Jesse Pinkman's approach/field reports thread.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
Let's use the nightlife example. There have been nights I've gone out to bars where there were no approachable targets. This means that the bar I selected that night contained all women that were a part of the 80-90% that isn't open to meeting new men. They might not be open for a variety of reasons. In that night, I might have done 0-1 approaches so I wasn't officially taking a lot of rejections, but I also wasn't making any progress. I've seen that night I described happen many times over the course of my approaching. That's an inefficient night, even I didn't take direct rejections.

I can think of days where I went out and daygamed and saw no approachable targets as well.
You just described my summer in Miami lol. Super dead venues that had like 5 people in them max on some nights or were mostly dudes. Also, approachable targets can vary as you get advanced. When I was newer to game, I never approached mixed sets. Now, if I really like the girl, I will open with a "you all seem like a cool group of people, how do you all know each other?". If the guys are her boyfriend, they will let you know. If not, it will become obvious.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
I am going to write about this more in-depth and this could be my next thread after my past few threads have been a disaster.

Novices and newbies use game, advanced guys and naturals use frame.

I feel like this has to be one of the biggest game lessons I have ever learned this year. My approach anxiety is almost borderline gone. My approaches are also more confident and I feel better. The nervousness and all of the bad thoughts I used to get when I went out, I no longer get. Then I noticed what had happened and why it happened like this. When I gamed with advanced guys and naturals, I noticed that the techniques and what to say on the opener did not matter, the actual frame did.

Let's use an example.

PUAs, newbies, and novices will often say "open that girl" or "take action". It is all about getting the numbers in and "warming up" or "using the right techniques". I hate to use this analogy but my friends who are into game compare it to a homeless guy begging for change. You need the "change" from her, you need her attention, you need her time, and you need her number. Your entire worth is based on "taking action" and "sarging" or whatever they use. I notice that when I am with newbies and PUA type of dudes, I often end up approaching busted up looking chicks.

Advanced guys operate in frames. The analogy I see get used is like when a model scout for Victoria's Secret sees a model and approaches her to potentially sign for a shoot. Does he go up to every girl? No, because most women will never be models. Does he get offended if the girl rejects him? Not really, because he works for a big modeling brand and he knows lots of women will say yes for an opportunity there. The frame is that he is the guy with value and the creator, whatever he tells her, it will be her lucky day.

A lot of advanced guys who get results will go to a bar and just sort of chill out. Most girls are not even on their radar. If they do approach, it is not to ask for a number, it is to qualify or disqualify the girl.

One guy I know told me about the "Tourist Frame" in Miami. The frame is that tourists are fun, more likely to try new things, and not stuckup prudes like the locals are. He is a fun guy with an interesting life and in most cases, only tourists are cool enough to break into that frame. Locals CAN break into his cool life if he approaches them and they are nice, engaging, and chatty with him. Then, they are different from the other locals and get to be a part of his cool tribe.

It almost sets the "you are actually proving yourself to me" type of a frame and I feel like lots of women want to actually do that, they want to be unique.

Meanwhile, newbies are still stuck in the "hey ur cute" or "hey u have beautiful eyes" type of a mindset. Do X number of approaches, escalate, and prove yourself to the girl through your "game".


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
One guy I know told me about the "Tourist Frame" in Miami. The frame is that tourists are fun, more likely to try new things, and not stuckup prudes like the locals are. He is a fun guy with an interesting life and in most cases, only tourists are cool enough to break into that frame. Locals CAN break into his cool life if he approaches them and they are nice, engaging, and chatty with him. Then, they are different from the other locals and get to be a part of his cool tribe.
I can relate to this. People, not just women, want to be with the cool guy.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
I can relate to this. People, not just women, want to be with the cool guy.
Yes and the naturals and advanced guys are aware of this and proactively create that frame right off the bat. If not cool, then it is more that they are the fun guy, the guy willing to take risks, and the guy with the exciting life. You are either in it or not. On the flip side, the naturals who are more socially ingrained in an environment will flip that frame and create their own exclusive frame. That they are the high class ones and only high class women enter their world. They cannot be bothered with the "weird tourists" and "strange outsiders".

The two attract different kinds of women.

The former will attract tourist girls looking to have fun and local girls taking the risk.

The latter will attract social ladder climbers, tourist girls that want to stay included, and outsiders trying to fit into the new environment.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2022
Reaction score
Well in that case, you are free to assume whatever my age is. I am not going to share my age just like I won't follow majority of your advice. I think you are best off lecturing someone who will listen.
Alright, too bad for you. Just the fact that you won't share your age tells a lot about you. I wanted to ask you to share a picture of you something you won't do. I have my answers.

Good luck.

