Yeah man thanks for support!
It was pro, but I totally stopped to text her when Porno had the date. I didn't want to steal his girl.
Good tips. I'll use them for my next night gamin'
Thursday, December 13th
SHAVED MY PUBES, Gave me confidence (for real LOL)
Went to the mall with Porno!
The mall next to my house was cool, because even though it was small, people kept changing and changing every time
As we go in, Porno spots a group of like 5 chicks.
Me : Damn I'm not ready man!
Porno : NO! We have to go man!
After like 1 minute of *****ing out, we finally go. He opened and we talked for a while about random stuff.
I wasn't in the mood since it was the first set of the day.
Actually, they went to my school! Nice, hope I'll see them in the hallways next semester (if I remember their faces..)
So we decided to not count our approaches. It's pointless after all.
We did more than 20 APPROACHES! It's more than I ever done before. It's good, because we gave ourselves less and less excuses.
Lots of rejections, mostly rejections I'd say. I recorded a lot of them, but I'm too lazy to post about all of them.
I note this particular approach.
She was sitting on the couch. I walk and go direct. Then, I sit right next to her.
Because I was so genuine and just enjoyed being so attracted to her, my nervousness flew away.
I was too busy enjoying looking into her eyes to worry about being nervous.
She asked me a LOT of questions, did most of the talking. I was surprised by how good it was going. I felt like I didn't care about game. I just wanted to know her better as a person.
I kissed her hand when we exchanged names. She giggled and smiled.
We exchange numbers smoothly and I'm feeling in control.
She tells me that her phone is out of batteries, which seems to be true... is it?
Her parents are there so she has to go. We hug
Me : A little kiss?
Her : No
Me : Haha
She goes back to her parents, and I meetup with Porno again.
We go to the food court, and Porno tells me that I MUST call HB Queen for a date.
So I call her!
Damn, her voice sounded sensual on the phone. I could sense that she was nervous too. Good sign, hehehe.
The talking was flowing and I wasn't feeling that nervous to be honest.
The 20th? Nah, she can't!
Before that, she has exams!
So I fix it to the 28th. A bit far ahead? I know, but I want to spend my time to daygame during Christmas shopping. A LOT of girls everywhere.
Friday, December 14th
Again, I did around 20 approaches AT LEAST.
I was with Porno, Gary and his natural friends. Damn I love their positive and playful vibe!
I noticed one thing during these approaches.
The times I was genuinely attracted to them, it was when it worked the best. Even though I was confident but not as interested, it didn't work as much in my favour.
At first, I wasn't having enough vocal projection and talking softly.
Though, near the end of the day, I literally ran up the stairs and almost yelled to some girls : Oh wait a second! You girls are absolutely gorgeous!
And from here, we had cool conversation.
I had my natural friends with me that just kept cheering me up with every ballsy thing I'd do. Damn I love them.
Basically, I learned to develop a better persistence with the amount of approaches I've done. Surprisingly, I wasn't as much affected by the amount of rejection I was getting. They all had boyfriends too! Damn...
Saturday, December 15th
GAMING ALONE. For real, for the first time. I realized many things.
I was about to do some pranks with my friend from school, and Gary too. BUT we cancelled last minute because Gary couldn't come.
Guess what? It didn't stop me from going out alone.
It took me willpower to get out and decide to travel 1h30 to get there by myself! But I did.
It took me 45 minutes of walking around before finally deciding to approach by myself.
My first approach was on a set of two girls. A bit young, but enough to pump my state up.
Then after my approach, I realized that I had no friends to back me up. Usually, they'd go : So how did it go man? It's alright man, well done. Keep going.
But now, I had no one. And I realized how much of an emotional leech I was to my friends. I used them to pump my mood and couldn't do it as well by myself.
After this approach, I started getting the ball rolled, slowly but I did.
I missed SO many golden opportunities. The girl was an 8.5, but I was too shy to go. When alone, I feel like the world is against me since I have no friends to back me up. I also realized that my voice got softer because I was afraid of being heard. It's a different experience, but it is good to realize it.
I did one to some asian chick walking by herself.
I noticed how genuine I was. Since I'm not doing this to impress anyone or as a *dare* mindset, it feels so much more real. It feels more personal and you feel free of time. You don't feel like you have to catch up your friend afterwards, and you can converse for how long you want.
I told her that I had to meetup with a friend in an hour or so and that I was just chilling around. She asked me where I was going, etc, and she seemed down for us to chill together.
Her : Ohh well I gotta pass by X shop. I don't know about you, about where you're going and stuff.
Me : Ohhh okay
WHY did I say okay? I have to say : Yeah let's chill! And I gotta go to Z, come with me.
But yeah, we just headed separate ways instead.
I kept walking around and around.
Once, I let some beautiful girl pass by, but decided to run back to her.
By listening back to the audio, I realized the neediness in my voice. It didn't matter, because I now know!
Two asian chicks! They were hot.
I also ran up to them. Started a conversation, but didn't close the deal on that one and didn't really escalate the conversation.
We exchange goodbyes after a minute or two. I hug them too.
HAWT HB8.5 asian
I didn't plan on approaching her at first, but she approached me with some discount ticket.
I felt in control and confident on this one.
Me : What is this?
Her : It's some discount blablabla.
Me : I don't want this, but what I do want is your number!
She giggles, the fun starts.
Her : I'm sorry, I can't give out my number while working...
Me : Well let's do it light speed before the boss comes!
Blablabla, it's fun. We exchange names too.
Me : So how old are you?
Her : I'm 19.
Me : Niice niice... guess my age.
Her : Mhmhmh I don't know, blablabla.
Me : Don't worry, I'm okay. You won't be accused of paedophilia!
More laughs. I try once more for the number, but she tells me that she has a boyfriend.
DAMN they all have boyfriends!
So I exchange hugs and I go back to the metro, feeling confident and calm.
I did one more back home, for a total of 6 approaches today.
I saw her, and I knew that the right thing to do was to GO IN. I didn't think more than a couple seconds.
It was direct, and the girl's face lit up like she was impressed. She giggled a bit, but then I founded myself having trouble with my words and stumble upon them a bit.
I was nervous, by myself, and I know what's the feeling now.
Surprisingly, no harsh rejections! Maybe was it because I only did 6 approaches?
- GET THE PERSISTENCE GOING! If you usually can do 10 approaches, well the truth is that you can do up to 20 and more. You're just giving yourself excuses. Oh, and it's not only the quantity, but the quality that matters.
- Be genuinely attracted to the girl. Even though you're confident, if you don't find her particularly attractive, she will sense that something's not quite right. Of course, don,t take this as an excuse not to approach, but I'm just saying!
- CALL THE GIRL! Just do it. Talk about whatever you want to talk to. Make it playful. Notice her sweet voice and imagine her smiling and laughing behind the phone. She might be nervous too! Tease her about her voice, etc.
- GO OUT ALONE. It will be much harder, but you learn much more. You might have troubles staying focused since you don't have a wing to constantly remind you to approach. But the biggest part is confidence and becoming independent. You then realize how much of an emotional leech you were to your friends! You learn to get yourself into the mood. Trust me : If you can do it alone, you will have no troubles doing it with friends.