Really, the breaking point is having children. Many women do not want to be mothers anymore. Once this is eliminated, so is the hard reality of the biological wall, because many women will still want to date women well into their 40s assuming they keep themselves in good shape.
Those that do, wouldn't have waited until their 30s to start looking for "Mr.Right" who will actually commit to marriage and be a father to her children. That is pure delusion. They should have, from an early age, have yearned to cultivate a home, a family, be supportive and loving to her husband and children. Just think about how small the number of modern women is who want that.
Most modern women do not want to sacrifice their trips, their shows, their content consumption, for the tribulations of motherhood. Also, they view it beneath themselves to be at home changing diapers and taking care of the baby. I have literally had this conversation with younger girls in my social circle. They were adamant that one day when they actually do get married, they will have the husband be the stay at home dad taking care of the kids while she continues to work and progress in her career.
Depopulation is coming, and many men are going to be left behind as a consequence. But this schism in society between the traditional and the modern makes a believer in one side to be completely incompatible for the other. The rift is too wide.
The only thing you can do is go find the tribe you belong to and do the best you can there. Any seeds you attempt to plant in the wholly infertile soil can never grow into anything. It is barren and will not change, only get worse, unless there is a complete shutdown of the internet and social media.