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Is My Recent Ex- Girlfriend Worth Fighting For?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
Here’s the story(WARNING- a little long),
I met her doing one of my cold approaches from the summer(I don’t know if you remember my thread), and she immediately liked me. She came to my dorm over the summer to see this other guy she knew from the year before, but he wasn’t there and she ended up in my room. We talked, and this pattern continued over the course of a week or so. She found out about the other girls, and she thought it would be a challenged to get me. She kissed me first, and I never saw it coming. So, over the course of the summer, I try to know her by taking a walk with her and talking about everything, tubing, burrito place(she paid!), watching movies, working out, etc and I was still seeing other girls.

So, August 6 rolls around, and I tell her, “I want you to be my girlfriend,” and she said yes. She is exactly what I wanted in a girl at the time: Christian(for the morals), virgin, good body, works out, loves sports, likes to eat, likes doing what I like to do, smart, funny, and likes me for me. Also, the only reason I asked her after knowing her for about a month and a half was that she was leaving to go to RA training for two straight weeks, and I wouldn’t have another chance to see her again. I was so excited when she said “yes” because she was my first “real” girlfriend.

From about August 20 to November 20 over relationship was great. We never really got into any fights or arguments about anything important. She stayed loyal to me, and swore she would never cheat on me like the two high school girls that did back a couple of years ago. She even told me what she looks for in a guy; he has to be smart, good body, believes in G-d, his friends like her, dark hair and dark eyes, taller than her, doesn’t drink or smoke at all or much(especially not smoking because of her mom’s addiction to cigarettes), trustworthy, likes her for who she is not just because of her body, has goals and ambitions, and she wants someone who can stand up for her too. I fulfill all those traits and more, and I would always focus on myself by studying for my classes, painting landscapes, reading business and academic books, working out, and I always got to what I wanted.

So, the Sunday before Thanksgiving holiday, she says she will take me out to dinner because she owed me for buying her Dominos on Friday. I said, “Ok”, so I get over their(her apartment) a little late(around 9ish), and we decide not to go out to eat and eat their. After dinner, I sit on her bed, and her whole body language changes where she can’t even look me in the eye or talk in a normal voice. She said that, “she doesn’t see us working out in the long run, “ and “I love you like a best friend.” The thing about that comment is that she said, “I love you first(like three weeks before)” and I felt as if she meant it. Also, she said that “I don’t feel in love with you, and I want to be in love.” I couldn’t say much because I was in a state of shock because I relationship was going so well.

The next day, I think of some things I wanted to say to her but couldn’t because I wasn’t thinking that day. So I go over to her place on Monday, I ask some questions, and she admits she might be making a big mistake. Then before I left, she said she will think about what she will do and said to totally disregard the breaking up on Sunday conversation. She gives me a hug, and I leave to go back to my parents for Thanksgiving.

Last Tuesday, she calls me up and asks if I want to go to lunch(of course, did she need to ask that silly question), and I say yea sure. She even told me over the phone that “you have nothing to worry about, everything will be okay.” I take it as if she might have changed her mind. I sit down outside Subway eating those delicious cookies, and she does that whole 360 body language reversal on me again. She tells me that she feels feelings for another man let’s call him GF-Stealer. She tells me about how GF-Stealer makes her feel even though he has only known her for a month and a half.

She even admits that, “I don’t see him and me working out in the long run.” She told me she doesn’t casual date people, but she makes them friends and goes from their. She even knows that he smokes pot, drinks alcohol, smokes cigarettes, and he might be a player that will just use her which she hates. She also found out that he even admitted to her, “I wanted to steal you away from your boyfriend.”(What the hell is this?) I always let her hang out with her guy friends because I’m not the jealous person; I would even joke around and say, “Hey, did you give him your number?”

Yet, she ended the conversation with , “I want to take a break with you and see if I will miss you and there is a chance we could get back together.” Again, I ask her why about everything, and she said, “I don’t know, I’m just going with my feelings and taking a risk and I don’t know if I’m making the right decision.” Also, she even admitted that I did everything right and that I have everything she wants(looks, morals, honesty, ambition,etc)!

