Hey tactic, I am a Christian as well, I feel you, some of the guys on here may get mad at me saying this cause they don't come from our perspective on things (God side of life). Tactic, you are made in the Image and likeness of God, (as we all are) And because of this the Adversary (satan) HATES you and me, he can't stand us because we were made in this image and likeness. Your going thru a struggle right now, which is normal......The only Christians who have everything going right in their life with no problems and struggles are the ones who aren't making any difference in this world.
Satan doesn't have time to worry about the Christians that are supplicative people pleasers and aren't making any difference in this world or in God's kingdom, hence the reason they have an average life, with average income, an average house and just happy being stagnant in life. They go thru life with average outcomes and don't experience struggles becuase they aren't making a difference in God's Kingdom or the world, so they aren't even on Satans radar screen for attack, he has more urgent things to worry about in the ones that are making a difference and make their lives difficult to try and stop the good things they are doing.
Bro, As long as you have your head above the crowd trying to make a difference your gonna get hit by tomatoes.....any dead fish can float with the current (being pulled wherever life leads them unable to make decisions in life) but only the strong fish will swim against the current and they are the ones that make a difference. Embrace your struggles Tactic and ask God what he wants you to learn from them and rejoice in your struggles because that means that You are on Satan's radar screen, because you are making a difference in this world. ("Count it all joy my bretheren when you face trials and tribulations")
When you hit your knees and pray to God for help, he doesn't go POOF and the struggles are gone, or POOF and you are immune to the struggles, he answers your prayer when you fall, by picking you up, dusting you off, and walking thru the Valley (struggle) with you....Much like a newborn does when they start walking, they fall....get up walk again....fall and then they start whimpering cause they are getting frustrated....and what will I parent do (much like God does) they will reach their hand down and grab the child's hand, pick them up and walk thru the struggle with them holding their hand the entire way. Thats how God molds you and shapes you into a better person, by helping you thru the struggles of life (so that you know how to get thru them again and or how to prevent them) and by making you realize that to get thru them you need God holding your hand and you need to lean on God when you are weak and he will help you.
And I'll leave you with this my friend, when you experience struggles, remember the Israelites in the wilderness with Moses, wandering thru the Wilderness, they didn't experience fear while in the wilderness, because they were not making a difference and they weren't trusting God. But you know what happened when they got on the border of the Promised Land(your struggle being resolved), you know what happened ....THEY SAW GIANTS (struggles, fear). They had not seen giants until they got ready to enter the Promised Land.....
Remember this your entire life man, becuase when most people see Giants in their life, that is the point when they say things are just *Too hard* and they quit and go back to being average..... when every time this happens, They were just a few steps away from ENORMOUS BREAKTHROUGH in their life (ie the promised land). When you experience Giants in your life that scare the sh*t out of you, or make you worry , or make you lose hope, Just remember the PROMISED LAND is usually right on the other side of those Giants. If you would just lean on GOD and perservere thru those struggles (those Giants), you will experience sooo much breakthrough in your life it'll make your head spin.
Heres a good example to express what is said above:
I have a group of peers, all Christian Business owners, and four times a year we all travel to Christian Business Conferences, where TONS of ENORMOUS BREAKTHROUGHS happen in peoples lives at these weekends, TONS of Giants are slayed at these weekends, and it is no coincidence that the day before we were going to our first conference out of 5 of us, 2 of our Grandmothers Died, One's Father had a heart attack, and one's Car crapped itself, meaning we had to make new travel arrangements for him to go with someone else after we were already on our way to the conference (this made us several hours late).
And I told them about this, I told them that something good was going to happen this weekend, don't go home with your families to mourn over your Grandparents, don't go to the Hospital to see how your father is doing,(we already knew he was ok and in stable condition) come with us to the weekend, and you know what they took what I said on COMPLETE faith and trusted me, even though it made no sense in their minds, but their conscience was telling them to go. And you know what happened to all of us this weekend, for the first time in our lives we accepted Jesus into our lives and were saved. Thats why all that crap happened, cause Satan didn't want that to happen, he is afraid of us and hates us. He did everything in his power to stop us from going (and when this type of stuff happened most *average* people would have given into these struggles) because he didn't want that to happen.
Oh man did we see some Giants that day, but you know what, we TRUSTED God, Slayed those S*ons of B*tches, and entered the Promised land. We saw the Giants and didn't quit and kept on going, most would have quit, or given up.
So whenever you see Giants in your life, know their source (Satan), know who's on your side (God), and know that the Promised Land is just on the other side of those Giants (something good is about to happen) if you would just plow thru the struggle.
God Bless