John Titor: Fraud or Time Traveler?

Nicholas Hill

Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2001
Reaction score
Swansea, Wales, UK
Originally posted by Shiftkey
Nickolas, most of his original postings were destroyed because the original site he posted on went down, and the files from other places he posted were deleted because they were old and seemed like little importance at the time. However I have done some digging recently and found a few of his original posts. I'll put those up later when I have time to find them again. For now you can read a copy of one of the chat logs he wrote in.

Chat log
1) SPELL MY NAME CORRECTLY!! Or face death! Not sure what nationality you are but it seems ONLY AMERICANS make this mistake and far too often!

2) The article has no proof that the log came from the claimed date. Its just a chat log.



Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
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Orange County, Ca
I couldn't find where my stupid employee holiday party was supposed to be, so I guess I have some time...

NicHolas Hill,

Here you go

Look at the profile of TimeTravel_0 for more. This is one of the forums JT posted on and some of them are still there.

More to come.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
I'll provide dates where I can, but you can be sure that all of them were writen at least several months before 9/11. Most of what he said was vague, but he said his goal wasn't to prove he was a time traveler. This is all I could find for now. I should also remind you that I am no way saying this PROVES anything.

November 25, 2000 14:03

I have tried to tell people about CJD disease and it seems to be "catching on" in Europe.

01-31-2001 02:14 AM

The "Mad Cow" story here is yet to begin but don't worry, the fruited gelatin deserts are safe.
CJD is the human form of mad cow.

December 10, 2000 11:00

Who won the Super Bowl in 2001?

Besides, can you tell me if it rained in New York on June 4th 1932? You are from their future so should you know that?
Although this isn't exactly a prediction, I thought it was interesting that New York did indeed play in that year's Super Bowl.

Does the current relationship between Arabs and Jews have anything to do with the coming war?

Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency.

I'm glad to see it's so easy for to dismiss the Middle East. Yes, I suppose it is a no brainer but pretty soon it will be a "no arrmer" and a "no legger".

Are you really surprised to find out that Iraq has nukes now or is that just BS to whip everyone up into accepting the next war?
Middle East stuff before 9/11. I think the last quote is especially profound.

When the civil "conflict" started and got worse, people generally decided to either stay in the cities and lose most of their civil rights under the guise of security or leave the cities for more isolated and rural areas.

Will you readily be able to identify the enemy?

They will be the ones arresting and holding people without due process.

You must realize that why people are fighting is more important that what they are fighting with. The conflict was not about taking and holding ground it was about order and rights. They were betting that people wanted security instead of freedom and they were wrong.
These are snips of posts that I think are relevant to what's happening with the Patriot Act 1 and 2.

He also said something about CERN making small black holes, which is supposed to be another prediction come true according to other forums, but I don't really understand the CERN website. I'll look into this some more.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Capi Crimini
lol. that was by john titor. water condenses when It freezez. lol. Maybe he is form the futureand not a geek afterall
Actually water is the only liquid that expands when it freezes, because of it's spacy molecular structure. Basic chemistry.


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2003
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Los Angeles, California

Wow now items are on sale on ebay!;f=9;t=000756

This has gone too long, there are too many flaws and too many people concering this. Who cares about this, there is nothing you can do if he is even real and telling the truth. Just live your life!
What will worrying and thinking about the world ending do besides prevent you from being happy and taking each day. Eat meat and have fun, and when the time comes - the time comes.
"Live to die, die to live"


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2003
Reaction score
very interesting stuff indeed.

but there was really no CONCRETE proof, at least that i have read about so far.

he hinted towards a couple things, but nothing sufficent enough for me to belive him.

also, what has been on my mind is WHY would america go to civil war?

what would the two sides be made up of?

i personally don't think that there would be enough people that feel that the US is worth fighting for anymore.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Shift, my respect for you is fading quickly. Don't be such a moron:

About mad cow, no instances of CJD have occured after 2000 and "catching on" in Europe. No new Mad Cow has occured since 2000 in Europe. We've had foot and claw, but thats completely different.

"The "Mad Cow" story here is yet to begin but don't worry, the fruited gelatin deserts are safe." Wow, 3 years after that quote a single instance of mad cow occurs. How psychic of him. And that last part of the sentence is just vague crap that allows you to interpret this quote any way you like, he's just adding a disclaimer.

Does the current relationship between Arabs and Jews have anything to do with the coming war?

Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency.

I'm glad to see it's so easy for to dismiss the Middle East. Yes, I suppose it is a no brainer but pretty soon it will be a "no arrmer" and a "no legger".

Are you really surprised to find out that Iraq has nukes now or is that just BS to whip everyone up into accepting the next war?
If you read JT's philosophies you'd notice he's read lots of progressive political literature (Chomsky, Parenti, Zinn, etc.) and all he's doing is taking stuff which people don't hear on TV (due to all media being owned by corporations with close ties to US gov't) and selling it through a fvcking "timetravel" tale. Him seeing trouble between the Arabs and Jews is NOTHING special. In case you are short of memory, let me clue you in, the war between Palestinians and Israelis has been raging on steadily for years and countless Middle-Eastern nations have poor relationships with the US due to this. Now, "degrading US foreign policy and consistency" means jack sh!t. US foreign policy, however, has been criticized by the left to the right (not the middle, they're too busy getting campaign contributions) as resulting in "Blowback," which is a CIA term for negative consequences as a result of US foreign policy. Read the book Blowback by Chalmers Johnson. Furthermore, the West is not destabilized at all. We took an economic hit, but this war is what Bush has been wanting. The war in Iraq has been pushed for in the US since 88 and companies like UnoCal have been begging to take over Afghanistan for more than a decade. If you read the Project for a New American Century's "Rebuilding America's Defenses" an Oct. 99 publication (signed by GHW Bush, Jeb Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Armitage, etc.), you notice they call for a war in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan. About the "dismiss" part, that makes litttle sense. The gov't has never dismissed the Middle-East, our media simply doesn't cover it, and his pun says nothing not already stated in the previos paragraphs. The last quote is so unoriginal if you've read "Rebuilding America's Defenses," since that document encourages the US gov't to highlight WMD projects in Iraq (whether extant or extinct) and use that to rally support. Next!