Guys, I’m not looking for responses like NEXT! DUDE, JUST GO DATE AROUND. It is not that simple; I still have feelings for this girl because she is the first girl I have been with for over a month(Maybe, I have one-itis). I feel like she is worth fighting for and she is making a huge mistake letting me go, but I want to hear your guys opinions on how I should go getting her back, or I’m wasting my time with her, or whatever you have to say.

I believe she isn’t giving our relationship a chance because she expects to feel a certain emotion(“be in love with”) after a x amount of time, but she only gave are relationship three months, and I believe if she would give it more time she might feel differently. Also, I know she has all the power because she has the choice, but what should I do? I have never been in this position before. The last two girls cheated on me, and I broke up with them but this hurts more because she left me for another guy. I rarely ask for advice, but this is the time I need it the most. Any help appreciated.
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Don Juan
Dec 4, 2003
Reaction score
United States
I'm sorry for your loss.

You need to never speak to her again. Life can suck sometimes, deal with it, be a man. Goodluck to you.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
Have you not read the bible?
If you have, you would know about the nice-guys and the jerks.

She is interested in the jerk, and you - the nice guy - fulfills the saying "nice guys finish last"

She sees you as a friend now. Uh oh.

The only way I can think you coulda got out of this is:

If instead of agreeing to goto lunch with her when she said "you have nothing to worry about..."
you would have said you were busy and didnt have time for games.
Her IL would have spiked. You seemed clingly and your one-itis was/is quite apparent.

It appears you are now on her backburner. If things dont go well with this jerk, she will have the nice chump to fall back on until she finds another candidate.

Try to avoid contact, and if down the road she wants to go back out with you, dont be needy and be a challenge and come back here with your new situation and post an update and we will help you with that - your chances seem not THAT good, but not hopeless...

Goodluck getting over the one-itis. Trust me, you have to.

Ice Cold

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
As a firm beleiver in love, I think you can win her over.

Act now. Buy her a bouqet of roses and some chocolates. Come in her room, stand on one knee and say that you love her.

She will be so happy she will take you back. Tell her how much you care about her and how she makes you feel.

E-Z Rider

Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2002
Reaction score
Georgia Tech
Hey man. I know what you're talking about. Or at least I have some experiences that might help you.

You're probably wondering why she REALLY broke up with you. I'll tell you first that it's not too important WHY she did it, and you'll never get a completely straight answer from her, nor will you be able to completely nail the reason. But, I feel like speculating tonight (what else am I going to do? Study for my finals? Bah!)

I think you probably became too 'easy' for her- you became uninteresting. Guys tend to like a stable relationship without drama, chicks like drama. Some more than others- but girls in general are more disposed to wanting drama.

When she tells you how 'perfect' of a guy you are, don't take it for too much. This other guy triggers the emotion of 'attraction' in her, although he smokes and does drugs. Attraction overpowers everything, really. So, you at some point failed to keep up the attraction- at least not as much as the other dude did. Sucks doesn't it? Keep that in mind in your next relationship, regardless of who it may be.

All that said, the game's never over in my opinion unless you want it to be. Attraction can rise from the ashes like a phoenix. I'm deep.

The first step of "getting ex back" is of course to decide whether you even *want* her back- are you going to close the door, so to speak, or keep it open for some point in the future?

From your post it's pretty clear you want to keep that door WIDE open. And while I'm not disagreeing with your decision, I want you to consider some things:

1) She has another guy. Regardless of what she tells you, she likes him significantly more than you- why would she 'risk losing such a perfect guy' if she wasn't pretty damn sure she was more attracted to him than you?

2) She disrespected you. It's pretty obvious what happened. You, trying to be fair, let her hang with her 'guy friends' and sure enough she takes advantage of your fairness and uses it to get to know a guy she's been attracted to, and hangs out with him, telling you he's 'just a friend'. And there is a high chance that she cheated on you. No way to prove it, it's just that usually when this happens they've done something intimate before she actually breaks the news to you.

3) Could you even trust her? If you got back w/ her, how would you feel about her hanging with her guy friends? Could you trust her at all, or would you be paranoid? Being paranoid is no state to live in.

4) She's stringing you along now. She's saying, "Hey! I really wanna jump GF stealers bones, but, like, just in case that doesn't work out, I'll come back to you and I KNOW you'll be more than happy to take me with open arms." Now I dunno about you, but when a chick does that to me, it makes me want to throw up.

