RogerMac said:
She had one relationship in that time - but the guy "treated her like ****". Basically, they were workmates, he refused to tell anyone they were together because of his "career", and never said he loved her. So eventually, she cheated on him, and blames him for it. Turns out he was shagging some of her other workmates anyway.
There's a psychological term that's name is escaping me at the moment. But it pretty much says that once someone does something that's deemed immoral and finds that they can handle it emotionally - it becomes much easier for them to do every time after that (example: A cold blooded killer may have took a long time to kill his first person, but once he gets past that first kill - all the rest are easy)... The same can be applied to cheating; regardless of the reasoning for it; being with a woman with a cheating past - is like being friends with a serial killer (knowing he's one) and hoping that he doesn't kill you. He may not kill you - but why risk it?
Girls like the one you describe are good for fvck buddies only! And should be kept very far from your heart!
RogerMac said:
First 2 months were magic.
As are most of the first few months of relationships (sometimes the first few years even)
RogerMac said:
After 3 months she flipped out on me badly one day - tears, door slamming, crying she said "I don't even really want to be with you". I walked out of her place - we made up later that night. She said I needed to put more effort into our relationship.
This is stage two of betaizing you! Stage 1 is you failing sh!t tests. Stage 2 is "you need to open up more to me" type stuff.... Taking her "you need to put more effort into our relationship" seriously and doing that - is your casket in the dirt!
Woman: "You need to put more effort into our relationship"
Bukowski: "You need to put more deodorant on; the neighbors complain when you walk by their house" (of course she'll flip out and say you don't take her serious; but that's the point - be the guy who doesn't take her serious and she'll never want your c@ck to exit her mouth! just hold your ground and play with her then fvck her.)
RogerMac said:
After 4 months, she left me hanging at her place while she got ready to go for dinner, I was bored for about an hour. She was in the shower - I grabbed her iPhone to surf the web, which she'd let me do a few times before - but found myself scoping her
text messages. No excuses - it was wrong on my part - but she dangled that carrot right in front of me. I found some loving romantic texts from some dude telling her how special she was, and how she deserved so much better. These were written the day we'd had that fight a month before. She'd deleted the whole conversation - but kept his loving texts. I dumped her. Didn't tell her what i'd seen. Just dumped her.
And you feared a guy telling her how special she was? At this point - she probably wasn't that into the guy. Just using him to spill her emotional BS into... BUT...
RogerMac said:
She explained that it was nothing - basically it didn't happen - lied about those texts which I had read. Said it was just a friend.
To me this means you confronted her about him and the texts??? If so - that's the minute she wanted to fvck him (i know because i've been him sooo many times that i should be dead by now from a bullet from a cheated on lovers gun).
RogerMac said:
She had been arranging to meet this same guy for a coffee on a Saturday afternoon when she was due to meet up with me. How do I know? Went into her iPhone of course when she was in the toilet. He couldn't meet up with her that day.
LOL i refuse to believe that she's that bad at "sneaking around". She didn't care if you read it. If you did - she'd continue to have you competing with another man AND she'd get the emotional releases that a freak such as herself needs.
RogerMac said:
She then has a mini breakdown begging for me to get back with her, saying it was nothing. Eventually I got her to admit that it was a guy from work - same company different office. A married dude with 2 kids. She said he asked her out on a date - they kissed - then he confessed he was married. That was it apparently. She says they strangely became good friends after that.....
Mannnnn... all this interest you showed in this guy just makes her want him more....
If i were him and i found out you turned into Columbo on her (TV detective) - I'd be pumping my fist in the air right KNOWING how good you were making her wet for me.
If that guy knew how to turn this interest of yours into an easy fvck depends on his experience (which being married - is probably not so good)
RogerMac said:
The guy she'd shagged after her ex, his old flatmate and friend, her old shag buddy, was writing to see how she was going with me....? And to see if she wanted to meet up for a drink? Her response was very keen to meet him, and quite flirty. Then he said he'd call her....I could read his mind - he was scoping her to see if she was "available" - she claims it wasn't like that at all - they're just good frinds.
Again with leaving the phone around you? This women just doesn't care. Women who are good at this stuff and care about keeping their man - rarely communicate through text, and if they do - they delete it instantly.... The women who are careless normally have no respect of fear of loss for the man they are with.
Anyway - her interested in hanging out with her @sshole ex boyfriend? no surprise to me. She is a freak after-all.
RogerMac said:
I went crazy......she claimed innocence.....says he's just a friend - and i'm nuts going through her stuff! She says that if she does meet him - she'll bring me along.
Now she wants to fvck him even more! Anytime a guy shows jealousy towards another man IT MAKES THE WOMAN SEE THE OTHER MAN AS MORE DESIRABLE AND YOU AS LESS DESIRABLE!
Once i was banging a girl from my work who had a boyfriend. It was a pretty long affair. He found out about it. Flipped out of course! But he didn't dump her. He just kept her around and degraded her all the time for being a "s!ut" and fvcking some "player @sshole from work"..... His jealousy of me - made her fvcking go crazy with freak lust whenever we were together....
One time, a bunch of us from work were going out to happy hour. He found out i was there and flipped out on her through text. She told him he could come and see nothing was going on. So he did.....
Do you know what he did? He sat there for 2 hours, pissed off looking, not talking to anyone, sulking, and pretty much was only there to watch over her and make sure we didn't fvck........... That didn't stop us from making out in the alley way though.... and my ride home - i got at least 10 texts that read: "all he's going is talking about how ugly you are and how he's disgusted i fell for someone like you" followed by "i just want you to fvck me all night long"
This is my past.... I don't make it a point to be with taken women anymore... But i learned so much from my experience that im TELLING you that the worst thing you can do is show jealousy.... The best thing you can do is LEAVE.
RogerMac said:
Now I'm living with her! It is great.....but I just get these thoughts some time that i'm a *****, and she's doing me over, and i'm letting her. I'm going nuts here....
What do you think?
So, you moved in with her after she did all this stuff? Wow, that's some really big one-itis man! You definitely are (as Rescue Mission said) in love with the sex too much.
I've read your story on here 1,000,000 times now.... Same words (she's mostly good, but has these few bad traits).... same stuff.... Get the fvck out of that house and if you can't, break up with her and split rent still.... And please no matter what you do - please please please go fvck other women....