When the civil "conflict" started and got worse, people generally decided to either stay in the cities and lose most of their civil rights under the guise of security or leave the cities for more isolated and rural areas.
Will you readily be able to identify the enemy?

They will be the ones arresting and holding people without due process.
You must realize that why people are fighting is more important that what they are fighting with. The conflict was not about taking and holding ground it was about order and rights. They were betting that people wanted security instead of freedom and they were wrong.
Homie, no diaspora of citizens going for rural areas has yet to occur and people have been fretting about losses in Civil Liberties since Clinton got in office. There declassified US documents asking for greater federal powers that date to as early as 86. And to that last sentence, they were betting people wanted security instead of freedom and they were wrong, so his people offed all the gov't and teamed up with the Russkies to kill all the people in the cities simply because they "bet wrong"? This guy is full of sh!t. Furthermore, you have not supplied any dates with these quotes.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by MVPlaya
About mad cow, no instances of CJD have occured after 2000 and "catching on" in Europe. No new Mad Cow has occured since 2000 in Europe. We've had foot and claw, but thats completely different.

Actually, mad cows still get found in Belgium (I don't know about other countries). Sad but true. But isn't story number 1 in the media.

Rawk Steady

Don Juan
Oct 20, 2003
Reaction score
huh huh...his name has the word "tit" in it..uh huh huh

(anyone remember Beavis & Butthead?)


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
Any of you who believe that that the future can be mapped out or predicted are fatalists.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
Dubs, according to John the civil war will be between "the cities and the country." The people in the city decide to stay in the city with their liberties gone for the sake of security, while the people in the country left the cities because they're unhappy with the lack of liberty in the cities. The actual fighting starts as "Waco like events" which supposidly should start happening this year.

MVPlaya, I never said I was 100% convinced either. And I have concidered the fact that John could've just been really good at anylizing social trends. Individually, Johns stories aren't convincing, but as a whole it's persuasive enough to leave room for the possibility that it's true. Maybe if you read everything he's had to say you'd see this, maybe not. The only significance John's story has had for me is making me more aware of national politics, which is the real thing that worries me.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
WORKEROUTER, John never said he was from OUR future. If what he said was true, he was only from a world very similar to ours.


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2004
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If they have the technology to create or enable time-travel why do they still need our "existing" technologies when theirs is obviously superior.

Ever wonder what might happen if he actually is real, and we find the 6 year old JT and kill him...:D

My $.02


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Interesting site at least.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
I hate to sound like such a fatalist, and I don't necessarily give any weight to this, but I found an interesting quote in the Bible.

1 Thessalonians 5:3 (New Living Translation)

"When people are saying, "All is well; everything is peaceful and secure," then disaster will fall upon them as suddenly as a woman's birth pains begin when her child is about to be born. And there will be no escape."

What's been the theme of Bush's speeches? Peace and security.

The second half is also consistent with Mayan/Aztec/Native American prophecies of a great change (birth of a new time) coming around 2012.

This is becoming quite a dark hobby of mine :p

Here's a fun link about such prophecy
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Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2001
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Planet of the Apes
A few major flaws in all this.

Even if time travel were possible, anyone with any knowledge of it would definitely know going back in time would cause absolute catastrophic problems and would be certain suicide.
Another being suddenly appearing in our time from the future, even if they never interacted with anyone else or anything, would cause a subtle change in time resulting in huge changes to the future. Even something as small as a minute change in air pressure would be enough to prevent the mission from ever happening in the first place.

But the fundamental problem is that time travel will never be possible simply because TIME is not recorded anywhere to revert back to. TIME is a man made thing, the recording of TIME is a human creation and everything that happens and has happened so far is not being 'recorded' anywhere and anyhow.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
Monkey he doesn't actually go back in time, he travels to a parallel universe that's in an earlier time period than his. He says himself that traveling back in time in hisown universe is impossible.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Shiftkey
Monkey he doesn't actually go back in time, he travels to a parallel universe that's in an earlier time period than his. He says himself that traveling back in time in hisown universe is impossible.
That's VERY interesting. It seem to make sense since traveling in your own time can kill you.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2002
Reaction score
Ok, ignoring ALL the posts here and blah blah (I caught this when there's too many posts in it already :D)

If I snorted my own weight in crack, then downed a few tabs of acid and said I was the messiah and the end of the world was coming soon on the internet, and put up a bunch of phoney pictures with some predictions that were things people didn't really think about but were probably gonna happen anyways, you'd believe me? :D

(China putting an astronaut in space was another one that with enough research you could make since it was no secret that they were going to make an attempt sometime.)

I have a time machine just like his too! It's called the Storage box in the bed of my truck! :D.

Other people I know at work have them too, they call them tool boxes. We just don't dress ours up like military equipment, take a pinball machine apart, throw it in, take pictures and claim we have a time machine.

I'm still wondering WTF got people to believe this nut-job. :eek: :D :rolleyes:

He probably stopped replying when he OD'ed or went into rehab for whatever drug abuse he was doing at the time. Or if he was taking donations before hand, he's rich now and thanks you.

I gotta go laugh again now.
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