Okay, so decide if you want to close the door or not. If you want to shut it, simply do what FitnessGuy says. Realize that even though his advice may seem sucky to you now, it has an extremely low chance of failing. That's your most failproof option. Only if there is somethign especially reedeming about her, after all of this, should you keep the door open much.

So, if you you want to keep it open, here's what to do.

1) Improve your life . Focus on YOU. Lift weights. Concetrate on academics. Start a new endeavor, or focus on doing a current endeavor to the *best* of your abilities. This requires a lot of time and concentration, meaning you'll think less about this chick, which is a good thing. Plus, the successes you'll have will boost your confidence, which is understandably pretty shaky right now, most likely. Chill with your boys. Meet new people. Do activities that get you out in the world. Have a blast without this chick. Learn to not equate this girl with personal happiness.

2) Broaden your dating horizons If you love cold-pick-ups, this should be no challenge for you. I don't care if you don't even think twice abt any other girl except your ex; do it anyways. Meet chicks and have fun. At the very least, you'll have a more interesting social life. And you might score and find a girl BETTER than your ex. It's possible. Also, it will boost your confidence, and give you chicks to compare your ex to, in order to REALLY judge her worth. And when this gal sees you or hears about you with another girl, it will trigger some jealousy and attraction in her.

3) Sparse, non-emotional, contact (small talk) Let her contact you. I'm confident that if you give her no contact, she'll call you or message/e-mail you in a few weeks. She'll wonder why you aren't trying to win her back. When she contacts you, KEEP AWAY from serious conversation about your relationship, past, present, future. Tell her stories about your now more-interesting life, keep it fun and light, show no resentment. Do this sparsely, maybe once a week max. Be busy the rest of the time. And try to REALLY be busy, not just telling her that you are. This will show her (remind her, actually) what a fun and exciting guy you are. And she'll wonder if you've moved on. She'll begin to think she might have lost you. It's crucial not to cave when she starts showing you attention. If you take her right back, she'll have no respect for you. What man takes a girl right back with no effort after what she did? Be strong here.

4) See her in person This is where she REALLY is reminded of what a great guy you are. Arrange a time to meet. Don't give her any indication that the outing has anything to do with a romantic interest, but at the same time don't overemphasize that this is 'just-as-friends'. Be vague. Take her to an action date. Bowling or something. Get to having fun, laughing...then build on the kino. Kino is magical in this kind of situation. Not romantic kino like holding hands, but just playful kino. Make this outing short. Take her home, keep a good pleasant mood the whole time, and don't you dare try to kiss her. Even if she wants it. Just go for the hug in that situation and bail out, with a smile on your face.

5) Second "date" Take her somewhere else fun. Bump up the kino level. Still no obvious romantic kino. Have fun. Maybe grab some drinks afterwards before you take her home. Feel the attraction thick in the air =) Enjoy the surprise on her face when you hug her again, instead of going for the kiss =)

6) Third date This is where you need to decide if you're gonna try and take her back or not. She should be ripe for the picking, but you should have a clear perspective on what her worth is by this point. So re-evaluate her at this point. If she passes, then take her out a third time. This time, do something a little more serious. Bump up the kino to slightly romantic. She should be trembling by now with attraction for you. Make this date a little longer than the first two. And at the end...if you're ready...give her a kiss. Not too long, leave her wanting more, and then bow out without really explaining yourself.

7) Afterwards She should now be badgering you, wondering if you two are back together. At this point I'd tell her that you're attracted to her, but you'd like to keep some doors open and just date non-exclusively. This will kill her. From this point, you can decide if she is worth making her your exclusive gf. Wait for her to ask to be exclusive. She will. Then give her your answer, and enjoy whatever outcome you chose.

Whew! That was long. But it is exactly what I would do, and I know I could have a high success rate with it. You're basically taking the control out of her hands and putting it into yours. On top of that, your life will be imporved overall and you will have more girls as options. You will truly be able to evaluate her worth in the most objective way.

So...good luck with whatever you decide to do. And oh yeah, regardless of if you leave the door 'open' or shut it, do steps 1 and 2 above. They are always a good idea, and tend to get neglected in LTR's. Don't neglect them in future LTR's. Doing such often spells eventual downfall.

