did some measurements on the cool parts:
Upper Arms 37.3 cm =) +0.5 cm
Calves 42.3 Cm =D +0.8 cm !!
Forearms 33 cm =D +0.5 cm !
Quads 60.2 cm
just grown +.2 cm