So you're getting negative results and you're feeling down about it. Do this:
Take a break from women. For a month or so, just envelope yourself in your passion, your hobbies, your career, whatever. Why? Because the FOCUS is YOUR happiness.
thanx first for ur reply Master Pook
i know that quite well , i know that i should go for ma passions n dreams n let her compete with them !! but what if ur bored or sincerely lack the motivation to do that passion or hobby??? u tell me plz about ur passions n hobbies that always make u feel alive ! for me it's goin to be watchinn playinsoccer,music,meditation,walkin,reading psychology , writin (but now im kind of bored of it) ,divin, u can say that most of them r indoors so this sometimes make me feel totally bored especially when all ur friends r gettin hooked up n ur the still the lone one though ur the best lookin , u have the mind,charisma n all that!
i hate to say that but these days i've reached ****ty n filthy state of minds like there's no light at the end of the tunnel n that the problem i am in is a never endin issue . i maybe could be analyzin things so often but this disease called worry r huntin me everytime i talk with anyone either gal or guys !!
I've asked older women (who knew me before) what they thought of my change from Nice Guy to Don Juan, from Shy Guy to Cool Guy.
Their response: "You've grown up."
it really hurts when u 've changed after creatin great traits in u then u feel that ur returin back to the old days when u were shy,quiet,nervous n all that!!
this always force me to prove to myself that i've changed which create worry n worry while im talkin cz i wanna get to know the person better n prove that my conversation skills r fine-tuned n still workin . so i say inside myseif that i should practice,practice n practice by talkin to strangers anytime n tryin to let them talk about themselves (ConVers. For Max.Attraction) what i recieve is always a negative outcome (failed in the test) so how can i talk with gals ? when i try to say inside myself that our worries n fears r half baseless n the other half discreditable
then i go n talk with gals woooow . i fail again why?? cz while im talkin with her , im not concentratin "im thinkin ooooh, where is the real me?? is that the way that i used to play?? " that's cz i used to let gals talk about themselves, thier ex-bfs , some uniqueness that they've got not like the other guys who just talk about the usual stuff (movies,stars,etc..) so i come to the conclusion that i can't listen to them n let them talk about what they r passionate about! i stay quiet so when i get an opportunity deep in myself i think n belief that there'll be a part missin in the realtionship not like before , when i try cz im neva a looser who give up . i get what i expect some small talk , how u doin etc.. then offf i stay quiet!! a self-fulfillin prophecy isn't it???
so the problem that i feel that im facin right now is that i m not havin fun like before while dealin with gals n doin my homework . this stressed-up attitude is killin me!! when u add this to situations like ur sittin alone while everybody else is kissin,makin out n havin the love that he always dreamt of! , i've come to stages like i see couples walkin n sittin alone enjoyin life picturin inside myself that i stand out n that it really now became an issue after readin all the posts, lay guide , advices, art of conversations , etc...
Take a break from women. For a month or so, just envelope yourself in your passion, your hobbies, your career, whatever. Why? Because the FOCUS is YOUR happiness.
thanx first for ur reply Master Pook

i know that quite well , i know that i should go for ma passions n dreams n let her compete with them !! but what if ur bored or sincerely lack the motivation to do that passion or hobby??? u tell me plz about ur passions n hobbies that always make u feel alive ! for me it's goin to be watchinn playinsoccer,music,meditation,walkin,reading psychology , writin (but now im kind of bored of it) ,divin, u can say that most of them r indoors so this sometimes make me feel totally bored especially when all ur friends r gettin hooked up n ur the still the lone one though ur the best lookin , u have the mind,charisma n all that!
i hate to say that but these days i've reached ****ty n filthy state of minds like there's no light at the end of the tunnel n that the problem i am in is a never endin issue . i maybe could be analyzin things so often but this disease called worry r huntin me everytime i talk with anyone either gal or guys !!
I've asked older women (who knew me before) what they thought of my change from Nice Guy to Don Juan, from Shy Guy to Cool Guy.
Their response: "You've grown up."
it really hurts when u 've changed after creatin great traits in u then u feel that ur returin back to the old days when u were shy,quiet,nervous n all that!!
this always force me to prove to myself that i've changed which create worry n worry while im talkin cz i wanna get to know the person better n prove that my conversation skills r fine-tuned n still workin . so i say inside myseif that i should practice,practice n practice by talkin to strangers anytime n tryin to let them talk about themselves (ConVers. For Max.Attraction) what i recieve is always a negative outcome (failed in the test) so how can i talk with gals ? when i try to say inside myself that our worries n fears r half baseless n the other half discreditable
then i go n talk with gals woooow . i fail again why?? cz while im talkin with her , im not concentratin "im thinkin ooooh, where is the real me?? is that the way that i used to play?? " that's cz i used to let gals talk about themselves, thier ex-bfs , some uniqueness that they've got not like the other guys who just talk about the usual stuff (movies,stars,etc..) so i come to the conclusion that i can't listen to them n let them talk about what they r passionate about! i stay quiet so when i get an opportunity deep in myself i think n belief that there'll be a part missin in the realtionship not like before , when i try cz im neva a looser who give up . i get what i expect some small talk , how u doin etc.. then offf i stay quiet!! a self-fulfillin prophecy isn't it???
so the problem that i feel that im facin right now is that i m not havin fun like before while dealin with gals n doin my homework . this stressed-up attitude is killin me!! when u add this to situations like ur sittin alone while everybody else is kissin,makin out n havin the love that he always dreamt of! , i've come to stages like i see couples walkin n sittin alone enjoyin life picturin inside myself that i stand out n that it really now became an issue after readin all the posts, lay guide , advices, art of conversations , etc...