Peace- -E-Z


Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.

E-Z Rider

Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2002
Reaction score
Georgia Tech
Originally posted by Ice Cold
As a firm beleiver in love, I think you can win her over.

Act now. Buy her a bouqet of roses and some chocolates. Come in her room, stand on one knee and say that you love her.

She will be so happy she will take you back. Tell her how much you care about her and how she makes you feel.
You must be joking. Doing that would tell her nothing she only doesn't already know full and well, it would only serve to re-affirm it more strongly.

You could buy her a lexus and that wouldn't do it.

But you're probably joking =)

Big Pappy

Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
E-Z rider is right on the mark. Excellent! And very nice of you to write all of that out, too.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
First, I want to say thanks E-Z Rider for taking the time to help me with my situation. Okay, now I give you a bit more background.

When she tells you how 'perfect' of a guy you are, don't take it for too much. This other guy triggers the emotion of 'attraction' in her, although he smokes and does drugs. Attraction overpowers everything, really. So, you at some point failed to keep up the attraction- at least not as much as the other dude did. Sucks doesn't it? Keep that in mind in your next relationship, regardless of who it may be
Good point, I knew it had something to do with that. It is like David D says, "Attraction isn't a choice." She was always attracted to me also, she thought my body was perfect(I'm just well-defined), but she does like this other guy. She also said that this other guy wasn't the main reason she broke up. She believed she was suppose to feeling something for me after a certain amount of time, but she didn't and that is another reason, man, I'm confused still!

1) She has another guy. Regardless of what she tells you, she likes him significantly more than you- why would she 'risk losing such a perfect guy' if she wasn't pretty damn sure she was more attracted to him than you?
Another weird thing is she would never casually date a person, she only look's for LTR material, and she even said, "I don't think GF-Stealer and I would work out in the future." She said she isn't sure she is making the right decision so she said that she wants to take a break and see what happens and their is a good chance that we could get back together.

She disrespected you. It's pretty obvious what happened. You, trying to be fair, let her hang with her 'guy friends' and sure enough she takes advantage of your fairness and uses it to get to know a guy she's been attracted to, and hangs out with him, telling you he's 'just a friend'. And there is a high chance that she cheated on you. No way to prove it, it's just that usually when this happens they've done something intimate before she actually breaks the news to you.
I know for certain she didn't cheat on me; I think that could be a reason to take a break with me, so she can go and have intimacy with other guys. I know for certain because she has had multiple guys(3) try to make moves on her whne she was with me and she turned them all down.

Could you even trust her? If you got back w/ her, how would you feel about her hanging with her guy friends? Could you trust her at all, or would you be paranoid? Being paranoid is no state to live in.
That's another good point! I do trust her and I know she trusts me. I would probably tell her that if a guy invites you over and it is just him and you he is not looking for your friendship but to get into you pants. I would definetely not like to be paranoid all the time; I will have to think about it some more.

She's stringing you along now. She's saying, "Hey! I really wanna jump GF stealers bones, but, like, just in case that doesn't work out, I'll come back to you and I KNOW you'll be more than happy to take me with open arms." Now I dunno about you, but when a chick does that to me, it makes me want to throw up.
That's what I hate the most because she has all the power and it seems like I have none. I'll have to think about that some more too. She even started to second guess whether going after GF-Stealer is smart because she doesn't like player's, guys who smoke and drink. I'm still really confused, but I like how you open my eyes so I can see a different perspective.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by jwhite17

Guys, I’m not looking for responses like NEXT! DUDE, JUST GO DATE AROUND. It is not that simple; I still have feelings for this girl
Jimbo, good advice man. Ice Cold is joking.

As for the above quote, you are not looking to hear this, really? OF COURES YOU DONT WANT TO HEAR THIS. But it is the truth. Honestly please listen to me or you are going to fukc yourself up. You gotta get out and at least TRY to have fun, tell her you are having a GREAT TIME, when she asks if you have time, DONT SAY yeah sure. Tell her, sorry Im really busy. She will get sick of the Jerk, and yes, what a girl says i.e you have everything I want, you are perfect, this is her mind speaking. Dont listen to these words. She is a good christian girl, haha, yeah right, they always tell you this, she is like every other girl and wants to take the beast. he is the ultimate challenge. But she most probably WILL get sick of him, and if you play your cards right she will want you back. However only maybe until the next one comes along.

