You described me to a tee when you said a college student using tech methods to pursue non-students is a sign he's having a hard time getting a woman on campus.It's 2024 and we're talking about 2012 stuff. There's a case to be made that your tactics haven't changed with the times. Tactics tend to need to change more often than overall strategy. Overall strategy is based on fundamentals that tend to shift more slowly.
If you attended college from roughly ages 18-23, talking about college sex experiences isn't as relevant to today. There is a time and place for sharing college sex experiences. We even had a good thread on college sex experiences on this forum.
Observations about college sex life from someone that went to a party school.
I thought I'd share this as someone who went to a party school and was in a fraternity there as well. Not wanting to give too much about myself but I went to UGA and graduated a few years ago. While Athens has its hot girls, I do feel like the quality got worse every year due to the
I am in my early 40s and I attended college from 2001-2005. At this point, when I think about my college sex experience, I realize that some parts of my college sex experience might be dated. A college student today would not be able to use many of the game tactics that I used in the 2001-2005 era.
Also, if a college student is using tech methods to pursue non-college students, that is often a bit problematic and a sign that there are problems with him attracting women on campus.
I fully admit I had a hard time getting a woman on campus (seeing as the most success I ever had shooting my shot with girls on campus was one girl I got a sexless date from).
I suppose, as you said though, college stories are beside the point once you get to be my age.