Captain Redbeard

Don Juan
Sep 13, 2023
Reaction score
Some great stuff here, Pinkman. Frame is indeed the name of the game. Once you're operating from the right frame(s), everything else seems to fall in place. Plus, I always got a little too in my head to be super effective when focusing on game-y tactics, lines, etc

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
Some great stuff here, Pinkman. Frame is indeed the name of the game. Once you're operating from the right frame(s), everything else seems to fall in place. Plus, I always got a little too in my head to be super effective when focusing on game-y tactics, lines, etc
You were on point with the last sentence. Whew, finally some positivity from a new guy on my thread lol. Anyways, about to be a busy weekend ahead for game fellas. Stay tuned.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
So it has been a hot minute since I posted here and since then, a number of you have DM'd me asking what is up. I have been quite busy in recent weeks. I still go out every weekend but this time, I found some halfway decent wings to hang out with. I have found a few cool spots as well in the city.

I have also started doing MMA after work which has been exhausting on the body but screw it, I always wanted to do it.

As of now, I think it is redundant for me to post my field reports on two different sites. For those of you who are interested in keeping up with my journey, please see my substack below.

I will post very short summaries of my nights on here whenever I get the chance but the actual field reports well be on the site.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
Read all about it on my blog but Miami was super dead this weekend, I am making a huge audible to my game plans. I wasted so much time with nightgame this weekend to find almost no sets.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
I found some halfway decent wings
Good for you! I've never had a truly good wing in my lifetime.

I wasted so much time with nightgame this weekend to find almost no sets.
I dislike that a lot. I've also had daygame sessions that were complete wastes too.

When most men do nightlife venue sessions, they end up leaving a bar in the early AM hours without pussie, sometimes intoxicated, and usually pissed off about not getting pussie. This is where the term average frustrated chump originated.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
A big announcement.

I have been reflecting on the state of affairs on this forum as well as my own life and I have decided that it is time to move on. This will, likely (and likely absolutely), be my last post on So Suave. I think that the forum has gone to sh1t. I have also started my own group chat where like-minded men with healthy and positive views of women are going out there, approaching, and getting results.

My life has also improved a great deal in this past month. I am enjoying more success in various areas of it, making a lot of new friends, getting invited to social circle events, and slowly started to see more success yet again. Some times, I go out and cannot even keep track of the approaches since I am having so much fun. I just do not have as much time for this forum anymore either.

I started this field report journal with the hopes that men who are fed these toxic lies about women and modern dating actually step outside and talk to women themselves. In a way, I wanted to lead by example and there were definitely some highlights on here. I did have success at times and did have a chance to share a unique perspective. In my view, more men doing field reports was going to help this forum hit a new ceiling as we weeded out the people that only talk theory, politics, etc. Unfortunately, that did not happen.

When this journal started, we had a lot of support and a lot of guys also DM'd me thanking me for influencing them to go out and interact with women. It was a huge break from toxic black pill nonsense and theory talks where men were too busy chatting and not actually trying to get better with women. I wanted men to develop healthier and better views of women so they do not end up like these black pilled losers.

Lately, the atmosphere on this forum has not been conductive to threads like this. In fact, this has even been labeled a harassment journal by some regulars. You can even see it in the past few pages, members have come at me for taking action and putting myself out there because it just so happens that I am not getting results as of late compared to earlier in this thread. Nonsense about how I need to get a GF or whatever garbage there is rather than me going out there to enjoy the process.

I do not think that right now, So Suave is at a place where men can successfully go out there and game. I think that the forum is going down the wrong path and I am not too encouraged about its future. The mods did a great job but they can only do so much.

As a result, I am stepping away from So Suave and this will be my last post here. For any of you who want to keep up with my journey, my field reports will be on the site in my sig. Farewell.


Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
A big announcement.

I have been reflecting on the state of affairs on this forum as well as my own life and I have decided that it is time to move on. This will, likely (and likely absolutely), be my last post on So Suave. I think that the forum has gone to sh1t. I have also started my own group chat where like-minded men with healthy and positive views of women are going out there, approaching, and getting results.

My life has also improved a great deal in this past month. I am enjoying more success in various areas of it, making a lot of new friends, getting invited to social circle events, and slowly started to see more success yet again. Some times, I go out and cannot even keep track of the approaches since I am having so much fun. I just do not have as much time for this forum anymore either.

I started this field report journal with the hopes that men who are fed these toxic lies about women and modern dating actually step outside and talk to women themselves. In a way, I wanted to lead by example and there were definitely some highlights on here. I did have success at times and did have a chance to share a unique perspective. In my view, more men doing field reports was going to help this forum hit a new ceiling as we weeded out the people that only talk theory, politics, etc. Unfortunately, that did not happen.

When this journal started, we had a lot of support and a lot of guys also DM'd me thanking me for influencing them to go out and interact with women. It was a huge break from toxic black pill nonsense and theory talks where men were too busy chatting and not actually trying to get better with women. I wanted men to develop healthier and better views of women so they do not end up like these black pilled losers.

Lately, the atmosphere on this forum has not been conductive to threads like this. In fact, this has even been labeled a harassment journal by some regulars. You can even see it in the past few pages, members have come at me for taking action and putting myself out there because it just so happens that I am not getting results as of late compared to earlier in this thread. Nonsense about how I need to get a GF or whatever garbage there is rather than me going out there to enjoy the process.