You really need to get out of this for good, think of all the bad ****e she has done to you and hold this close to your heart. You will slowly detatch yourself from her and can move on. Try not to see her or hear from her EVER. It will only make things harder. But all this drama is making your interest level higher, this is the sad reality of bad girls! Man you got yourself in quite the predicament. Good luck staying strong. I do feel your pain mate, I think most guys have been burnt by a girl at one stage in their life, but in the long run you will just look back on it, see all your mistakes and think, HOW THE FUKC was I once so much of an AFC!

Ice Cold

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
E-Zrider - you just don't get it, do you? :D

The Lexus isn't romantic. But the chosolate and flowers are. I've never seen a woman turn down a man after such a gift.


Plus its not that simple, he's been with this girl for over a month. :D She's deeply sitted into his brain and only a lobotomy can help.

The faster he stops thinging about the broad, the faster he'll be on his DJing way. The guy should knock himself out.

jwhite17 - do the whole thing. Flowers, chocolate and feelings. Tell her that you can't stop thinking about her, but you want to. Accuse her, listen to her, then leave.

E-Z Rider

Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2002
Reaction score
Georgia Tech
Originally posted by Big Pappy
E-Z rider is right on the mark. Excellent! And very nice of you to write all of that out, too.
Thanks bro. I need to save that schpiel somewhere on my comp. I've written it out once before.

Isn't it interesting how what I described is basically exactly what you do with a totally new girl? With the ex I wait longer before making a move, but other than that it's really the same. And that's the beatuy of it. You get rid of the past sh!t and start anew with new attraction.

E-Z Rider

Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2002
Reaction score
Georgia Tech
Originally posted by Ice Cold
E-Zrider - you just don't get it, do you? :D

The Lexus isn't romantic. But the chosolate and flowers are. I've never seen a woman turn down a man after such a gift.


Plus its not that simple, he's been with this girl for over a month. :D She's deeply sitted into his brain and only a lobotomy can help.

The faster he stops thinging about the broad, the faster he'll be on his DJing way. The guy should knock himself out.

jwhite17 - do the whole thing. Flowers, chocolate and feelings. Tell her that you can't stop thinking about her, but you want to. Accuse her, listen to her, then leave.
lol, i gotcha now =)

That might show him the error of only being "nice".

I'm assuming this girl is worth his time. I base my advice from that. Sometimes nexting isn't the best thing in the world.

I try to make the guy get more options, and improve his life. That way, this chick can't hurt him, so there's no negative outcome from leaving the doors open, only a possible positive outcome (however small that possibility is). My optimism shines through, I guess.

E-Z Rider

Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2002
Reaction score
Georgia Tech

Like I said before, in this case, trying to figure out WHY she cheated on you is fairly useless. It doesn't matter much.

But, you need to understand some general stuff about girls.

You are putting WAY too much emphasis on what she says.

That's a bad idea. She may say she doesn't think she and GFstealer will work out. She might be bullsh!tting, might not. Even if she believes what she says, it doesn't matter. She's attracted to him.

Look at what she does, not what she says. Her actions are being controlled by her animal-level conciousness...and her animal-level conciousness is ruled with an iron fist by ATTRACTION. Her "normal" conciosness is confused, and this makes what she says essentially worthless.

You say:
"I know for certain she didn't cheat on me; I think that could be a reason to take a break with me, so she can go and have intimacy with other guys. I know for certain because she has had multiple guys(3) try to make moves on her whne she was with me and she turned them all down"

Well, I don't see how that can prove for certain anything. She probably wasn't attracted to those 3 guys; no prob to turn them down. She is OBVIOUSLY attracted to GFstealer, and they hung out a lot, so I'm just being realistic here. Like I said, there's no way to prove it, and don't go accusing her, but it's something to consider when evaluating if you ever want to see this girl again.

And about power- yes she does have power over you. For now. Following my advice would help you to gain power.

Who has the power in a relationship? The one who is attracted to the other one the LEAST/ the one with more options. She is IT for you, and she knows it, so she knows she has the upper hand b/c she has two guys to choose from. When you start developing options, she loses that upper hand. When you detach yourself from her, she LOSES that upper hand.

