Just a moment ... if squats and deadlifts aren't the basics, what are?
What good are squats and deadlifts if you can't get get in the gym consistently?
please enlighten me: I weigh anything from 240 to 250 depending on the time of day and how much food I've eaten, at about 6'. I started at about 180ish at the same height, and I had to squat, deadlift, incline, decline, chin, row and leg press myself over several years to get to that bodyweight. Apparently I've done it all wrong and should've stuck to the basics?
There is nothing wrong w/ what you have done. It's just that people should focus on attendence and dieting before they can even start preaching to others.
edit: okay, maybe I was harsh. Blink, you are on one page, and I am on another.
I think we can agree on that.
If you're content with being 155lbs and running for cardio, that is fine with me.
Nope I'm going for 165 @ 5% bodyfat within 2 years.
But you have no idea about substantial growth (your pictures and posts prove this) so please, don't ever get on my case again, because growing is something I know a damn sight more about than you.
Growth can mean ALOT of different things. Let me ask you this,how long did it take you to get to 240-250? What's your bodyfat at? I did what I did in a 12 month window,the first 6 months I ate pure crap(fast food,donuts & so on) fooled around in the gym. Then halfway through the year I finally meet someone w/ good advice and the body I wanted so I finally got on the right track.