I do not think that right now, So Suave is at a place where men can successfully go out there and game. I think that the forum is going down the wrong path and I am not too encouraged about its future. The mods did a great job but they can only do so much.

As a result, I am stepping away from So Suave and this will be my last post here. For any of you who want to keep up with my journey, my field reports will be on the site in my sig. Farewell.
Good luck bro. I wish you the best.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
A big announcement.

I have been reflecting on the state of affairs on this forum as well as my own life and I have decided that it is time to move on. This will, likely (and likely absolutely), be my last post on So Suave. I think that the forum has gone to sh1t. I have also started my own group chat where like-minded men with healthy and positive views of women are going out there, approaching, and getting results.

My life has also improved a great deal in this past month. I am enjoying more success in various areas of it, making a lot of new friends, getting invited to social circle events, and slowly started to see more success yet again. Some times, I go out and cannot even keep track of the approaches since I am having so much fun. I just do not have as much time for this forum anymore either.

I started this field report journal with the hopes that men who are fed these toxic lies about women and modern dating actually step outside and talk to women themselves. In a way, I wanted to lead by example and there were definitely some highlights on here. I did have success at times and did have a chance to share a unique perspective. In my view, more men doing field reports was going to help this forum hit a new ceiling as we weeded out the people that only talk theory, politics, etc. Unfortunately, that did not happen.

When this journal started, we had a lot of support and a lot of guys also DM'd me thanking me for influencing them to go out and interact with women. It was a huge break from toxic black pill nonsense and theory talks where men were too busy chatting and not actually trying to get better with women. I wanted men to develop healthier and better views of women so they do not end up like these black pilled losers.

Lately, the atmosphere on this forum has not been conductive to threads like this. In fact, this has even been labeled a harassment journal by some regulars. You can even see it in the past few pages, members have come at me for taking action and putting myself out there because it just so happens that I am not getting results as of late compared to earlier in this thread. Nonsense about how I need to get a GF or whatever garbage there is rather than me going out there to enjoy the process.

I do not think that right now, So Suave is at a place where men can successfully go out there and game. I think that the forum is going down the wrong path and I am not too encouraged about its future. The mods did a great job but they can only do so much.

As a result, I am stepping away from So Suave and this will be my last post here. For any of you who want to keep up with my journey, my field reports will be on the site in my sig. Farewell.
Sorry to hear Jesse that you leaving your journal (and forum) is one of the reasons I came on this forum because it reminded me of my journey when I first began here. The problem is you have some people who have been here for years and still don't have an ounce of success so they are envious, and jealous that you're actually out there doing this. Unfortunately, this forum stopped supporting field reports long ago I remember bytching about it in 2009 but the forum jumped the shark long ago. I recently saw a thread where a guy asked guys for their penis sizes, The loser blackpillers also have infiltrated the forums. The forum will continue to decline especially once AI apps and AI robots become mainstream

Sad day
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
Bon Voyage.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
A big announcement.

I have been reflecting on the state of affairs on this forum as well as my own life and I have decided that it is time to move on. This will, likely (and likely absolutely), be my last post on So Suave. I think that the forum has gone to sh1t. I have also started my own group chat where like-minded men with healthy and positive views of women are going out there, approaching, and getting results.

My life has also improved a great deal in this past month. I am enjoying more success in various areas of it, making a lot of new friends, getting invited to social circle events, and slowly started to see more success yet again. Some times, I go out and cannot even keep track of the approaches since I am having so much fun. I just do not have as much time for this forum anymore either.

I started this field report journal with the hopes that men who are fed these toxic lies about women and modern dating actually step outside and talk to women themselves. In a way, I wanted to lead by example and there were definitely some highlights on here. I did have success at times and did have a chance to share a unique perspective. In my view, more men doing field reports was going to help this forum hit a new ceiling as we weeded out the people that only talk theory, politics, etc. Unfortunately, that did not happen.

When this journal started, we had a lot of support and a lot of guys also DM'd me thanking me for influencing them to go out and interact with women. It was a huge break from toxic black pill nonsense and theory talks where men were too busy chatting and not actually trying to get better with women. I wanted men to develop healthier and better views of women so they do not end up like these black pilled losers.

Lately, the atmosphere on this forum has not been conductive to threads like this. In fact, this has even been labeled a harassment journal by some regulars. You can even see it in the past few pages, members have come at me for taking action and putting myself out there because it just so happens that I am not getting results as of late compared to earlier in this thread. Nonsense about how I need to get a GF or whatever garbage there is rather than me going out there to enjoy the process.

I do not think that right now, So Suave is at a place where men can successfully go out there and game. I think that the forum is going down the wrong path and I am not too encouraged about its future. The mods did a great job but they can only do so much.

As a result, I am stepping away from So Suave and this will be my last post here. For any of you who want to keep up with my journey, my field reports will be on the site in my sig. Farewell.
Bye Felicia