Good luck with everything- take in all the advice given here (even Ice Cold's, if you get his meaning) and put together a plan.



Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score
She sounds like a spoiled, little flake. The more DJ moves you put on this girl, the more she's going to want you.

Who does she think she is? telling you she'll take a break and see if she's still interested in you????? WHO THE **** DIED AND MADE HER GRACE KELLY? Tell her that after you saw what she's really like, you're not sure if you want to be with her either and that time apart sounds like a nice idea....watch how the *****'s jaw drops......

Good luck


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2000
Reaction score
Surf City
2) Broaden your dating horizons If you love cold-pick-ups, this should be no challenge for you. I don't care if you don't even think twice abt any other girl except your ex; do it anyways. Meet chicks and have fun. At the very least, you'll have a more interesting social life. And you might score and find a girl BETTER than your ex. It's possible. Also, it will boost your confidence, and give you chicks to compare your ex to, in order to REALLY judge her worth. And when this gal sees you or hears about you with another girl, it will trigger some jealousy and attraction in her.
Good job E-Z Rider!!! ;)

There you go jwhite17. This is exactly what you have to do. This is your only chance (if any) of getting the girl back.

If by some lucky chance that the girl does come back to you, you're going to have to change the ways you treated her. The feeling that I get from your post is that you're the nice guy that lost out to the jerk. This reminds me of a tip I posted awhile ago about the nice guy versus the jerk theory.

I'll bump it up for you and see if you can get anything out of it. ;)


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
She even told me what she looks for in a guy; he has to be smart, good body, believes in G-d, his friends like her, dark hair and dark eyes, taller than her, doesn’t drink or smoke at all or much(especially not smoking because of her mom’s addiction to cigarettes), trustworthy, likes her for who she is not just because of her body, has goals and ambitions, and she wants someone who can stand up for her too. I fulfill all those traits and more, and I would always focus on myself by studying for my classes, painting landscapes, reading business and academic books, working out, and I always got to what I wanted.
She even admits that, “I don’t see him and me working out in the long run.” She told me she doesn’t casual date people, but she makes them friends and goes from their. She even knows that he smokes pot, drinks alcohol, smokes cigarettes, and he might be a player that will just use her which she hates. She also found out that he even admitted to her, “I wanted to steal you away from your boyfriend.”(What the hell is this?) I always let her hang out with her guy friends because I’m not the jealous person; I would even joke around and say, “Hey, did you give him your number?”
Another weird thing is she would never casually date a person, she only look's for LTR material, and she even said, "I don't think GF-Stealer and I would work out in the future." She said she isn't sure she is making the right decision so she said that she wants to take a break and see what happens and their is a good chance that we could get back together.

These are all very interesting comments about her.

It just goes to show you how much women take advantage of "Nice Guys" - but are totally willing to blow all they stand for aside for the "Jerk"....

She probably fed you all of this BS from the start - and like a good little boy, you believed her.

But, what she didn't tell you, is that she likes excitement - no matter what BS comes from her mouth.

It's this jerk that's making her panties wet. It's this jerk who's going to bang her, not you. Yeah, he'll smoke pot, drink - then call her up for a booty call - and she'll go there and bang the dhit out of him.

He'll treat her like crap, but she'll go back for more.

Yeah, eventually she will have enough of being treated like that - thats when she'll come crawling back to you - the nice guy, who will take her back in and look after her again.

Harsh? maybe - but thats how it is.

She's told you as much:-

Yet, she ended the conversation with , “I want to take a break with you and see if I will miss you and there is a chance we could get back together.” Again, I ask her why about everything, and she said, “I don’t know, I’m just going with my feelings and taking a risk and I don’t know if I’m making the right decision.” Also, she even admitted that I did everything right and that I have everything she wants(looks, morals, honesty, ambition,etc)!

Now, let's assume the rolls were revesed. Let's assume she was leaving him for you - what would he say?

Would he have On-itis? Would he wonder how to get her back? or whould he tell her to "fvck off" - and then call her for a booty call when he was horny?

Your mistake in all of this is to act like a nice guy - not a DJ.

You don't act nice and you don't act like a jerk - you act like a DJ.

When a women talls you she wants to take a break to go fvck another guy - but if it doesn't work out, she'll take YOU back - you tell her - Adios. Goodbye.

You go out and you start meeting real women. women who know what they want.

She will call you back - Because this guy will not give her the emotional support she needs And when she does, you need to be distant.

If this is the kind of woman that you want to be with, then when she wants to come back, you must give her little leeway - she must know that you will not tollerate her crap - and that you will throw her to the curb should she fvck up again...

Fool me once shame on you - fool me twice shame on me.

Bungo Pony

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2001
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
E-Z Rider is right on the money with this girl. You've given her your trust around other guys and she broke it. Even though she hasn't slept with the guy, he's most likely gone as far as flirting with her, but she never put an end to it which makes her guilty. If she had a high level of respect for you, she would have taken the necessary steps to keep her relationship with you. Obviously she didn't.

She told me she doesn’t casual date people, but she makes them friends and goes from their.
This is always an interesting statement from a woman. This is only true if she's in total control of the interaction between her and the man. However, when the man takes control of the situation and leads it into the direction he wants, she has no control over the status of the "relationship".

she ended the conversation with , “I want to take a break with you and see if I will miss you and there is a chance we could get back together.”
This is the funniest sh1t you'll ever hear from a woman, and it also indicates what you're doing wrong. She's not missing you when the two of you are apart. Women need you to give them the gift of missing you. If it's not present in the relationship, all she'll be feeling is nice an happy. Women get bored of feeling the same thing when they're with a guy. Whether you face it or not, women need emotional change which is why she's going for Mr. Badass. He does a lot of sh1t she hates, but all the bad stuff he does causes emotional change which women live for.

If you were seeing her every day, or even every second day, she doesn't get the chance to miss you. I've been in a LTR for over a year, and days go by without me seeing her, and sometimes even talking to her.

If you want my opinion of what to do now, tell her "goodbye, I need to move on" and cut all contact with her. When you tell a woman "goodbye", it gives them an emotion change. If you cut the contact with her, she'll actually start to miss you. You will have taken over control of the situation, and you have the ability to either let her back into your life, or keep her out. I suggest the ladder. The more women you date, the better you'll be able to handle their actions.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
When you don't put any sexual moves on a girl, even a virgin, they always break up with you.

This really should be the No. 1 DJ rule because it is misunderstood and broken so often.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by jwhite17
I believe she isn’t giving our relationship a chance because she expects to feel a certain emotion(“be in love with”) after a x amount of time,
Damned right she is...would YOU want to be romantically involved with someone if you didn't feel "that emotion"?

but she only gave are relationship three months, and I believe if she would give it more time she might feel differently.
Yeah...she would be tired of you instead of just "not in love." Sorry man, but if it's been 3 months and she's not feeling the "spark," then maybe it just isn't meant to be. Maybe she felt it once, but I have a feeling...

Also, I know she has all the power because she has the choice, but what should I do? I have never been in this position before.
Yup. My feeling was right. She has "all the power"...cry me a f**king river, p*ssy. THIS is why she doesn't like you, because you're all hung up over her and don't have any say in the relationship. You're not being a MAN.

Yeah, that was harsh, sorry, but LISTEN TO YOURSELF. Helpless. Enslaved to a woman. And NO it's not because you committed to her in an LTR, but because when you DID commit, you GAVE UP your freedom. You assumed that this commitment was so binding that it meant giving up who YOU are and doing whatever SHE wants, regardless of how you feel.

You know, once you're "officially" boyfriend/girlfriend, it doesn't mean the game's over. She's been testing you ever since the commitment was made, and she saw you crack. Same way you would be if you committed to a girl and she went from a fun, beautiful lady to a fat nagging troll...would YOU want to stick around? You lost the qualities that made you a man...and she wants out because she's seen men who HAVEN'T lost that yet and she's not married to you yet.

And now listen to you..."I'm helpless! I don't know what to do!" A man doesn't sit there and cry about his problems...chicks do that. A man gets up and FIXES shtuff.

The last two girls cheated on me, and I broke up with them but this hurts more because she left me for another guy. I rarely ask for advice, but this is the time I need it the most. Any help appreciated.
Pain is only temporary. Take back your dignity, bro. I don't care how much it hurts. Everything you need is right there inside of you.

You want to win HER back. I say you need to win YOURSELF back.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.
